Chapter 316

“Did you choose? Just one?”

When Zuo Qinghan saw that Lin Yu no longer chose, he couldn’t help but froze.

Lin Yu smiled and said, “Almost enough, let’s choose another one later.”

After all, what he has now is a blood suit, and the skill gains of choosing a blood series are large enough.

In addition, his current skills are still comprehensive, so he doesn’t need other skills for the time being.

“Well then. You can decide for yourself. Now that you have chosen, go out.”


The two left the treasure house. Zuo Qinghan was the guardian of the treasure house. Naturally, he couldn’t leave. Lin Yu bid farewell to Zuo Qinghan and left.

Amid the shouts of the two guards, Lin Yu walked out of the left door.

He directly chose to start the eternal trial, and at the same time he had some expectations in his heart.

I hope this eternal trial will still be based on attributes or skill requirements.

Then be happy.

After the light flashed, the trial mission jumped out.

【Bursting of Tarsus】

The fanatic of the immortal shadows is frantic! They cooperated with the Abyssal Demon in an attempt to destroy the glimmer city of mankind. They no longer have the bottom line of mankind.

The cult at Blue Star is like the gangrene of the 17 bones of tarsus. Without eradicating the cult, mankind will always face the threat of betrayal and internal destruction!

Go! Let those cultists know that the glory of mankind will never be extinguished, they are on the way to the end!

Mission Objective: Destroy the headquarters of the Shadow Nation.

Lin Yu looked at the task and raised his brow slightly.

Didn’t expect it to be such a task?

The headquarters of the Shadow Nation…

Lin Yu’s eyes flashed with cold light, in fact, he already had an idea.

The only problem now is that he doesn’t know where the headquarters of the Shadow Nation is?

You need to find the headquarters before you can complete this task.

Lin Yu stroked his chin, it was a bit difficult.

He really made him fight, he didn’t panic at all, finding someone is not what he is good at.

Especially the mysterious cult like the Kingdom of Shadows, let him look for it, and his eyes were blackened.

At this moment, Lin Yu suddenly saw two professionals flying by him, with a look of eagerness on his face.

One of the men in the dark blue battle armor looked at the man in the black leather armor a little excitedly and said: “What you said is true?! Is it really sure that it is the headquarters of the Kingdom of Shadows?!”

The man in black leather armor nodded, with a look of excitement on his face: “Of course it is true! How could I lie on this? It took me a long time to find it! The sixth child is dead inside!”

“Very good! This time, we must be the first to complete the task and make a fortune!”

A smile appeared on the face of the man in the dark blue battle armor.

“It’s a pity the sixth.”

The man in black leather armor sighed.

The man in the dark blue battle armor smiled and said: “What do you have to sigh about? This time the mission is rewarded a lot, and the pension will be enough by then.”

At this moment, the two found a young man in a crimson robe and a high mage hat standing in front of them.

The boy was very handsome, with a gentle smile on his face.

“Two, wait a minute.”

The men in the dark blue battle armor and the men in the black leather armor were both shocked, looking at Lin Yu who suddenly appeared warily.

Lin Yu appeared too fast, they were all seventh-tier peaks, and they didn’t even react. At this moment, the two of them were a little nervous.

However, when they thought that it was in the Glimmer City, the two of them felt relieved again.

The man in the dark blue armor was a little surprised: “This friend, don’t we know? What do you want us to do?”

Lin Yu had a gentle smile on his face: “I heard you found the headquarters of the Shadow Nation?”

Hearing Lin Yu’s questioning, the two became vigilant again.

The man in the black leather armor frowned and his voice became a little cold: “Why are you asking this? No matter your business, please let me go!”

Lin Yu raised his hands and spread them out in front of them, revealing a harmless look of humans and animals: “That’s it, I want to make a deal with you.”


The black leather man was taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head again and again: “Don’t do it! I’m not interested! If you don’t leave, we will notify the guard!”

“Wait! You talk about the deal first.”

At this time, the dark blue armored man stopped wanting to leave the black leather armored man and looked at Lin Yu.

The black leather armor man was taken aback, turned his head to look at the dark blue armor man, and said anxiously: “Boss, what do you mean?!”

The man in dark blue armor patted the shoulder of the man in black leather armor, and said, “Listen first if there is anything to lose? Don’t worry.”

Lin Yu smiled: “This soldier brother is right. You can listen to my deal first.”

The man in black leather armor glanced at Lin Yu, with a look of distrust in his eyes, he snorted coldly and stopped talking.

“Well, brother, tell me, what is your deal?”

Lin Yu smiled and said, “I hope you can tell me the address of the headquarters of the Shadow Nation.”

The man in black leather armor showed such a look as expected.

The man in the dark blue armor smiled stiffly, and then lost interest: “Sorry, we won’t make this transaction.”

“Listen to me first. You are using this address to hand in the task, right? Don’t worry, I won’t hand in the task. The reward for this task is still yours. Even…”

Lin Yu glanced at the two of them: “Are you all the seventh-tier pinnacles?”

Upon hearing this, the pupils of the man in black leather armor and the man in dark blue armor shrank, and a trace of panic flashed in their eyes.

The two of them had never told the blood-robed boy in front of them about their level, but the blood-robed boy could tell at a glance.

It shows that the strength of this blood-robed boy far exceeds the two of them.

“This Master…what do you want?”

The man in the dark blue armor secretly regretted it, so he should leave right away.

No…Leave directly, I’m afraid I can’t leave, right?

Lin Yu smiled and said: “I can give you a s+ level weapon. You can choose the type by yourself, as long as you tell me the address.”

Both the dark blue armored man and the black leather armored man were taken aback, both of them had a look of disbelief on their faces, and they suspected that they had heard it wrong.

“This… Your Excellency the mage… You said, would you like to exchange this address with two S+ level weapons?”

The voice of the black leather armor man trembled, but he didn’t seem to notice it himself.

He himself just watched Lin Yu tightly.

The man in the dark blue armor beside him was also full of desire, but he was calmer than the man in the black leather armor: “Master mage, can you tell me why you want this address?”

Lin Yu smiled: “This is not something you need to care about, you just need to answer me, do or not do this transaction.”

In fact, Lin Yu can use the micro-interference of thinking to control the two to force the address out.

However, Lin Yu did not do this. The address was originally discovered by the two, and they are not enemies.

For those who are not enemies, Lin Yu still retains the bottom line.

You can do whatever you want without hurting the innocent.

This is Lin Yu’s bottom line. .

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