Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1152: Seniors, I am very smart!

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The old man left.

Among the temples, several saints have been speechless for a long time.

For a long time, the big governor whispered: "Chu Wu... appeared!"

"The battle of 30,000 years, now has a result."

"Knife madness is still alive... In the same year, the body was sore, how do you think he is strong?"

The skinny old man seems to be a dying man, but he was a strong man in the same body.

The flesh is holy!

A terrible thing.

This means that the physical strength of the other party is stronger than the growth of the saints, and at least 4 million cards or more.

Today, it is broken for eight thousand years from the heavens.

In the past eight thousand years, the other side is weak, or is it stronger?

Tianjian’s eyes are dignified and low: “The first-time martial artists are very strong! Once they lose their original avenues, who are the opponents of the martial arts and the strongest? The nine emperors and the four emperors of that year, without their origins, may not be able to fight their Supreme!

The Emperor of the Nine Emperors has disappeared, is the first Wu Xingqiang dead? ”

After all, Tian Jian Shen Sheng said: "There is no source of growth, with our strength, according to the human race, it is about a million cards and blood..."

When the words came out, several people looked different.

Without the source, these saints are in fact the strength of the world.

Millions of cards up and down!

This is a huge flaw in the source.

At that time, who is the opponent of the martial arts?

Of course, in addition to the first generation of the strong, the early strongmen are not too many strong.

If you go to the beginning of the martial arts, you can go to the absolute best.

Less does not mean no!

For example, the knife mad who just left, the second generation of Chuwu, the body of the sacred body, the original increase in the source, the basic qi and blood of more than 4 million cards, the broken source of the strong can only fight him.

However, the third generation of the third generation of Chuwu, many people have already changed the source, these people will also greatly reduce their strength once the source road collapses.

Everyone has turned to the big governor, and now the people who are in the beginning of the martial arts come out!

The timing is extremely clever!

People are gone, the strong are gone.

In the past eight thousand years, the strongmen of the Three Realms have been hiding. After the death of the Tengu, there are still a large number of kings in the Three Realms. These Heavenly Kings are also the source of the origin.

Even if some kings think that the dead cats may not affect them, they will not deliberately kill the cats.

If someone is really targeting a cat, maybe it will help one or two.

When a cat dies, will the avenue collapse?

This point, even the Nine Emperors are uncertain.

I really have to make sure that the captain of the cat guard will not be alone in the same year.

The emperor is also extremely confident. He does not think that the cats are dead and will affect their avenues.

Whatever the emperor, those kings think so.

Can be a sage-level powerhouse, but it is not very reassuring.

Tianjian continued: "The cat was attacked and suffered heavy losses. On that day, the road was shaking. I was already a saint-level strength, but it was still swaying. As for the king... I didn’t seem to hear a few kings mentioned. Maybe some of the newly promoted kings will be affected, but most of the old kings may not be affected too much..."

Dadu Supervisor Shen Sheng: "The beginning of the martial arts, did not expect to really ruin the avenue! But during the tremor of the avenue, there will be some influence. At this moment, the play of the original source must be affected by some... If it is strong at that time The shots, the kings may not have the previous strength.

More than three times the previous increase, may fall some ... This is probably their purpose. ”

Tianwang Avenue does not collapse. However, during the tremor of the avenue, these people may be affected by the increase in the source, and the combat power will decline. Once there is a top-ranking strongman, killing the king may be much simpler than it is now.

Qingmo is a little impatient, and the voice is anxious: "If that is the case, then what cooperation? Tianwang Avenue does not collapse, we may not necessarily! Once the avenue collapses, our combat power will fall by half, and how can we fight for the Three Realms?

This knife is mad... Uneasy, I want to say, kill him directly, lest it be a disaster! ”

Daduo gently raised his hand and stopped her words. He whispered: "Since the beginning of the martial arts, there will be only one knife and madness! Now the knife is mad, it will only give us a big enemy!"

After all, the Governor Du Shen said: "They want to kill the cats, not two days a day! Cang cats now help the human side... This is an opportunity! Inducing the contradiction between the first martial arts and the human race... let them kill This is more in line with our interests."

Qing ink frowned: "If the cat is really killed?"

Daduduo gave her a look. The time for Qingmo’s enlightenment was short, and some things were unclear.

At this moment, the big governor looked at Tianjian, Tianjian slightly frowned, thought about it or said: "Actually... there is another saying! The cat is very important to the source, killing the cat, the original universe may be turbulent, during this period ...maybe an opportunity!"


Green ink doubts.

