Global Gaowu

Chapter 235: Entering the cave

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At the gate, there are also military guards.

For Fang Ping’s move, no one blocked it.

There are not many guards at the gate, only two people, and their age is not small.

One of the middle-aged warriors, with a brow to the corner of his mouth, had a long scar.

Seeing Fang Ping touched the door in a daze, looking fierce scars in the middle age, but at the moment it was a smile and said: "Little guy, want to move?"

"miss you!"

The answer that Fang Ping answered was a happy one.

The scarred face laughed again and joked: "I want to work hard. When the devil is settled, this door will have no effect. Let's take the opportunity to dismantle the door."

Fang Ping heard a smile and said: "I probably can't see this door when I get there."

"Ha ha ha..."

The two defenders all laughed loudly and laughed for a while. This is what Tang Feng said: "It's the mainstay of the future, the big lion, go in, and have more snacks."

"You don't need to teach me." Tang Feng's tone is not very friendly, Laozi's students are here, how to call me!

The two people who kept the door did not care. The scarred face smiled and said: "From here, I will come back from here and come back alive.

The older generation, our generation, it’s worth it to die, you are still young.

A group of youngsters, probably have not had time to enjoy life, there is a woman? Is there a man?

I tell you, that tastes...beautiful, don’t die so early..."

"Liu Xiangpeng!"

Tang Feng frowned and said.

The face of the scar is stunned by the nose: "Dry? The warrior is a monk? The monk is also a wife, hey, I am not right?"

"Shut up, hurry up! Let's go in."

Liu Xiangpeng laughed for a while, did not delay the business, and began to check the documents again.

The mouth also explained: "The first time, I will know you next time, do not check.

The two warriors, a little bit, ah, this is not the bottom of the family?

Go in and be careful, the first time you enter, don't expect you to kill the enemy, don't be jealous, look at it, wait for yourself to be strong, and sooner or later you can kill him! ”

The scarred face is a bit sloppy, but everyone has heard the meaning of care.

For the entry of the two warriors, these warriors of the previous generation are somewhat worried.

After checking the documents one by one, the scar face entered the small door, and another warrior outside the door explained: "Give a greeting with the opposite side, so that so many people enter, there is confusion."

Yang Xiaoman curiously said: "Can we contact the people inside the cave?"

"No, but at the entrance, there are nine masters who have set up a setting, knocking on this side, you can feel the vibration on the opposite side, how many times to hit, on behalf of how many people enter..."

For these, it is not confidential, and the goalkeeper does not mind to confuse everyone.

Fang Ping is not curious about this, but is interested: "What kind of channel is it? Is it the same as the transmission array, let's go there?"

"Ha ha ha... you will know later."

The goalkeeper did not explain, and soon the scar face came out.

"go in."

Tang Feng took the lead and "follow me."

Everyone followed, and when they entered the small door, Fang Ping saw the entrance to the cave for the first time.

The so-called entrance to the cave, just like the vortex in the water, is suspended in midair.

In a small space, an alloy step was built, and the steps were stained with blood. I don't know if it was cleaned or it was contaminated today.

There is light in the house, not dim.

Fang Ping looked up and looked around. There were some small holes in the wall on some of the walls. It was probably a setting such as a weapon launch.

The scarred face followed and looked at the crowd: "You can go in. In addition, if you enter later, don't arbitrarily automate anything inside, it is dangerous."

Admonished everyone, a scared face looked at Tang Feng, half a sigh: "Safe return!"

"rest assured."

Tang Feng replied, stepped onto the steps and walked straight into the vortex. Several other instructors shouted: "Follow!"

Everyone followed suit.

Fang Ping walked in front and quickly walked to the vortex. He couldn't help but reach out and touched the vortex. As a result, half of the hand suddenly disappeared!


Fang Ping shouted, and everyone behind him suddenly became nervous. Fu Changding said loudly: "What happened!"

"The hand is broken? Go back!"


Fang Ping retracted his hand if he had nothing to do. He said: "Is it interesting, does the arm pass through the space?"

Yang Xiaoman standing on his side, suddenly said nothing, one foot smashed up, the next moment, Fang Ping disappeared in the vortex!

"This bastard!"

Yang Xiaoman sighed, when was it, and deliberately scared people.

Everyone laughed, and they stepped into the vortex.



At the foot of Fang Ping, he snorted and snorted. Then he hurriedly looked up.

