Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1177: Cang... Run!

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In the false heaven grave, the warfare tends to be flat.

False day grave.

Yesterday, the king of heaven fell, Fang Ping alone killed the king, the sage-level and above are almost everyone knows, for a time, the name of Fang Ping, deterrent Quartet!

However, this does not include the beginning of the first pulse.

So many people died yesterday, the first Wu Yi also knows, who can kill, who died... I don’t know the first time.

Without him, there is no source, no prying.

I only know that someone is dead, but I don’t know who is dying.

The strongmen of the three sages and above are silent. No one says anything, and there is no way to say that fear will cause fear.

The strongest parties in the three circles have almost hatred with the Terran.

Fang Ping killed the ancient king of the king, which is shocking. The caves of the nine saints dare not say anything, so as not to cause the following emperors and true gods to panic.


They don't say that there are also good sage-level strongmen on the side of the Terran. Most of the seniors know it, but it does not mean that Li Changsheng knows.

As early as the war, Li Changsheng sneaked into the cave.

He who has no source, naturally, will not know this.

At the moment, the northern part of the cave.

Yuhaishan area.

The human beings who used to sit here in the past have never left.

Opposite Yuhai Mountain, there is no place to sit in the town.

The cave is too big, and now there are not many kings.

Li Laotou held a long sword and stood in the foothills of the Yuhai Sea. He looked straight ahead and frowned slightly.

Soon, a black shadow in front of him broke through.

The king stopped at the foot of the mountain and smiled and said: "You are here!"

Li Laotou glanced at him and looked at the somewhat blurred world. At this moment, the **** rain continued on the side of the cave, but it seemed to be separated by a film.

Li Laotou glanced at him and said: "Is this the effect of the King Seal and the Sage Order?"

"Not bad!"

Wang Shen Shen said: "The heavens are re-established. Jiusheng is based on the Heavenly King and the Sage Order, covering the heavens and the earth! Repressing the rivers and mountains! Within the restricted area, it is the territory of the heavens. The outsiders, if they exceed a certain limit, will be strengthened by Tianting. Perceived..."

Li old man frowns, "Detector?"

On the side of the cave, now with a saint order and the king of the seal, laid a net.

The strength of the incoming people is weak, and it will not cause too much movement, but once the strong enters, it will cause the network to fluctuate.

This is also a function of the Sage Order and the King Seal, and Fang Ping has not learned this yet.

Wang Wang said with a smile: "No problem! After all, there are only six saints and one king, not the nine emperors of the year. The nine saints, the sages who are in charge of these big seals, the heavenly saints are in charge of the king, can perceive Go to the Holy Power to enter.

The other few are strong, and the perception is weaker.

You and I are not saints and will not be perceived. ”

"Where is the knife mad?"

"It’s just a thousand miles ahead, a hill above..."

"He didn't move?"

"No, it may be waiting for the reinforcements. After all, the human race is not weak, and the Tianmu saint is still there. If he enters the world, he may not be able to take advantage of it..."

Speaking of this, Yu Wang Shen said: "Yesterday, a large number of strong people fell, and even many kings fell! Especially the emperor, the war died in the taboo sea, and Feng Tiandao with the same ... ... you are a human race, is it a big deal? ”

The emperor died in battle, but he died with the death of Feng Tian.

A saint-level powerhouse that appeared before the Terran was suspected to be the reincarnation of the Emperor.

That being the case, it shows that it is very likely that the Terran has made a big deal.

After all, the king is not a saint. The nine caves of the cave do not say, he actually can't guess anything.

Speaking of this, the king said: "If this is the case, the first martial arts, I am afraid that there will be a lot of jealousy! Especially the death of the emperor, before the emperor did not die, even if it was parted with the cat, it was also the guardian cat Strong person...

