Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1116: war! (Millions to subscribe)

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South Seven Fields.

Soon after the cat and Fangyuan started, the cat suddenly opened his mouth and really swallowed the square!

The next moment, the cat swayed the fat body and fled!

"The liar, this cat can't be loaded!"

The cat yelled and quickly fled, and the grievances said: "They are so many people, let's run!"

At this moment, the South Seven Fields, at sea.

Fangping air machine broke out!

Sonic and earth, laughed and said: "What are you running! A group of wastes that can't see the general trend, I really thought I could kill me?"

When the words fell, Fang Ping laughed loudly: "Come, walk the dog!"

After all, there was a dog pot in the hands of Fang Ping, which was engraved with a large number of words - come to eat!

At this moment, the void is broken!

At this moment, no one speaks, but there is a strong person who directly breaks the air and rushes to the side!

No one talks!

They want to kill Fang Ping, this is a long time decided, there is no room for change.

Fang Ping’s boxing broke through the void, and the laughter was hearty. “I can’t wait?”

"The king is a man!"

In the air, some people are indifferent, tearing the void, and coming directly!


Fang Ping also took out from another space, haha ​​laughed: "Go and Wu Wang said this, what is the strength!"

"Do you think you can escape?"

God is indifferent!

At this moment, in front of the cat, an old saint appeared, calmly said: "Chun Emperor, please wait for a while!"

The cat turned and fled, and behind him, another saint appeared. "Cang Di, this road is nowhere!"

Cang cat looked aggrieved, "You want to rebel? You start with this cat, the cat captain and the big dog will definitely kill you!"

In the rear, the middle-aged saint faintly said: "Don't dare! But since Emperor Cang did not participate in the disputes between the three realms, why should you make an exception for Fangping at this moment!"

The cat's big eyes turned and suddenly shouted: "The liar, this cat helps you wrap the two saints, you can escape!"

The two saints looked at each other with a smile and did not care.

Repressing cats, the two saints are not much.

When the cat saw it, he said: "Two saints... Anyway, the cat remembers you! When the big dog comes back, let the big dog hit you!"

The faces of the two men changed slightly, and the old sage smiled lightly: "Chun Emperor, we have never had any thoughts about the Emperor, but let the Emperor see a scene, and the Emperor will overbear, and will not turn his face..."

"It's a dog's face!"

The cat is taken for granted: "I must kill you! Unless... you are now going to the cat to catch a big fish in the sea, or you must be unlucky!"

The two looked at each other and looked at each other and smiled. Soon, the old saint smiled and said: "Chundi please! Fishing, we also appreciate the interest of Emperor."

Take away the cats and their mission is complete!

As for killing Fang Ping, there are people.


Taboo in the sea.

At this moment, two saints have appeared.

One person in the rear, one person in the air.

The sky is expensive!

The person behind, Fang Ping did not know, at this moment, Fang Ping loudly: "The guy behind, self-reported! I also let me know, who started with me!"

"This seat is fast!"

One of the thirty-six holy!

This person is called the sky speed, the speed is also really fast, Fang Ping just finished, the other party has torn the void, and instantly positioned on the side of Fang Ping.

In the hands of Fang Ping, the saints appeared, and once they opened up the space, they fled again.

At this time, in front, the sky is fluctuating.

An old man with a white hair and a very long eyebrows is coming, holding a long sword and faintly saying: "This road is not working, this seat is a sword!"

Fang Ping turned again. At this moment, on the left side, a cold old man appeared. "This is a natural skill!"

Tiangui, Tianshou, Tianjian, Tianqiao!

Four great saints!

Four of the thirty-six holy!

At this moment, these people surrounded Fang Ping from all sides.

Fang Ping’s eyes have changed. “Enough! Is there still?”


At this moment, another saint appeared, also a woman, bright and moving, glamorous, "this palace is green ink!"

"Where did you come out?"

"The Emperor of the Earth, the Lord of All Things!"

The glamorous woman smiled and said: "The king of the scorpion is a god, and it is clear that there will be today!"

Five saints!

At this moment, Qingmo smiled and said: "The king is waiting for Tianmu? No, there is a temple owner on Tianmu, and Tianmu will not come to help!"