Did not see the so-called world of caves, the front is a tunnel-like passage, the sides and the top of the head are not alloys, not soil, but ... energy particles!

Fang Ping’s eyes are slightly moving, and some are astonished: “Energy channel!”

He captures the energy particles and can feel the energy inside the channel.

He never thought that after the energy particles were gathered, they could be materialized and formed channels.

Fang Ping captures energy particles, which are captured by one grain.

But this channel has been solidified, which is the gap between a dust and a mountain.

At this moment, several people in Tang Feng are in front, and they heard Fang Ping exclaimed. Tang Feng raised his eyebrows: "Do you see it?"

"Of course, the energy particles are solidified. With such obvious energy, I can certainly feel it. I don't know if I can catch it..."

"Don't mess!"

Tang Feng warned: "Although you don't think you can destroy the passage, don't use mental power to capture energy particles here.

Inside the channel, it is sometimes unstable.

The masters can use the mental power to slightly stir the energy channel. Many masters can join hands to make the channel in a short period of riots. At this time, no one can travel to and from the two worlds. This is the most human being able to do. Good choice. ”

This is the way the entrance to the caves in Tiannan is taken.

And this way means giving up everything on the side of the cave.

Next time, the entrance to the Tiannan Passage will be restored. It is not dangerous to explain.

On the other side of the channel, it may be a cave creature.

Once inside, it may be a death.

In the caves, there is no stronghold, and human beings will be at an absolute disadvantage in the battle of the caves. Tiannan gave up the strongholds built with countless predecessors' blood. It must be said that such a decision is too painful.

It is also conceivable that the choice of what happened to Tiannan in the end would be the case.

The entrance to the Tiannan Grottoes is reopened. Perhaps it is the cave creatures entering the ground, fighting humans, and the battlefield, a great probability is on earth.

Fang Ping did not use mental power to capture. In fact, he did not have this ability. These energy particles were solidified. This is equivalent to changing from dust to boulders, and how Fang Ping might move.

"Teacher, since the masters can stir the energy channel, they have been doing this all the time..."

I thought about it in Fang Ping. Every time I did this, the other party couldn’t come. We couldn’t get in, and it’s a big blockade.

Isn't this better than now?

Tang Feng explained: "It doesn't work, in fact... the passage is getting more and more stable, and the passages in Xishan cannot be stirred at all.

The energy solidification of the channel has been fixed over time.

Tiannan is able to do this because the channel formation time is not too long.

The passage time of the magic capital is not too long. The passage of the former two masters may be chaotic. Now, there are no more than ten masters, which cannot be done at all.

In this case, we can only choose to defend the enemy, we do not want the battlefield to be the earth, that is too much impact on us! ”

Once the battlefield becomes the earth, human beings can not kill each other, only to make themselves suffer.

The square was flat and sighed again: "The cave passage is closed, and the people who are not inside..."

"I can't come back."


Fang Ping was quiet. He remembered that the princess of Pharaoh was caught in the Tiannan Grottoes. Zhao Xuemei’s father also died in the cave and the bodies were not brought back.

If the entrance to the Nandi Grottoes is closed today, the body may not be found long ago, and the people... have fallen into the caves and want to live?

There is no stronghold there, facing the army of the caves, in addition to death, what else?

The time they talked, others entered.

Seeing the passage in front of you, everyone is curious, and they look at them, one by one, like a curious baby.

Yu Xianghua touched it. Some strange words: "Teacher, is this channel long?"

"Not long, going about 1000 meters ahead is the other side entrance."

"Teacher, does that mean that our two worlds are adjacent, and now they are only connected by this channel..."

Tang Feng said without words: "I don't know."

Don't ask me such an esoteric question. This is not even clear to the great masters and experts from all walks of life. How does he know.

Just one channel, there are so many problems.

"Let's go, don't watch."

Tang Feng walked forward, and Fang Ping asked: "Teacher, this channel is bright, why?"

"do not know."

"You don't know this?" Fang Ping was speechless. He thought about himself and explained to himself: "It should be caused by the solidification of energy. Yes, I think of it. Energy stone is actually a manifestation of energy gathering. Energy The stone is high in purity and bright.

The channel can be said to be 100% energy purity, so it can be so bright..."

Fang Ping thought divergently: "There is no sun in the cave. No, it should be said that the sun in the cave is a solid high-purity energy stone. It is no wonder that it can illuminate the cave.

