Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1332: 斩神皇

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Devil King Fangping!

Fang Ping is self-reliant, and it is really like a devil's head. He is **** and even faint.

In the past few years, Fang Ping has killed too many people and too many strong people.

The three powerful players fell, and Jiucheng died in the hands of Fang Ping.

For others, Fang Ping is full of evil!

Executioner, butcher, devil...

This is Fang Ping!

However, at this moment, some people can't stop the sorrow.


Who is willing to be a demon!

No one wants to be a demon, however, it is forced to enter the devil.

At this moment, Zhang Tao even had some impulsiveness, rushed out, broke the emperor's way, let Fang Ping go out and kill a happy!

How is his future!

How to control other people!

Kill, kill a fun!

Kill, kill a thought and pass it!

Whether you are born or dead, you don't have to think about those annoying trivia.

But... the feet that have been taken are always falling.

Can not be done!

Can you kill a few?

The Eight Emperors are all eight, and the Emperor Tiandi is also there. The Emperor Yangdi may also crouch in the dark. Can Fang Ping kill a few?

After Fang Ping’s death?

Too much concern, too much worry, too much can not be put down.

Zhang Tao’s eyes are red, it’s me, I put these shackles on Fang Ping.

If not, if you are alone, you only need to guard a few family members. Why?

It’s big, it’s incognito, where can’t it go?

At this moment, after all, there is still some regret.

Overbearing, arrogant, arrogant, crazy...

Killing Fang Ping of the broken nine, famous forever, but this... Is Fang Ping wanting it?

In the past, Fang Ping, who was arrogant with himself, couldn’t wait for Fang Ping, who had owed him a debt every day.

That said, whoever dared to move my family and killed his family, Fang Ping, had already died.

There is no home!

Fighting outside, killing, constant killing, time after day, day after day!

At this moment, Zhang Tao really regretted it.

Terran... This should not be the responsibility of Fang Ping.

Today, it is the shackles that Fang Ping can't solve.


The Emperor was killed.

Quartet vibration.

Fang Ping’s combat power is not reduced, but the Vietnam War is more and more courageous.

This is Daozu!

Even if it is just a projection, this is also the ancestor of the Taoist ancestors.

Even if these people are the Emperor, they must be measured one or two before they are shot.

And Fang Ping, no scruples, incarnation as a demon, directly smashed the Emperor projection.

At this moment, the four sides are silent.

The next moment, Fang Ping broke out and killed the emperor over there!


At this moment, a figure can't be added quickly, and the fat body is not too cumbersome.

A fat and pig-like cat came from the void and blocked in front of Fangping.

The three cats are somewhat afraid, afraid of the flat red eyes.

I am afraid of Fang Ping who is full of blood!

But the three cats are still coming, and they are miserable: "Don't... don't kill the owner, is it good?"

Fang Ping’s eyes are like an abyss, and the three cats are shuddering, but they are still in front of Fang Ping. Poorly said: “The master is a good person, the master has not bullied you... The master is only a avatar, staying here. Many, many years..."

Yes, many, many years!


50,000 years?

100,000 years?

The three cats don't remember, just remember that the master has been here for a long time, one person, one cat, lonely, lonely, dead.

In this world like a cage, the master is day after day, year after year, no one is accompanying, only a cat.

too long!

For a long time, the three cats are almost forgetting everything, but they can't forget the time to get along with the emperor.

Fang Ping glanced at the three cats coldly, snoring, and instantly turned around and killed the gods in the distance!


Morning and evening!

Since the three cats are reluctant to look at the face of the cat, he can let the emperor die later.


The origin of the Emperor and the King of the Town is still in combat.

The Vietnam War is cruel!

When Fang Ping arrived, Casting God made these people participate in the war, but at this moment, several broken eight are all scarred, and the gods made the number of avatars less than half.

The false god, the king of the town, is also breathless at this moment, and some have been unable to maintain the air of the Emperor.