Tianjian said: "This is the two possibilities that the emperors said! First, killing the cat, many people's avenues will break."

"Second, the cat is dead, it may affect some balance of the source... Now we are very difficult to open the road, the cat is dead, the source is loose, maybe we can quickly open the road, a thousand meters a day, is not a dream. ”


Qingmo frowned, Tianjian Shen Sheng said: "It is not nonsense! In that year, the cat palace and the Chuwu leader made a big fight, why did the nine emperors and four emperors, no one came forward?

Because the cat was shaken during the attack on the cat, someone really started the road quickly!

Others did not say that, at that time, Kun King definitely had a harvest, and the road opened several kilometers a day... This time, some news was circulated.

So the nine emperors and four emperors are actually hesitating... killing... or not killing?

Killed, the bottom of the warrior may be broken.

Can kill, maybe the strong will be stronger! ”

Qingmo couldn't help but say: "What is the cat?"


Tianjian exhaled: "The legend that the cat is the source of the original to bring back to heaven, specifically, it is not too long, 30,000 years ago, when most of us saints were not born, knowing not many.

Some Uranus may be somewhat informed, but no one said that there are some taboos.

Today, there are fewer insiders.

The cat...and the one should have something to do with it. The one in the cat palace may be the rumor that is dedicated to guarding the cat..."

When you mention that person, everyone instantly changes their face.

That is a taboo!

Opened the existence of the avenue!

But after the road was opened, it soon disappeared. After the avenue of the avenue, it was the home of the Emperor of the Nine Emperors. Where did the go, live or die, no one knows!

Can be used as the originator of the mountain, the terminator of an era, no one can ignore this existence.

Where did he go?

Has it disappeared for 30,000 years and is still alive?

What are you doing for 30,000 years if you are alive?

Is the cat brought out by that person?

Where did you come from?

The origin of the universe?

Or... what about the cat that I raised?

no one knows!

Qing Mo, a sage of the later generations, knows very little about the things of that period. At this moment, it is more and more entangled: "When it kills the cat, is it good or bad?"

"do not know……"

Tianjian is also very complicated. "Because you don't know, you are entangled! Killing cats, for the first-time warriors, there will be no worse results, so they are killing!"

And we... don’t know if the result is good or bad.

If it is bad, we will fall to the power of true God.

If you are good, maybe we can prove the king in a day.

Therefore, even if the source is together, it is also a vague attitude towards killing and killing the cat. Among the nine emperors, the emperor advocates not killing... Others are hard to say. ”

Dadu Superintendent said: "Some of the self-confidence will not be affected by the strong avenues, in fact, all support the killing of cats!"

As soon as this was said, Qingmo’s eyes changed and said: “So to speak... is the weak disapproval, the strong support?”

Dadu, Shen Sheng said: "Yes! At least most of the strong are so... or else... Cang cats will not always hide in the body. In the past, the cat palace is innumerable, it is all over the sky, the parties come to help... ...who can know, who does not understand, in all likelihood, is the emperor, and there are few saints.


Because the boulevard is broken, the true **** and the emperor are actually the most affected. In turn, the saints and above are probably not affected too much.

Therefore, at that time, some of the Emperor’s active alliances said that they were under pressure from the cat... Is it true? ”

The Metropolitan Governor is also an ancient saint. At this moment, the real situation of the cats in the past has been unveiled. "In those days, it was said that the sky was coming out, and the hundred emperors gathered together. Why is it not a hundred holy... Those emperors are all fools, and they must give them to cats. Be a slave?

Not also!

Because they know that the cats are dead, they will be greatly affected!

These people below the true God are insignificant, the true martial artists, and the pressure on the saints and kings are not great.

There is no subversive gap between the emperor and the saints, so the hundred emperors will gather together, even if the king does not dare to sin..."

Tianjian nodded: "Not bad! Not to mention the sages of the kings of the year, there are emperors! These people will not mention it if they hope that the cats will die, otherwise... those emperors and true gods will inevitably rebel."

Qingmo understands everything!

That's it!

The warriors at the bottom did not know, the warriors on the top floor hoped that the cats would die, but the middle-ranking warriors did not want the cats to die, so the emperor embraced the group and the hundred emperors were rampant. As for the Emperor of the Nine Emperors and the Four Emperors, the death of the cats may not affect them. These people have chosen to be neutral.

Qing Mo said again: "The early warrior killed the cat, but also the strong ones... Is it necessary?"

Tianjian smiled and said: "All said that they are uncertain. If they are uncertain, they are good for them. Why are they not so chosen? And if they really have a great influence on the bottom-level warriors, you must understand that the strong is the strong, the foundation is Foundation!

