But Jin Tai was unwilling. He had already evacuated to the interstellar battleship. He was furious when he saw that the Nanhu planet below was being occupied by the worm civilization bit by bit.

Damn Blue Star people, why don't you help us!

According to the requirements of the worm civilization, not only the South Lake planet must be evacuated, but the entire South Lake star field must be evacuated, leaving the intermediate civilization area.

Otherwise, the worm civilization will continue to attack them until they are completely destroyed.

On the star battleship, Jin Tai held an emergency meeting again.

Everyone, we are about to be kicked out of the intermediate civilization area. Do you have any good suggestions?

Jintai glanced at the entire conference room. Almost everyone lowered their heads with frustration on their faces. They had nothing to do in the face of the worm civilization.

Jin Tai shook his head. He himself was at a loss and had no solution to the current predicament. Only by leaving could he preserve Nanhu Star civilization.

After thinking for a while, Jintai said:

Since there is no other way, let's evacuate as soon as possible. At least we still have a chance to evacuate now. Unlike the Black Ox Star civilization, it was completely wiped out without leaving any traces.

Sir, why don't we take a risk and let the worm civilization and the Blue Star people fight? No matter which one of them disappears, it will be a good thing for us!

Jin Qi, tell me, as long as it doesn't put our Nanhu Star civilization into dire straits, we can try it! Jin Tai looked at the congressman who was speaking.

Jin Qi was young and energetic. He stood up and said angrily:

Sir, we have sent supplies to the Blue Star people, and we have also joined their civilization alliance. They refuse to come forward, and they are obviously afraid of the worm civilization.

If we send an interstellar battleship from another civilization to the Worm Star Territory, and then sail it to the Dragon Star Territory, do you think the Worm Civilization will attack the Dragon Star Territory of the Blue Stars?

Jin Tai's eyes lit up, this was a good idea.

It's okay, but what if we are discovered by the Blue Star people or the worm civilization?

If it is discovered, it may not be traced to us. We can grab a cargo ship or rent a cargo ship from another civilization to go over. Jin Qi vowed.

Jintai was holding a breath in his heart. After thinking about it, he nodded in agreement.

Okay, I'll leave this to you, but don't leave any traces.

Don't worry, sir. Even if Jin Qi dies, he will not reveal anything about the Nanhu Star civilization.

Jintai nodded.

We can do it, but we still have to be prepared to be discovered by the Blue Star people or the worm civilization. In the current form of the multiverse, the disasters will become more and more serious, and the competition will become more intense. I will divide the South Lake Star civilization into two civilizations.

Suddenly, everyone looked at each other, wondering what Jintai was going to do.

This idea has been around for a long time, but I wanted to hit the high-level civilization area before, but it has never been implemented. Now that I have been kicked out of the intermediate-level civilization area, it is just right to implement it.

We can spin off a sub-civilization and support them to enter the primitive civilization area. By then, even if the Nanhu Star civilization is destroyed, as long as they exist, we can hope to recover. Jintai said.

Sir, there is no need to do this, right?

You have always been too confident in the civilization of Nanhu Star, so you think it is unnecessary, but I think it is very necessary. Even if the secondary civilization that was separated in the end is not used, I still need to cultivate an intermediate civilization when I enter the advanced civilization area. Come out and you can definitely train them.”

Everyone's eyes lit up. Jintai needed to prepare with multiple hands. Instead of cultivating other civilizations, it was better to cultivate his own people.

In order to prevent other civilizations from discovering it, the development of sub-civilizations can only be similar to ours, but they cannot follow the same path.

After the meeting, Jin Qi returned to his office alone and began to prepare.

He selected a group of dead soldiers, only five of them, including himself.

Later, they took these people aboard an older interstellar battleship.

Everyone, when you board this interstellar battleship, you are no longer a member of the Nanhu Stars, and all information about you will be destroyed.

Even if we die during this operation, there will be no record, and no one will know the sacrifices we made for the civilization of South Lake Star.

So, do you regret it?

Jin Qi stared at the four people he had chosen. If anyone dared to say he regretted it, he would immediately take out his laser gun and kill them.

No regrets! Sir, we are willing to do anything for the civilization of South Lake Star!

Okay, then let me talk about the plan. This interstellar battleship of the Mofei civilization was captured in the last conflict with them.

We will drive this interstellar battleship through the Worm Civilization area and pass through the Dragon Star Territory to the Mofei Star Territory.

Sir, why are you going to the Mofei Star Territory?

In order not to be suspected by the Blue Star people, we can stop on the way to the Mofei Star Territory, or there will be a malfunction.

Everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded.

Later, Jin Qi and others drove the interstellar battleship out of the South Lake Star Territory and headed to the Worm Star Territory.

In the starry sky, the speed of this interstellar battleship is not very fast.

Since being captured, this interstellar battleship has been parked in the interstellar port of the South Lake Stars and has never been driven.

This also caused the interstellar battleship to have constant minor problems. Alarms would sound and various abnormalities would occur while it was flying.

Jin Qi was not surprised, but liked it very much.

The more it is like this, the more real it is. In the end, whether it is the Blue Star people or the worm civilization, it will be very difficult to find out this matter.

Soon, the interstellar battleship arrived in the Worm Civilization Star Domain.

Jin Qi stared at the big screen curiously. As expected, it was the same as Jin Ye said, there was nothing, there were strange planets everywhere.

Jin Qi wanted to know how far the technology of the worm civilization had developed, and how could all their detectors malfunction?

Various detection instruments, even the oldest magnifying glass, were used to find the buildings of the worm civilization or the patrolling interstellar battleships, but nothing was found.

Is this the so-called insect civilization?

Jin Qi was a little uneasy. Without the traces of the worm civilization, he couldn't tell whether he was being targeted by the worm civilization.

If he wasn't targeted, wouldn't his trip have been in vain?

Gritting his teeth, Jin Qi could only bite the bullet and drive the star battleship through the Worm Star Field.

He felt that the last time Jin Ye at least reached the Worm Star Territory, he was retaliated by the Worm Civilization. By doing this, he should be able to anger the Worm Civilization.

The interstellar battleship flew continuously, and after passing through the Worm Star Territory, it continued to pass through several peripheral areas of civilization before arriving at the Dragon Star Territory.

Jin Qi suddenly became energetic and let the interstellar battleship fly directly to the core galaxy of the Dragon Star Domain.

But it didn't take long for a piercing alarm to sound. Their interstellar battleship was locked by the interstellar annihilation cannon, and it would suffer a devastating bombardment if it moved forward.

Jin Qi frowned and took a breath when he saw the giant laser cannon the size of a planet in front of him.

Not to mention his one interstellar battleship, even an entire fleet would be blown up with one shot, leaving nothing behind.

How come the damn Blue Star people have such advanced technology? Jin Qi said depressedly.

Sir, do we still want to move on?

Don't worry about them. Even if they fire now, we will still drive towards their core galaxy as if we were home.

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