Fang Ping’s distance has not yet sensed anything. The distance is close, and the familiar atmosphere is quickly sensed.

Town King!

It is indeed the breath of the king of the town. At this time, the king of the town, some powerless to maintain such changes.

Opposite, the Emperor's body was also somewhat broken, and there was a huge hollow in the chest, but it was healing.

When he saw Fang Ping arrive, the Emperor did not panic. He glanced at Fang Ping and smiled lightly: "You have been enchanted!"


Fang Ping sneered: "I am a demon, then how! You wait for the gods, high above, then let me this devil turned over you, eradicate you, let these three worlds have no gods!"

The Emperor smiled and glanced at the opposite king of the town. He gently gasped: "Fang Ping, you see me as a hatred, what about him?"

Reach out and call the town king!

"You said that the emperor should kill! You know, what do you want to do at the moment?"

The town of Tianwang does not change color, nor does it say anything.

"He wants to prove that he is emperor!"

The Emperor’s voice sneered, “He wants to be the Supreme Emperor! The battle with the spirit is his first martial art, breaking the first martial art of the Eight Diagrams Peak. If he devours the seeds, he can break the nine!

This is the source of the source, has broken nine, at this moment the road to success, directly into the emperor!

The origin of the imperial person, the first martial arts broke the nine body, he spent eight thousand years in the world, fearing that there are real clues.

Find the true species, devour the true species, the first martial arts re-certification, the two-way unity, beyond the heavenly emperor and the sun god, truly become the three invincible emperors!

Do you think that he will let you go?

Let us go?

Fang Ping, you are just his knife!

You have thought about a lot of people calculating you, but I thought about it... you are actually just his pawn!

He sits in the world, his chances are the biggest, he is also the most sure, even if we want to put a piece of chess in the world, the town does not let go, do you really think that you can put pieces in the world? ”

The mystery of the Emperor's smile, "The new Wu of the human world is guided by him! The appearance of the Emperor's Emperor is also his credit. Do you really think it is to help you? If it is not faster and faster, it will be like this." Is it going to break the wall of heaven?"

Yang Shen has not been born for a long time, is it really hidden in the dark, or has been suppressed by him long ago, how much do you know?

Yang Shen Chu Wu body has already broken nine, maybe ... will become his nourishment! ”

The king of the town looked at him coldly and did not speak, let alone explain anything.

The Emperor once again looked at Fang Ping and smiled: "At the moment, do you still believe that he is a good person? Is it the savior of your Terran? Before that, the two sides broke the peak of the Eight Diagrams. Once merged, he can also rival the Emperor!

It has never been integrated, has been waiting, waiting for the opportunity!

The human race has suffered so many difficult setbacks that we brought to you the human race?

In his town, if he shows his strength, who dares to attract people?

Today, the Taoist road failed, and the three gates were not guarded before. It was also the best time for him to break the road. Once the source proves that he is invincible, Fang Ping is killing me or killing him? ”


Fang Ping looked at the town of Tianwang, and Tian Tianwang also looked at Fang Ping.

He and the Emperor fought for a long time, both sides were extremely hurt. At this moment, Fang Ping is the most brave in the Vietnam War, but the strongest in this place.

Which party does Fang Ping help, which party can be a winner!

Aside, the **** of casting makes the complex face, and does not say a word.

These few dogs are shocked.

The king of the town actually wants to prove it!

Fang Ping suddenly smiled.

The next moment, the knife will kill!


Bloody days!

The knife has not yet fallen, and everyone’s mind has shown a scene of the blood of the corpse.

Countless strong people are fallen and clearly visible.

Everyone saw the Taoist tree that had just been killed, the emperor of the beggar, the broken Emperor, the Yuan Gang who broke the six, and the broken seven...

Yu Wang, Tian Kui, Dou Tian, ​​Liu Shan, Yin Fei, Tian Zhi, Tian Ming...

Too many strong people!

Familiar, unfamiliar.

