Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 489 I also have water in my head

Bingtai, where is the person you are talking about? Where has he gone? Hui Tian asked angrily.

Bingtai was also dumbfounded.

Were they all killed?

Sir, maybe they are all dead! Look at Ice Bear City being blown up like this. If they are not dead, it would be abnormal.

Hui Tian kicked the ice bear away.

What the hell, you think I'm as stupid as you!

Although most of the buildings in Ice Bear City were destroyed, a small part of them did not collapse. Under normal circumstances, the Haituo and Dimu people would not have died, and they would have either hid or fled back.

But if the Haituo people and the Dimu people were to leave, they would definitely leave traces, but Hui Tian didn't see any of them along the way.

Hui Tian then sent a small team to visit the ruins of Ice Bear City.

After a team of several hundred people entered the ruins, there was no news for a long time.

They searched from the ground of Ice Bear City to the underground of Ice Bear City.

This place is under the ice, built in thick frozen soil, and the temperature is actually warmer than outside.

Taxi has already brought most of the Haituo and Dimu people here to heal their wounds and prepare to rebuild Ice Bear City.

On the ground, Taxi arranged two teams for defense, and also mobilized satellites to keep an eye on changes in the surroundings.

Once a large number of people approach, the subordinates will inform Taxi as soon as possible.

Sir, a group of gray werewolves are coming, do you want to capture them?

Gray werewolves? How many are they here? Taxi asked in surprise.

It originally didn't want to fight anymore and planned to develop secretly, but it didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to come to the door.

However, this situation is normal. The nearby cities will definitely send people over to check the situation. This is why two teams are left outside.

Sir, a team of several hundred people has already arrived, and there are still more than 10,000 gray werewolves guarding the outside.

Where are our two training teams? Let them hide on the spot and wait for orders!

Yes, sir!

Tasi frowned and thought.

With the number of people he currently has, it won't be a problem to defeat this gray werewolf.

But I am afraid that Gray Wolf City will send people to support it, and when the time comes, it will be unable to resist.

It currently has less than 15,000 men in hand, and including the Ice Bear captives, the number is just over 20,000, and many of them are injured.

what to do?

Taxi has a big head, and now it is too late for Haituo City to send people to support him.

Are we going to give up Ice Bear City and take people away?

Taxi was very confused and didn't dare to take risks, so she decided to ask Su Yuan what he wanted.

In fact, Su Yuan had already learned about the situation of the Haituo people through the big screen.

Leaving Haituo City so far away to attack Ice Bear City was originally extremely risky, so it was normal to end up in this situation.

Mr. Su, do you have any good ideas?

Su Yuan has many methods at his disposal. He can directly use the power of the Civilization Alliance to let other cities attack Gray Wolf City.

In this way, Gray Wolf City won't be able to take care of Taxi.

But Su Yuan doesn't plan to do this. The situation is still unclear and he can't use his trump card too early.

Previously, the reason why the Dimuren were taken over was entirely because the Nanhu Stars failed to play a role, causing the Dimuren to lose their city.

After thinking about it, Su Yuan said in a deep voice:

“Taxi, the most important thing in this competition is people, then materials, and finally the city.

If a city is lost, you can rob it again or build another one yourself. If someone dies, you want to recover quickly, unless you are a Zerg.

Mr. Su means that I should give up Ice Bear City. Taxi said doubtfully.

Wouldn't it be a waste of effort if you gave up? Find a way to quickly destroy this Gray Werewolf. If the Gray Werewolf sends people over again, you will withdraw from Ice Bear City.

With the gray werewolf's current strength, it is still unable to occupy two cities at the same time. When the gray werewolf asks you to help you rebuild the Ice Bear City, you can then destroy it. Su Yuan said.

Suddenly, Taxi's eyes lit up.

Thank you Mr. Su for your advice. I understand what to do.

Taxi was not stupid, he just suffered a loss and did not dare to make a decision. After making a decision, he immediately issued an order.

Mufu, go and kill all the gray werewolf guards who come in. Don't let them notify the gray werewolves outside!

Yes, sir!

In addition, contact Muxuan who is training outside and ask him to go around behind the gray werewolf to sneak attack on the gray werewolf. The others will join me and fight out frontally.

As Taxi gave the order, all the guards sprang into action.

The Haituo people who followed Taxi were all wearing auxiliary mechas and were very powerful. Unfortunately, most of them were lost in the explosion, and many of the remaining half were injured.

But even so, he won't suffer at all from a head-on fight with the Gray Werewolf.

Huitian was stunned. He didn't expect so many enemies to emerge from under the ruins in the blink of an eye.

Damn Bingtai, he didn't even explain clearly the situation in Ice Bear City!

Hui Tian picked up the machine gun and took the lead in charging forward.

It's a pity that its firepower is not as fierce as that of Taxi's laser machine gun. The bulletproof vests on their bodies cannot resist the beams of lasers fired at them.

The gray werewolf guards fell one after another, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of them died.

Huitian was angry and bombed them with tanks.

Most of Taxi's flying chariots were destroyed by the explosion, and there were only a few left.

However, there are still some small laser cannons that can be blown back, but they are not as powerful as Taxi's shells.

Just as the fight between the two sides was getting fierce, the two teams led by Mu Xuan circled behind the gray werewolf guards and launched a fierce attack.

Suddenly, the gray werewolf team was in chaos, and it was unknown how many people were attacking them.

Taking this opportunity, Taxi ordered everyone to attack and destroy the gray werewolves.

Although the heavy weapons in Taxi's hands were not as many as Huitian's, the number of people was still higher than Huitian's.

Hui Tian soon couldn't hold it any longer and fled in defeat.

But Taxi had no intention of letting it go, and pursued it all the way, almost killing all of Huitian's guards.

Running all the way on the snow, Hui Tian panted violently.

Damn it, I must take revenge!

Hui Tian looked around and saw that there were less than five hundred people left. The other gray werewolves were either captured or killed.

Bingtai, get here!

Bingtai tried to escape from Hui Tian several times, but was caught by Hui Tian every time.

Damn it, how dare you lie to me! Didn't you say there weren't many people left? Why are there so many?

Sir, I don't know either. Under normal circumstances, there wouldn't be so many people alive. Bingtai said hurriedly.

Under normal circumstances? Do you know how to fight?

Bingtai shook his head quickly.

Damn it, I believe you, I have water in my head too!

Hui Tian took out a gun and put it on Bingtai's head.

Just use your head to pay homage to my dead brothers! Hui Tian said angrily.

Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm still useful... Bingtai begged for mercy.

However, Hui Tian ignored it and was about to pull the trigger.

Sir, you can't kill it. If you kill it, you won't be able to explain it when you go back! a confidant beside Hui Tian reminded.

Huitian frowned, it needed a scapegoat to take responsibility, and Bingtai was the best.

If Bingtai is killed, all the responsibility will fall on it, and its life will not be easy.

Okay, contact the headquarters immediately, explain the situation, and ask them to send people to support. The other party has less than 15,000 people. We can definitely take down Ice Bear City!

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