Seeing this, Niushan was very happy, and it happened that he didn't have to follow him.

Master Niu Yue, have a nice journey, we can only wait for you here. Niushan said to Niu Yue via video.

Niu Yue's face was gloomy.

I haven't come back, and none of you are allowed to leave. If there is an emergency, report it to the headquarters immediately.

Don't worry, Mr. Niu Yue, we won't leave until we see you coming out. Niu Shan smiled, not paying attention to Niu Yue's threat at all.

If there was an accident, he would definitely be the first to run.

Niu Yue anxiously drove the flying chariot towards Su Yuan's fleet.

He carefully passed by the star battleships one after another before arriving in front of Su Yuan's star battleship.

The hatch opened and a team of intelligent robots came out.

After checking Niu Yue, he escorted him to Su Yuan.

Niu Yue suddenly felt that he was not here for peace talks, but as if he was a prisoner being escorted, but even so, he did not dare to resist.

When he came to Su Yuan, he didn't dare to look at Su Yuan and kept his head lowered.

You Manniu people want to negotiate peace with me?

Yes, sir, in order to show our sincerity, we brought Niu Mang here who fled to the Manniu Star Territory.

Niu Mang?

Yes, he is the deputy commander of the Black Bull Stars.

Hehe, that's really a big fish that slipped through the net. The sincerity is good, but it's not enough. Su Yuan sneered.

Sir, we can offer you another material planet the size of 10 stars! Niu Yue said with a smile.

Where are you sending the beggars?

Niu Yue frowned, he didn't want to anger Su Yuan and be thrown out sideways.

Sir, how much do you say, I will go back to discuss it!

This is not a matter of supplies, this is about the face of the Blue Star civilization. You said that other civilizations have not taken action, why do you have to help the Black Ox people?

Sir, this is all a misunderstanding. We didn't know it was your fleet beforehand. The Black Bulls deceived us.

If you don't want to follow the footsteps of the Black Bulls, then join the Civilization Alliance I am about to establish! Su Yuan said.

Civilization Alliance? Niu Yue looked at Su Yuan in surprise.

Yes, I think many civilizations will join soon. The purpose of the Civilization Alliance is to help every member enter the advanced civilization area as soon as possible!

Niu Yue rolled his eyes and somewhat understood what Su Yuan meant.

Sir, I can't make the decision. Can you let me go back and discuss it?

Yes, but you only have three days. After three days, I will mobilize more interstellar battleships to come over. Whether it is a fight or a draw, it all depends on you!

Niu Yue nodded and was then taken down by the intelligent robot.

After sitting on the flying chariot again, Niu Yue felt much calmer.

He has been thinking about the Civilization Alliance all the way. The Blue Star people dominate this alliance and must want to enter the advanced civilization area.

Sending Blue Star away quickly may be a good thing for the Manniu people.

It's not that the Manniu people don't want to enter the advanced civilization area, but that their current technological level has not reached it and they cannot enter.

Niu Yue drove the flying chariot and quickly drove out of Su Yuan's fleet and entered the star field where Niushan's fleet was waiting.

Thank you for your hard work, Master Niu Yue. I didn't expect you to come back so soon. Niu Shan said with a smile.

Niu Yue glared at Niu Shan.

You didn't expect me to come back alive, did you?

Send me back to Manniu quickly. I need to see Lord Niu Hong.

No problem, come with me.

Niushan led Niu Yue onto an interstellar battleship and personally escorted Niu Yue back to Manniu Star.

Soon, Niu Yue returned to the command room, and Niu Hong personally brought people to greet him.

Niu Yue, you are a great hero to our Manniu people!

This made Niu Yue look embarrassed.

Well, Lord Niu Hong, I actually didn't reach an agreement. The Blue Star people asked me to come back to discuss it.

Niu Hong was stunned for a moment and looked at Niu Hong doubtfully.

What are we discussing? Could it be that we are not satisfied with the compensation materials? We can add more, no matter how much!

It's not a matter of supplies, they want us to join the Civilization Alliance they formed! Niu Yue said.

Civilization Alliance? They want to enter the advanced civilization area and want us to help them? Niu Hong was very smart and quickly thought of the key point.

It should be like this. If we don't join, they will deal with us just like they dealt with the Black Ox Stars.

Niu Hong looked ugly. This was forced buying and selling.

Is there anything else you can ask for?

Niu Yue shook his head.

They said that although the Alliance of Civilizations has not yet been formally formed, they believe that many civilizations will join it soon.

They are asking us to take the lead in joining. If we don't agree, the end will not be any better than that of the Black Ox Star people.

Niu Hong's face was full of depression, damn the Blue Star people, why did they choose them first?

Sir, I think it is not impossible for us to join. It will also lay the foundation for us to enter advanced civilization areas in the future, but we must prevent the Blue Star people from taking the opportunity to annex us. We need to have the right to make independent decisions. Niu Yue thought for a while and said.

Niu Hong looked at Niu Yue in surprise, You have become much smarter today. Why don't you usually give me your opinions and ideas?

Niu Hong did not express his position immediately, but called all the top leaders of the Black Bull Star people over for an emergency meeting.

Even if he had made a decision on this kind of matter, he would still have to bring more people over to discuss it. After all, the pot was too big and he wouldn't be able to carry it alone if something went wrong in the future.

Everyone, the Blue Stars have given us three days, and they are still gathering their fleets. When the time comes, if there is a real fight, we will not be any better than the Black Bulls, Niu Hong said.

Sir, currently the most powerful one in the intermediate civilization area is the Blue Star Civilization, followed by the Annexation would be no big problem.”

Niu Hong rolled his eyes, do you even need to say this?

In this case, let's discuss a way to prevent being annexed!

Sir, how about we set up a special group to take charge of the affairs of the Civilized Alliance. We will give them whatever they need. We will give them our full support, but this group cannot interfere in any internal affairs of our Manniu people.

Hehe, you make it simple, but when the time comes, it will be very difficult to operate. Well, Niu Yue, you go there again to show that we agree, but we don't want the Civilization Alliance to interfere in our internal affairs in the future. Niu Hong sneered. road.

Niu Yue was stunned, why is it me again?

Sir, isn't it good to do this? What if the Blue Star people don't agree?

Money can make a fool of himself. Why don't you send more supplies? Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, we will test their attitude first. If they are too tough, we will find another way. If it doesn't matter, everything will be fine!

Niu Yue nodded depressedly, Everything is fine for you. I'm risking my life. If I anger the Blue Star people, I'm done.

With no other choice, Niu Yue had no choice but to bite the bullet, leave the command room, and board the interstellar battleship under the protection of his confidants.

This time it was still Niushan who was responsible for the escort mission.

Niu Shan originally planned to take leave to rest and stay away from this muddy water, but Niu Hong didn't approve of it at all.

Master Niu Yue, we are almost here, I wish you a safe journey first!

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