These people are all killed by Fang Ping’s hand or indirectly in Fang Ping’s hands.

A large number of sages, many of the thirty-six sacred people died in Fang Ping’s hands.

The true God, the Emperor, is also innumerable.

The true gods and emperors of the Three Realms are also mostly killed by Fang Ping.

As for the weak, even more Fang Ping himself can't count.

On the side of the cave, he killed too many people.

The king of life, the demon king, the demon king, the maple king, the maple extinct, the maple nine city, the Tianmen city owner...

From the first time he entered the cave, Fang Ping was killing.

He flattened the Modu Caves, flattened the Forbidden Caves, and closed the Nanjiang Caves, and flattened the Tiannan Grottoes...

He smashed the land of the king war and killed the last **** army.

He killed the gods who stayed in the strong, and also swayed several places in the precinct, several days outside.

In the three-year period, Fang Ping’s people are probably more likely to kill than the emperors.

The big forces of one side and one side were destroyed in the hands of Fang Ping.

Even if the Terran is on the side, Fang Ping is not a killer!

In the past, on the campus, killing the magic martial arts students, over the platform, destroying the Yang family and enemies, and taking the criminals, it is also killing countless.

From the day he touched the martial arts, he began to go to the killing road.

Killed all the way to the present!

Too much!

At this moment, this knife, these dead people, have appeared.

Blame, hate, mourn, curse...

Like purgatory!

This knife, the embarrassing is the Emperor!

Even the Emperor, the mind is so determined, at this moment, there are some movements, some shock.


The devil in the human, the three realms!

This knife, Fang Ping called it a flat knife, and the Emperor is a moment of thought, magic knife!

The upright Jiuhuangyin was actually used as a magic knife by Fang Ping.


A low drink, resounding in all directions, the Emperor quickly separated from this embarrassing state.

His avatar was actually affected.


The next moment, the more intense blood is boiling, the square knife is like thunder, across the square, bang!

The Emperor retired, but only touched a few knives, and the flesh and blood disappeared directly.

Showing the skeleton!

It is not a general skeleton, and the light of artifacts is now available.

He casts the base with artifacts!

Not only the bones are artifacts, but the Emperor holds a fine sword and is also an artifact.

The first emperor, rich in capital, is more extravagant than other emperors. He directly used two artifacts, cast this pair of avatars, and possessed the power of breaking the nine.

However, in the face of Fang Ping, there is still some loss.

With one knife and one knife, Fang Ping seems to never tire!

The Emperor should not be able to take it, the fine sword attacked, but before he was close, he was wrapped in Fang Ping’s blood, affecting his mind, and the blood of the corpse was filled with the mind of the Emperor.

Fang Ping is really a magic.

Is there a magic road in the Three Realms?

Different people are the devil!

In the past, the original martial arts originated as the devil, the origin of the original martial arts as the devil, killing more people as the devil, insidious blackmail is the devil.

Today, the Emperor is a bit embarrassed.

Fang Ping is the real devil!

Get out!

Get out!

Get out!

Knives and knives are all going all out. Knives and knives are deadly killings. Fang Ping has no mercy to say that every move is a slap in the face, killing too many people, he knows **** the strong!

After all, the avatar is not an ontology. There is no powerful mental power of the ontology. There is no powerful computing power of the ontology, and there is no keen crisis insight.

Compared with the Taoist tree, the Emperor’s avatar is strong, but it is still a poor one.

In addition to fighting with the king of the town for a long time, and was cast into the gods to kill these people, the emperor's avatar has long since ceased to be full.

At this moment, Fang Ping successively cut a thousand knives, even if the skeleton of the artifact was cast, there was no scorn in this moment.

Aside, the king of the town is still in the middle of the battle, Fang Ping suddenly angered and said: "Look at the play? Kill him! Really want to prove the way, then prove it! The testimony is successful, there is energy to go to the emperor!"

"You want the Three Realms, you want this world, you are given!"

