Global Gaowu

Chapter 274: No one should know my black history (for the sake of laughing and wanting to cry, the l

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Nanjiang Governor's Office.

Although Zhang Dingnan was too busy, he knew that Fang Ping had come to visit, but he still took some time to meet Fang Ping.


Governor's Office.

Zhang Dingnan slightly raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It's a bit interesting, and the spirit is one!"

The trend of the three products, in the view of Zhang Dingnan, is nothing.

The so-called invincible situation, these masters prefer to call the state of harmony.

Fang Ping, a three-person warrior, can't take the initiative to control his own spirit, even if the six strong players are difficult.

Therefore, they must rely on the fight, rely on the recognition of the people, rely on their own beliefs, and finally this state of appearance.

When you hit the same level, you feel that you are the first, and everyone recognizes it, then you are invincible.

After Fang Ping finished Ling Yiyi, did it?

"Fang Ping, Zong Shi Lu, is open to you."

Zhang Dingnan smiled and smiled a little.

Fang Ping did not look directly at him, nor did he see that he laughed with ill-intention, but he wondered: "Three products are invincible, Zongshi Road is open?"

"Three invincible can not explain what, the purpose of invincible is for what? For the sake of the spirit of God, understand?

The pursuit of invincible state is to pursue their own perfection.

Your teacher is also pursuing this state. She wants to play six products, truly invincible, and overcome the obstacles in her heart.

She has psychological barriers and big obstacles.

Therefore, she relies on her own to achieve unity, difficult, extremely difficult!

Only everyone can recognize, she also recognizes, in order to take shortcuts, to reach this peak, become a master.

Of course, there are thousands of roads. This is not the only way. The masters are not all going to be invincible.

Your teacher, who wants to play six invincibles, I am afraid that there is no drama, it depends on whether she can overcome obstacles, abandon distracting thoughts, and integrate herself into the sect.

As for you, it is not that the guru will be able to do this. You can maintain this trend and keep it until the peak of the six products. You can naturally enter the guru, which is why the three warriors are on the road to challenge. .

You know for yourself that no matter who you challenge, almost no one sets obstacles for you.

Because not only do you want to be invincible, but others think that you have achieved an invincible path, then it is much easier for you to step into the guru.

Others, too.

The top ten warriors in the top three rankings actually want to take this shortcut, but there are only one or two people who can really go..."

Fang Ping quickly said: "I am invincible, how can they go?"

Zhang Dingnan said with a smile: "You are invincible. Then you went to the two men in the military? No.

They have not played against you, they have not lost to you, and they have claimed to be invincible. Why can't they leave?

And even if it is defeated, as long as its own beliefs are sufficient, it can maintain this state. ”

"Oh, self-hypnosis, understand."

The level is clear, this I understand, I just saw a guy, only four high-end, just invincible in self-hypnosis.

Zhang Dingnan laughed and said nothing, joking, self-hypnosis?

There is no strong strength, no invincible belief, you have nothing to say, it is invincible to say invincible?

The little guy still knows too little!

Fang Ping naturally does not know his mind, or else he may sneer a few words, seeing really little, and hitting his face!

Didn't entangle this, Fang Ping asked: "Governor, then my teacher, she hopes to break through the guru?"

Lu Fengrou’s psychological barrier, Fang Ping knows.

Can overcome obstacles... difficult!

Zhang Dingnan said: "Hope is still there, and not small.

In fact, for your teacher to break through to the guru, some people support, and some people do not support it.

Of course, there are also neutral ones.

However, some people in Magic Wu still want her to break through, for example..."

Zhang Dingnan slightly played the taste: "Yellow."

Fang Ping looked curious, Huang Jing hopes that Lu Fengrou can break through?

Lu Fengrou told him that the master of Magic Wu would not want her to break through?

"Do you know if Bai Ruoxi?"


"Do you know why she wants to send President Chen’s granddaughter to Lu Fengrou?"

Zhang Dingnan seems to be very clear about the situation of Magic Wu. He laughs lightly: "Because Chen Yunqi and Lu Fengrou's daughter are very similar, including personality, family, background.

When Bai Ruoxi sent Chen Yunqi to the past, he actually hoped that Lu Fengrou could face up to the fact that his daughter died.

Thereby overcoming psychological barriers!

And Chen Yunxi is the granddaughter of Chen Yaoting. Bai Ruoxi dare to arrange this kind of thing at will?

No accident, Huang Jing said.

Fang Ping, you are from Nanjiang, so I said so much to you, and I know more about the situation of the magic weapon, which is good for you.

The four masters of the Magic Wu, now Zhang Laojiao, left Wu Kuishan and Huang Jing including the Liu Bianyu predecessors who stayed in Nanjiang.

Liu Lao is in Magic Wu and has always remained neutral.