Now, the Emperor is dead, the Tengu is gone, and there are not many strong people in the Terran. The King thinks that the beginning of the Wu, I am afraid I really have to start! ”

Li Laotou said faintly: "There were many kings who died in battle yesterday. I don't have so many kings in the Terran. There must be other forces in the king to die..."

He didn't finish it, and the king smirked: "The people who died in the same way are the ones who have the origin of the pulse. The first martial arts are not much dead. The more you die, the more good they are!

Originally, they had to defend against those kings. Now those kings have died a lot. In this case, the next Wuwu may have to officially appear. ”

Li Laotou’s face was slightly heavy, and the king said: “Is it still a knife-killer? I remind you that the knife is mad, the king is not too sure, but it’s not killing the knife. When the reinforcements arrive, they will soon enter. world!

The knife is mad, even if the person of the first martial arts arrives, it will not act rashly, but will find out if it is caused by other parties hiding the strong.

Killing a knife can delay a little time for you.

Of course, once exposed, it may not delay anything..."

Li Laotou did not say anything, and suddenly asked: "How long can you entangle the knife?"

"do not know."

"Do you have the confidence to resist the saints?"

"do not know."


Li Laotou’s eyes are cloudy, “Are you playing me?”

槐王玩味: "How come, you are dead, this king is also dangerous! The king does not know, because these years, the king has not really killed with the saints, how to know if they can block?

One time, Bo is that you don’t like to have a chance?

That being the case, why not gamble once? ”

Li Laotou said coldly: "That is because human beings are fighting with their comrades. Even if they know what they are not, we believe that there will be no sickness on their backs! But you... are you worthy?"

The king smiled and held his arms. "Let's give up?"

Li Laotou smiled and said: "Give up? Do you think you can scare me? I think you want to kill him more than I! Are you also anxious? The cave is the nine holy, now you still need these true kings...

In the false graves, those strong men return, a large number of real kings return, still need you?

The Three Realms are coming out. What can you do with a real king?

You want to kill the knife, not to mention helping people, it will make me laugh! ”

"Reciprocity and mutual benefit!"

The glory of Wang Wangxiao, "This king is a bad life, struggling for so many years, is to live a better. Over the years, the king has been alive still good, but now ... true king like ants!

The king naturally does not want to fall behind, return to the past, and let others kill.

Killing the knife, I have my benefits, you also have your purpose, Li Changsheng, to this point, you still can't see? ”

Li Laotou is indifferent, not obscured, but not trusting!

He does not trust the king!

He has no doubt that if he kills a knife, he may betray him.

Of course, the premise is that he was not exposed.

Can not kill the knife mad, the king of the king left, perhaps in the end will also make him a victim of dragging the knife mad, this thing is the king's out.

When Wang Wang saw that he did not speak, he smiled and said: "Longevity sword, in the end, cooperation or non-cooperation? If you don't cooperate, then you will forget it. Soon, if the king did not guess wrong, for up to three days, the first Wuwu pulse must come!

Three days later, when the person arrives, the first Wu Wu will start!

If the knife madness is dead, then the first martial arts will come, and maybe it will be a while with Jiusheng. This is your purpose.

Also, there is one less saint who will have fewer threats to you. ”

Li Laotou once again glanced at him and smiled: "Okay! Then start! But I said, I only have one sword! This sword...may be a knife madness, maybe it is for you!"

Wang Wang glanced at the long sword held by his right hand and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Today's longevity sword, the air machine is restrained, it seems that there are some weak winds, but the long sword, the vagueness has brought him a huge threat.

Li Changsheng raises his sword for three days!

He did not say anything, and smiled: "How far can you kill this sword?"

"There are no living things in the square meters!"

"20 miles..."

The king snorted, as for no living things, just listen to it, really use yourself as a sword god?

"Well, then you are waiting outside 50 miles. The king will go first to see if there is any chance. Once the war breaks out, I will try to lure each other to your side. If you can't kill him, you can't kill him..."

槐王玩味: "Then scatter, each escape, each by means!"

"it is good!"