If it is the source of the road, the weak can not cultivate ... that inheritance must be broken!

Without the inheritance of the source, with some top-level powerhouses dying and dying, what other military practitioners are practicing?

Nature is a combination of Chu Wu!

This is the battle of the avenue!

Broken the root of your origin, your origins will sooner or later become a thing..."

Qing ink frowns: "In this case, why does the strong man sit back and watch..."

Tianjian couldn’t smile: "The master of Qingmo Temple, at that time, the top-ranking strongmen were very young, young and old, and Shouyuan was still early. They were confident that even if they had broken their inheritance for a while, they would soon be able to continue. .

The Emperor of the Nine Emperors is still there. Can such a strong person not open up a way to continue the avenue? ”

This is a clear understanding of Qingmo.

At this moment, looking at everyone, what is their opinion?

Are you going to kill the cat?

The original source is very entangled in killing cats.

Because of uncertainty!

The Dadu Supervisor was silent for a while, and slowly said: "Do not participate! The original source is a line of attitude. Most of the things are like this attitude! Do not participate, neither protect nor shoot... What's more, there are many strong people behind the cat. .

At the beginning of the martial arts, I hope that we will entangle some of the strong people of the Terran, including the sage-level powerhouses of Tianmu.

And the spirit of the Emperor, the beast of the beasts of these strong...

They are now calculating the mountains, the strength should not be enough, and the taboos of the various saints are taboo, so we hope that we can come forward to entangle some people and take advantage of this opportunity to kill the cat..."

At this time, Haishu suddenly said: "The big governor has a decision!"

The big governor is silent.

Unscrupulously discussing the cat, in fact... is the decision.

Tell the cat, someone wants to kill you, not us.

Sitting on the mountain watching the tiger!

But... maybe I will entangle some of the strong guys who come to help.

For example, colorful butterflies, such as Long Yu.

However, it was told to the cat in advance that you are very dangerous. In this way, if the Terran is prepared, there may be an unexpected battle.

Let both sides prepare, not the cat is being attacked.

Before the knife mad mentions the cats, they are the cats, did not say the name, they are unscrupulous nominations.

Even if the knife madness mentions the name, the cat may not be able to sense it because the other party is a martial artist.

Most of them can be supervised, and there is a high probability that the cats will perceive them.

There are not many people who know about the ability of the cat. It has always been felt that the cat has the ability to prejudge, at least it is hostile to the cat. This cat may be sensitive.

Everyone saw the big governor, and probably knew what he meant.

However, Tianjian still said: "The knife is daring to come, I am afraid there is a complete grasp! Even if we don't shoot, they may have to act."

"That's good with him!"

The Metropolis Governor did not care much, and this has nothing to do with him.

Soon, Dadu Supervisor transferred the topic: "Don't mention this matter, Fang Ping, they have entered the false grave at the moment, the human race is now shrinking, and it is time for us to act! Conquer the heavens, accept the overseas fairy island, reproduce The glory of the Three Kingdoms Heavenly rule... This is what we should do!"

"The Terran..."

"When they let go, let's say that the gods are still there, and let these martial artists go to tempted them. The people, the kings and the martial arts are not good, and the key moments may break out."

At that time, the war will start, and it will be more in our interest to sit and watch them kill. ”

Everyone nods, maybe this is the best choice.

"Once once the king is born...we..."

Someone whispered that they are not kings. Once they are born, what should they do?

The sage is strong, you can meet the king, it is not an opponent.

It is a big trouble to re-establish heaven.

Now it seems that the king has already come out of the mountain, and soon there may be a group of kings returning. How to deal with it at that time?

Dadu Supervisor Shen Sheng: "First, the proof of the king! Conquered Tiantiantian and overseas Xiandao, the status of the heavens is stable, there will be some feedback, such as the avenue is more clear, we still have a chance!

Second, we are not without strong people. Even if the king returns, we are also the hegemonic forces!

Third, the combination of warfare!

At that time, the most famous temple in Tianting was not the emperor's martial arts, but the thirty-six-star squad. Since the celestial sword was there, during this time, we may have a lot of cultivation, maybe there is great help, Jiusheng joins hands, and several kings may fight. Not difficult. ”

Tianjian nodded and said: "This is feasible. In the past, Tiankui led the 36th Sanctuary. He once studied with the Eight Kings several times. Among the eight kings, the five kings joined forces and eventually we were defeated... Unfortunately, thirty-sixth nowadays Parting ways, dead death, scattered scattered..."