Wu Kuishan and Huang Jing are actually two factions. Don't look at everyone's external agreement. There are still internal disputes and different ideas.

As for how it is different, I will not say it.

Anyway, it is very complicated, and you don't need to know. If you want to mix better in the magic, if you have a good job, then don't prematurely expose any tendency.

Don't think that Wu Kuishan is the husband of Lu Fengrou, he will stand with him.

Don't think too, Huang Jing is your dean, just stand by him.

You, maybe not what you used before, but when you are invincible, you are about to step into four products, blood is infinite, bone marrow is like mercury, to be honest, the guru gate opens to you.

At this time, you are not a dispensable existence.

Some people, including some people, will also bet on you.

Lu Fengrou and Li Changsheng are the strongest of the six peaks, including some of the four or five product instructors, and even the masters will bet. ”

Fang Ping suddenly said: "Governor, are you also betting?"

Zhang Dingnan suddenly smiled: "Also, I hope that you can get better in the magic, get higher status and rights.

For example, if you are in charge of the Magic Wushu, it is different.

The martial arts club that runs a school has many meanings.

Wu Dao, the representative of the students, including some of the tutors from the martial arts club, will also move closer to the martial arts club.

Once there is a big battle in Nanjiang, others don't help Nanjiang, what about you?

You can use your authority and call on some strong people to support Nanjiang! ”

Fang Ping slightly raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Governor, I think it is better to become a principal directly. When I become a master, you said, I am in charge of the magic weapon, will it be better?"

Zhang Dingnan was dumbfounded!

"How long is that..."

“More than ten years, short three or five years...”

Zhang Dingnan once again laughed and said: "The principal, it is not so easy to be a good person, to be able to serve the public, to have strength, but also to lead the magic Wu to become stronger.

In fact, it is not just rights, but also obligations and responsibilities.

Master Zhang, who devoted his life to the magic weapon, until he finally died in a foreign land. ”

"Since this is said, then I will say a few more words. The battle of the magical Wu line actually has a certain relationship with these.

The idea of ​​Wu Kuishan is to raise a donkey! ”

Fang Ping’s heart was slightly shocked, and he quickly said: “Do you raise it?”

"Yes, recruit a large number of students, one or five or six thousand or even tens of thousands! I have cultivated a product, thrown into the cave, to kill, to temper, to fight, to survive, to live is the strong, is the future hope!"

"The concept of Huang Jing is to inherit the idea of ​​your principal. The strong ones fight first, and the weak ones grow slowly behind."

He wants Lu Fengrou to break through to the master. In fact, he is also the idea of ​​holding the strong first battle, but Lu Fengrou is a double-edged sword. Huang Jing is also hesitant. In short, this is the internal affairs of the Magic Wu, and the government is now in a dilemma.

Is Wu Kuishan wrong? not necessarily.

Huang Jing is wrong? That is not the case.

All in all, if you want to take control of the magic weapon, you will still be tender, or consider it first. The dispute between Huang Jing and Wu Kuishan will affect you.

Of course, from your point of view, you are going to support Wu Kuishan in the four products, but it is not you who are thrown into the caves anyway..."

Zhang Dingnan said that Fang Ping is speechless: "What about my sister going to college in the future?"

Zhang Dingnan almost laughed out loud, this kid is really thinking about it!

"What do you think, how to choose, I just tell you, let you know more about the magic of Wuwu, and when this magical cave is over, there will be some disputes in the magical Wu, and even affect To the students, the strong of your students may be forced to stand."

Fang Ping did not think that: "Look at the situation, they will not force us, or else..."

Fang Ping suddenly shut up his mouth and did not continue with a dry cough.

Otherwise, he will switch to his door. This is almost a leak, a low-key, and a low-key.

Zhang Dingnan leaked his mind, and Lu Fengrou and Li Laotou could all fight the Fang Ping in the world. Even if they want to change to the school, they must stand at the moral high point... For example, they are forced to helplessly, they have to leave, they have to leave... ...

Zhang Dingnan glanced at him deeply and did not entangle this. He said: "After graduating, the significance of staying in school is not great. Fang Ping. If you are interested, you will return to Nanjiang.

If you graduate, you can become a five-product or even a six-person warrior. The vice governor of Nanjiang may not be able to! ”

Fang Ping quickly smiled and said: "The Governor is too uplifting. I am only three products now, and I am only a freshman. I will not consider such a long-term situation for the time being.

Governor, I am here, I really want to ask you about the cultivation of "Blood Knife"..."

Zhang Dingnan was not surprised. He did not care about Fang Ping’s retreat. He said with a smile: "The cultivation of the warfare is not a matter of words. I will tell you a little, mainly to give you a way of thinking."


Zhang Dingnan simply said something, but Fang Ping felt that he had benefited a lot.

The pioneer of the tactics is naturally the best understanding of the tactics.

