Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1179: Facing Hongyu

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"Hongyu, you still run!"

"Leave two legs, I let you go today!"

"Or else we will fight to the end!"


It is not too easy to find Hongyu.

The Emperor's Dojo is not small, and the King of Heaven wants to hide, unless you search for it, or it will be difficult to find.

Before Fang Ping and Zhang Tao, they were hidden, and many other kings could not find it right away.

But looking for Hongyu, there is no need to find him, find chaos.

Chaos is not distracting from the hidden air machine, the air machine is extremely powerful, and with a loud voice, Fang Ping easily finds the direction of Hongyu.

As for the Tiankui on their side, the town king is staring, Fang Ping is too lazy to blend.

At this moment, Fang Ping took Lao Zhang, Longchang, and Gongzizi several people, and walked in the air, leisurely and striding, quite leisurely.

While rushing over there, Fang Ping asked: "The male scorpion senior..."

The public servant was helpless and interrupted: "The old man is not called the public servant. The old man was called Beihai Gong, the name is nickname, and the son is also the nickname of the outsider. The cat does not learn nothing, listen to the half, so it is called the old man. Gongzizi..."

The public servant is very helpless, the name of the old man is a word, hehe!

Not a public servant!

But now, who still remembers what he is calling, is a good thing for the guy who doesn’t learn anything.

No one remembers the name that he used for thousands of years.

"Oh, the grandson of the public servant..." Fang Ping was too lazy to change his mouth, called the habit, and suddenly changed his mouth and troubled. He continued: "In among these people, your sectarian world and heavenly heavens should know more about the emperor's dynasty. Is Hongyu really a landlord?"

"The old man's rise is relatively late. When the emperor's dynasty was created, the old man was still weak and young. The dragon should know more than me." On the side, the dragon changed his mind and thought: "It should be him." Almost 6,000 years ago, it was still a chaotic period, and the Three Realms were in chaos. At that time, everyone thought that the emperor had fallen completely. The four emperors were dead, and the chaos was coming, and the chaos was one or two thousand years old.

At that time, the wars continued, and the chaos of the kings was the rise of that era.

Everyone is confused and confused about the future..."

The dragon sighed: "The Nine Emperors and Four Emperors are dead, who is not confused? Where is the future? Some of the ambitious guys in the Three Realms also want to come forward, control the Three Realms, and then set up Heaven...

As a result, six thousand years ago, on the other side of the grave, a royal force penetrated the heavens and the earth and swept across the three realms.

The emperor is coming!

On that day, the emperor appeared, along the coast, and landed on the emperor...not the current boundary. At that time, there was a continent larger than the present, which was later destroyed. You should know that it was only the emperor. The land of the ruins of the dynasty is mainly home to some demon people. ”

The dragon continued to say: "On that day, the emperor swayed into the three realms, the emperor came, and the chaos ended in a day! The coast went along, along the way, the various strongs surrendered.

Tian Zhi, Tian Ming, these people, this is the strongest of the emperor, this time have appeared, have turned to the emperor.

There are also a few saints who survived that year, and the emperor, all of them appeared, following the emperor.

The emperor appeared, landed on the mainland, landed the country, and the law followed, did not build heaven, and created the gods..."

The dragon changed to think of the scene of the day, and said with emotion: "At that time, the situation of the original chaos was almost settled in the blink of an eye! The confused strong man also had the backbone.

The emperor's three voices, although the heavens are destroyed, the strong are not destroyed, but the emperor's polar road has its own important tasks, not the three realms.

On this day, the emperor built the gods and opened the nine halls. In the same year, a group of Tianting troops scattered in the three realms quickly landed on the emperor and created the court.

However, there were some clues in the past..."


Fang Ping asked, the dragon changed and wanted to explain: "At that time, there were actually many kings. These kings are in a wait-and-see state. Some kings do not belong to the emperor, so they are actually waiting for other emperors to return. .

At first, the emperor did not suppress these kings, because everyone thought that other emperors might return soon.

But soon, everyone found that something was wrong, the emperor did not shoot against the king, I said those ancient kings.

At that time, we felt that the Emperor did not want to tear the face with other emperors. Later, we realized that it was because the emperor might not have the ability to suppress those kings, so they could only let them go. ”


When Fang Ping didn't finish it, Longchang smiled. "The chaos is different. The time for his rise is short, and this guy is afraid of the chaos of the world. Even if the emperor appeared, he still created chaos in the Three Realms. With the situation of the emperor of the emperor, he was surrounded by him...

