Chapter 118

Easily crushed, new rules set by Xu Heng!

“Fuck! What’s going on here!”

The audience outside the stadium also recovered at this moment, and seemed to realize something.

The freshmen began to discuss wildly, they couldn’t believe what they saw.

“Xu Heng is really amazing. He actually turned over the seniors of the senior year. Now, I guess no one dares to deliberately bully the freshman!” “Also a freshman, compared to Xu Heng, I am completely a rubbish!”

“Such a powerful eight-headed snake was hacked to death by Xu Heng in one fell swoop. This is too terrifying!” “Susanoo is so strong!”

“Didn’t you see, the other four guys were so frightened that they fell to their knees. This is very telling.” “Xu Heng’s current strength is probably stronger than many teachers!”

“That’s for sure, these five people together, the average teacher, really can’t beat it!”

The freshman students present were all very excited, because Xu Heng defeated the juniors and seniors as a freshman.

Then from now on, no one dares to use their identity to bully new students.

Compared with the happy expression of the freshman, the onlookers of the sophomore and junior seemed much deserted.

Because, although they were also students of Nantian University, Xu Heng slapped them in the face, so that they would no longer be able to show their superiority when facing freshmen in the future.

Compared with the students, the reporters and anchors in the venue were much more surprised.

Because their understanding of Xu Heng is not so clear, in their eyes, Xu Heng is only a relatively good freshman, but compared with senior seniors, there should be a fundamental difference.

However, the result of the current game has directly subverted their cognition. “Ahhh! Xu Heng is amazing!”

In the audience, an internet celebrity girl screamed excitedly.

The popularity of her live broadcast room is also rising rapidly.

Netizens, one after another, posted a barrage and began to discuss the record just now.

“If I heard it right, he won the junior and senior seniors!”

“It’s no wonder that none of the freshmen from other schools have dared to challenge Xu Heng. His current strength has reached the level of a lord without knowing it!” “This can be a university teacher!”

“He is a freshman now, he should be around 18 years old! With such a strong talent, he will be able to shine in the global martial arts club in the future!”

“Suddenly looking forward to the Global Martial Arts Conference, kill those old Western ghosts 14 times!”

The reporters also wrote news reports one after another, and spread everything that happened here to the whole network at the fastest speed.

There are also many editors of short video marketing accounts, holding mobile phones or cameras, shooting around non-stop, trying their best to create popularity for their marketing accounts and creators.

On the arena, Ao Teng is absolutely in a state of ignorance at the moment.

Originally, the Orochi Orochi was hacked to death in an instant, which was indeed extremely surprising.

However, he has not completely lost his mind.

Because, he still has four teammates who came with him, and with them, even if there is no Orochi, Ao Teng believes that with his own hard power, it should be more than enough to kill one Xu Heng.

However, now his four helpers are kneeling and begging for mercy at the same time. This scene is completely beyond his imagination. “Xiang Hui! Lu Hongzhuang!”

“Are you crazy, why did you just admit defeat!”

Ao Teng, who was on the ring, was still in shock because the Orochi Baqi was directly hacked to death.However, after hearing the other four suddenly admit defeat, they instantly recovered.

He looked at the four Xiang Hui who were kneeling on the ground and couldn’t believe it.

Several people who had sworn at the wine table to teach Xu Heng a lesson, suddenly turned around and conceded defeat. “Get up!”

Looking at the four people who could not afford to kneel, Ao Teng looked anxious.

So far, he doesn’t think he has lost.

So, he ran towards Lu Hongzhuang, who was closest to him, hoping to wake him up. “Lu Hongzhuang! Hurry up, there are five of us, what are you afraid of!”

Ao Teng ran, and soon approached Lu Hongzhuang, then stretched out his hand to pull him up. ,

As a result, before he stretched out his hand, Lu Hongzhuang, who was on the ground, raised his head suddenly, and suddenly there was a hole in the hole, and he shot at Ao Teng fiercely.

Originally, an attack of this level was not much of a threat to Ao Teng.

However, the incident happened suddenly, and because he was a teammate he trusted, Ao Teng did not make any defensive preparations at all.

Therefore, he couldn’t dodge in time, and was directly hit by the light, and his shoulder was directly penetrated all at once.

Ao Teng looked at the wound on his body and couldn’t believe it.

However, things are far from over.

After Lu Hongzhuang’s sudden betrayal, the other three kneelings also raised their heads and stared at Ao Teng.