After that, Zhang Dingnan did not take a knife, and suddenly he searched for Fang Ping.

At that moment, Fang Ping only felt that he had nowhere to escape, and he would die!

"This is the law of unity."

Zhang Dingnan took a hand and smiled: "How do you feel?"

"Nowhere to escape!"

"This is right, what is the trick? The trick is the trick of lore, being escaped, but also called the trick? Now you, the next three warriors, the tricks of cultivation, the defects are great.

The real three-product strong, I mean the strong, their tricks to practice, it is different.

Under one stroke, non-death is born!

Including the lock of momentum, the aggregation of power, has reached a limit.

Now, you have killed the warriors in the middle of the four-story, and even the high-end ones may not be able to kill...

However, those who are weak, the weak of the caves, are similar to the social warriors on our side.

When you meet the real cave strong, you will understand that the so-called leapfrog killing... is too difficult, it is difficult to go to heaven!

The three-product warrior meets the top-ranking strongman of the four products, and his momentum locks you, and the trick is one, and the trick is to slap it. If you have more means, it will be a no-brainer. ”

Fang Ping heard the words and thought: "This kind of strong, very few?"

He has barely encountered this in the cave.

I really have to meet, I have already died.

Including the original six-armed warrior, of course, does not rule out the other side disdain for the other side to use this move, but the probability is not great.

"It’s less..." Zhang Dingnan chuckled: "And they are rarely on the periphery. In fact, the strongest of the caves are also experienced, going deep into the depths, going to the great wasteland, practicing to no one, human According to the point of view, for them, this opportunity is lacking.

When you go deep into the cave, you may come across and be careful. ”

"Thank you for the Governor's reminder."

"You're welcome, this magical mentor knows that when you go deeper, they will remind you."

"Deep into the cave..."

Fang Ping whispered, and now he is the most in-depth, but it is only to Wang Lin, but only a hundred miles away from Hope City.

How big is the cave of the magic capital?

5,000 kilometers from east to west, thousands of miles away!

In the north and south of 2000, this is only the location of the thirteen cities.

Half a Chinese-sized land boundary, Fang Ping is now only active in a city, far from far.

And in such a small place, he saw the strong nine people and saw the embarrassment.

Said, Fang Ping should also leave, but Fang Ping thinks of something, suddenly said: "Governor, the cave language ‘Nacokari’ What does it mean?”

Zhang Dingnan chuckled: "Have you met?"

What is the encounter with Fang Ping?

"The rough meaning is: I am weak, the strong does not kill the weak, please don't kill me."

Fang Ping snorted and swallowed, whispering: "In fact, it is also seeking for mercy?"

Zhang Dingnan smiled and nodded: "It can be understood as such, but under normal circumstances, it will not be said between the same level. Unless you encounter one or two products, they may say this because they are in the cave. In the concept of the warrior, it is not a shame to admit defeat to the strong."

Although the martyrdom of the terrarium and the human warrior encountered life and death, it is not really not afraid of death.

Three products have encountered seven products, not afraid of death useful?

Following the ancient rules, they will also beg for mercy, and the strong will not kill the weak.

Fang Ping’s face is stiff and stiff: “Is it also understandable, I’m a fart, have you let me go?”

Zhang Dingnan said with a smile: "If you want to think so, you can understand it, but you don't have to worry about it. If you kill it, you can kill it!

As for the masters who met, and looked at the mood, sometimes the masters of the masters would not deliberately kill some civilians in the caves. ”

Fang Ping did not speak again, Li Laotou, you can!

No wonder you have been despised several times!

However, ... I have encountered four or five warriors, coughing... not too shameful.

What's more, no one saw it, no one heard it, and the people who heard it were dead.

"The ruined one knows."

Fang Ping has some comfort in his heart, otherwise the shame can't be washed away.


When he left, Zhang Dingnan also told Fang Ping that there were some breakthroughs in the military and language research institutes. If you have time, you can learn some common cave language terms. Magic Wu should soon carry out this study.

Fang Pingdao thanked him a bit and said that the human warrior is still very lucky.

Or, genius is very lucky.

He came to ask the master to give instructions, the master did not hide, almost answered.

His own mentor is also the strongest of the six-pin peaks that are about to enter the guru.

Li Laotou is also the peak of the six products, including the big lion, some martial arts doubts, will also inform one by one.

There is also Dean Huang Jing of Magic Wu, and these people are also like this.

Human warriors are much more fortunate than some of the warriors in the caves.

As for the only phrase used by Li Laotou to teach his own caves... Fang Ping knows the meaning of Li Laotou, but still feels shame!

"The people in this place have been killed by me. Li, the old man, can't kill me, or I can't afford to lose this person!"

Fang Ping did not remember whether he had said to Li Laotou that he and the people in the cave had said this.

But... just don't say it.

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