Chapter 99 Decide!

“The commander of the 877 Fleet did not give an explanation. He said, I hope we can carry out the original plan!”” The adjutant said hurriedly.

“Implement the original plan?” The representative was extremely angry: “Connect the communication to the command station immediately! Let him tell me by himself!

When preparing for this operation, the representative deliberately asked for the command of the operation from the coalition headquarters in order to avoid different orders.

In the previous pre-war coordination meeting, when he was talking with Salmon, the commander of the 877 fleet, he also specifically emphasized the timing of the arrival of the two fleets on different routes to the attack location.

On this journey, the 052 fleet has also checked the travel time with the 877 fleet on the command coordination system several times to avoid tactical movements out of sync.

In the previous checks, the 877 fleet still maintained a strict speed control. Why didn’t it take long for them to have entered the meteor belt?

Judging from the itinerary, they are a full half an hour faster than the 052 “Five Seven Zero” fleet! If this is true, then it proves that they were lying during the previous command and coordination!

Soon, on the communication screen, an image of the 877 Fleet Commander and Rear Admiral Salmon of the Mermaid tribe appeared.

This is a young officer with long slender eyes, a high nose and a big nose. There are a lot of moustaches under the nose. The beard was carefully trimmed, which just rightly diverted people’s attention and concealed his long, warped, stubborn chin.

He is wearing a white and blue mermaid uniform, which is brand new and straight.

The epaulettes embroidered with gold thread on the shoulders are particularly eye-catching.

On the cuffs, the initials of his name are embroidered, and the broad-brimmed military cap with the emblem of the mermaid clan double-headed shark is lowered to the center of his eyebrows, making his eyes look sharp like an eagle.

“Major General Salmon!” The representative didn’t care how beautiful this guy was dressed and how sharp his eyes were. When the communication was connected, he roared, “What are you doing? Why does your fleet enter the meteor belt at this time? ? Don’t your poor brain, the size of a soybean, don’t understand what command coordination is?”

“Your Excellency.” Salmon seemed to frown slightly: “I’m afraid there is something wrong with our fleet communication system.”

He glanced at the time lightly, and then said: “However, now is not the time to talk about this. I don’t understand why you suddenly changed the battle plan. However, the fact that my 877 fleet has entered the meteor zone can no longer be changed, I hope You can continue to implement the original plan.”

“Don’t understand?” The representative smiled back: “You don’t understand the information?!”

“Does the so-called monk army provide that copy?” Salmon calmly looked at the representative: “Neither I nor the headquarters think that this so-called local intelligence is qualified to guide us to retreat. Regardless of the intelligence. Even if it is true, what we face is only a fleet of demons.”

“Headquarters?” The representative slowly sat in the chair: “Have you already contacted the headquarters?”

“Yes. Your Excellency.”

Salmon politely said: “As soon as I received the information. I consulted the headquarters. The headquarters believed that it was rash and unwise to change the combat plan at this time. That unit called the Friar Army. In fact, it is an unclear position of another ethnic force, both in terms of quality and members, are very poor. Their intelligence is accurate

Sex, one can imagine. ”

Seeing the representative gritted his teeth and did not speak, Salmon said with fear: “Because of a system failure, I will not be responsible for maintaining tactical synchronization with the 052 fleet. After this battle is over, I will ask you to explain, but Now, my fleet has entered the meteor belt. If you change your plan at this time, then it is equivalent to sending us to the devil.

before. ”

Salmon closed his mouth and didn’t say any more.

In fact, there is no need to say more. Interests, reason, suspension, threats As long as the representative is not a lunatic and does not want to be sent to the military court by the coalition command, he has no reason to die!

He is the commander of this battle, no matter what, he must assume the responsibility of the commander! Besides, the 877 fleet is not self-asserting, everything is “the coordination system is faulty!”

“Okay!” The representative raised his eyebrows.

He said indifferently: “Since the Allied forces have made a mistake, then we will do our best to rescue. However, I am not sure that it can be saved. I also hope that Major General Salmon will give full play to the brave and tenacious spirit of the Murloc soldiers. We will arrive in Fleet 877 airspace in forty minutes.”

Communication is cut off.

The representative made a hard effort and slapped the table in front of him in half!

And the flagship of the 877 fleet.

In the office of the commander-in-chief of the Whale Shark-class ship’s command room named Tulip, Salmon wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and slammed a cup beside him on the ground.

“This old fox!” Salmon’s chest heaves sharply.

Although the representative finally agreed to implement the original plan, in the communication just now, it has been shown that the 052 fleet is only trying to rescue the land if the situation is wrong. They will definitely not send them. I am in danger, but I will choose to retreat.

Responsibilities will also be pushed away cleanly.

We have been saved, but you have made a mistake, and you really can’t save it. To know. These communications are all recorded!

The tactics of the 877 fleet are not synchronized with that of the 052 fleet. Naturally, it is not because of a system failure. It was the result of his order to speed up!

Salmon, 38 years old this year, has a distinguished family.

This is one of the reasons why he was able to become a major general at a young age. Of course, he would not admit this reason.

After he learned the news that the Meteor Belt would pass through a small-scale demon fleet, he thought without saying a word that this was a record that was delivered to the door.

With his military qualities, of course he would consider the ambush, but with the 052 fleet to rely on, this kind of consideration is no longer the main thing. The important thing is how to assign this feat to yourself!

It is based on this kind of thinking that Salmon made this mistake.

The illusion of a smooth journey made him decide without authorization to speed up the fleet’s advance. He wanted to launch an attack on the Demon Fleet before the 520 Fleet.

What he cares about is what will be written in the battle report. Whether 877 is under the cooperation of 052 or 052 is under the cooperation of 877, this difference in wording is very different for his future.

There is an idiom called first come first, and in this kind of battle, it should be changed to first come first!

This kind of 2.6 cleverness, many people can play. Moreover, there is no risk.

However, he never dreamed that when his fleet entered the meteor belt, because of the damn intelligence of the damned monk army, the representative temporarily decided to abandon the combat plan and ordered a retreat.

Salmon totally regretted it. He could not imagine what would happen when his fleet faced the demon fleet alone. It is even more difficult to imagine how bleak your future will be if the fleet suffers heavy losses in your own hands.

He only knew that the 052 fleet must not be allowed to leave! This plan must be implemented firmly. That is just a fleet of demons, and he still has a chance to win!

Salmon loosened the collar of his uniform. This huge mistake has made him breathless. It made him breathless, and there was a thought in his mind that couldn’t be said at all!

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