In his eyes, murderous intent was revealed.

Then, the rays of light flickered, and four attacks came in an instant. He was not Xu Heng, and he was able to take the attack of a warrior of the same rank.

Four attacks came one after another, directly hitting Ao Teng’s position.

A huge roar resounded throughout the stadium. “Could it be an illusion?!”

Suddenly, in the pain, Ao Teng seemed to realize something.

However, it is already too late.

The attacks of the four companions had already hit him hard.

He couldn’t crush the same-level martial artist, and there was only one possibility of serious injury.

Ao Teng was knocked unconscious and completely eliminated.

The four people who were bewildered by Xu Heng’s illusion in the field did not stop after seeing Ao Teng dying from serious injuries.

There was deep confusion in their eyes.

After looking at each other, they paired up and ran towards each other at high speed.

At the same time, the four of them were all surging with light, and all of them were brewing their own killing moves.

Boom boom boom!

The four of them attacked each other, and the scene that had just been quiet on the arena was now full of gunpowder smoke.

After a while, the four people on the field were all seriously injured and fell to the ground.

In the audience, whether it was a student or an anchor reporter, they were all curious when they saw the four people killing each other.

They discussed with each other why this happened, before they thought it was the other four who were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

However, the scene of killing each other is obviously beyond the scope of fear. “These four people, attacking each other, should be Xu Heng’s method!”

“The big snake that killed the eight-headed snake head-on, and now I don’t know what means to use, so that others start to attack each other. It seems that this numerical advantage is completely useless to Xu Heng! “It’s no wonder that Xu Heng dared to challenge five people directly. It turned out that he had already made up his mind!” Passers-by in the audience were all discussing enthusiastically.

The news headlines of reporters are also changing rapidly. “Just won the championship, Xu Heng created another miracle! 》

“One-on-five, perfect crushing, freshman Xu Heng’s strength has far surpassed seniors”

At the same time, the live broadcast room and major video websites are also trying to reprint the video of the showdown between Xu Heng and five seniors.

Under each news or video, there are at least thousands of comments. Even some hot clip videos, the number of discussions and likes are more than one million.

“No wonder, Xu Heng’s strength has reached the level of a lord!”

Where the Imperial Blue and White University is located, the principal sighed deeply when he heard the information just reported by his subordinate assistants.

Only since the last national election, when they lost the Triple Crown throne, the principal has always had some bumps.

Although this kind of honor for freshmen, for a whole school, it is not worth mentioning at all.

However, when he found out that Jin He, the super genius he taught by himself, didn’t dare to face Xu Heng, he kept following Xu Heng’s news.

He asked his assistant to keep an eye on Xu Heng every day, and whenever there was new news, he would immediately report to him.

He just wanted to see how much weight this guy who convinced his proud disciple to admit defeat had.

Just now, his assistant ran over and told him that Xu Heng was at Nantian University, and there was a new movement.

At first, he was a little unconvinced.

Because in the previous news, Xu Heng’s opponent, whether it is Min Yuan of Zhongling University or Tong Enemy of Qingcheng University, in his opinion, is much weaker than Jin He.

Although the child enemy of Qingcheng University claimed to have been abroad for training, in his opinion, he was only average in strength.

However, he heard that Xu Heng had actually challenged the seniors at their own school and was also a senior in the third and fourth grades, which immediately intrigued him.

Later, the assistant told him that Xu Heng was on the field, and he directly hit five, which surprised him. “Xu Heng, how can he be so arrogant!”

That’s what he blurted out when he heard Xu Heng’s decision at the time.

However, when he heard that this matchup was exactly the same as the previous one, Xu Heng directly defeated his five opponents with a crushing advantage, the president of Qinghua University fell into deep silence.

After a long time, he spoke slowly. “The next generation is terrifying!”

“It now seems that Jin He’s choice is extremely correct.”

Afterwards, he waved his hand and motioned his assistant to continue to observe Xu Heng, while he was silent again.

Above the ring, Xu Heng looked at the distant scene and shook his head disdainfully. “Hehe, it’s completely vulnerable!”

After the four people other than Ao Teng got the illusion, he had already put away the Susanoo and stood quietly on the ring to watch the battle.

Seeing the unconscious Ao Teng and the other four who were attacking each other after being besieged, Xu Heng smiled contemptuously.

Among the seniors in the senior year, there are definitely many people who are much more powerful than these four guys.

