Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1309: Be an individual (wank for subscription)

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"A good chance is here!"


Fang Ping laughed and said: "Old ghost, really don't go with me?"

"Strong, are the finale!"

The king of the town, who was shot dead by him, is now gone.

Of course, soon he will once again become the emperor.

However, as a strong, Zhen Tianwang feels that he wants to have a face. Now, don’t you have no face?

"Nervous disease, love to go!"

Fang Ping no longer talks, waited for a while, and then stepped on the air.

Waiting, it is to wait for other people together, lest you go alone, and you are killed by the Tao.

When it was almost the same, Fang Ping stepped on the air and walked straight into the hollow passage. He laughed loudly: "Go to half, break, kill me with the power of rules, I will serve you! Otherwise else... Rubbish!"

Derogatory, Fang Ping does not care, the power of the rules will not take the initiative to deal with themselves.

He has real blood!

That being said, it is just a test of the tree.

Really want to break the initiative, you may be able to get rid of the monitoring and see if you can hide in the rules of the void.


The tree has no active fracture channel.

He wants these people to come, not to kill them now.

Without purpose, why should he expose this place and lure so many people to come here.


A strong man, pondering for a moment, stepping on the channel.

Come here, then it will be a tree!

A channel, and soon, a strong figure appeared.

Seeking for wealth!

The danger of the Three Realms, where is less than here?

In the past year, the battle has not stopped, and one person after another has died. Even if the road is broken, how about it!


Finally closed.

A strip of roots must be connected to all parts of the country.

It was not long before the tree tree was invited, and someone arrived.

The first one arrived was not someone else but a tengu.

The Tengu walked out of a passage, the eyes were not the eyes, and the nose was not the nose.

Looking up at the towering road tree, glanced at the dog's eye and glanced at the tree, and snorted, suddenly the body grew, 100 meters, kilometers, 10,000 meters!

In the blink of an eye, a huge gold dog is in place!

"It's you!"

The Tengu seems to think of this too, staring at the dog's eyes, screaming: "When the Emperor saw you, it turned out that you are secretly controlling this thing, telling the Emperor, is it that you control the Emperor of the Emperor to poison the Emperor?"

"Say, isn't it!"

The Tengu is very angry, and his own slogan is not too smooth. First, he was beaten by the Emperor of Heaven. Although he returned, he was a ghost, not a real body.

Then he was stunned by the Emperor, and he was almost killed!

The more you think, the more you are not willing!

With Laozi!

It must be a good thing for this tree to do.

The road tree is not a word, too lazy to pick up.

The dog’s eyes are fierce, and the courage is so bold that they dare to ignore the emperor.

It sensed the air of the tree, not too obvious, this guy converges on the breath, but it is inevitable.

But who is it afraid of the dog?

Just when the Tengu was going to worry, someone arrived.

Scurrying with a big sword, he walked out with a smile, and when he saw the Tengu, he instantly changed his face and shouted: "The dog thing, actually met you here, watching me kill the dog sword!"


A violent drink, the big sword broke through the air, the dog is angry, "chaos, you dare to challenge the emperor!"

I have been fighting with the chaos for many years, and I have to fight again and again.

This guy actually dared to challenge himself!

"Come on, kill you, eat dog hot pot! Dog stuff, you don't know, I have slaughtered countless dogs recently, and I eat hundreds every day!"

"Kill you!"

The dog snarls and bites at him!

At the same time, an iron chain appeared, and instantly broke the void, and banged, and flew the chaotic sword.

The big sword shot out!

At this time, someone appeared again, Shi Jian grabbed the big sword and smiled: "Two, you fight you, is it inappropriate for me to shoot a sword?"

"Shi brother, joined hands to kill this dog!"

"Come on the bathhouse, kill him!"

The two said at the same time, the stone shrugs and shrugs, this seat is not interested, you love to kill and kill, don't pull me into the water.

"Noisy, noisy, quiet!"

Casting the gods to make the air come, at the same time, a strong person out of the channel.

The dry-hearted king, the gentle Hongyu, the cold and unusual Hong Kun, the vicissitudes of the eyes...

The gods, the heavenly arms, and the third place of the first martial arts break the eight strong and the spiritual power together.

In addition to these broken eight, Chu Wu has several broken seven and broken six strong.

A strong man has arrived!


Fighting Heaven is the key.