Since then, I haven’t reappeared in the three realms. I should have been afraid of the emperor’s shot, so I ran away. ”

Longchang continued: "Is it a Hongyu avatar? From the perspective of some of them, it should prove that it is not really the emperor... Since it is not the emperor, it can also exert the power of the emperor, and has certain The strength of the war, over the king of heaven, it probably only Hongyu."

Fang Ping nodded slightly and curiously said: "Is the Emperor really so strong? It is enough to suppress the Three Realms out of a royal family! You must know that there are many strong players in the Three Realms..."

The dragon became indulged for a moment: "According to the legend of the Emperor, the victory over the emperor... In addition to the polar road, only the emperor! The emperor is too strong, how strong it is, not who is this level, no one knows!

After the emperors testify, the number of shots is small, rarely.

However, only a few times, it is shocking. ”

The dragon has lived for too long, and there are many people who know it. At this moment, Fang Ping and several people have puzzled: "As far as I know, after the testimony, there are several emperors and polar roads."

"The first place is the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven has a lot of achievements, but the most eye-catching is twice.

Once in the heavenly court, the fists broke through the nine heavens, and this is not the case!

Breaking eight, even if it is breaking the Eight Peaks, it may not be able to take this punch.

Once, it was the time of playing the Tengu. The Tengu was actually breaking the seven strengths, and even approaching the existence of the Seven Miles. In that year, the Three Realms were also vertical and horizontal, and the provocation of the First Wushen was not twice.

As a result, at that time, under the anger of the Emperor of Heaven, a punch broke the dog's head, and the Tengu almost did not fight back.

On the same day, the 100 emperors of the tyrants were besieged, and many of them were of the sage. As a result, under the wrath of the Emperor, the blood broke out, and the 100 emperors of the qi and blood were seriously injured..."

Fang Ping licked his lips, strong enough!

The seven-day-old Tengu, the dog’s head was blown up. It’s no wonder that he ran fast and didn’t dare to stay in the heavens.

"The second place...should be the emperor!"

Long changed to open: "The Emperor of the Earth was in charge of the boundary, and the boundary was also the most chaotic one. The Chuwu Plain was regarded as the site of the land, and it was all under the control of the Emperor.

At that time, just after the end of the dispute of Wan Dao, some of the strong men of Chuwu were not convinced and did not want to admit the dominance of heaven.

As a result, the emperor's sword descended from the heavens, and a sword blasted a martial art. On the mainland, a broken martial art of the first martial arts, with the strongest of the whole continent, fell under this sword!

Since then, the Chuwu mainland has no longer dared to resist the rule of heaven..."

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows: "Is the emperor smashing the eight, killing the record?"

The dragon changed his mind and thought about it. He shook his head and said: "There are not many broken eight, most of them are the first martial spirits. In addition to the sermons, they killed a few broken eight. Later, they did not break the eight kings.

However, even if it breaks eight, it will definitely not be done. One trick will destroy the seven, and even destroy the situation of the entire continent.

So from then on, everyone knows that the imperial power is terrible, and no one in the Three Realms dares to mess. ”

"A move to destroy a piece of the mainland is indeed powerful enough. No wonder the emperor is born, no one dares to resist."

Fang Ping said, and asked: "When it comes to the realm of the emperor, is it that the blood has changed again?"

"That must be."

Long changed almost never to consider, immediately said: "Before the emperor did not prove the road, most of the combat power is actually not as good as the spirit of the early Wu, their war of the road to war, the early Wu Shenling, almost at the beginning are in a disadvantage, etc. In the later period, it was about to prove the way, only to kill the Chuwu spirit and become the emperor.

At that time, more than nine emperors and four emperors took this road. There were more people who took this road. Most of the results were in the hands of the first Wu Shenling.

The Nine Emperors and the Four Emperors were the winners, so they had the Nine Emperors and the Four Emperors, instead of the 13 of them who reached the height..."

Fang Ping nodded again, the emperor is indeed very strong.

The existence of the broken nine!

Breaking nine, it is still because there are only nine heavens, and no one knows how strong the broken nine is.

Breaking nine, that actually means that the destructive power of blood has reached 40 million cards, almost 40 million!

Fang Ping shook his head, 40 million... terrible to the extreme.

And when it comes to that point, it should be regarded as a qualitative change, just like the absolute and nine products, not necessarily the number of people can be dealt with.

I don't know how many people in this group had been fighting in the past, and they were all beaten one by one, and the heavens that were hit were broken.