He recalled the glory of the year.

The five kings were defeated by them!

When Tian Kui refused to accept Kun, he occupied the position of his eight kings. He did not find any blasphemy. Although the eight kings were strong, they could be on the thirty-six saints. No, one of them was the king of heaven, and the five kings were defeated. !

This is also the glorious record of the thirty-six holy worthy of remembering for a lifetime.

It is a pity that many people have died now, and others have gone their separate ways. It is no longer possible to collect the thirty-six holy people of the year.

Tianjian said again and again: "In some broken worlds, there are also heavenly gods. There are already speeds in the sky. They have already taken the lead. Once they return, they will be able to fight the strong in the past."

The people discussed it and quickly dispersed them. As for the reply to the first Wu, it is not replying.

What do you guys do!


at the same time.

Magic capital.

The cat sighed and came again!


The cat sleeps and eats, and you also remember, don't bother!

A tail will fly next to the sleeping sensation, and the cat will not be happy: "Puppy, you will become decadent after you become a smash! Go to practice and fight! Do not have a lot of strong people in the sea? Go fight go with!

Waiting in the world, the cat will eat dog meat! ”

The face is innocent, and the cat is stimulated again?

This strange stupid cow ran away, and now it is also very lonely, sleepy and beaten by cats, still alive?

The cat did not care about it, but looked at the side of the martial arts, and sighed.

This little fat face is harder than it!

Before teaching her practice, I thought that the chubby face was afraid of pain and pain, seeing the cry of the sky, and the result was that the chubby face did not cry.

"This cat doesn't want to cultivate!"

The cat squatted on the ground, his face was depressed and he didn't want to practice.

Practice is too tired!

But now many people want to kill this cat... what to do!

I feel that killing it is the beginning of a new era.

After killing it, the top powers are about to go out and start a new battle. Killing the cat is a sign of an era.

How innocent!

The cat is depressed, some sad, want to kill the cat.

Did the cat eat your family's meal?

The next moment, in the small world, at this moment, there is a lake in the small world, and there are fish in all kinds of small lakes, all kinds of.

The cat was not in the mood to eat this time. It rolled to the edge of the world. Looking at the darkness at the edge, some scratching his head, would you open the avenue?

Will the road be very tired?

After opening, will it lose hundreds of thousands of pounds?

Thinking about it, tired, tired, and my eyes could not open. After a while, the real cats heard a low snoring.


What road is open, how tired!

Aside, the face that looked at it was dark. This fat cat said that the king did not work hard. What about itself?

I fell asleep so soon!

Also good to say that this king does not practice!


Linghuang Daochang.

At the moment, Fang Ping has not begun to rob the great cause. At this time, Fang Ping actually encountered the moon spirit!

When encountering the moon spirit, Lao Zhang and Zhen Tianwang actually ran directly, which made Fang Ping extremely surprised.

These two won't do anything for the moon, but don't dare to show up now?

If you say this, you will think about it, or else the old Zhang will definitely be rude to him.

They just don't want to entangle with the female madman of Yueling.

The moon spirit has just been hit. Now that the mood is unstable, I have encountered it. Maybe there will be a battle, and there is no need.

As for Fang Ping... Fang Ping encountered himself not running, but had to go through it, and they were too lazy to manage.

Fang Ping's strength is not weak, Yue Ling will calculate his hand, and he will not be able to kill Fang Ping for a while. They will return.

On a high mountain, the moon spirit sits on the foothills and does not move.

Even if Fang Ping came around for a few laps, this woman did not see it.

The temper is much better than before.

Of course, it may be disdainful.

Fang Ping wandered a few laps, seeing that she didn't move, laughing and happily scraping the past, about a kilometer away, laughing: "Yueling seniors, long time no see..."

Yue Ling glanced at him, his eyes were cold and his mood was not very good.

Fang Ping dared to talk nonsense, she wanted to kill him.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Predecessors, still sad for Hongyu?"

"you wanna die!"

When the moon aura broke out, Fang Ping hurriedly said: "Don't worry, that Hongyu is a fake Hongyu. It has long been conscious of chaos and consciousness. Really Hongyu must not be able to let go of its predecessors..."

Yue Ling frowned and stopped, no more shots.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Predecessors, in fact, want to find Zhenhongyu, it is also simple! Kill the current Hongyu, break his original world, peel off the true Hongyu source, and resurrect him... even if the strength falls a lot But that is also the Taoist of the predecessors, not the current fake Hongyu.

