Chapter 64

Early the next morning.

As soon as Lin Yu got up, he received a communication message from Yan Ji at the same time.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly:

“Is it finally here?”

He connected to the communication.

Yan Ji’s nervous voice sounded.

“Ayu…My dad said I want to see you…what should I do?”

Lin Yu smiled and said:

“See you, it’s not shameful.”


Yan Ji was still a little nervous and worried.

“Afraid of your dad bullying me?”

Lin Yu smiled and said:

“What, I don’t bother to care about you!”

Yan Ji’s shame appeared in Lin Yu’s mind, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

“When? Where?”

“Just today at noon, my dad asked you to have a meal, and Uncle Zuo was there…

The address is in Nanli Restaurant. ”

Lin Yu nodded: “I know, I’ll be there later.”


Yan Ji fell silent:

“My dad won’t let me go, be careful.”

“I see, don’t worry, your dad won’t do anything to me.”

Lin Yu comforted Yan Ji.

Not long after hanging up the communication, Zuo Muge also contacted Lin Yu.

The news is basically the same as Yan Ji said.

Lin Yu chatted with Zuo Muge and cut off the communication.

After getting up to wash, Lin Yu changed into a set of clean and decent clothes and went out.

Nanli Restaurant is the largest restaurant in Glimmer City.

The chef inside is extremely skilled, and is a vice-professional with chef talent, who can handle fierce beast meat.

It can even make some foods that permanently increase attributes, similar to the Flower of Wisdom Potion.

Of course, it is very precious.

Yesterday’s flower potion of wisdom, Lin Yu also increased.

Elixir of Light of Wisdom (b)

Permanently +500 intelligence after taking

Use level: 10

The potion after the increase is terrible.

The promoted attributes can be compared with the third or fourth level of the advancement of God’s Trial.

Arriving in the center of Glimmer City, Lin Yu saw Nanli Restaurant.

A waiter came over as soon as he walked in.

“Hello, who is it?”

“I’m looking for someone.”

Lin Yu smiled.

“Yan Yu and Zuo Jingye.”

The waiter was taken aback, then he bent over and asked respectfully:

“Are you Mr. Lin Yulin?”


Lin Yu nodded.

The waiter secretly glanced at Lin Yu’s young face, a little shocked.

Although I received the above notice before, I asked him to wait for someone named Lin Yu.

I didn’t expect Lin Yu to be so young!

Such a young person turned out to be the object of a banquet for the heads of the two major families of Zuo Jiayan’s family? !

He didn’t dare to think deeply, and bent over and said:

“Mr. Lin, please come with me. The two adults are on the top floor.”

Lin Yu followed the waiter up the private elevator and went straight to the top floor.

I have to say that the interior of the Nanli restaurant is very luxurious, and Lin Yu feels that he is a prodigal when he sees it.

However, he increased the equipment and items he had harvested before and sold a batch, and now he is worth a billion yuan.

And money is really just a number to him.

At most, it’s just a sigh.

There seemed to be only one private room on the top floor. The waiter took Lin Yu to the outside of the private room and said respectfully:

“Mr. Lin, the two adults are inside, I can’t go in, you can go in by yourself.”


“No trouble, no trouble.”

The waiter shook his head in fear.

Lin Yu stopped talking, opened the door and walked in.

Inside the door is a huge box.

There is a round table in the center, and murals are hung on the walls on both sides.

Lin Yu didn’t understand these arts either, so he took a look and then looked back.

He cast his eyes on the round table, where there are now two people.

A red-haired, sturdy face, sharp eyes, a black-haired, a gentle smile on his face.

Both of them are very handsome.

You can tell their identities from their hair.

When Lin Yu looked at them, they were also looking at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu stepped forward and greeted with a smile:

“Master Yan, Master Zuo, good two.”

The two are the heads of the ruling family of Glimmer City and the highest leader of the Glimmer City Legion.

Lead the army to guard the Shimmering City in the heavens and ten thousand tribes, and is also the guardian of the Shimmering City.

Lin Yu still respects the two of them.

It should be said that every soldier who is bathed in blood on the battlefield of the dimension is worthy of respect.

The Twilight City is now stable and prosperous, and ordinary people live and work in peace and contentment, and they are also carrying the burden.

Zuo Jingye looked at Lin Yu up and down, narrowed his eyes, with a hint of teasing:

“From your relationship with the pastoral, call me your lord?”

Lin Yu: “…”

He glanced at Zuo Jingye, who was a bit silly.

Damn it.

Sure enough, if there is a father, will there be a daughter?

He finally knew where Zuo Muge’s witch-like character came from.

This person feels black at first sight.

Does this mean that you already know the relationship between him and Zuo Muge?

Still cheating him?

He also simply smiled and said:

“Uncle Zuo.”

Very calm.

Zuo Jingye glanced at Lin Yu calmly in surprise, then smiled:

“Yes, the younger generation of mankind, you should be number one.”.

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