
After the end of the two-day tour.

Miley Mirren returns to Silverspring.

She immediately called a council of elders.

The elven patriarch directly announced that he planned to follow the elf king, join the forces of the Undercity, assist the dragon demon king, unify the forest, and create order!

This decision is too striking.

Several Elven Elders were adamantly opposed.

The elven tribe has no opinion on following the elven king, but the highest object of allegiance is the demon king, and the elves are very resistant and difficult to accept.


Miley Mirren has a strong personality.

She believed what she had seen with her own eyes and investigated in person, and directly overcame public opinion and settled the matter.

This thing.

Coming from the Presbyterian Church.

The elves of Silver Spring City were not stunned.

They did not dare to understand the patriarch.

Why did he make such a shocking decision.

Let the elves of Silver Spring City raise the city to join the demon king and the alien race?

The people of Silverspring City were panicked for a while, if it weren't for the prestige accumulated over the years, Miley Millen would probably be impeached and removed by the Council of Elders.

Miley Mirren is mentally prepared for criticism.

This is a matter at first glance.

It's really hard to accept.

But it's not a wrong choice.

The unification of the Chaos Forest is becoming a trend, and the Silver Spring Elves cannot fight against this trend because they are pedantic.

Miley Mirren is confident.

The prestige he has accumulated over the years is okay.

In the face of internal pressure and protests, it can be suppressed for a short time.

As for the future, after the elders and their clansmen have been to the Giant Tree City and personally learned about the Giant Tree City and the Demon King, they will definitely not object.

That's when it happened.

Silverspring Underground Warrior Guild.

Dozens of Silver Spring City warriors gathered urgently.

"This is outrageous!"

"Miley Mirren is ready to take refuge in the Dragon Demon King!"

"Do you think she's mentally controlled?

"As soon as the demon king's forces come, do we still have a place to stand?"

"No, we have to stop it, I'd rather Silver Spring City be destroyed than let this demon king succeed!"


I probably don't feel like I'm in a good situation.

The warriors began to plot a way out for themselves.

A warrior stood up and proposed: "Let's go north to join the Thunder Empire, the leader of the Kolo region in the south is a warrior!"

"This Count of Kolo has recently wanted to provoke a conflict between the Dragon Demon King and the Dwarves, and for doing so, he has issued a huge bounty on the Forest Warriors. "

"I think it's a good opportunity right now. "

As soon as this statement came out.

The crowd felt that it made sense.

Anyone who has lived in Silver Spring knows it.

The elves of Silverspring are bitter enemies with the dwarves to the east.

This grudge was planted two hundred years ago.

At that time, the Silverspring tribe had just migrated to the Chaos Forest, and the elves and dwarves did not like each other, and the initial fuse was only a small dispute over territory.

It's a little thing.

But it intensified.

In the end, there was even a fight.

The elves' foundations were unstable, and they were once defeated.

When the dwarves were almost about to successfully drive the elves away, a major mining disaster suddenly occurred in the mine, and a large number of dwarves died, resulting in a serious loss of vitality, and they were forced to stop attacking and give up their advantage.

The elves were able to breathe and quickly build the city.

There is widespread suspicion among the dwarves that the elves were responsible for the mining disaster.

This led to the continuous conflict between elves and dwarves in the world for the next two hundred years, and instead of resolving the grievances, the grievances became deeper and deeper.

In recent decades.

The dwarven tribes are getting stronger.

They had been looking for an opportunity to expel the elves once and for all.

The warriors thought it was feasible to stop the Demon King from getting Silverspring and complete Count Kolo's hefty bounty.


in the process.

Zhang Mu returned to the Dark City.

Learned that Nancylia had successfully persuaded the Patriarch of Silver Spring.

His Majesty the Demon King immediately felt very relieved, the little city lord was still very useful, and it would be difficult to achieve this matter without her coming forward.

Elves are not goblins.

It is unlikely that it will be forced to surrender by force.

Although Zhang Mu was sure to break through Silver Spring City, in the process of fighting, most of the elves would die, and in the end, only a broken city full of holes remained.

Such a result.

It's not a good thing for anyone.

The soldiers who surrender without a fight, and the good ones are also good.

Among the three targets, one has been obtained, one is about to be obtained, and the last one is also in action, Zhang San personally led the army to attack the troll city.

the city.

is the weakest of the three targets.

With Zhang San's strength and the strength of the Dragonman Legion, what variables can happen to seize such a city?

Zhang Mu was not in a hurry and waited patiently

Immediately sacrificed a batch of souls in his hand.

Blood Castle obtained 1 Fourth-Order Soul and 21 Third-Order Souls, and Yaya City obtained 1 Fourth-Order Soul and 15 Third-Order Souls.

Zhang Mu sacrificed 36 third-order souls first.

[You sacrificed a third-order soul and gained 212 talent points!]

[You sacrificed a third-order soul and gained 209 talent points!]

[You sacrificed a third-order soul and gained 221 talent points!]


Thirty-six souls after the sacrifice.

Earned 7,560 Passive Skill Points.

Zhang Mu has 1052 talent points left.

His current talent point total is 8612.

There are two choices, he can sacrifice a fourth-order soul and get at least more than a thousand talent points, or he can choose to keep the fourth-order soul and make up all the remaining talent points with second-order souls.