Fang Ping sighed and looked around, whispering: "Eight saints! How can I flatter He De, can actually attract eight saints!"

The cat took two away, and there was one on Tianmu.

Five people here!

A full eight saints!

At this moment, the five sages in this place broke out, and the entire taboo of the sea seemed to be shaking.

In order to kill Fang Ping, these people really got the blood this time.

Eight saints are dispatched!


at the same time.

South Six Domains.

Yuhai Mountain.

Wu Kuishan's eyes are cold, "Fuchuan, Tianzhu, Jihong! Enough to see me!"

Three true gods!

Furukawa faintly said: "The snake king, you are also a human being, and the defeat is also Fangping! He is too arrogant!"

At this moment, the sea is forbidden, and a monster is roaring in the sky.

Wu Kuishan saw a sigh, relieved, but the next moment, a golden dragon, a Dapeng, a tiger, three monsters appeared!

The three true gods of the Yaozu are out!

"Hey, you can't escape!"

"Budget, the king's ancestor is the Emperor, do you dare to shoot this king?"

"It’s ridiculous, how can the Emperor have descendants!"

At this moment, Jinlong Longqi opened his mouth, and his voice was like Hong Zhongdao: "At most, the Emperor of Heaven has a blood, and the hybrid that was born in combination with the unknown Yaozu. The first generation of golden horns is still pure blood. What are you?"

I am furious, I am roaring in the sky, and I am angry!

This guy is insulting it!

Insulting it to this distinguished descendant of the Emperor!


Six great, the scorpion snake king and scorpion.

In the South Sixth, the two are in jeopardy.



Water fairy island.

Nothing is singularly screaming!

However, at this moment in all directions, there are also strong people to suppress.

Several kings and crab kings have arrived.

"It’s no surprise, you are a strong demon, and you are a strong player in the South Emperor. Do you want to fight for the Terran?"

The king is cold and cold: "You have lost the face of the South Emperor!"

The power roared: "You dare to kill the seat in the water **** island! Who gives you the courage?"


At this moment, in the air, a virtual shadow stepped down, carrying both hands, cold and cold: "Go back! Look at the face of the water, this seat does not kill you, you dare to play, it is the pulse of my South Emperor Pulling into the flames of war, it’s no surprise, you haven’t qualified yet!”

Nothing is so arrogant!

This is the successor of the Nanhuang Yimai!

He occupied its hydraulic island!

At this moment, there is no such thing as a human figure. A burly man appeared and snarled: "This king is the king of the hydraulic family. It is not the power of the Nanhuang. The king only represents my hydraulic family. You can manage this. Wang?"


The man in the air, a cold, screaming, instantly turned into a prototype, a blue buffalo, height hundred feet, four hooves, and roared: "This king is not afraid of you! You dare to kill me, the ancestors return, the water power A family must be rebellious!

Nanhuang Yimai, my hydraulic family is more important than you, this king wants to see, you dare not kill me!

Killed me, the South Emperor's pulse is completely scattered, you really do not understand the king?

Let me leave, this king has the way of the king, you have no right to make a decision on behalf of the king! ”

This big buffalo growls and screams!

It doesn't matter that much, it has its way!

Zhenhai makes the road!

At this moment, this saint has already touched on its avenue!

It has benefited from the Terran, and its achievements are absolutely perfect. At this moment, the road is not strong, and the future may not be expected!

In the air, the sage of the South Emperor's veins is cold.

For a long time, cold and cold: "Well, since you have to find death, then go to death! From now on, you are no longer a mysterious person!"

"This king is not rare!"

No worries, no moment to get rid of the suppression, go empty!

A few of the kings looked at the saint, and the saint faintly said: "It is neither a South Emperor's pulse, no power has nothing to do with this seat!"

As soon as this was said, a few people seemed to have been sacred, and they screamed with enthusiasm.


Still the South Six Domains.

Yue Wu and Long Xuan gathered together.

At this moment, the two faces are ugly.

"Nothing, what should I do?"

Cangdi has been taken away!

At this moment, they have received a holy order and evacuated.

On the other side of the Emperor, security is guaranteed.

