Global Gaowu

Chapter 296: The top ten masters went to Beijing

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The matter of collecting money from the old alumni by Mo Wu is not too small.

Zhang Zong of the Yushu Group donated 12 million yuan in advance, and the news of adding 100 million yuan in the later period was also rumored.

Originally, Zhang Zong of the Yushu Group only said an additional 50 million.

I can wait for the news to come out. Soon, the 50 million yuan will become really 100 million yuan. The other party did not hesitate. Even asked if the magic weapon was not propaganda wrong.

They are all smart people, and no one should be a fool.

In the martial arts society, more than a dozen two or three warriors were notified, the exchange competition did not go, the Budokan did not open, and recently prepared to go to the cave, perform the task alone, without the guidance of the mentor, forced to go!

The discerning person knows the meaning of the magic weapon, or the meaning of Fang Ping.


Principal's office.

Although the two masters, Wu Kuishan and Huang Jing, were very busy, they were all gathered together at the moment.

Opposite, Fangping stood straight.

“Principal, Dean, this fundraising was extremely successful. A total of 1,668 graduates from all walks of life gave the greatest support.

After statistics, it has raised 3.68 billion yuan..."

Huang Jing sighed softly and said: "Before you let people go to donate money, I support it, but then you... There are already many graduates and school feedback, Fang Ping, forcing some people to go to the caves. This is not the case. Rules..."


Fang Ping chuckled and said: "In Magic Wu, Magic Wu is the rule! It has been said that the situation in the cave is tense, and everyone can go to the cave. Why can't they?"

Huang Jing shook his head again, but he did not say it.

Wu Kuishan did not continue on this topic, but Shen Sheng said: "Do you want to expand the scale of the magic Wudan medicine and weapons production?"

"Yes, Magic Wu now has a total of 6,580 students, of which nearly 2,000 are non-martial, nearly 4,000 are one-armed, and more than 500 are second-armed.

Calculated by the lowest standard, non-martialists consume an ordinary qi and blood per month, which is the minimum requirement for training.

A product warrior, a month of a product of blood, is also the minimum and minimum requirements.

In other words, Magic Wu will produce 2000 ordinary blood and blood Dan, 4000 pieces of one product and 500 pieces of second product every month to meet the needs of the school.

In fact, it is not enough! ”

Fang Ping shook his head and said: "Why do the students of Magic Wu progress quickly? The next three products are cultivated. The medicine is the only way to speed up. They can't actively absorb energy particles, and there is no way to convert them. Therefore, the drug becomes a necessity.

In my opinion, everyone, 10 days a medicinal aid, is the embodiment of neither waste, complete digestion, and maximum efficiency.

This means that Magic Wu will provide 6,000 ordinary qi and blood Dan to students every month, 12,000 pieces of qi and blood, and 2000 pieces of two products are enough. ”

The two principals are already as big as a cow.

what does this mean?

The sales price of the outside world is 100,000 for ordinary qi and blood, 300,000 for one product, and 700,000 for second product.

Of course, this is the price of the outside world.

According to this value, Magic Wu will provide 5.6 billion yuan of medicinal herbs every month. In fact, it is not enough. There are also three or four warriors, including mentors.

In the middle of the situation, when using the medicinal herbs, there are not many. At this time, the qi and blood Dan is no longer the main pursuit of the Chinese military.

Four warriors, the limit of blood can reach 2000 cards.

Five warriors, the minimum blood limit is also 4000 cards.

When it comes to six products, the limit of blood is even higher, and Wanka has it.

At this time, in fact, you need to consider not at all the blood is not enough, the strong to fight, the speed is very fast, you can not use enough blood, may be killed or killed others.

No one will be mad at you at that time, unless it is evenly matched and beaten.

In addition to qi and blood Dan, there are also guardian Dan, quenched bone, and so on.

According to Fang Ping's request, Magic Wu will provide at least 8 billion yuan worth of medicinal herbs to the school for a month.

The two masters are strong in spirit and quick-thinking. Soon, Wu Kuishan said: "According to your thoughts, the medicinal products that the martial arts need to produce each year, the market price is as high as 100 billion yuan, and the cost price is as high as 30 billion yuan.

You have to know that one or two warriors do the task, or get other rewards, in fact, the school is subsidized.

They completed the task and did not contribute to the school. ”

One or two warriors, doing tasks on the ground, nothing more than recovering some criminal warriors and killing some cult warriors.

But these are not profitable.

Their mission bonuses, including credits, are actually a large part of school subsidies, and the military departments do not provide much.

The seizure is also the student’s own.

Even if calculated according to the cost price, Magic Wu will subsidize more than 30 billion yuan for these warriors every year.

The premise of all this is that the expansion of the internal production line of the Magic Wu is licensed.

Wu Kuishan continued: "There are still weapons, together, at least 40 million yuan a year is enough.

The benefits that students bring to the school... are very few, and there are not many three or four warriors.

Also, the school has a large amount of expenditure every year.

This includes the operation of the school, the salary of the tutor, the pension of the victim, and the sacrifice of the tutor and the family members of the student.

The total amount of money spent every year is as high as 10 billion!

