Chapter 33 Meet the Emperor Carus! (Ask for flowers and evaluation votes!)

The three-day period has come!

Under Wendy’s leadership, Ryan and others officially came to the palace of Emperor Carus.

The palace of Emperor Carus the Great is actually a huge giant spaceship.

This spacecraft is called Leviathan.

Ryan stared at the towering battleship in front of him dumbfounded.

“This is the palace?”

“I didn’t expect it! The first time I knew that your majesty’s palace was a spaceship, it was your face. This ship is called Leviathan, also known as the Devourer of the World.”

Vidy said with a smile.

Wendy also spoke.

“Our Majesty used to personally lead the fleet to fight, so he simply converted the palace into a spaceship, so that he can lead the war by himself. It’s amazing!”

“It’s really amazing.”

Ryan’s heart sank and began to send messages quickly.

“Don’t stand stupidly, hold me steady when your majesty summons you later.”

Widy slapped Ryan and strode towards the Leviathan. Wendy followed his steps.

On both sides of the Leviathan are huge golden stairs, which are made entirely of gold and other alloys, and look extremely magnificent.

Everyone followed Vidi’s steps and stepped onto the stairs.

At the top of the stairs is Leviathan’s deck.

As soon as he boarded the deck, Ryan only felt suddenly bright.

The entire deck is approximately four to five hundred meters in size. The mighty Kabal royal guards stand on both sides of the deck. In the middle of the deck is a huge carpet made of pure gold. Looking up, the end of the carpet is a golden building.

“Don’t look around, you won’t be able to reason after being cut by the guard here.”

Wendy whispered a warning to everyone.

Ryan hurriedly retracted his gaze and followed Weidy and Wendy with his head dull.

Everyone reached the end of the carpet, and there was another golden staircase.

When I approached Ryan, I discovered that the building was a three-folded building, and the first-story building was entirely made of gold and alloy, and carved with ancient patterns.

On the second floor are many strangely shaped statues of Cabal, and a stream flows down from the top floor.

On the third floor, you can see many fountains and exotic flowers.

In the depths of the third floor, there is a purple-golden gate.

Stepping into the gate, there is a vast square in front of you.

A huge golden Kabal statue stands in the square.

“That is the statue of your majesty, your majesty has brought light to us.”

At this time, Vidy, like an avid fan, ran to the statue and kept saluting.

Still saying let us be steady? Are you doing this yourself? !

Ryan was speechless. He secretly looked around and found that there were many golden gates.

“Strictly guarded.”

Ryan had no doubt about how many Cabal guards would rush out of these gates whenever there was a turmoil.

After satisfying his enthusiasm, Wei Di calmed down and followed Wendy’s pace to move on.

The group went around and finally came to a gate made entirely of purple crystal.

“Your Majesty is waiting for you inside, go in!”

Wendy smiled and stood at the door, watching everyone enter the door.

“This spaceship is too big.”

Ryan suddenly lost faith in the actions of the Zerg.

No way, Ryan nodded and numbed his scalp after just wandering around twice.

The huge Leviathan is really a headache.

And I don’t know how many guards are hidden inside.

After everyone entered the gate, they walked forward along the passage.

Can see a purple-golden hall.

The emperor of the Kabal Empire, Carus the Great, was lying on his side on a soft sofa, shaking a huge golden wine glass.

The surroundings are covered with gold products, and the pillars of the main hall are all gold.

“How much does Carus love gold?”

Ryan couldn’t help but complain.

Looking all the way, they are all golden, and their eyes are blurred.

Not afraid of metal poisoning.

“Your Majesty, Captain Vidy of the Ninth Fleet, brought Ryan and others rescued from Bart’s Star to meet him.”

Vide bowed on his knees.

Ryan and others hurriedly followed.

“Very well, are you the people who escaped from the Zerg?”

Carus put down his glass, stood up and looked down at the crowd.

Carus is stalwart, nearly six meters tall, stronger and stronger than ordinary Kabals.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Ryan didn’t dare to look up, afraid that Carus would see something.

“Looked up!”

Ryan trembled slightly, but he insisted on raising his head.

Carus walked in slowly.


Carus slapped Ryan on the shoulder.

“It’s a courageous Kabar! Hahahahaha!”

Ryan calmed down a little.

“Your Majesty’s supernatural power scared the little one.”

“You can survive the attack of the Zerg, which shows that you are still somewhat capable. Do you have any rumours about the news that the Zerg can mimic the Kabar?”

Carus asked with a smile, his fat face was full of tenderness and love at the moment.

“No, absolutely not! Your Majesty, this matter is very important, we dare not talk nonsense!”

Ryan patted his chest to make sure.

“That’s good, I’m afraid that someone will leak the news.”

Carus’ face changed.

“Come on, press them down and execute them secretly!”

At this moment, Carus looked serious and majestic.

Ryan and Vide were dumbfounded.

Why did you turn your face suddenly?

Wei Di shouted: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty! I am sincere to you, we really didn’t talk nonsense!”

Everyone also begged Carus for mercy.

“Sorry, you know so much!”

Carus waved his hand and left, leaving Wei Di with an indifferent back.

The guards rushed from both sides of the main hall, holding Ryan and others back to both sides of the main hall.

“For the sake of Kabal, I can only make you shut up forever, my people.”

Emperor Carus, who had just been ruthless, sat back on the sofa and muttered to himself.

His stalwart figure suddenly rickets. *

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