Why is there a night in the cave?

Energy stone, it is reasonable to say that this is not the case, or that the energy sun of the grottoes actually has two sides, one side is energy and the other is other substances.

Is it in a state of rotation that causes night and day? ”

Tang Feng did not say anything, the teacher of the five products smiled and said: "Fang Ping, you have not seen the cave, you have made such a judgment, very powerful, experts are so speculated, of course, because there is no The example proves that it is impossible to determine the authenticity for the time being.

But your judgment should be close to the truth. ”

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Mr. Zheng, I also think that I am very smart. Do you think that if I hold the magic weapon, will the magic weapon become stronger?"

Everyone turned off the sound.

Tang Feng still doesn't say anything. The middle-aged man who is called Zheng teacher is crying and laughing: "You think about it a bit far."

"Teacher, I think it is not too far away.

I am now in the high section of the product, maybe it will be four products soon, five or six products next year, and the next year will become a master..."

"be quiet!"

Tang Feng couldn't help but scream!

The **** is a thing to be said by you. I feel that the guru is going to ruin the street. I have not been a master of Tang Feng!

Fang Ping grinned, and it was dark for a while. Didn’t he become a master in the following year?

If there is a play, remember the violent big lion after the next year!

The other mentors are all laughing, and the students are speechless, Fang Ping, thinking really far enough!

Some people in the class actually know that Fang Ping has reached the third section of the product and his face has changed.

This guy!

The breakthrough is too fast!

Zhang Ziwei has a bad premonition... Xie Lei, can you really suppress Fang Ping?

Fang Ping out of the cave, Xie Lei and he have a hundred battles.

There are many reasons for this!

The dispute over the interests of the martial arts and peace round society, the three-time quarreled warrior, the hatred of Fang Ping’s violent Zhang Ziwei, and the future battle of the leaders of the magical martial arts...

It can be said that they want to fight, the school must let them fight.

Now Fang Ping has stepped into the high section of the three products, and this speed is too fast.

The gap between the Sanpin high section and the Sanpin peak is not too big.

Below the high section, it is the watershed.


The distance of 1000 meters is very close to the military.

Soon, everyone arrived at the end of the passage.

At the end, there are people waiting for the soldiers at the moment.

Seeing Tang Feng, one of them, the imposing middle-aged Confucian martial artist, smiled and said: "Crazy lion, this time you personally lead the team?"

"General Xu!"

Tang Feng was slightly respectful, and it was rare to smile. He responded: "This time I have trouble for you."

"What is this? For the students of Magic Wu, our military department also holds the greatest respect! In these years, if you have not followed, the magical caves have already fallen."

General Xu said with a smile: "Go out and say, here, I am really worried that the passage will collapse, and I can't wait to collapse. I feel complicated and I am not chatting here."

The channel collapses, and perhaps the battle for the sacrifice of countless people can be eliminated.

As he spoke, General Xu stepped out of the passage and disappeared from the crowd.

Fang Ping looked back and suddenly said: "The distance between the two boundaries is so close, it really has to be hit the passage, and the block can't stop..."

Tang Feng said indifferently: "So in order to keep the passage, the land in front of it has already been dyed by the blood of a generation!"

Everyone was speechless and lost their voices at one time.


After dozens of seconds, when Fang Ping stepped out of the vortex, he entered another alloy house.

The house was not big, and everyone went out quickly.

At the moment of going out, Fang Ping was somewhat disoriented. No one went to see the buildings, the rushing soldiers, the passing warriors...

Everyone looked up and looked at the huge "sun" in the air.


Especially big!

Unlike the Earth, the Earth's sun is also great. After all, it is a star, much bigger than the Earth.

In the eyes of everyone, it is bigger, and because of the distance, it seems small.

However, the "sun" of the caves seems to hang on the top of everyone's heads, which is extraordinarily huge.

"so big!"

"It's ugly!"

The girl added a sentence, such a big sun, how to see how ugly, uncoordinated.

The generals in front and Tang Feng stood side by side, watching the students look up at the sky, and Xu General smiled and said: "All children..."

Tang Feng’s tone is dull: “It’s also a warrior.”


General Xu snorted and sighed slightly, not to be heard: "Try to let them go back alive..."

"Yes, this time is just a trial."

"There is no trial in the cave."

General Xu shook his head, where is the trial, here is the Longtan Tiger Cave, even if the base is not safe, can't always shrink in the stronghold?

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