Fang Ping asked for a while, probably also confirmed that the emperor of the year was really Hongyu.

And this also involves some problems.

For example... to maintain the glory of the 3,000-year-old, where did it come from?

To pretend to be disguised, it may be no problem for a year or two, but for three thousand years, this is not simply a matter of borrowing some royal flavors.


During the conversation, everyone has arrived.

At this moment, Hongyu still does not fight with the chaos, and continues to fly around with chaos.

The chaos was smothered, and the two sides always opened a distance.

Fang Ping looked around, and soon, raised his eyebrows slightly.

His guess is not necessarily fake!

Hongyu, now the direction of flight seems to be the space battlefield, he may really be for the pawn.

Induction of Fang Ping, they came, Hongyu sighed and looked at Fang Ping sideways. "I was in the cemetery of the gods on the same day. Should I help you Terran, Fang Ping, is the human race so ungrateful?"

Fang Ping calmly said: "That will not! It has nothing to do with you, I am looking for the two kings of the cave! These two guys, killing my strong people that day..."

The destiny is cold and cold: "Fang Ping, when you appeared on the same day, killing a true God, shouldn’t the king be shot? You broke into our retreat, that is our dojo, you are not invited, is it not? Shouldn't it kill?

Why do you say this, to hide the nature of your people's ungratefulness! ”

Fang Ping laughed and said: "So, are we wrong?"

"Is not it?"

The destiny of the cold, the beautiful Tianzhi Wang, this time is also a slight anger: "Since the destruction of the court, we have been cautious, which war, not you provoked!

The battle between the North and the South is also the sectarian kingdom and the Kun King who provoked themselves...

Nowadays, it is accused that we are waiting for you, Fang Ping, I don’t know how ridiculous? ”

Fang Ping looked at the sky and looked at Lao Zhang. "How to refute?"

Zhang Tao was too lazy to pay attention to him, faintly said: "Why do you say this, in these years, in order to let the caves and the Terrans fight, there is no secret layout. Do you really think that the people in the world are fools?"

"Is it the news that the resurrection of the rebirth was in the same year, is it our own? If I remember correctly, according to the strongest of the caves, this is what you guys came out after the destruction of the gods!"

Including the emperor's avatar, you two kings, are the culprit of the human race in the chaos!

At this point, what kind of white lotus is installed, a pair of human beings is the attitude of a white-eyed wolf, who is fooling? ”

Zhang Tao sneered: "The kind of resurrection is in the Terran... Because of this sentence, I have so many human deaths and injuries! Because it is not someone else, it is the emperor! Even if it is only a avatar, it is also the emperor!

Because the emperor was dying, he told other people, so everyone believed, change someone, do you have such credibility?

Hongyu, you are showing some small graces to you. Do you want us to forget that the tens of millions of people who died in the caves in the past 100 years? "Zhang Tao's face is getting more and more gloomy. "What are the tens of millions of lives in your eyes?" But for us, that is a loved one, that is a compatriot, so dead, ridiculous death, because of the resurrection!

Today, you tell me, what is the kind of resurrection, and where the human race comes from, I want to know what is the thing that has made people **** for a hundred years, what is it? ”

Fang Ping gave him a thumbs up and smiled. "You see, I almost got fooled. It turns out... you are the source of our **** seas!"

Fang Ping's face is also cold, cold channel: "Hongyu, you may not have thought about it, the Terran will have a day of revenge!"

In front, looking at the chaos, I don’t know if I should continue to find Hongyu.

Hongyu stopped and looked at Fang Ping several people, whispering: "The emperor is the emperor, Hongyu is Hongyu, nine is nine, can not be confused."

"Go to your Mard!"

Fang Ping’s mouth is stunned, and there is no strong image. “I have killed your whole family, and changed your identity. I said that I am not Fang Ping. Are you happy? I’m going to blow up the body and change my body. I am not square?"

"The most he looks down on people like you! If you dare to do it, you will dare to admit that no one can admit it... something worse than a dog!"

Fang Ping is a slang word, he really hates the sophistry of these people.

I am not me, I am someone else.

You have to say, you don't remember anything, just like the old king, completely lost all the past, reincarnation, then don't say anything.

As a result, you not only remember everything, but it is indeed one, it is a person. At this time, it denies everything and says that he is not himself. Fang Ping did not spray him. It is because he is strong.

Zhang Tao said with a smile: "Don't walk the dog, the dog is a friend of human beings, you are so embarrassed, be careful that the dog is looking for you trouble."