The celestial pole is also watching, not ready to go, look at the excitement, go to find the dead.

He was just about to go back and continue to practice and slammed.

The sky is flying!

Fighting Emperor took back his foot and muttered: "This level will not leave anyone!"

Actually someone does not go!

The Emperor of Heaven is surprised, how is the son of the Western Emperor?

Jiang Wei and Lei Wang are gone, and the sky is not going!

He didn't expect it, so he had to give him a kick.

"I am embarrassed..."

The sky is mad, I am not going!

Damn, this place is not a good place to look at, and all the powerhouses have gone, and there is not much to know about it.

If you add the top level, you will definitely go, and the little things will have to become bigger.

I don’t know how many people died this time, he won’t go!

Who is playing him?

Fighting Emperor?

Damn, is this old thing a avatar?

Otherwise, why do you want to come in!

"I want to go back……"

He was kicked into the passage and quickly flew back and did not kill.

The result... didn't fly for a while, the front blocked!

Yes, blocked!


The celestial temper is ruined and blocked!

It is more dangerous to stay in the passage now. If the passage is broken and the force of the rule breaks out, he will die instantly.


The celestial cold screams, presses the instigation of the heart, goes and goes, who is afraid of who!

If you can't find a place to hide, you can't believe that there is no place to hide.


Strong or weak.

At this moment, people who come to the secrets almost go to the passage.

Hundreds of people have come, but there is not much left.

The king of the king is not dead, strictly speaking, in fact, one person, the king.

Yuan Gang is also the king of the late promotion.

Can be saint, emperor, true God... that is a lot of death.

In particular, the few levels of Fang Pingyi did not intentionally kill, but they still died some strong.


Finally closed.

This level is very large and bigger than everyone expected.

Like a planet!

Above the planet, there is only one building, one shrine.

It is also the temple where the trees were waiting.

Others rushed to the scene. At this time, Fang Ping also stepped out of the passage.

I took a look at the huge road tree and looked at the same huge Tiangou. Fang Ping smiled and arched his hand toward the square.

At this moment, other people have also looked at Fang Ping.

One by one blinking, silent.

This guy is coming!

The most crazy guy in the Three Realms.

"Good place!"

Fang Ping gave a sigh of relief, and once he said: "You, the harvest is not small, it seems that this time it is not good to have someone to become emperor!"

Almost all of this is alive.

Including the power that has never been encountered, this stupid cow, now still a cow-shaped, now excited to run to Fang Ping, this guy is actually the emperor, or the emperor peak, almost as fast as the war king .

Some are unexpected!

Nothing is too good, Fang Ping has never encountered.

Its ancestors were hydraulic, and Fang Ping encountered several times.

Its ancestors are still holy, this guy is the peak of the emperor, and Fang Ping does not know how to cultivate.

Seeing that he was running to his side, Fang Ping smiled. This big stupid cow, with the sight of it, his ancestors forgot...

No, I am doing what I am, I am not a cow!

"Nothing is amazing, are you still alive?"

The power is running fast, and it is terrible: "Live, the king, the old cow wants you too much..."

"The cultivation is good, very fast..."

Fang Ping boasted a sentence, and there was no such thing as a miserable attempt. Fang Ping had not had time to ask. On the shoulder, the cat jumped out and banged, and it would be pressureless to press on the ground. Struggling could not struggle.

The cat sits on its head and curiously said: "How do you become stronger with the Mavericks?"

"Cang Di!"

Struggling for a moment, barely stood up and trembled: "The Mavericks I practiced at the South Palace to the present..."

When the words came out, there was some accident in the water.

This descendant of his own, has cultivated to this point in the master?

How to cultivate?

The speed is really fast!

The cat also smelled: "The cat has gone to the old man in the South Emperor, why didn't it become stronger!"


There is no such thing as a sigh of relief. You can see that the cat thief seems to dig its flesh and hurriedly said: "That... isn't there a cow there? I don't think it's going to pass, just in Let's stay, the cow is always harassing me...

When I am angry, I will cook it, stew it once, eat it once, eat it once, and it will appear once..."

"And... I am so strong!"


The four parties are quiet and scary.

Originally, such weak people as Li Qi, here, screamed, they slapped it.

There is no relationship between the people and the human race. Everyone will not hear it.

But now... how does it get stronger?

Have you eaten that cow?

