Chapter 128 The river formed by corrosive venom! Time to fight each other!

Although he was searching for the undead, Su Mu was constantly heading towards the depths of the palace. When others saw the undead, they would just run away. Unless the level of divine power was above level 3, they would not be an opponent at all.


It was another undead knight killed by Su Mu. This was the fifth undead knight he entered and killed in the palace. It was another godhead. Su Mu’s face was calm, and he lost the joy he had before. This is to be expected.

In the past three days, the number of ordinary undead killed by Su Mu has reached more than 200. With the income of the undead knight, he now has nearly 300 pieces of godhead. “Lesson 5 is Godhead.” Su Mu said lightly.

“I don’t know where the palace is now. Has anyone reached the deepest part of the palace “Nine Seven Three”?” Su Mu thought to himself.

However, he felt that it should not be so easy. There are crises everywhere in the palace. It will not be so easy to obtain treasure or inheritance. Everything here is about death.

As expected of a necromancer, summoning these undead when alive is enough to cause a headache. “I don’t know if this palace has always belonged to the necromancers of all dynasties?” “If you accept the inheritance, will this palace belong to someone else?” Su Mu thought of this question not only once.

In fact, many god-level powerhouses will connect it. After all, such a palace will not appear for no reason, nor is it built by the previous generation of necromancers.

The existence of the palace may be the status symbol of the necromancers of all dynasties.

Owning this palace means that he is a necromancer!

There is only one necromancer per generation, which is enough to show the power of this profession. “No matter how strong the Necromancer is, it shouldn’t be able to beat the Scourge?!” Su Mu thought faintly.

Since there is a Scourge, Su Mu will not give up on the Scourge even if the inheritance of the Necromancer is in front of him, but he will not give up competing for the Necromancer inheritance.

I can’t use it myself, if I can, sell it or something.

Su Mu is mainly interested in this palace. If he can get this necromancy hall without accepting the inheritance, then it is the best for Su Mu.

At this moment, not far from Su Mu, a large number of powerhouses gathered here, and it can be said that most of the powerhouses who came in were stopped here.

For three days, from the very first powerhouse who arrived here to now, no one has passed.

Because there is actually a river across here, and it is not a river, but it is more like a corrosive venom.

Because if you want to continue, you have to cross this ‘river’, and you can’t teleport or fly over, you can only pass through this ‘river’, there is no other way to go.

If it is a direct method, that is, relying on itself to resist the damage of the corrosive venom, it is impossible to pass, because the damage is very high, and its own resistance attribute will not play a role.

Therefore, many god-level powerhouses were stopped here.

However, ten minutes ago, the melee that happened here again ended again.

Because some people have thought, using other people’s corpses to ‘step’ to reduce the time in the ‘river’ is to kill a god-level powerhouse, throw the opponent’s corpse into the ‘river’, and at that moment the corpse Cross over the corpse before disappearing.

In order to achieve the method of shortening the distance, this is indeed feasible.

There are even some level 3 and level 4 powerhouses who have done such a thing.

It’s just that the people here are all god-level powerhouses. At the same level, it is difficult to kill each other unless they are under siege.

Either the level of divine power is much higher than that of the opponent, and the opponent will be suppressed too much strength, or it is better to kill the opponent.

There were a few more corpses of level 1 supernatural powers here just now, all of them died in the melee and were taken away by several level 3 supernatural powers.

The emergence of such a ‘river’, no one would have thought, would definitely eliminate most people.

“Qiao Wei, let’s go, now there are only two of us left. If we fight again later, we will surely die.” In a corner, a man said to the woman next to him.

This is the woman who took Su Mu before, Qiao Wei.

They originally had a team of five, but now there are only two left. Not long after they first entered the palace, one died.

The other two were killed just now.

Now, because of the appearance of this ‘river’, many god-level powerhouses are united, and no one dares to be alone, and the one who is alone is bound to be besieged.

In fact, Qiao Wei and others were lucky to be able to get here. After all, they were only level 1 divine powers, and more level 1 divine powers died on the way here. “Okay! Life is the most important thing, it’s useless to stay any longer.”

Qiao Wei was also extremely unwilling in her heart, but she had no choice. If she didn’t leave, the next time the melee began, the two of them would definitely be besieged by other teams. “go!”

The teammate whispered.

However, just when the two were about to leave, they were suddenly surrounded by nine people…

Obviously, the two have been targeted by other teams.

“What are you doing?”

The teammates shouted gloomily.

“Haha! What are you doing? You want to leave? How can it be so easy? Let’s stay here as a corpse.” One of the nine-member team said with a sneer.

Hearing the other party’s words, Qiao Wei and his teammates’ faces changed greatly, and their hearts gradually sank to the bottom.

They consumed a lot just now, and their blood was not full. At this time, they were targeted by nine people and could not escape at all.

What’s more, there are still two level 2 divine powers in this team, and the hope of the two of them leaving is even slimmer.

“We will give you everything we got, let us go!” Qiao Wei replied calmly.

“Hey, if I kill you, everything is still ours.”

The other person replied with a sneer, and the other people also showed sarcasm on their faces.

“Hmph! You have to think about it, otherwise, even if you burn yourself with divine power, it will not make you feel better.” Qiao Wei’s teammates showed a fierce look.

I want to die, but I have to pull my back before I die. “Killing one is not a loss, killing two is profitable, hum!”

Looking at the fierce appearance of Qiao Wei’s teammates, the face of the nine-member team also changed slightly.

Qiao Wei also spoke at this time, with a ruthless expression on her face. If the other party then has divine power and pulls the back, if someone is unlucky, it is indeed a big loss. “Boy, do you dare to bluff us? Do you really think we are scared?” The leader of the nine-member team said coldly. “You can try it!”

For a while, no one in the nine-member team spoke. “what to do?”

After half a ring, one of the 5.8 couldn’t help asking.

“What are you afraid of? Burning divine power? It’s not like no one has done it before. Don’t get close to them, just wear them to death.” “What about burning divine power? It’s hard to find two separate ones. What a pity!” Another said indifferently.

“Indeed, if it is targeted by other teams and snatched from us, it will be very troublesome. If you burn divine power, you will burn divine power. Don’t get close to them when you shoot.”

“Well, that’s it!”

The nine-man team reached an agreement.

And Qiao Wei and his teammates are getting worse and worse. They know that the probability of wanting to leave safely is very low.

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