This does not include the expenses of the gas pool, the energy room, and some maintenance and maintenance of the pressure chamber.

For us, the high-quality warriors, the salary is not the school to pay, but the government to pay.

The instructors who can be in the middle of the situation, some of the five or six instructors, the salary is also extremely high. ”

At the end of the day, Wu Kuishan shook his head and said: "According to your thoughts, the school spends at least 60 billion yuan a year. If this continues, the school may soon close."

Fang Ping heard a smile and said: "That's not the case, the principal, how much does the government give to the magic weapon each year?"

“The government allocates up to 300 billion yuan to Wu Da every year.”

Wu Kuishan said an extremely amazing number!

The government's annual grants to Wuda are hundreds of billions.

We must know that there are not many students in Wu Da. There are 99 major schools in China. In the past two years, there have been a lot of talents because of the expansion of enrollment. Nowadays, there are a lot of students in the four sessions, about 120,000, or slightly more.

Of course, this is not a mentor. If it counts, it should be more than 150,000.

Per capita share, 2 million a person, does not seem to be too much, after all, the military is a big consumer.

Wu Kuishan continued: "Muwu has a large number of students, strong strength and high expenditure. Therefore, the funds obtained are second only to Jingwu, which is between 25 billion and 28 billion yuan per year.

And Magic Wu's dividends in the medicinal and arsenal companies... In fact, they were used in exchange for medicinal herbs and weapons. Our own production scale is not large. In fact, there is no credit in the medicinal herbs and weapons companies.

Some other industries, such as the Budokan, are all in the water. After one year, the magic weapon is about 30 billion.

In the past, the cost was almost the same, which only forced the operation of Magic Wu.

If you follow your thoughts, the gap is too big! ”

Fang Ping frowned: "Our share of the drug and the weapon company, a little bit of medicinal herbs and weapons?"

Huang Jing explained: "Let's say, according to the market price, we are currently subsidizing the amount of medicinal herbs and weapons that we subsidize to schools, up to 40 billion, half of the schools, and half of the two companies..."

"You are talking about the market price, that is to say, they provide 20 billion market price of medicinal weapons, and the cost price is about 5-6 billion yuan. This is the dividend profit we get in the two major companies every year?"

Huang Jing nodded slightly, seeing Fang Ping seems to be very dissatisfied, could not help but laugh: "Boy, do you really think that the two companies are open to us? Can give so much, in fact, already good.

Your current thinking is to build a campus production line with annual sales of more than 100 billion, which means that it will be expanded five times!

To complete this request, it also means that all the gains of the Magic, including the mentor, will be supplied to the school.

The scale of sales of 100 billion yuan means that at least 20 billion raw materials should be provided. The school is actually getting so much every year.

When you come here, the drug and the weapon company will definitely not agree, and will not give us more shares. You understand what I mean. ”

Several major companies have given Magic Wu shares and dividends because the students and mentors of the Magic Wu are harvested in the caves and will be offered to them almost.

Not available now, why should I give the Magic Wu shares?

Fang Ping is shaking his head: "The dean, the account is not so counted, we have expanded the scale, the students are stronger and gain more, and now the situation is worsening. Later, the two warriors must enter the cave. .

In this case, our gains will increase.

If the strength can double, then we are self-sufficient and can provide as many raw materials to several companies.

This is actually not a conflict. ”

Wu Kuishan said: "So you are bent on expanding the production line in the school?"

"No, it’s the magic martial arts." Fang Ping said calmly: "I have done everything for the magic weapon, or else I don't need these things myself. I don't need money or dandruff. Practice, I practice very fast.

I am a four-armed warrior, not the principal of Magic Wu. Everything I do now is for the school, for the classmates.

I just don't want to look at everyone again because the strength is not enough, go to the cave to die.

The two principals have just taken office, and the old principal died at the grottoes.

Don't fight for it at this time, when will you fight for it?

Do you have to wait for the day, the principal or the dean, go to the cave, go to hell, and go for change? ”

Wu Kuishan gently tapped the table, and after a while he slowly said: "The government may not approve..."

Huang Jing answered: "Several big companies may be guilty."

Fang Ping looked angry and said: "Then let them go to the caves and fight, and die! The idea that you and our students are preaching is that the warriors will fight and fight!"

"But now, our own cultivation is a problem, why should we fight!"

"We say that it is a warrior, and it is a privileged class. It is actually a group of poor people who are on the verge of death!"

"I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of anything!"

“What did the big companies take us for? Is it white? Use life and blood to exchange resources that are not enough to sustain their cultivation?”

"This is the reason for our death?"

"Don't mention protecting humans, we can't protect ourselves, who will protect us?"

“We don’t have family and loved ones?”

"When we are jealous today, then we should be enemies! We don't ask for much. Our own harvest is for schools. Is it illegal?"

"External enemies are still dead, we are the bottom warriors of ours, even the masters who died in battle are peripheral forces!"

"Do not reform today, he should not blame us for not fighting for humanity!"

Fang Ping’s last sentence was exported, and the two masters shouted in unison: “Mixed words!”