Wu Wuhua feels the atmosphere of the eight strong people nearby, and the six roads come from the caves.

After reading Long Xuan, Yue Wu suddenly smiled and said: "Do you think that Fang Ping can turn over?"

They have received the news!

Fang Ping will die!

The five great saints, in the taboo of the sea to kill Fang Ping, Fang Ping is difficult to fly!

Long Xuan does not speak.

"Do you remember the scene in the cemetery of the gods that day?"

Wu Wuhua said: "On that day, hate can not be born at the same time! On that day, the Terran fights the Quartet, under the stagnation, against the sky! Fang Ping won! At that time, Wuhua felt that Xiuwu was like a human race, even if it became magic!

Kill a **** road and fight for a future!

Three thousand years ago, I wanted to be enlightened, but it never succeeded. After the end of the war, I broke the barriers of many years and found my own way! ”

At this moment, the moon is not a big man!

"I asked Xiandao, just ask Xiandao! Today, it is not as humane as it is, the emperor is a descendant... The pattern is small, the spirit is small, and the Chinese are disdainful!"

This woman who has not seen Fang Ping several times, is now bursting with a brilliant light!

"I want to fight for the future!"

Three thousand years ago, Luo Yu, Yue Wuhua, Gu Qing, including Lingbi...

These people are the pride of that era!

However, three thousand years later, some of them died, and some people have not yet proved.

Today, Wu Wuhua wants to fight for a future and set his own future!

"Snake King, come to China without help!"

At this moment, a gold ribbon runs through the void!

The moon is full of laughter and laughter!

She wants to blog once!

Who said that women are not as good as men?

“Thank you for your helplessness!”

Wu Kuishan is overjoyed!

The Terran has once again ushered in foreign aid.

Below, Long Xuan's face changes, then, bite his teeth!


The sound of the dragon screams, a golden dragon presents, "Ronazaki, you mixed blood dragon, come and fight with this seat!"

Long Xuan is violent!

It is the Dragon Island Dragon, the descendant of the Dragon Emperor!

Ryusaki, that is the descendant of the Wan Yao.

Are dragons!

As soon as this was said, Ryugasaki was also furious. "You Long Island is under the beastmaster's door. I thought you were a dragon wise. Now it seems to be a deadly generation!"

When the words fall, the sea is forbidden, and the two golden dragons collide instantly!

Blood sprinkles the void!

When you see it, you scream, swallow the moon, and devour the whole void, kill!

On the other side of Yuhai Mountain, it is also an instant burst of battle.

The four are absolutely perfect, and they are all in the first place.

And six true gods, some have entered the true state of the gods for many years.

However, at this moment, the two sides are still cruel.


The war broke out when the outbreak broke out!

At this moment, the three realms of the three circles have paid close attention.

Wangwushan, Renhuang Yimai, Nanhuang, Xihuang...

Those who are strong in the royal family are watching the battle.

The disciples are also watching the battle.

Tiangui and the caves are united, and some people are united to kill Fang Ping. At this moment, Fang Ping is afraid that he will be escaping!

Eight saints!

Terrible power!

Eight saints can even defeat the seven kings and break the six kings, and they may be defeated and even killed!

In order to kill Fang Ping, it can be said that this time, the most powerful force was dispatched.

Kill, then you have to kill!

He has studied Fang Ping’s resume and knows the consequences of Fang Ping’s immortality. He must not let Fang Ping escape again!


Taboo sea air.

South seven domain direction.

Fang Ping was surrounded by five saints.

No one listened to him, almost instantaneously, these people shot him!

Fang Ping broke into the sea in an instant, however, this moment was bombarded in the blink of an eye.

In the sea, a huge monster appeared, and the mouth vomited, faintly said: "The emperor, the whale!"

Fang Ping's face changed dramatically, the emperor demon!

The Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor!

Fang Ping is not nonsense, and he does not say anything. He tears the void again, and the void just splits. The sky is covered with a seal, and the void is blown up.

Fang Ping mouth spit blood, military uniforms smashed, gold body cracked, and flew out.

Over there, several saints have shot!

Kill Fang Ping!

At this moment, Fang Ping gave a low voice, and the three **** were thrown out and rumbling!

