Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 534 Electromagnetic Wave Super Bomb

Master, it should be the ion collapse cannon and the anti-matter shaped cannon!

“Can we build?”

Of course, we can build a giant ion collapse cannon and destroy this fleet of the Federation Alliance!

how much time is required?

Half an hour!

Su Yuan: ...

Su Yuan couldn't wait that long, so he frowned and said:

Build a few interstellar annihilation cannons first, place them nearby, and blow up their ion collapse cannons and antimatter shaped cannons!

Okay, Master!

Currently, with sufficient supplies, Su Yuan can build whatever weapons he wants.

Under Xiaoyu's operation, the factories in the virtual two-dimensional world were operating at full capacity, and soon the interstellar annihilation cannons surrounded Desi's fleet.

Five interstellar annihilation cannons bombarded together, first dealing with two huge USS Federation interstellar battleships.


Although the USS Federation star battleship is huge, it cannot withstand the simultaneous bombardment of five interstellar annihilation cannons.

Immediately, it was blown into several pieces, and the ion collapse cannon on the star battleship was also destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Desi was dumbfounded.

This is the most advanced weapon of the Federal Alliance. Now that it is gone, it will definitely be dismissed.

Damn it, where did the interstellar annihilation cannon come from!

Sir, it seems to have appeared out of thin air!

Desi: ...

Do you think I'm stupid?

Idiot, how could an interstellar annihilation cannon appear out of thin air? Check for me, how did the other party transport the interstellar annihilation cannon?

Desi's confidant smiled bitterly and typed on the keyboard with both hands, Sir, please see, these interstellar annihilation cannons really appeared out of thin air!

Desi frowned when he saw the picture on the big screen.

Does virtual reality technology really exist?

Sir, aren't there rumors about the technology mastered by the Hong people?

Yes, then how could the other party have it?

Desi's expression changed drastically.

Damn it, I was deceived by Ai Shaqiu. He must have known that the other party had mastered this technology and deliberately didn't tell us!

Then what do we do now?

Retreat, leave the Edsha civilization!

Desi gave the order to retreat.

But it's too late for them to leave now.

Several interstellar annihilation cannons bombed together, and their interstellar battleships were blown up in pieces, leaving no chance to escape.

Moreover, Su Yuan also commanded the interstellar battleship in his hand to launch a counterattack against Desi's fleet.

Without the two Federation star battleships, these star battleships in Desi's hands would not be able to withstand Su Yuan's attack.

Before long, Desi only had tens of thousands of star battleships left in his hands.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Desi hurriedly contacted Frankland.

The flower branches in front of Frankland had just been trimmed halfway when the secretary walked in anxiously again.

Is it over yet? What's going on?

Sir, Desi's fleet can't hold on any longer!

What? Didn't I send two Federation star battleships over? It was of no use at all? Frankland said in surprise.

Sir, Desi said that the other party's technology is superior to that of the entire federal alliance, and he suspects that he has mastered virtual reality technology!

It's impossible. Except for the Hong people, it's impossible for any other civilization to master virtual reality technology. The Hong people don't allow such a civilization to exist! Frankland said.

Desi sent you a video that can prove that the other party has indeed mastered virtual reality technology!

Send it to me! Frankland said with a frown.

Suddenly, a projection screen appeared in front of Frankland, and began to play the picture of a series of interstellar annihilation cannons suddenly appearing, and then all bombarded, destroying the Federation star battleship.

Damn, is this really virtual reality technology?

Frankland looked unconvinced.

Sir, what should we do now? The situation in Desi is critical and they will be wiped out at any time!

Damn this old fox Aishaqiu, how dare you deceive me, then let him send a fleet to rescue them. If Desi cannot be rescued, we will not support them again!

But sir, isn't this asking the fleet of the Edsha civilization to die?

Yes, I will let them die! If Aishaqiu had explained the situation earlier, Desi's fleet would not have suffered heavy losses! Frankland said angrily.

Not long after, Aishaqiu received a formal notification from the Federal Alliance.

Ask it to send a fleet to support Desi and rescue Desi's fleet.

Aisha Qiu sat on the sofa and rubbed his head.

This Desi is really useless. There are nearly 500,000 star battleships and nothing has been accomplished!

Sir, what should we do? Are we going to rescue Desi?

Save, of course we have to save! If we don't save, Frankland will be criticized, but whether he can be saved or not is not up to us!

Sir, who do you want to send?

Asari, he is smart, capable, and young. Let him lead two fleets over!

Yes, sir!

Asari looked depressed after receiving the notice. What he was good at was not fighting, but networking.

Damn it, why don't you let Ai Shayi go?

Asali had no choice but to board the star battleship and set off with his confidants.

Two fleets, a total of 200,000 star battleships, were commanded by Asari.

Seeing the huge fleet, Asali was in high spirits.

It turns out that leading a fleet feels so good. I must make the enemy pay a heavy price!

Sir, what are you going to do?

The young secretary rubbed Asali's shoulders.

Asali raised the corners of his mouth and said slowly:

I'm going to use a network attack! Although we can't find the other party's network, we can disrupt the electromagnetic waves in a fixed area so that they can't communicate!

But what weapons are we going to use?

Electromagnetic wave super bomb!

Sir, does our Edsha civilization have such a bomb?

Yes, some of the experimental products that have just been developed have not been tested yet. I don't know if they can be used!


What you said seemed to be true, and I really believed it.

But she did not expose Asali and smiled softly:

If the adults take action, I think we will definitely win!

Hahaha, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter! Asali smiled.

Asali was not in a hurry and led the fleet to slowly approach the battlefield.

But Desi couldn't hold on anymore.

The star battleships that guarded its main ship were destroyed one by one. If the battle continued, it would become a mere commander.

Damn it, why haven't these Elsa people come yet!

Sir, I have urged you three times. They said they have sent two fleets with a total of 200,000 interstellar battleships!

Desi frowned.

They are snails. They haven't arrived for so long. If only we could come from the Alliance and make a round trip twice!

Sir, they are not fooling us, are they?

Give Aishaqiu ten courages, and he won't dare to deceive Master Frankland. Let the brothers hold on, reinforcements will be here soon!

Yes, sir!

But before he could finish his words, a Ghost star battleship collided with him.

Bang, luckily the frigate stopped the Ghost in time, otherwise Desi's main ship would have been destroyed.

However, the frigate was also completely destroyed by the Ghost star battleship.

Desi was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. It was almost over.

Speed ​​up, speed up and evacuate!

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