Zhang Mu chose to leave the fourth-order soul.

Now there are a total of two fourth-order souls in his hands.

One was obtained by killing He Tianzong in the Bloody Fortress, and the other was obtained by the leader of the ogre warriors who killed the Ogre in Wanya City this time.

To the Demon King.

Talent points are all the same.

Fourth-order souls are high-order souls.

In addition to being exchanged for talent points, it can also be used as a material.

There were as many as one hundred or dozens of second-order souls in Zhang Mu's hand, even if he left some inventory for Chen Guoguo, it would be enough.

[You sacrificed a second-order soul and gained 22 talent points!]

[You sacrificed a second-order soul and gained 20 talent points!]

[You sacrificed a second-order soul and gained 21 talent points!]


Seventy were sacrificed.

Earn a total of 1470 talent points.

So there are 10082 points.

Finally, you can activate another fourth-order talent.

Zhang Mu's remaining two fourth-order talents are both space-time type talents, this kind of talent is very rare, and of course it is also very important.

After a few hesitations.

Time Mastery is activated.

[You have activated the Level 4 talent "Time Control"!]

[Time Control], a natural skill, you will gain the ability to affect the flow rate of time in the surrounding environment, the more mental power consumed, the greater the impact on time, and the current control of up to ten times the flow rate.

The effect of this skill is simple.

Zhang Mu can fast-forward or slow down the surrounding environment.

With his current strength, he can accelerate or decelerate ten times at most, and in the future, as his level increases, his time control will become stronger and stronger, and the time range that can be affected will also be larger.

No doubt.

It's a powerful skill.

Time is relative.

If this ability is used well, whether it is offensive or defensive, it is definitely a divine skill, which is enough to turn decay into magic.

"Very talented!"

"The power of time is rarer and rarer than the power of space. "

"Looking at the existence of time magic talent in the entire continent, I'm afraid it is only a handful!"

Of course.

Zhang Mu will not be fluttering.

His current use of time is just getting started.

Zhang Mu opened the Demon King trading channel and immediately saw several transaction information.

[The transaction is successful, the gold coin is spent 180,000, and the "Drawing: Lingtian" ×1 is obtained!]

[The transaction is successful, the gold coin is spent 180,000, and the "Drawing: Lingtian" ×1 is obtained!]

[The transaction is successful, 300,000 gold coins are spent, and the "Third-Order Ordinary Building Upgrade Scroll" ×1 is obtained!]

Zhang Mu was in good spirits.

Before he went out, he set the price and put up a buy order.

It's been almost three days, and the handling fee alone has cost tens of thousands of gold coins, and I finally received two Lingtian drawings one after another?

Except for Lingtian drawings.

There are also third-order upgrade volumes.

These items are currently too rare and scarce.

Even if the market price was slightly higher, it took so much time to receive it, Zhang Mu temporarily revoked the pending order, and waited for a few days to increase the price and continue to buy.

Why not raise the price immediately?

For all hearts are greedy.

Zhang Mu believes that if his last buy order has just been withdrawn, he will immediately switch to a higher price, and the seller who wants to sell will not be in a hurry to sell.

There are new drawings.

Zhang Mu immediately expanded the Lingtian.

There are not enough peasants?

Not to mention that there are many elves in Giant Tree City, among which a group can be moved to the Dark City to work, there are also more than 100,000 elves in Silver Spring City.


The talent of the elves is not low.

Zhang Mu checked the current situation of the territory by the way.

This time.

The territory is growing very fast.

Regardless of the size of the territory, the population growth is staggering.

Now the scale of the native unit alone is close to 30,000.


Logistics Corps: about 13,000 dragon laborers, about 5,000 senior laborers, about 2,000 dragon craftsmen, and 200 dragon masters.

Combat Corps: about 15,000 ordinary soldiers, 2,400 senior soldiers, 350 super soldiers, 100 dragon tactics, 30 demon dragon tactics, 25 dragon guards in the Battle of Fire, 15 dragon dragon guards, 25 dragon generals, 10 dragon priests, 1 dragon commander, 1 high priest, 1 earth dragon marshal, and 1 celestial dragon priest.

Other units.

Even if it's not an undead.

Orcs, elves, ogres, evil eyes, all add up to twenty or thirty thousand.

In addition to the direct troops, the size of the vassal troops and the vassal population is even more exaggerated.

Beast City, Ten Thousand Tooth City.

Orcs and ogres are all soldiers.

Among them, ogres are all elite units.

Orcs, elves, ogres, the sum of elite combat power, reaching a scale of about 100,000, is a force comparable to the regular army of the Empire!


Now there is no shortage of fighters.

He's going to build a stronger supply.

He also wants to build a stronger fiscal revenue.

There was no need for a large-scale riot for a while.

Zhang Mu decided to increase investment, cultivate high-end troops, and implement the line of elite soldiers.

Of course.

It takes money.

And it's a lot, a lot of money.

Good in terms of gold reserves.

Zhang Mu currently holds close to 5 million.

The financial growth of several territories is also booming.

He is also accelerating his conquests, his occupations, and even the unification of the forests.

In the process, you can get a lot of gold and resources, which are enough to build a super ace army.

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