Over there, the chaos suddenly said: "Does the dog be your friend?"

Zhang Tao is tired, this guy has a quick attitude to turn his face, so that he is very tired, casually said: "Just say that you want to eat dog hot pot, humans also have, need? If you need, you can invite you to eat one A full dog meat feast."


The chaos is a bit embarrassing, and the Terran is really shameless.

Just a dog is a friend, and he turned to invite himself to eat dog meat.

Hongyu looks calm, regardless of them, and opens his mouth. "Fang Ping, what do you want to do? Do you really want to fight with me, and you will be willing to give up after a lifetime?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "That is not, who knows what strength you have, I guess you are conservative and broken, you may break the peak of the Eight Diagrams, but you may not be able to get rid of you, but you are too strong... You really dare to expose all strength Unless you can kill everyone here, or else you are so strong, you have to do it!

Hongyu, you think about it, you broke seven, then we are welcome!

If you break eight, then we will kill you!

So are you breaking the seventh or breaking eight? ”

Hongyu laughed and said: "You can say that you can speak. I have heard about it. Today, I have gained insight. So, no matter what strength, I have no end, right?"

"Not bad."

"Then if I break the Seven Peaks, shouldn't it be the target of the public? The king of your family is stronger than me, isn't it?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "It's okay to break the seven peaks, but... you have more saints! Plus two kings, more than a dozen saints, the threat is also big."

"The heavens outside are not built by me..."

Fang Ping did not think that: "If you take over this heaven in the future, you are a pig and dog. You walked by the thunder and died. You went out and were killed by a warrior. Drinking water drunk the water that can poison the emperor, inhale. Sucked the gas that can poison the emperor..."

Fang Ping said for more than a minute, with his strength, how fast he spoke, and smashed thousands of sentences!

At this time, the opposite side, the two kings face iron blue, Hongyu also sighed: "Fang Ping, you are also the king of the king of war, since the creation of the Three Realms, the most time of the king, the beginning of the time of the gods, it is also a hundred people.

For three or four thousand years, your strength is enough to rank among the top 100, so swearing, is it really appropriate? ”

Aside, the chaos wants to nod.

He also likes to swear, but he has come and went, and he has repeated it for thousands of years.

But this... can really be awkward!

I have to learn something. He is a bystander and wants to beat people.

Fang Ping lazy: "Why isn't it appropriate? I am jealous of you? I am jealous of the shameless villain hiding behind, what do you insert, do the guilty conscience? And, who will go to find the pawn, then still In this case, we are staring at the space battlefield to see who is going, who is who is my son..."


Hongyu shook his head and smiled. "Let's say, what do you want."

"You have destroyed the two kings, and then handed over the saints, not to mention that you did not! You were in charge of the emperor's dynasty, and there were countless treasures, and perhaps the king's seal, isn't it?"

I hurriedly replied: "If you don't pay your thighs, you can send the old three or five handle artifacts. I will see the effect."


Hongyu smiled and looked at Fang Ping, slowly saying: "You want a saint order, it should be to stabilize your original world. Your royal road, before it broke, but still strong.

The source of the road you used to display seems to have some mismatch with yourself. Can you say that you have used the stone-breaking origin and changed your own path?

In exchange for the road, can't you bear your strength, so there is a tendency to break?

In this way, do you need saints to suppress and consolidate?

In this way, your combat power is not lasting, is it? ”

Hongyu said again: "You used to chase and kill the king, but in the end it gave up. I only asked the other party to hand over the king's seal. It should have been a real problem, right?"

"The avenue you exchanged, broke again, will you die?"

Hongyu laughed.

Fang Ping’s face changed indefinitely, but his heart was “squeaky”.

Hongyu is savvy, guessing seven seven eight eight, but what about it?

I really thought that my avenue had collapsed, and people died, so there was no fighting power?

I really want to think so, I don’t know how to die if I let you die!

Fang Ping is too lazy to say anything, swearing: "I wish you wishful thinking! Do you want to try it, will I break the avenue? Will it fall? Hongyu, less nonsense, what do you want to do, I am too lazy to blend Immediately hand over the Sage Order and the King Seal, or else you will die with you today!"

"You are not afraid..."

Fang Ping interrupted: "I am afraid of your uncle! I am so idle, I am entangled with you. If you don't give it today, then I promise that you will not be able to do anything with you. Do you believe it or not?"