But Xu Heng was so arrogant to them, this was the first time he had seen him.

“With this kind of strength, I just came to the school a few years early, and I actually feel that I have come here and want to teach the new students a lesson!” Xu Heng shook his head disdainfully. He didn’t like Ao Teng at all. of.Every year, there will be senior students looking down on all the freshmen with a super sense of superiority by virtue of their status as seniors.

There are also people who will deliberately find fault, saying that they let freshmen understand the rules of the world as soon as possible, but in fact they just want to show their sense of superiority.

Xu Heng looked at the surrounding auditorium. Due to the sudden incident, most of the off-campus audience were not here.

Most of the people who come to watch the game now are students from our school.

After a little silence, Xu Heng activated the power in his body and shouted to the students around him.

“All the students present, listen carefully!”

“These five guys just now, relying on their status as senior students, think that they have rich experience and superior strength. They deliberately pick faults, and deliberately bully new students. They found someone to beat new students for no reason on the playground, and they also carried out humiliating actions.” Not only that, but he also deliberately smeared my Xu Heng’s reputation! So, I am here to give them a small punishment.”

He looked around and told what the Ao Teng five did this time, one by one, so that passers-by who didn’t know about them could also understand the truth.

Including Qiming and others before, Xu Heng also revealed all the insulting behaviors on the playground.

For a time, the surrounding auditorium began to become silent.

The iron fans who were originally excited because of Xu Heng’s brilliant record, are now quietly listening to Xu Heng’s narration.

After a while, the surrounding audience recovered from Xu Heng’s voice. “So this is ah!”

In the audience, a reporter, after listening to Xu Heng’s words, immediately understood the ins and outs of the whole thing. “I said why, why did Xu Heng suddenly appear in the ring without anyone from other universities coming over?”

“I was wondering just now why Xu Heng was so crazy all of a sudden, and he was going to fight with the senior students in the third and fourth grades. It turned out to be slandered!” “It seems that these seniors The student, it’s really Damn it, to go to trouble the freshman on purpose!” “Not only that, but also deliberately throwing dirty water on Xu Heng, that’s really insidious!”

“This just shows Xu Heng’s perversion. If it wasn’t for this time, who would have known that Xu Heng’s strength was already so strong, and he has reached the lord level. Counting the time, Xu Heng has only entered the university for less than a semester, right? “This time, it is estimated that none of the freshmen from other universities will dare to come and challenge. The rest of the time is probably just an empty arena!”

“That’s not necessarily true. The hidden perverted genius must still exist, but it has not come out for the time being. Maybe one day, he will come to Nantian University!” “Haha, no matter what, there is the result of this time, from now on. From now on, I will absolutely believe in Xu Heng. No matter who he is playing against, I will definitely bet on Xu Heng.” Compared with everyone else, the freshmen who were all in the audience were the most excited group in the audience.

Because since they entered the school, they have indeed been bullied by some ill-intentioned seniors. At this moment, Xu Heng’s words made them feel as if they were cruel except for a bad breath.

Seeing the audience’s reaction, Xu Heng nodded slightly.

Then, he continued.

“Here today, I, Xu Heng, announce that in the future, there will be no difference between freshmen and old students at Nantian University. Everything is based on strength, and no one is allowed to deliberately criticize freshmen by relying on their senior status.” Here, the students in the auditorium, whether they were freshmen or seniors, all began to discuss violently.

The freshmen of the freshman year basically support Xu Heng. They think that Xu Heng is giving them a head start.

As a result, freshmen applauding appeared everywhere in the auditorium.

However, the senior students at the scene were quite annoyed. “This Xu Heng, who do you think he is!”

“Indeed, what if he announced, Laozi didn’t comply!”

“Even the school doesn’t have such a big right, do you really think that if you win a few people, you can walk sideways in the school?”

“It’s too ignorant!”

Among the senior students, only a few remained neutral, and most of them began to sneer at Xu Heng.

However, Xu Heng in the ring did not care about the chaos, and he continued to announce his decision. “Using seniority to bully others is ridiculous.”

“Ferocious beasts don’t care how many years you stayed in the university, only strength is the real guarantee!” “In the future, only strength, no qualifications!”

“Everyone who doesn’t agree, come to the ring, I, Xu Heng, will take over.” In an instant, there was another huge sensation in the audience.

Is this guy trying to challenge the whole school? .

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