"The disaster is not as good as the family, even if the battlefield sees you again, there is no regret in the battle!"

The king of the town looked at Fang Ping and suddenly sighed: "Your boy... it is a lesson!"

The words fall, a ball reappears!

Before the singer, there was no ball that played a role. This moment broke out the unimaginable power. When the ball was thrown, even if the Emperor would rather have a knife, he would avoid this ball!

However, the Emperor still smashed Fang Ping's knife and slashed it. This time, the Emperor took the initiative to scythe, and a loud bang, smashing, broken bones!

Numerous blood gases are still eroding other bones.

The artifact is the bone, and this time it can't hold it anymore.

The Emperor was somewhat out of balance with this knife, and the ball instantly hit his head.

This time, Fang Ping knew how the big hole in the chest of the Emperor had come.


The sturdy skull is directly hit into pieces under the impact of this ball!

Fang Ping’s heart is a shock, a strong weapon!

Is this an artifact?

It seems to be stronger and heavier than the artifact.

Zhen Tianwang instantly recovered the ball. See Fang Ping’s opinion. He smiled and said: “Look what! I found a source of Saturn, and directly refining it into a weapon. I can go to the original universe to find it!”

As soon as this was said, Fang Ping’s heart re-shocked.

Lying in the trough!

The origin of Saturn?

Even a cat can swim in the universe, its cat world is laid with the original soil, in fact, the source soil is not too much.

The old guy in the town of Tianwang actually found a planet of primitive structure in the universe!

The key to the key, he actually refining into weapons!

I am jealous, what a luxury!

What a waste!

No wonder it’s heavy and sturdy!

The king of the town is somewhat proud. Before Fang Ping yelled at him, he was always upset!

Some of my heart is not strong. After the kid killed the tree, he swelled. Do you think he is invincible?

Still not borrowing power!

What is your name?

Look at the old man, using the weapons built by the original Saturn, I am arrogant?

Did I swell?

Am I still a low-key person?

Is it a bad low-key?

Fang Ping's whole family, even with the knife formed by the nine emperors, together, may not have his ball precious, this is the real low-key connotation.

Upstart one!

In the heart of the town, Tian Ping gave Fang Ping a definition, and there was a good sorrow!

Also taught that Laozi is here?

Today let you know what is called the essence, what is called wealthy!


A light drink, between the heavens and the earth, a large net appeared, and went directly to the Emperor.

"Lock Sky Network..."

Over there, God casts a scream and screams: "Mad, I was really stolen by you! The **** who robbed Lao Tzu 20,000 years ago is yours, I lick your ancestors!"

The king of the town is black. "You are a sleepy dragon lock. I am Lock Sky. Who is it that you robbed you!"

The words fell, and the broken jar broke.

Lock Skynet locked the Emperor. The next moment, the same weapon appeared in the hands of the King of Heaven.

The style is a bit weird and somewhat similar to nails.

"The Emperor's nail!"

The king of the town once again introduced, and the **** of casting made a big sigh: "That is the dragon nail, and I was prepared to take the beastmaster to take some beastly kings..."

"Get out of the way, this is the Emperor's nail!"

The king of the town ignored him. Two thousand years ago, this thing was already in his hands, and that was his.

How do he name it when he wants to name it!

Guan cast God makes the fart!

"Kid, do you think you have an artifact?"

The town king snorted, and the long nails in his hand shot out, and the bang, the emperor who had just been covered by the net, was directly pierced by the nails and nailed in the void.

The king of the town looked at Fang Ping’s sluggishness and said coldly: “I still don’t do it, kill him!”

Fang Ping blinked and stared at him for a while. This old thing, hiding so many good things, has not been exposed before.

Over there, the **** of casting must be mad!

"Li Zhen, Lao Tzu, your ancestors! I still Laozi!"


The king of the town looked black and coldly said: "What are you doing, then screaming, even your bones are broken for you! What is yours? It's all Laozi!"

Casting the gods makes the air anxious, others don't care too much.