The world is shaking, the next moment, three masked people appear!

Yes, masked people!

Not only is it masked, but at the moment, the three are quite different.

One person carries a long knife, one holds a long gun, and one holds a long stick.

"Shen knife!"

"Shen gun!"

"God stick!"

"Three gods go to war!"

The three men violently drunk at the same time. The next moment, they went straight to Tianshen, Tianjian and Tianqiao.

Tiangui accident, but also shocked.

Who is this?

he does not know!

He can't see the true and false, it seems to be a real person, it seems that it is not like, from this heaven and earth, from where suddenly three saints came!


at the same time.


The top of the mountain.

On a crystal screen, this scene is presented.

The sage of Yu Wei is slightly changed. "It is really him!"

That was only the emperor's strength in the past, but it is known as one of the three strongest players!

It is not that he is strong, but that he can create artifacts, and the Emperor of the Nine Emperors are covering him.

Today, she saw a completely different scene!

His avatar!

Three avatars, this moment, actually blocked the three saints!

"Who is he?"

The coffin is also shocking. Is the three people the same person?

"Do not ask!"

Yu Wei shook his head, a very jealous guy.

Yu Wei Emei, this actually appeared!


Taboo on the sea.

Three avatars appeared and shocked others.

Not only that, Fang Ping also throws two people at this moment, Xing Xing and Ming Ting, said: "kill the whale, go back to stew soup!"

Ming Ting and Di Xing look at each other, but also very dignified!

Emperor level!

Still not the general emperor, senior emperor.

Although it is not a saint, the emperor's emperor level is inherently stronger. Although the two have emperor-level strength, they may all be first-in, and may not be able to compete.

However, at this time they have no choice.

The two men snorted and rushed to the whales below!

Tiangui's face changes, faintly said: "Good ability!"

More terrible than he expected!

Fang Ping actually recruited three saints in an instant, and the two emperors helped out, which exceeded his expectations.

However, there are two saints at the moment!

Tiangui, Qingmo!

At this moment, in the void, a figure is presented, the face is illusory, looking at Fang Ping, the eyes seem to be somewhat complicated, faintly said: "Two saints, I can't help you hold two people!"

"One person is enough, the old woman is handed over to you!"

Fang Ping gave a cold drink, and Jiang Yan sighed and said no more. Look at Qing Mo, "You and I will learn from each other!"

The words fall, instantly rushed to the past, and battle with Qingmo!

Quartet, eight sage-level powerhouses are fighting!

This time, the sky is really a little changed!

Tianmu, Cang Mao, two emperors, four great saints...

Where did Fang Ping move so many rescuers?

Not only that, at the moment, in the direction of the South Sixth, ten strong squatters have also begun to gather, killing the sounds.

Start fighting in the direction of the taboo sea!

The strength of the human race is stronger than imagined!

"But you still have to die!"

Tiangui sipped a cold drink and once again printed a square to Fangping.

Fang Ping gritted his teeth and broke the void, and instantly escaped for dozens of miles.

Tiangui is almost instantaneous!


A roar came and Fang Ping’s back was directly punched, biting his teeth, and sneered: “Come, bring you this dog to play!”

"court death!"

Tiangui cold drink, once again punched out, Fang Ping holding the defensive, but it is not worthy of the saint, directly hit the golden body burst, broke the void.

This blow, even if Fang Ping had some characteristics of the emperor, he was seriously injured.

The immortal material on Fang Ping’s body is almost no money, and it begins to repair the injury, but the injury is still extremely heavy!

At this moment, Tiangui suddenly closed his eyes and snorted!

Fang Ping's body is overflowing, and the blood is seven!

"Well, you are also worthy of this holy road?"

Tiangui snorted, Fang Ping is a bit difficult, but also to see who!

He is a saint!

Ancient saints!

Fang Ping wants to marry him, and he is crazy about people, not to mention his ability to know Fang Ping.

This time, he actually injured the origin of Fang Ping.

"Old guy, great enough!"

Fang Ping laughed. "You can't be lacking in the source, let's play slowly! Kill you sooner or later!"

Fang Ping took advantage of this gap and emptied again.


Tiangui sneered, and the big print in his hand suddenly fell into the sky!