Fang Ping sighed: "It's a confession, but it's also my heart. The martial artists are forgotten to die. They don't even have the resources to cultivate themselves. What is this? Dan medicine and weapons companies have made so much money, money. What?

Or not money, we provide so many resources, the medicinal herbs and weapons they produce, at least three times the amount provided to us.

Where are the remaining 60% of the medicinal herbs and weapons? ”

"Part of it has flowed into society..."

"Not so much." Fang Ping interrupted Huang Jing's words.

Huang Jing glanced at him and said, "Small son, is this data from your own statistics, or is it casual?"

"Simple statistics, I asked a few brothers and sisters who were internships at the Dan Medicine and Weapons Company, including some people working in the military department. The seizure of the caves is more than twice the amount of resources currently available to us! ”

"The military also consumes a part of it. The military does not have to gain every battle, and more is to defend the city."

"There is still the rest!"

Huang Jing and Wu Kuishan looked at each other and looked at them for a long while. Huang Jingcai couldn’t laugh and cry: "You are really sensitive to the numbers. In fact, it is not a big secret. The central government has also trained a military army, but it is a reserve.

Do you think that every time the new entrance to the cavern is opened up, those military warriors are really drawn from other places?

At this point, you should be clear about it. Since you have a surplus of medicinal herbs and weapons, even if you don’t have more than one entrance every few years, how many military personnel need to be stationed? ”

Wu Kuishan added: "The task of the four major towns is to defend one side, and to cultivate reserve. On the other hand, in-depth interpretation can also be understood as checks and balances.

You have to understand that the human heart is unpredictable, the military is in a big position, and the central government has divided the martial arts into several major systems. It is also extenuating. ”

Fang Ping exhaled: "I understand this, I know, we may not see all of them. In any case, the expansion of Magic Wu's on-campus production line is imperative. What do the two principals mean?

I am a four-armed warrior, not qualified to bargain, if the two principals do not support it, then I did not say.

What are the little four-brand martial artists? I don’t have a lot of them.

Big deal, some people in the southern cemetery are buried, and the students’ ashes are sent back a little more. I don’t think I have a chance to become ashes. What are the deaths and injuries? ”

Huang Jing has a headache and sighs: "You don't have to talk about words. What do you mean by us? The key is... seven or eight products... not necessarily much right."

More than 30 Chinese and nine strong players in the country, although the magic Wu is not weak, can lack such strategic strength.

"The southern town guards Wu Zhenshou, from the magic Wu, nine products."

"He is a guardian."

"He is also a magical person. The old principal is the son who was trained by his son. He became a great master. The old principal died in battle. If he does not accept the account, he will open him to the magic weapon and not recognize him as a magical student. !"

Wu Kuishan smiled and said: "I think your four products are bigger than the nine products!"

This kid is only four products, now dare to say the words of the nine products, and wait for him nine products, then it is not going to heaven?

Fang Ping did not care, or the sentence, "I did everything for the magic weapon, for the magic weapon, offended a lot of seniors, offended a lot of high-intensity strong, what do I figure?

As for the location of a martial arts president?

Speaking of the two principals laughing, I think I can become a master soon. Why do I care about the life and death of a group of low-quality warriors?

Perhaps the two principals think so. ”

"You don't have to provoke us."

Wu Kuishan waved his hand and sighed: "I will fight for this."

"It's not fighting. It's not afraid of wearing shoes. If you don't treat low-quality warriors, then don't be a human being. Just go to the caves and get away!"

"Are you referring to mulberry?"

Wu Kuishan is really angry. Is this kid including all the high-quality warriors?

He knows what the consequences will be if this statement comes out!

Huang Jing is also low: "Cautious!"

Fang Ping was silent. After a while, he said: "Then I will go first. This kind of magic weapon is not what I want to see. This kind of warrior is not what I want. Maybe, the status is different, consider The things are different, I don't have the long-term consideration of your masters.

I only know that many of the students who could not die, the teacher, are now dead.

One day, I became a master. I don't know how I would think about it. I only know that at this moment, I am not willing to accept the current situation.

Not everyone is a square, not everyone can be like me, can be saved.

I just want to win what we should get, not to take advantage of others, why is it so difficult?

The principal, the dean, and today Fang Ping is arrogant, thank you for the two masters to listen. ”

After Fang Ping finished, he did not return, and he quickly left.


In the office, the two masters fell silent.

For a long while, Wu Kuishan sighed: "Try it."

Huang Jing said in a low way: "You can try it, but it is very difficult. It is a magic weapon, not a magic weapon family, other Wu Da..."

"That is their business. Everyone cleans the snow in front of the door. We can only control the magic weapon."

"Well, then you and I are going to Beijing together today?"

"Call on Liu Lao, and then join a few masters who graduated from Mo Wu, and the top ten masters went to Beijing..."

Wu Kuishan suddenly smiled and said: "When I am older, I really have lost some blood. I am still used to life and death. I have long ignored this."

Huang Jing also laughed dumbly and nodded. "Then the top ten masters went to Beijing, and they couldn’t just watch the students out!"

"Ha ha ha..."

In the office, a laughter sounded.

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