Especially the Tengu, sneer at the moment, "What is this? Remember that year, the stupid cat and the king robbed some of the food, they were taken away, and he has long recognized him!"

It is clearly the life and death battle of the Emperor, but at this moment, it is the chicken feathers that have been made by the king of the town.

Fang Ping is too lazy to say anything, cold drink, burst out of the air, directly to the Emperor!

The Emperor was covered by the Tian Net, and was nailed to the void by the Emperor. At this moment, it is also the end of the strong.

The skull was crushed and it was gone at the moment.

However, the Emperor is still indifferent, at this moment seeing Fang Ping close, the head reappears, and indifferently said: "After all, it is only a avatar, and it will be shattered. The old man still has to say... This time you kill the emperors, even if someone uses them. If you are a pawn, you may not escape.

Fang Ping, want to live, now leaving this place, the seed projection should not be taken, the broken sky jade has broken the void passage, this is your only vitality. ”

Fang Ping looked at him and smiled.

"Hey, do you think I will be afraid of death?"

The Emperor looked at him and said indifferently: "Even if you are not afraid, is it really worthwhile to die like this? This time you kill the tree, killing the emperors, have touched the bottom line of the emperors, and you have taken away the seed projection. No one will let you go!"

"You are saving me?"

Fang Ping laughed gloomy.

The Emperor calmly said: "I am saving you! The sun is likely to be hidden in the world. If the town is successful, you are the only one who can balance them.

Why is it so why can't you save you?

The emperor is degraded, and I don’t know about it. I am afraid that these people will not leak out...

Chu Wuqiang, you have been blocked by the town when you first came here. You don't know? ”

Fang Ping knows that, on the side, Zhen Tianwang still explained one sentence at the moment. "The first time I know that there is no benefit. I know more people, and it is easy to change!"

"Explain what!"

Fang Ping said coldly: "I really want to go too far, give me the ball, everything is fine!"

The king of the town is almost a mother!

Give you a hair!

The most precious thing about him is this. For this reason, he does not even cast artifacts, nor does it have to be cultivated. Over the years, he has been cultivating this ball.

"Fang Ping..."


A knife is broken!

Mixed with countless blood and suffocating gas, long knife fell, a bang, the bones of the Emperor were burst!

The town king hurriedly recovered the fishing nets and spikes. However, Fang Ping grabbed the catch and directly caught the net in his hand. The spikes flew back.


", a good weapon!"

Fang Ping whispered, the town of Tian Wang's face was dark, and there, the **** of casting almost made it necessary to violently kill!

The meaning of this statement is too clear.

Something is flat.

The king of the town took it away and changed its name once. Fang Ping took it away and changed his name.

After the change, it is theirs.

As for the original owner, who still manages the gods.

Did not dismantle his bones, restore artifacts, it is everyone, or else people have been knocked out of the sap, removed the bones.

The Emperor's avatar was smashed!

Fang Ping not only seized the fishing net, but also took the sword at the moment. This is also an artifact.

This time the harvest is not small!

Fine sword, the town of Tian Wang did not rob, Fang Ping killed the Emperor, although he contributed a lot, but no Fang Ping, he is also difficult to kill the Emperor.

Seeing Fang Ping’s explosion of the Emperor, Tian Tianwang quickly said: “The Emperor’s true body will not enter easily at this moment. Even if the avatar is killed, they will wait for the seed to be collected, so that they will enter this place, otherwise they will enter, seed Inevitably broken!

I see this place broken, up to three or five minutes, before this, you must collect the seeds, otherwise the secrets will not be said, the seeds will disappear.

Kid, now I have to take the opportunity to go to the real door and break the door to enter the source, I am afraid there is no time to help you again!

The initial Wu body over there is just breaking the Eight Diagrams Peak, and fighting with the broken nine-pointed body, and encountering the real body, can not hold 30 strokes!

You'd better not pick up the seeds, kill the East Emperor's body... The Emperor is separated... You can do it.