Have you eaten countless times?

Over there, the hydraulic old face is stiff, that is its projection!

Was it not beaten before?

How come again!

And... even if it appears, I am not a filial descendant, actually eat myself?

The water is vomiting blood!

Also eaten countless times!

The water is strong enough, Fang Ping has some understanding, the cow is actually a combination of the power of the rule and the power of life, but I did not expect that the power will be thinking of going to eat the cow.

The cow has a lot of hydraulic shadows. In the same vein, the cow has eaten this cow and has eaten countless times. It is no wonder that the strength has skyrocketed a lot.

Among the people, some people want to laugh, think about it, squat.

Don't laugh!

This calf, which is hydropowered, is really dare to do it, and his ancestors have been eaten countless times.

Of course, this is just a digression.

Some of the people, there are more people than the water.

The lesser-looking male feathers, at this moment, actually released the breath of the king.

The teacher of the emperor, silently proved the king.

The big governor is still alive, that is, the breath is a little wilting, and there is no benefit, but it also loses a lot of vitality.

The people of the emperor, the three saints who came together, including Yuan Gang, have fallen.

The Qingtong Emperor of the Yuhan Mountain, at this moment, is very low-key, standing behind the crowd, actually became the king.

Unexpected, not unexpected.

The former Southern leader, it seems that the king of the road is not unusual.

However, he looked at Fang Ping's eyes, and he was somewhat jealous.

The king of heaven is dead!

And Tian Wang, in fact, is his teacher, he is also a person of the Emperor.

The number of kings is not small, but more.

Fang Ping saw Li Hansong, who had already cast flesh and blood, and was now mixed in the ranks of the first-time warriors.

As for Ji Yao, Hua Qi, and Hua Qi Dao, they are not dead.

They have never left the War Emperor and have been reading.

Pingshan Wang is also, this guy has not gone.

There is also an inconspicuous king, the air is concealed, but the strength of Fang Ping is strong, and at first glance, the sense of the saint is stable, much stronger than the original Sacred.

The strong have fallen a lot. However, today's Three Kingdoms are more than ever.

Especially broken, it is really more and more.

The accumulation of tens of thousands of years has erupted today.


Fang Ping did not manage the water, looked around and smiled: "You are all looking at me! I am not the master behind the scenes, really, do you see me useful?"

Everyone is watching him!

Fang Ping also felt very inexplicable.

What's wrong with me?

Although I am excellent, but I have just come, and I am not coming before you, so the big dogs and the trees do not see you?

Everyone squints, Hong Kun Shen Sheng: "Where is the king of town?"

"I was trapped."

Fang Ping said casually: "The good things of the Emperor's Emperor, probably with the Daoshu, whatever."

Kun Wang frowned again and was trapped?

How can it be!

You tease me!

Fang Ping did not want to say more, looked around for a while, and slowly said: "It’s strange. When Mo asked the sword to come here, I hoped to return. I always thought that there was something here that made him desperate.

But this place is ridiculous, what is the stimulus for Mo Jian? ”

Fang Ping is really curious, what is Mo Zhen’s stimulation in the end?

This place, although there is a tree, can't let him despair?

After returning to Mo Wenjian, it didn't take long to reincarnate. This is not his style, obviously it is stimulated.

As soon as this was said, the road trees in the passage were still maintained, and those passages were suddenly put away.

The huge figure is instantly reduced, and in the blink of an eye, it is transformed into a human figure.

Not quite the same as Yelu before.

very young!

A Tsing Yi robes with a smile and a chic.

Looking at Fang Ping, whispered: "Mo Daoyou did come here in the past."

"Door tree?"

Fang Ping looked at him and smiled. "Don't you install it? Was it not Yelu before? Let's make it clear, let you let us come here, make such a big move, let alone give the benefits."

We are afraid that we are instigating. ”


Some people want to stop and say, in fact, these people like Hongkun really want to say a word, let you come?

How come you have no points in your heart?

I have never thought that Fang Ping will come!

The result is good, and the little life is set.

Fang Ping, this guy, he did not invite himself, shamelessly mixed into the gods, but now he said that he would count him.

Dao tree looked at him and didn't want to talk to him.

He swept a circle and looked at a few broken eight.

According to his thoughts, it would be fine to talk to a few people.

As a result... everyone is watching him, and looking at Fang Ping, no one even interjected.

