Chapter 83 cruel!

Zhang Zhengyi’s cold sweat soaked his vest.

In the face of threats, the timid person is always very meticulous.

After learning of the enemy’s division of troops, Zhang Zhengyi immediately suspended the ambush plan, and while swiftly doing deductions, he quickly got in touch with the Roth town base.

His master taught him that fighting is not a trifling matter. In the thousands of famous battles Zhang Zhengyi memorized, every mistake made by the commander was. It’s all at the cost of life.

At that time, Zhang Zhengyi vowed that he would never become a victim of these negative teaching materials.

The result of the deduction showed that the original four teams left the headquarters of the Demon Army in the west area of ​​the central city. After the division of the troops, two arrows separated up and down were formed.

Although the total number is still the same, the enemy forces attacking Roth Town are no longer three-way. It’s four ways!

This is more one way and one less way, which is related to the success or failure of the battle against encirclement and suppression on the battlefield.

In the original combat plan, Zhang Zhengyi formulated a plan to destroy the three-way enemy forces.

If the enemy really only has three ways.

After the third regiment of the monk army blocked the most powerful attack by the first demon regiment, and defeated the other two roads, Zhang Zhengyi was still very confident.

No one will understand what kind of team he is currently leading this small team! As long as the defense line outside Roth Town can hold on a little bit, these three-way enemy forces will definitely not be able to attack. Ro-te Town.

Now, the enemy’s division of forces has turned the three-way attack arrow into a four-way! Although the total number is the same, Zhang Zhengyi has long understood that on the battlefield, the number is not the deciding factor.

Before entering the world of immortality, there was such a battle in the world of Zhang Zhengyi.

Facing the enemy’s five times the number of superior forces, the commander in the battle case relied on a tactical deception to mobilize the enemy’s main force, and then with a new head squad composed of monks in the Yuan Ying period, raided the enemy’s mountain gate and won the war.

At that time, the beheading squad was marching to a place less than 50 kilometers away from the enemy’s mountain gate, exposed its tracks, and encountered desperate resistance from a small number of sect personnel.

However, in the end, they still made full use of the time difference of the enemy’s mobilization, rushed in a straight line, and destroyed the enemy’s command center that could not be transferred in one fell swoop.

That battle example fully illustrates that intelligence is the basis of war, and it also shows that once the core weaknesses are exposed, a small amount of troops can also determine the outcome of a battle!

Although the deduction is not optimistic, Zhang Zhengyi’s mood is not depressed.

After all, his master’s teachings have long allowed him to develop the habit of leaving room for battle plans.

What Zhang Zhengyi is most worried about is that if the enemy attacks more and so on, then, for the cultivator army, things will be big!

The less you want, the more you come.

As soon as the deduction was completed, Zhang Zhengyi got the news that he least wanted to hear from the contact with the base-the monks were stationed at several observation points around Roth Town, the longest one has been more than 45 minutes Get in touch with the base.

Upon hearing this news, Zhang Zhengyi’s mind went blank, and he regretted it all.

These observation points are all “refugees” sent out by the monks’ army.

They are served by relatives of the wild lion people in the monk army, and they are distributed around all high-grade roads and resource roads within a thousand kilometers of Roth Town.

Within 500 kilometers, there are more or less such “refugee” settlements in all areas where demons can pass.

Zhang Zhengyi called this monitoring system the naked eye Skynet.

Under such simple and effective monitoring, any large-scale army cannot approach Roth town silently.

Originally, such an observation point should be very safe.

The personnel at the observation point are ordinary families. In this era of war, such refugees can be seen everywhere. No one cares about the existence of these people in cities, agricultural areas, industrial areas, deep mountains and old forests.

The demons are very regular when marching, and will not run around and eat people.

If you want to avoid the eyes and ears of these people, unless the army that is moving to Roth Town sends out the pioneer demon to slaughter all the residents along the way who might expose their tracks!

Except for lunatics and demons, Zhang Zhengyi doesn’t think any other creatures will do this.

But now, several “refugees” observation points in the same direction and different observation circles have disappeared at the same time!

What disappeared are four refugee observation points 60 kilometers along the east of the No. 7 Resource Highway, two refugee observation points in the Kalifu River Agricultural Area in the south, two observation points in the Windmill Plain, and the most critical, the Mishan Mountains. On the only way to the back of the Pingqiling Mountains, it is set up at an observation point at the Mishan Pass!

0………Look for flowers

Zhang Zhengyi entered the coordinates of these observation points into the deduction array.

Two lines moving towards Roth Town appeared on the sand table – in addition to the four arrows, there were two more!

The two demon teams at the bottom of the mountain have completely passed the No. 5 Bridge on the Lorenzo River, and are maintaining a moderate speed, advancing to the southwest.

The footsteps of the devil, the creak of the bigfoot on the road, and the roar of the devil are noisy and harsh.

The trailblazers located on the two wings of the front of the team almost walked past under the eyelids of the ambushing monks soldiers.

However, until the enemy passed the ambush circle, Zhang Zhengyi failed to issue an attack order.

Sweating profusely, he stared at the deduction array and repeated the deduction data again and again.

He really couldn’t believe that in order not to reveal his whereabouts, the enemy was so frantic!

Except for the observation point at Mishan 832 Pass, which is a gathering point for a small number of reclaimers, most of the other observation points are located next to densely populated refugee gathering areas.

Zhang Zhengyi was trembling all over, and he could completely rule out the exposure of the identity of these observation points, then there was only one fact left.

The route the enemy took was a route paved by the corpses of ordinary civilians and dyed red with their blood!

The opponent is a damn bastard!

The messy voice is getting smaller and smaller. The demons’ troops walked out of the ambush area.

The demon warriors of the monk army who had not been able to wait until Zhang Zhengyi ordered gathered from all the lurking corners, looking at the wild war No.1 that had been silent in the mountains and forests at dusk, and looked at each other.

No one knows what happened. These elites from the wild lion people all turned their attention to the second person of this group, the Qingfeng Taoist Li You.

Li You frowned and walked to Zhang Zhengyi’s puppet, rolled over and climbed up, and then he settled there.

Through the canopy, he saw that sitting in front of the control circle, when the sweaty Zhang Zhengyi raised his head, his expressionless face, the confused and angry eyes!

This is war?

War is definitely not a reason to slaughter innocent people and deprive them of their lives arbitrarily!

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