The two quickly reached an agreement at the moment, and the king did not wait for him, and quickly broke away.

Li Laotou did not tear the void, and the speed was extremely fast. He broke out and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Magic capital.

Wu Kuishan frowned, sighing: "Old Li should go to the cave! What should I do now?"

On the side, Su Yunfei, who had just graduated, looked at the cat who slept on the side, and looked at the closed Tianmu. He thought about it: "Since the Emperor can communicate with the king, he once asked, When did Wu Wang return to Earth?"

Wu Kuishan glanced at the cat and saw it sleeping again. It was very helpless. The cat recently slept a lot. According to Fang Ping, this is not a good thing.

Wu Kuishan thought for a moment, there was a big fish in his hand, live!

The big fish swayed on the head of the cat. The next moment, the cat blinked and was not happy: "Well! This cat only eats cooked, does not eat raw, then uses live fish, this cat pokes you. !"


Wu Kuishan is tired, you are still awake.

Wake up.

"Cang, Fang Ping, when did he come back?"

"The liar said as soon as possible..."


Wu Kuishan said with a headache: "When is the time as soon as possible, there is no quasi-letter! According to Changsheng, the first Wu Wu has already appeared. The primary goal is you. Now I am not sure how many people there are, what strength..."

After all, look at the old man who turned to Tianmu, and asked: "Tianmu predecessors, how much do you know about the beginning of the military?"

Tianmu slowly said: "The beginning of the martial arts, the beginning of the martial arts! In the past, the first martial arts called the Wandao contend, one person together, the one who walked alone, the first martial artist, the so-called Chuwu, said those first-generation warriors, that year Contain those disciples and descendants."

"Initial martial arts, there are strong and weak, and the martial artists who really take the avenue to a very advanced level are not too many."

Tianmu thought for a moment: "The first martial arts, which is known as Wandao, may have gone out of all kinds of different ways! But some people may only have six or seven cultural strengths, they are already old, some people may be eighty-nine, and they will never go again. Going down, this is also the way to the beginning of the military...

At that time, the road was not clear, I didn’t know, and I just walked around.

Really come to the point of remembering, there are not many such early-armed people.

During the period of the beginning of the early Wu Dynasty, it was the end of the early Wu Dynasty. In that year, a group of people went to a very advanced level and claimed to be a god! ”


Wu Kuishan smiled and said: "Many people like to call themselves, those true gods..."

Tianmu swings his hand: "It's not the same! The first warrior, that is the real god, they created the martial arts, from nothing, the name of the gods, even if the first Wu defeated, the nine emperors and four emperors are also recognized.

These people, although defeated, can indeed have the power of the gods.

In those days, the strong ones with the power of the king can be called gods, and the gods are strong and weak...

The mighty, even close to the king, is terrible.

In the early Wu era, a group of powerful gods, each of which ruled one continent and passed down their Tao...

At the end of the period, the Emperor of the Nine Emperors and the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty witnessed a great conflict with the first-in-arms. At that time, it was also the period in which the strongest of the first-in-command had fallen. ”

"The emperor killed the sword and the gods, and the emperor slashed the gods and the gods defeated the martial arts."

Tianmu said: "Since then, the relationship between the original and the origin, the relationship has become more and more bad, the nine emperors and four emperors have proved that they are not killing their gods, they are defeating their gods, but they are all a group. The strongest..."

A group of Xeon!

Not one or two.

At that time, Chu Wu was too strong.

But this is so powerful, the first martial arts, eventually lost, lost to the source, completed the nine emperors and four emperors.

Speaking of this, Tianmu continued: "This knife is mad, the old is not too familiar. But according to the saying of the god, this person is under the fire god, Vulcan, that year is..."

It still didn't finish, the cat didn't sleep, blinked, and said: "It's a big bad guy! This cat can avenge, remember him! For a long time, this cat is still sleeping in the sun, this bad guy Suddenly killed, to kill the cat..."