Including Li Wei, these are all!

Because Fang Ping this guy, can say.

Everything dares to say, everything will be said.

As strong people, they have to pay attention to some demeanor, Fang Ping can not care, or let Fang Ping come.

The road tree surface does not change color, but the heart is somewhat different.

These people had hatred before, and he saw them in the hall.

But now...

The Tao tree pressed those emotions, looked at Fang Ping again, and smiled: "Fang Daoyou..."

"Don't be close!"

Fang Ping didn't approach him, smiled and said: "Speak straight, what are you doing, how to do it, how much benefit, and make it clear, let's look at it! Although you break the nine, the power of blood is close to 50 million cards. You won’t look in the eyes of three or five.

But this is more than eight!

Feng, Kun Wang, Hongyu, they all broke eight, or broke two doors, not afraid of you! ”

Several broken eight named, are somewhat speechless.

The Tao tree is also slightly frowning, whispering: "The Taoist friend misunderstood, and I did not break the nine..."

Fang Ping said faintly: "It is not a fool. Who is a fool in the presence? You ask, who is stupid? Who is stupid, who believes that you are broken! This is a flickering of some of those who are weak, who haven't seen us yet?"

Fang Ping laughed and said: "It doesn't matter if you break the eight and break the nine. It's good to say that the benefits are big enough. You said that killing the Emperor now, let us work with you!"


The Tao tree air machine broke out, his eyes were sharp, and he looked at Fang Ping. Shen Sheng said: "Dao friends, the disaster comes out of the mouth, this statement is easy to export, the emperor is supreme..."


Fang Ping took a step back and avoided the lock of the air machine. He smiled and said: "I said seriously, we have not done this before! Just a few days ago, just after the killing of the emperor ended, unfortunately, failed.

Of course, the day is not broken now, now it is more than eight, plus you broke this nine, killing the royals hope.

All of them have reached this realm. What kind of emperor is supreme and fools children?

Others can become emperors, and we can do it. ”

Fang Ping is somewhat impatient: "You just say, kill the emperor or kill anyone! If you can't kill you, you can break the nine, or the most difficult to break the nine demon plant, a lot of good things, kill you, maybe There are also huge benefits!"

"Fang Daoyou!"

The road tree air machine broke out and locked the square again.


This guy is, he can't talk well, and every word of his own is taking the world by big, courage is too big, and dare to say anything!

Tu Huang!

Slaughter him!

Bold and daring!

Fang Ping is also an outbreak of gas, and the strength of the seven peaks is undoubtedly revealed. After this time, he did not retreat. He smiled and said: "What? Killing people? Want to slaughter us? Is this a trap? Let you just say it, break the nine amazing?"

In Fangping’s original world, the avatar has begun to move on the avenue and is ready to install.

Install Uranus!

Daoshu really wants to make trouble, and he immediately breaks through the two strongmen, lest he be directly killed.

Casting the gods made it quietly close to Fang Ping.

The stone broke and the chaos also showed some air and smiled and locked this side.

The dog is still huge at the moment, but at the moment, there is a cat on the head, and it is stepping on its head to make it smaller.

Kun Wang did not say anything, and did not show his attitude.

The road tree was locked by many broken eight, or some secret surprise.

These people, big courage!

Knowing that you broke the nine and replaced it with the past, you can be called the emperor or the emperor.

Today, these people dare to murder themselves.

Do you not return to the Three Realms in a thousand years, is the change in the Three Realms so great?


be quiet.

Others, not kings, have stepped back.

Of course, there are also kings who retreat, such as the shame of the king, the celestial pole.

He is afraid!

Mad, there are too many strong people, I am afraid.

Everyone ignored him. The mad zen of the past is now dead. Only the cowardly celestial pole is still alive, when he does not exist.

The atmosphere is a bit nervous.

Some dignified!

The war can happen at any time.

Daoshu suppressed the unhappiness in his heart. He broke the nine. He could become an ancestor in the past, but today he was provoked and offended, which really made him feel a little lost.

But still business is more important!

At this moment, the tree tree pressed everything down and said slowly: "You don't need to be so nervous."

"This time, letting your friends come here, it is also a chance."

Daoshu slowly said: "This place is the land left by the Emperor of Heaven in the past..."

Fang Ping directly interrupted: "Is the Emperor of Heaven really projecting the Emperor?"