We are pestering you, others are guaranteed not to intervene, waiting to watch the show! ”

"Are you playing rogue with me?"

Hongyu's face changed slightly, and Fang Ping was very square: "Yes! It's a rogue! Of course, if you have the ability to kill us, then when I didn't say this!"

Unable to resist, do not dare to expose strength, then hand it over!

Anyway, I have no plans to secretly carry out, and we have no plans for the Terran, and all of them are soldiers who will block the water. ”


Hongyu gently vomited, half a sigh, and said: "You won! Fang Ping, but you also remember, sometimes, not entangled to win, some things, just do not want to care about you at this moment... ..."

"Then you are better!"

Fang Ping laughed, Hong Yu laughed, shook his head again, and restored calm: "The saint makes us there, but there is only one, and there is no need to deceive anything..."


"Only one!"

Hongyu’s voice was a little colder. “Don’t you want me to kill a few saints and take the sage order for you? If so, why not fight with you!”

Fang Ping thought for a moment and retired: "Two, don't say no! Tian Zhi and Tian Ming, one person worth one, buy life money! Otherwise, they can't go today!"

"You also have strong people, not everyone can resist the king!"

Fang Ping nodded. "Then you will kill it, I will be sad, I will feel bad, I will take revenge, but I will not compromise! They are weak, but now they can't help us. You kill, inspire me, maybe I can break through today..."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "We, these people, are all heads on the edge of the blade, and they have made a decision! When they came in, you went to ask, who thought about going back alive? Fear of death, then not today The human race!"

Hongyu looked at him deeply and looked at Zhang Tao again. He suddenly smiled and said: "Wu Wang, are you the same?"

Zhang Tao calmly said: "He has the final say! I am only a thug now, don't ask me about other things, because following him, the human race is a bit more chic."

"You are not afraid of death?"

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "I'm afraid, but you shouldn't be afraid, because we don't live long, normal humans live to a hundred years old, that is a blessing, just, I am almost a hundred years old, and I have enough. I haven't lived yet. The realm of the tortoise."

When the words came out, the dragon changed a few people and the face changed. This is why we even gave it together!


Hongyu smiled again, and immediately hit Fang Ping, two saints broke through the air, then turned and left: "Come on, it is forcing me to turn my face, forcing, the strong is the strong, sometimes, no It must be so aggressive."

Fang Ping took over two saints and sensed it for a while. Without the increase in wealth, he suddenly smiled: "How come, thank you Hongyu Huang, no, thank you for the nine emperors!"

This voice is very loud, spread all over the square, Fang Ping said: "The imperial style is full, nine emperors, you should live to lead the three realms, who in the three realms who are not convinced, I will serve you!

You become an emperor, and I am the only one who is the leader of the race. If you say who you fight, whoever you fight, give us a meal!

I am serious... you are old, remember not to forget our people..."


Hongyu laughter came, people have left.

In the rear, the eyes are dripping straight, is this OK?

That king also try!

"Hongyu, don't run, hand over the artifacts, otherwise from now on, Laozi will entangle you..."

Chaos quickly chased it up. After a while, Fang Ping’s pupils shrank, and the chaos came out from the void. Without saying a word, he shouted: "Forget it, don't care about him, Laozi goes to find someone to play!"

The words fell, and the chaos quickly left.

At this moment, Fang Ping saw something, and the chaotic fists were constantly shaking.

Just an instant!

The chaos just caught up, Hongyu seems to have shot a bit, in the blink of an eye, chaos escaped!

The guy who can live to the present, offended the guy who can live a happy dog, it is really stupid.

He ran, representing Hongyu may have the power to kill him.

Zhang Tao also changed his face and whispered: "Don't bother him."

Hongyu did not have the other party to flatten their shots. The scruples may not be Fang Ping, but the town king.

Fang Ping nodded, Shen Sheng: "Understand! You go to Tiankui to take the remaining saint order, let the town king to print the shock king to me, the other do not care, ready to go out!"

Zhang Tao saw that he was no longer entangled, but also relieved, nodded and quickly left.

Fang Ping has already received 19 saints at this time. At the moment, Fang Ping, and 7 of them are not refining, and they still manage other people. They sit down directly and start refining, and the dragon and the public are his. Protect the law.

Seven saints, plus Lao Zhang, went to ask for a saint order and the king's seal. Fang Ping felt that this trip to the false tomb would come here.

The rest of the saints are not much.

There are still six caves, and there are two left on Tiankui. He will have 20, and only 8 of them will be left, and they will not know who they are.

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