The cat succumbed: "The cat did not provoke him, he suddenly came to kill the cat, but also to eat the cat meat! At that time, I was very weak with the big dog, and it was pitiful to be bullied...

This bad guy has cooked the cat, and the cat world is baked and blasted..."

"Later, the avenue vibrated, someone discovered it, and everyone came out to stop it and saved the cat..."

"The captain of the cat guard knows, took the cat guard army, went to the Vulcan mainland, killed this guy, and the cat captain was also killed by him, so miserable..."

The cat was wronged. "The captain of the cat was killed, and the cat army was also dead more than half. Since then, the cat has been able to wander in the heavens. It’s so poor, there is no food to eat."

The cat began to sell badly.

Tianmu was too lazy to tear it down. The cat was really poor when the captain of the cat was just dead.

It didn't take long for the hook to catch up with the emperor, and the days were better than anyone else. What is so good.

Tianmu continued: "The old age can't move. I can only hear something. After Vulcan was killed, the Vulcan continent sank, but there are still a group of people who survived. Among them are several disciples of Vulcan. Dai Chuwu..."

"The second generation of the early Wu, some people are very strong, and even blue, such as ... four emperors!"

Tianmu Shensheng: "The Fighting Emperor is relatively old, the old is not very clear, but the Emperor of Heaven is a few people, in fact, it is the second generation of the first Wu, but the blue is better than the blue, and eventually became one of the four emperors!

Similarly, some second-generation martial artists are also very powerful.

Under the Vulcan door, the Holy Spirit was the strongest in the past. Of course, the Holy Martial is the late title...

At that time, the holy martial arts should also have the power of the king. Since the knife madness came from the **** of fire, it should be under the gate of the holy martial art, the Taoist system, which was inherited by the sacred god. ”

Wu Kuishan said: "Is this guy still alive?"

"It should be alive."

"Would you take it out yourself?"

Tianmu shook his head and said: "This is not a good guess. The early martial artists did not go to heaven in the same year. The old age is not too familiar with their habits."

Wu Kuishan frowned, looked at the cat, the cat said nothing: "The liar said, do not let the cat go, you let the cat go last time, I have heard, but the liar said, just sleep on earth to eat... ..."

Wu Kuishan couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t care about it. He looked at Tianmu Road: “Wooden, it’s still a trouble for you to run, enter the outer domain of the cave, ready to meet Li Changsheng!

I went to the town of Star City, looking for a casting god, to see if the gods can make a shot...

Hey, now that the Terran has left because of Fang Ping, their strength has been greatly reduced. I guess that if the first Wu Yi is a hands-on, perhaps it will choose this blank period.

When they are back, I don’t worry, but now..."

Wu Kuishan shook his head, the Terran is still not strong enough, at least not many of the middle-level strong.

Lack of some absolute, some emperors, and sage-level powerhouses.

There are several people who have strong peaks.

Wu Kuishan no longer talked, quickly rushed to the town of Star City.

He had to find a casting god, and he couldn't let Li Changsheng really break down in the cave. Otherwise, Fang Ping came back and couldn't explain it.


at the same time.

Sea area.

A few million miles away from the mainland of the cave.

A court descended from the sky and fell to the sea.

Just then, a huge fist, a fist!


The palace was bombarded. The next moment, the fist caught fire, and a fist smashed the void, and slammed into the purple woman who was hiding in the void. The purple woman was exposed in cool colors, and the palace instantly flew back, turning into a long sword and a sword!


The loud noise rang through the square, the void was broken, and the purple woman fell back, breaking the space and bleeding in the mouth.

"You are not your opponent!"

At this time, the void is broken, a middle-aged warrior breaks through the void, spurs blood, and the turbulent world is shaking, carrying his hands, cold and cold: "Lin Zi, these years, you wandered the sea, stepped through the beginning Wu Gemai, on the face of the emperor on weekdays, do not care about you, today dare to count the doorman, you want to find death?"

