Chapter 327

After entering the Scarlet Blood City, several Lin Yu clones looked around.

A Lin Yu clone exclaimed: “It’s the same as last time, basically the same.”

On the corner of the street not far away, two blood demon clan powerhouses were fighting frantically at the moment, and there were several people on the side yelling.

Seeing this scene, a Lin Yu avatar raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a crazy smile: “It’s still so crazy.”

With his fingers kept on, one of the strong blood demon clan’s body stiffened, and the other strong blood demon clan took advantage of this opportunity to chop off his head.

He held the head of the strong blood demon clan in one hand, raised his head and roared frantically.

At this moment, the crazy Lin Yu clone was a little casual again.

The frantically roaring blood demon warrior stiffened, spouting a mouthful of blood, and fell heavily to the ground, leaving the audience in an uproar.

The crazy Lin Yu laughed wildly and was extremely happy.

Seeing this, several other Lin Yu looked speechless.

“Stop playing, first go find out if the strong blood demon clan is here.”

“Well, how can I find it?”

Lin Yu, wearing glasses, pushed the glasses and said, “It’s not easy. Go to the headquarters of the Scarlet Blood Corps and go directly to their seniors. Isn’t it okay to use the micro-interference of thinking?”

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the other Lin Yu clones lit up and nodded:

“This method is good.”

A group of Lin Yu clones immediately moved towards the Scarlet Blood Corps headquarters.

The defense of the Red Blood Army headquarters is quite solid, and the outer area is full of patrolling soldiers.

In the area at the door, there are many strong people stationed.

However, in Lin Yu’s view, these people are all furnishings.

Several Lin Yu clones swaggered into the headquarters in front of them.

After entering the headquarters, Lin Yu’s avatar swept his eyes.

Soon I saw a blood demon warrior wearing a uniform that seemed more advanced and walking alone.

A avatar of Lin Yu walked up, reached out and stopped the blood demon warrior, showing a smile: “Who is the highest leader of your Scarlet Army~”? ”

When the blood demon warrior saw Lin Yu’s clone, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he spoke respectfully, “It’s legion commander Josh Abel, my lord!”

Lin Yu raised an eyebrow: “Where is the legion chief?”

The blood demon warrior opened his mouth and said, “In West District No. 1, my lord.”

While speaking, he pointed in one direction.

Lin Yu avatar nodded, then looked at the blood demon warrior with a smile: “Go back to your room and commit suicide.”

The blood demon warrior nodded solemnly: “Yes, my lord!”

The blood demon warrior turned and left, and a group of Lin Yu clones also moved in the direction pointed by the blood demon warrior.

They inquired all the way, and soon found the office of Josh Abel, commander of the Scarlet Army.

There are two blood demon guards guarding the office door.

A avatar of Lin Yu smiled at the two guards of the blood demon clan.

The next moment, the two guards stiffened and recovered.

One of the guards did not change, and the other guard opened the door of the office.

In the office, Josh Abel, who was dealing with affairs with his head bowed, frowned when he saw the office door opened, and looked up.

“You came in without knocking? Who gave it to you…sir, hello!”

After Josh Abel’s words were said, he changed.

Then he quickly stood up and stood up straight.

Lin Yu nodded and let the guard close the door.

Several Lin Yu clones sat down on the sofa, and one of them asked, “Do you know where the members of the Blood Flower Order are?”

Hearing this, Josh Abel was taken aback, and then he said: “I heard that the humans of the Blue Star are now destroying the gathering place of the Blood Flower Order, and they are also hunting down the members of the Blood Flower Order. The morality among allies, we let the Pope Zhe Sheng of the Order of the Blood Flower, Deputy Pope Lu Teng, and the four archbishops and a group of high-level officials enter our dark red land to take refuge. Now they are in the blood moon city. My lord, I don’t know what you are looking for?”

Lin Yu smiled and asked, “Can you let them come over?”

“This…I’m afraid this won’t work. The Blood Flower Cult has a great effect on our Blood Demon Race’s invasion of Blue Star. Now we are in a cooperative relationship and cannot order them to come over.”

Josh Abel said with some shame.

Lin Yu’s avatar nodded: “So it’s like this…Where is Blood Moon City?”

Josh Abel opened his mouth and said, “It won’t take long to be here in the north of Scarlet Blood City.”

“. “That’s it, you did a good job.”

Josh Abel received the praise of Lin Yu’s clone, and suddenly showed a look of excitement and joy.

“Okay, you can die.”

Lin Yu opened his mouth and said.

“Yes! It’s my pleasure!”

Josh Abel stood up straight and raised his head proudly.

Lin Yu availed himself a little, and the next moment, Josh Abel’s body burst into blood mist.

At the moment when Josh Abel died, an extremely powerful force rose from the Scarlet Blood City.

Corresponding to it is the power of the strong blood law.

“Who would dare to be presumptuous in my Scarlet Blood City!!”

The roar resounded throughout Scarlet Blood City, making Scarlet Blood City boil.

All the soldiers and adventurers in Scarlet City looked at each other.

“It’s the saint Samson! Why does the saint make such a sudden movement?”

“The saint is angry?!”

“Did anyone do anything in our Scarlet Blood (good) city? It actually brought out Lord Saint!”

The eyes of the strong men were horrified.

In Josh Abel’s office, feeling the familiar breath of the law of blood, several Lin Yu clones were all overjoyed, showing excitement.

“Finally found you!”

The frenzied Lin Yu doppelganger’s mouth curled up, and his body disappeared in place.

At the same time, so did the other Lin Yu clones.


In the Scarlet City, over the headquarters of the Scarlet Blood Army, six Lin Yu clones appeared, and they saw a blood demon man wearing a black robe and a hood rushing over.

Saint of the Gorefiend, Samson Hogan.

Seeing the six avatars of Lin Yu, Samson Hogan stopped, his face extremely hideous.

“You dare to come to my Scarlet Blood City to be presumptuous, you will die today!”.

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