Seniors, do you think what I said makes sense? ”

Yue Ling frowned, looking at him coldly.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Of course, this is just some of my own conjectures! I think that Hongyu should still love the predecessors. Eight thousand years ago, Hongyu escaped from the heavens. I suspect that it might be his emperor. Consciousness has invaded a part of the source... All of them have the birth of the emperor.

Seniors, do you want to give it a try?

Killing Hongyu, peeling off his origins and seeing if he can strip the true source of Zhenhongyu?

Of course, just some speculation... not necessarily true. ”

Yue Ling looked at him coldly and coldly. "You deceived the palace that day and said that he found his will..."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "I didn't lie to the seniors. The sword is really what he sent me... The Hongyu of the day is now. I don't think he is the person that the predecessor is looking for? On that day he said that he is dead. The testament is ruined, and the sword is left. I handed the sword to the predecessors. Shouldn’t it be deceiving the predecessors?”

The moon Ling snorted and his eyes were cold and stern: "A few people have said that when you meet you, you will kill you, don't say more!"

Fang Pingxiao smiled and said: "Those people, I am afraid that I will dismantle their conspiracy! I am young, but I can be intelligent, and I have a little clue. I can quickly trace the source and find out the truth!

Some of their conspiracy can't stand me to deduct and will soon be seen by me.

So they are afraid of me, afraid that I will open my mouth, and I will not let me say those words. If not... I didn’t even have true God before, can he use me to avoid it?

It’s not because I’m afraid of my IQ, I’m afraid that I will tear them down...”

Yue Ling sneered, and the disdain was overwhelming.

"Predecessors don't have this attitude, I feel like I am lying..."

Fang Ping said with ease: "I have a strong observation ability. For example, the predecessors have hidden their strength. It is not as simple as breaking six. It is full of power, and it may have the ability to break the peak of the six peaks, isn't it?"

Yue Ling looked at him coldly and sneered without answering.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Does the predecessors think that I am wrong?"

The moon is not a word, too lazy to pay attention.

Fang Ping is a laughing play, guessing, and not breaking the law.

The leader of the North School in the past!

The leader of the flesh, the top powerhouse.

If not, how does Wangwushan lead the northern powerhouse!

Jinshen eight forging the nine products, and then tempered to the nine forging, although not eight products before the nine forging, but the follow-up nine forging, the limit is actually the same, but a qualitative change.

This means that the moon spirit has reached an absolute dilemma. The basic blood is also about 300,000 cards, and the six-category is 600,000 cards.

In the absolute situation, the tens of thousands of cards are absolutely suffocating, and she has at least 400,000 cards of suffocating blood. The emperor has changed once and increased 50,000 calories, which is 450,000.

Emperor level to the king, 10,000 meters increased by 20,000 cards, to the king of heaven, almost can also increase 200,000 card blood, that is 650,000 cards.

Tianwang, there has also been a substantial increase, almost 100,000 cards.

This means that the moon is absolutely bloodless with a minimum of 750,000 cards!

It is equivalent to the 1.45 million cards of the nine products, three times the increase, and at least 5.8 million cards.

This is the least!

In fact, this strength is not surprising to play the strength of just breaking six.

But can't stand Fang Ping to guess!

The leader of the Northern School, has it succeeded in forging jade bones?

Fang Ping suspects that jade bone can make blood and blood change again!

This means that Yueling may have changed its quality once and for all, that is, more than 10 million cards, even if the explosive power is not strong enough, it can't break seven, and there are still six peaks.

As for why I guessed it... It’s related to the leaders of the North, and it’s also related to Yueling’s failure to break the golden body!

The woman’s death is probably not enough. It may be a relationship of identity. I don’t want to be broken by the people. Anyway, Fang Ping asked before, and no one saw that she was broken.

Is that because of the forging of jade bones, do not want to be exposed?

The flatness of the sky, free to guess, laughter unscrupulous, "predecessors, jade bone forging is difficult? Can teach me? In the house of the house for so many years, the predecessors are forging jade bone? It is said that the descendants of the royal family Among them, the predecessors are also very talented and better than Kun.

The waste of Kun Wang has been broken, and it may be broken. The predecessors have just proved that the king... is terrible!

I heard that these people, the celestial princes, were not dare to look up when they were pressured by their predecessors. Even if they saw their predecessors now, they were somewhat fearful. The predecessors actually proved that they were more than the king after him... Is it too slow?

The predecessors did not participate in the big war, the battle between the North and the South, the predecessors of the South to the North, is it not as good as some retreats? ”

Yue Ling’s face was calm, but his eyes were not looking good at Fang Ping, and he kept silent.

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