After all, it’s cold and cold: “I’ve guessed it for a long time! In the past few years, all the veins have gone to the borderless continents, and they have all died. I’m afraid you’re all done, big courage!”

The woman in the purple coat is weak, leaving a clear punch on her body, and her hair is burnt and dry.

At this moment, the cold said: "You have a different martial arts, originally with my well water does not make river water ... ... In the past, the day of the emperor's departure, let me take care of the cat, these years, you have been thieves are not dead, actually still The idea of ​​playing the cat...

Shengwu, you are not afraid of historical reenactment, stepping on your master's footsteps! ”

The middle-aged body is tall and straight, and faintly said: "Tianchen is lucky to escape. Now he has gone to Tianzhu. You have a source of origin. I don’t want a few cats to die. Lin Zi, can you resist the general trend?"

Middle-aged cold and cold road: "The general trend is like this, the cat will die! This seat is only in line with the general trend, you are stubborn, do you want to die?"

At this moment, in the void, there are again a few powerful air-powered aircraft.

The woman in purple has a slight change in face. "You already know that I am here... want to ambush me?"

"Not bad!"

Middle-aged cold and cold road: "You are a sorcerer, since you are stubborn, you will kill it!"

When the words fall, the middle-aged drink said: "Well wait to go to the human world, kill the cat, break the root of the source!"


Several people who were almost killed by the purple woman's control of the palace before, screamed and hurried to the side of the cave.

"Do you dare?"

The woman in purple clothes sang low and held a long sword with a cat palace. A sword swayed out, and a void broke out in the void. In a blink of an eye, several people left to go.

The middle-aged sneer, once again banged out, and the bang, the sword of the artifact cat palace, was also crushed by a man.

The man grabbed the purple woman by hand, scratching the void, powerful and powerful!

There is no fluctuation in the source gas and it is not required.

This is Chu Wu!

At the beginning of the martial arts, the first-in-comers came out of their own way, the second generation of the early Wu, some even if they did not go out of their own way, but also powerful, because they forged a strong body, or strong mental strength.

And some second-generation Chuwu, in fact, also came out of their own way.

"The ban on her source, the origin of the pulse, no source, how weak it is..."

In the middle of the young smile, the next moment, a strong spiritual force covered the purple woman, the purple woman sipped a light, a sword smashed out, the long sword made a crack, the spiritual force swept away, torn If you are empty, you will flee in the distance.

"Want to go? How simple is it! Over the years, you have defended the bitter sea, killed a lot of Chumenmen, and died!"

The man stepped through the void, his body was jade, his blood was strong, and the turbulent bitter sea was shaking.

With the power of the flesh, prove the king!

This is the strong one of the first martial arts body, the blood is more than 5 million cards, and he is a curse!

Even Fang Ping, now, the blood has not reached 3 million cards, according to the realm of the first side of the military, even the saints are not, the gap is great.

The man continued to kill the purple woman, secretly, the few air machines that broke out before, no one appeared, but someone locked the woman in purple, ready to strike a thunder.

The purple woman, no matter how behind, wants to detour several times, killing the strongmen who went to the grottoes, but they were blocked back several times, farther and farther away from the grottoes.

At this moment, the woman is also worried.

Can't stop it!

Several strong men of the beginning of the martial arts have appeared to block, it seems that these years, these people have reached an agreement.

What is even more troublesome is that the kings of Qian Wang, Kun Wang and Yu Wang are gone.

Otherwise, these people were originally in a small world in the bitter sea.

Even if it’s not a group of cocks, if you see these martial artists killing cats, some people will stop them.

But now... no more!

These early-powerful people also know that they are gone, and this dare to act with impunity.

"Cang cat... Run!"

The woman’s heart was chanting over and over again, and some helpless. She has been here for many years and has helped the cats to stop many crises. At this moment, she has no power to stop.

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