Dao's eyes are slightly changed, and the problem of hitting the needle!

"The real Emperor!"

Dao Shu Shen said: "Here, it is not completely illusory, between the real and the virtual. This place, the Emperor of Heaven has really come! The imperial palace behind me is the emperor of heaven!

The mystery can be left to the present, always maintained, and related to the Emperor.

Otherwise, this place should have been completely dissipated, and it will not absorb the projections of the emperors. ”

This place is really not formed naturally.

Naturally formed, how can it be so perfect.

The projections of the emperors and the emperors will not capture some important content and memories.

This is semi-natural and semi-human.

Fang Ping was relieved, saying that the local rules are quite perfect, and the co-authors are really made by people.

Others are also blinking, and the **** of creation makes a smile: "Is the Emperor here?"

"Nature is not here!"

Daoshu smiled and said: "I really want to be here, and it is not our turn to be here! This place is a dojo in the retreat of the Emperor of Heaven. The imperial palace behind it is the legacy of the Emperor, and the Imperial Palace is actually the most important thing in this secret. Part and last part..."

"What do you mean?"

"In the Imperial Palace, there is a heavenly gate that opens the door to heaven, and we can get everything we want!"

The Tao Tree looked around and looked at everyone. Shen Sheng said: "After the Tianmen, there is still a world! The heaven of projection, there is everything we want!"

"Ran, the heavens are hard to break!"

"The Emperor of Heaven casts the Tianmen Gate and locks the world. Now, the Emperor of Heaven has disappeared between heaven and earth, and there is no trace. This place is already a land of nowhere. You are the opportunity that I give to you!"

"and many more!"

Fang Ping interrupted again. "This is not what you gave, not to mention the opportunity."

"Daoyou, the opportunity is in front of you, all by yourself to harvest... I really want to get it so easily, I will not summon you to come together, isn't it?"

Daoshu said that the benefits are here, can you get the ability to see it, who can really give you the opportunity?

Fang Ping deliberately found it!

Fang Ping is not in a hurry, smiled and said: "Okay, then I don't mention this! I am not in a hurry to take the opportunity, I am curious, Mo asked what the sword has gone through, he should not break the door?

That being the case, you were here too, can you talk to us?

Otherwise... I really can’t rush to open a heavenly gate.

Mo Wenjian is not a timid person, he is suddenly afraid, I want to see, what can scare the emperor are afraid! ”

When the words came out, everyone looked at them and they were a little heavy.

Indeed, this place is not that simple!

Mo Wenjian should not break the door!

Then why is he afraid?

Also, where did he get the hand from the War Heaven Palace?

Is this the case?

Also, the heart of the War Emperor!

The more I think, the more people are hairy, this place is absolutely as simple as a tree, and it is enough to break a heavenly gate.

Dao Shu looked at Fang Ping, silent for a while, and slowly said: "Since you have to know... you will know when you enter the Imperial Palace!"

Casting God to look at Fang Ping, go in?

Fang Ping shrugged and saw that I was using it. I was also here for the first time.

But... come here, sooner or later you still have to go in.

"Go, go to this emperor's palace and have a look, the Emperor... Hey, Emperor!"

Fang Ping glanced at the big dog. Over there, the Tengu saw Fang Ping sweeping him. He was a little annoyed and suddenly snarled: "Look at Laozi’s work! Heavenly Emperor... The Emperor does not know, this Emperor is the Emperor, who knows to take it again Out of one!"

It is really not known!

Of course, there are actually few people who know the Emperor on the spot. The Chuwu era actually knows.

Sealing, casting gods, meditation, heavenly arms...

These people actually know, but the Tengu really don't know about it.

The Tengu is very angry, and there is another Heavenly Emperor!

It is not stupid, listen to this tone, very strong and strong!

And there are many people who know each other. Look, when Dao Shu said the Emperor, the few guys didn't look at it. Obviously, he knew it was a counterfeit.


The day of the dog’s heart is dark, and Laozi is not a counterfeit!

Some angry Tengu, squatting on Fang Ping, said coldly: "The corpse of my lord has not given..."

"and many more."

Fang Ping walked on his side and said casually: "There are a lot of people here, they are all hot, no hurry! Go back and pick with you..."

The Quartet is quiet again.

A lot, hot, pick with you...

Can't you say something?

Be an individual!

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