Chapter 91 Look for

“Then I can rest assured.”


The demon standing at the forefront was taken aback.

Zhang Zhengyi threw out his fists like electricity, and slammed several demons into the air. He laughed, and he took a staggered step. When the puppet couldn’t let it go, he had already used the monk’s technique to smash the sky and nine steps, and jumped continuously in the air with precision. .

Avoiding the fist of the demon in front of him, Zhang Zhengyi grabbed its two hind legs in his hands, lifted it upside down, and said indifferently: “Then I will not feel guilty for killing you.

Before the voice fell, his arms shook, and he lifted his feet to split.

He only heard a loud noise, and the demon in his hand was split into two halves by tearing the tape.

This time, the situation changed suddenly.

The demon soldiers screamed more and more vigorously around them, and the cheers stopped abruptly as if they were caught in their necks.

Zhang Zhengyi danced the heavy demon wreckage in his hand, and smashed it towards the demons beside him.

Hearing only a few loud noises in succession, he was still jumping up and down beside Zhang Zhengyi just now, and several demons that repeatedly caused threats were suddenly smashed to pieces.

Zhang Zhengyi’s sudden launch, as if the horn of an offensive was sounded.

For a while, the demon soldiers only saw more than a dozen puppets that could only be parried just now, as if they had changed people.

They were involved in the demons, punched and kicked, invincible.

The demons didn’t even have room to resist.

“Only you are worthy of making us surrender?”

Zhang Zhengyi’s voice is far more cruel than the devil who was smashed into meat sauce by him: “It is almost the same to call your evil god!”

The gray puppets, like thunder and lightning, raged in the puppet group.

The puppets in the demons are like more than twenty gods of death.

Every time their sickle is swung, it will neatly harvest the souls of more than 20 demons.

In degrading eyes, the entire demon squad had all fallen.

After waking up from the lack of consciousness, the demon soldiers, the last thing they saw was the puppet number 01, which grabbed the leader of the demon squad and smashed it repeatedly on the ground, like a high-speed pile driver.

The demons who were running away did not even dare to look back.

Zhang Zhengyi suddenly pinched the head of the team leader and smiled slightly.

“The commander of the demon army is actually a wife? Interesting!”

Demon base.

Forty or fifty puppets roam around the base.

The sound of explosions and screams resounded throughout the base.

One after another, the demons who tried to stop the monk army squad fell down.

This humiliating battle has reduced the morale of the demon army to the extreme.

The ghost knows where these cultivators came from and broke through the defense line to enter the base!

And all the defensive troops in the base were sent out to look for these people, but I didn’t expect them to attack directly?!

In this regard, Zhang Zhengyi said that soul search is really useful.

In the base, there are no more troops that can resist this squad. The demon corps in the garrison were dispersed, and the demon corps were separated and annihilated.

No one knows why a battle that started with the pressure on the top of the Taishan Mountain would end up like this.

This monk army squad that entered the central city was like a flexible fly, no matter how the furious demons looked for it, it was always slippery until it bite the swelling on the demons more and more.

The most excessive thing is that these guys see what they see, and wherever they go, there is no grass, and they are more demons than the demons!

Even more frustrating is that the sound of molesting Slardar has never stopped.

I really don’t know, where did that guy have such a stubborn and bastard character. After calling for more than two hours, his spirit became more and more vigorous.

“Slarda, my little cutie, where are you?”

Fight the puppets like wolves like tigers, spinning around in the core area of ​​the base.

Seeing everything, they rushed up and kicked.

House after house, the rubble that was blown up by the talisman artillery flew around, and the demon soldiers in panic, evading the explosion below them in a panic.

In the distance, several molten demons were firing fireballs indiscriminately without a sight.

The demon soldiers were yelled by the officer, flinching and hiding far away, throwing energy waves with their eyes closed.

Once the monk army squad approached a few steps, they suddenly scattered the birds and beasts, and the officers couldn’t stop them.

How could this battle be fought like this?!

In the Demon Command, a group of commanders are hiding inside, looking dull.

A ball of light appeared in Slardar’s hand and began to play the outside scene.

The chest of a monk army puppet quickly zoomed in on the screen. With a violent shaking, countless bricks rolled down with sand and dust.

The commanders looked at Slardar, whose expressions were tense, and did not dare to breathe.

The Mad Lion Resistance Army came, and they attacked the central city at the right time.

Slardar, who sent most of the elite to fight Roth, had to deploy troops to defend.

The Third Demon Corps has already contacted the vanguard of the Mad Lion Resistance Army.

But the retreat in Slardar’s plan became a ridiculous fantasy.

Although the underground command center has not been discovered by the monks, but the entire demon’s head organization is trapped here by them, where can other troops retreat?!

Time passed by one minute and one second. Everyone knows that when the temporarily formed defense line of the Third Demon Corps is broken by the Mad Lion Resistance Army, the devil will never have a chance.

“”Huh?!” In the video, the voice of a monk soldier came: “Boss, there is a pit here! Look, this is leading to their underground headquarters!”

A huge puppet appeared, and the front seat of the puppet opened, revealing a monk in black costume.

“Really, my little Slarda, I was hiding here. Go, let’s go down!”

“Our puppet is too big, can’t you go in (Li Zhao’s)?”

“We can’t get in, and their demons can’t get in. It doesn’t matter. It is estimated that there are a bunch of garbage demons who can’t kill chickens. Six people are left to guard, and the other three will follow me.”

“Huh? Also set up a defensive formation, play this in front of your Grandpa Zhang?”

“Okay, let’s go!”

There was a commotion throughout the headquarters.

“Looking for death!” Slardar waved his hand, and the demon who was in charge of guarding had already opened the weapon arsenal and handed over the devil’s weapons one by one.

There are many types of demons, and the size gap between the combat demon and the command demon is quite large.

Slardar then regretted why he hadn’t left a few combat demons in the headquarters.

Dozens of demons measuring about three meters quickly took the shape of a semicircle and surrounded the exit of the tunnel.

The atmosphere in the command room was extremely suppressed.

Everyone is waiting for the appearance of the monk army, ready to give them a fatal blow. .

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