At the moment of the Great Seal, it was hidden into the void. The next moment, Fang Ping felt the big troubles come!

Void... more solid!

Sage order!

The sage order is to stabilize the existence of the world. At this moment, Tiangui throws the saint order into the void and suppresses the world!

Although Fang Ping can still break the air, it is no longer as it used to be.

A few miles away!

For the strong, it is better not to short.

"You must die!"

God is indifferent, see how you escape!

I thought that the ancient saints were the true gods of the waste you killed?

Fang Ping gritted his teeth, roared, the air broke out, and the emptiness trembled!

At the moment, it is also a big print on one side, and a blow breaks the void!

"It's a bit tolerant, I really want to be an emperor!"

It was really terrible to see the emptiness of Fang Ping’s hitting, and the more expensive the eyes were.

How many days?

This guy really has some weak level of combat power!

"go to hell!"

Tiangui’s palm swept into the void, and Fang Ping’s violent screams, and the knives appeared, and he slammed his palm.

Mars is on fire!

Fang Ping was subjected to severe shocks, and the golden body was actually shaking and shaking!

He felt that he could not move because he was shaken!

In the distance, Tiangui is sneer, this is the saint!

The huge palms instantly caught Fang Ping.

At this time, the bang banged and the palms exploded!

Fang Ping Jin body destroyed most of the time, but it was instantly restored to the majority, and he fled a few miles away, his face pale.

This is the saint!

He is indeed not good.

Even if Tiangui did not return to the peak, at least the limit of 4.5 million cards, close to 80% of the outbreak.

360,000 cards!

If Fang Ping is not fighting in the air, the real face will collide with him. Three strokes will be enough to fight Fang Pingjin’s body to burst and die.

"Human, bless me!"

At this moment, Fang Ping suddenly violently screamed!


at the same time.


Countless people have come out of the house.

In the air, a large number of strong people vacated.

They have violently said: "The king of the king once again fights the Quartet. We need to contribute to the king and contribute to the human race! The strong people, the strong people! The princes, the world!"

Below, there are thousands of people, some are non-martial and some are warriors.

At the moment, there is a common feature!

Coming soon!

At the moment of the non-martial arts, they rushed to the top and advanced to the military.

The warriors are also absorbing the energy groups thrown by the strong men from the sky, and they have been included in the body. Some people have instantly exploded their bodies, but they are still violent, and they can do very little!

Can be selected because they are about to break through.

This is glory!

It is also the belief of the human race!

Only a breakthrough!

They don't know, if they break the border, Fang Ping can be stronger, but they know that this is hope.

It is also the person behind them, the only thing that can be done.



Zhang Peng roared, six forging... It was promoted!

What is the seven forging and eight forging, nine products are stronger than eight products!

"Yangcheng people, with me to advance! People's hometown, you can avoid the war, Zhang promoted nine products, the warrior who is willing to fight, with me into the cave, calm war!"


Committed to the city!

This is the hometown of the king, and there are warriors who can't afford to lose that person!

The Admiral's nine products are also unique in the world. This is glory!

At this moment, Yangcheng spilled a lot of energy out of thin air, and countless people, this moment has screamed out and advanced!

Zhang Peng is also violently screaming, stepping out!

In the void, a boulevard flashes away!

100 meters long!

Not too long, but today he entered the source, into the nine products, the battlefields, the descendants of Wuwang, will never give people a shame!

His father died young, and Zhang Peng is the pillar of the parent's room!

The younger brother and sister are still young, and the uncle’s strength is not as good as him. At this moment, Zhang’s family no longer fights the ground, and Zhang Peng is propping up Zhang Jiawu’s card!


Zhang Pengjin broke out and stunned Yangcheng. The next moment, violently said: "With the blood of the enemy, cast my martial arts foundation! You, the warriors, into the cave! Kill!"


The humming sound of the sky, this moment, thousands of warriors, broke through the air, have followed Zhang Peng, to the nearest Nanjiang area to kill!

The Nanjiang Grottoes, which had already been settled, are also **** today.

Today, fight for the Terran!

PS: I want to ask for a monthly pass. It seems to have exploded the front, and the surprise is...

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