Chapter 15 The price of failure! (There are so few comments, does anyone read it?)

[The world created by the creator of Khan Fuah is chaotic due to the chaos of rules and the unclear authority of the gods, which eventually led to the destruction of the world by the gods and the world turned into chaos again.

The founder of Khan Phu A failed to create the world, and Khan Phu A suffered a national backlash. The national resources were halved, and the life span and physical fitness of the people were halved, and the previous rewards were withdrawn!

The creation model needs three days to restart. Please note that the creation is a serious project that requires careful design. 】

[In order to better guide the creators of various countries and create a more perfect world, the restrictions on the connections between the creators have been opened, and the communication between the creators and the barrage in the live broadcast has been opened. 】

The sound of the land of creation fell, making the entire Khanfu Afghan people panic.

Then, the great changes began.

The scarce vegetation in Khanfu A withered and then turned into fly ash.

The water level of domestic rivers and water sources began to drop.

The big turban cannot protect the people of Khanfu and Afghan.

In an instant, even the big beards of the people became gray.

Countless people fainted straight on the streets.

The entire Khan Fu Ah fell into extreme chaos and disorder.

Countless cars on the road lost control and crashed into scrap iron.

Traffic was directly paralyzed.

The old doctors in the hospital fell directly in full view and stopped breathing.

The high-level team was destroyed directly by the group!

Only the young man escaped slightly.

Saved a life.

But the black hair becomes mottled, which means that the price paid by these young people is not small.

The whole Khan Fu Ah, full of wailing and crying.

The surviving people knelt on the ground, begging Allah for blessing.

But no response was received.

The tragedy was spread to the whole world.

Netizens began to discuss with trembling.

“Is this Khan Fu?”

“A country that was already miserable enough, it’s worse!”

“This land of creation can directly absorb the lifespan of human beings!”

“God bless, don’t let my country and the world be punished like this.”

“Khanfua is over. The only good news is that our army stationed there seems to have no influence.”

“It didn’t affect the Goba. Who would dare to take up this mess? It is estimated that the general leader will ask to withdraw from Khan Fu Ah.”

“The creators of our country are busy eating and drinking. They haven’t created the world yet. Is this good news?”

Lessons from the past, the teacher of the next.

The tragic experience of Khan Fu’s has shut up the people who have been forced to rely on Lai’s creators to make a strong inheritance all day long.

It’s okay if you don’t get a reward, and it’s okay if you don’t inherit anything.

At least not because of punishment.

Under this kind of punishment.

No one is immune.

The White Eagle leader Pu Chuan was even more sweaty.

Thanks to the strength of his own creators, he created a high-level heaven and saved the chaotic world.

Otherwise, at his advanced age in his seventies.

It must be mortal.

He hasn’t enjoyed the joy of power yet!

Soon, the video of the creation of the country of Khanfu was repeatedly studied and discussed by various countries.

Xia Guo also quickly started discussions.

Everyone’s eyes widened and watched the video over and over again.

Gani’s show operation really surprised everyone.

“There is still this kind of operation?”

“Can this be the creation of carbon-based organisms?”

In order for Allah to match the name of the omniscient and omnipotent god in the legend.

Gani has placed hundreds of priesthoods on Allah.

He is the sun, the moon, and the stars.

What’s more ridiculous is that Gani then founded the sun god and moon god.

This will directly stop Allah.

There is a conflict of authority between several gods!

Gods are not wooden stakes.

Humans will live and die because of power struggles, and how many people fall in a pool of blood for that seat.

What’s more, is a proud god?

Can this be tolerated?

Thus, the battle of God began.

“Fortunately, our country is following biological evolution, which has nothing to do with gods.”

“That’s right, although Liu Xi is young, he is far-sighted, rare.”

Everyone flattered Liu Xi.

They know that Liu Xi has been invincible innately.

In Xia Guo’s world, there will be no gods who are smashing their heads in order to fight for power.

There will be no messy beliefs affecting the people.

Those bugs only need to be swallowed and evolve.

Can become stronger!

“Pu Chuan’s dark circles have to get worse again!”

Someone made a joke.

It caused everyone to laugh.

Puchuan likes to stay up all night and everyone knows. In order to cover the dark circles under the eyes, every time he speaks, he touches a circle of white powder around his eyes to cover up.

“Don’t be eager for fun. The intelligence of other countries is still unclear. Be vigilant at all times. You should also know what a bitch your neighbor is.”

“What you said, people obviously had a good life…by a bitch.”

The elder stopped the topic. Although he wanted to follow along, he still held back.

“However, the Land of Creation has opened up exchanges between creators. This matter requires us to consider long-term, and now the creators can also see the barrage. The preparations we have made before can be submitted to Liu Xi. NS.”

Everyone nodded, there was no way before, now it is much more convenient to give Liu Xi an opinion.

At this time, the top level of the Wa country had already begun to act.

They prepared a bunch of Japanese myths and classics, and sent them to Qi Shi Kishimoto, the creator of the Japanese kingdom in the land of creation.

“Qi Shijun, the future of the Japanese Kingdom will get rid of you!”

Looking at the barrage sent by the chief himself.

Qi Shikimoto’s eyes narrowed and his fists clenched! *

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