After the kill, quickly leave the passage. ”

"What about you?"


Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "I have to go, I can still run away, not to mention the seeds are not in me! You have completely offended people this time, do not say, you kill the tree, but also let the emperor have a vigilant heart, defeat and It’s not the same to kill it...

What's more, I am separated from the Emperor, and I am only fighting against the court. This is what you killed, not me!

So the emperor shot, the first one to kill must be you!

You have become a hidden danger of the emperor! ”

Fang Ping’s eyes changed and said: “The seeds are said to be sent to the world!”

"It's too late, you are sent to the world, the seeds disappear, the secrets are broken, you have not left yet, this place is the boundary point, the emperor can shoot here, the full force!

You leave early, don't hit the seeds again. ”

Fang Ping took a deep breath. "They seize the seeds, can they find the seeds?"


"There were several times before, they didn't find it. Why is it possible to find it this time?"

"A few times ago, the seeds were sleeping, now... I am afraid there are signs of recovery, now it is better than before!"

"That found, it is on earth, what will happen?"

The king of the town hesitated a little, and soon said: "The wall of heaven and earth is broken, the emperor is coming, the three realms are one, the war broke out!"

Fang Ping’s eyes are cold, "Can the human race resist? Or, will it involve the Terran?"



The flatness was clear, and then he grinned and said: "That said, this kind of child can't be taken away! Old things, I put seeds into the world, or absorbed myself, will it lead to the seeds?"

Fang Ping’s words are not inferior, and Tian Tianwang is too lazy to say that the words quickly said: “No, the seeds will enter the world actively, and they will integrate quickly. There will be no clue. If you absorb them, you will lose some of the original associations. The connection with the real body."

Fang Ping gave him a deep look. "Then you are ready to prove your way! I am going to kill those avatars and then collect the seeds!"


"There is a big war now, the Nine Emperors are coming, will the world be destroyed?"


The town king is speechless.

"Can I escape?"

Fang Ping cold and cold road: "I still have a road to choose? I have no choice, you old guy, I have not said this before!"

The king of the town sighed: "Before... I never thought that you really could win the seed, and I didn't expect you to kill the tree. If the tree merged with the seeds, he proved, I followed the testimony.

By then, the seeds were absorbed by the tree, and it was almost impossible for those people to find clues based on the absorbed seeds.

The old man did not expect it to be like this..."

The king of the town is very innocent, even if he is, he did not want to seize the seeds and kill the tree.

The result... The tree was killed!

Where is this going to be reasonable!

After thinking about it, Zhentian Wang quickly said: "If you can't, close to the seed, let the gods out, let him absorb the seeds, you will flee immediately, he absorbed the seeds, and the emperor will not stare at you for the first time. But he!

You have some time to escape and be safer. ”

Fang Ping sneered: "Since the gods help me, then I will not kill him! Your old things, my mind is blacker than me, this time if I don't die, we can say it!"

If I am dead, the Terran side, you come to protect!

You don't contribute, I am a ghost and I am pestering you, so that you can't be relieved for a lifetime! ”

"Oh, it’s been a long time since I was upset..."

The town king sighed and sighed for a long time, and his face was thick and black, that was normal.

It’s useless to make a ghost, and Fang Ping’s threat is fart.

"Less nonsense!"

Fang Ping snorted again, no longer paying attention to him, and quickly rushed to the East Emperor!

The town king did not say anything, suddenly spit blood, began to sit on the ground, as if he was healing.

Casting the gods caused a few people to glance at him. Fang Pinghe and the king of the town later did not hear them, but a few people generally know what he is doing.

The Tengu licked his mouth and shouted: "I really want to kill him!"

"Oh, kill him, Fang Ping can't help but come back to you to settle the bill! Go, go to destroy the East Emperor!"

Casting God made it much lazy to say, and quickly rushed to the side of Fang Ping.

The few dogs of the Tengu are no longer delayed, and they have gone empty.

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