Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 433 X Mechanical Civilization’s Counterattack

Su Yuan looked at Xiaoyu.

Call our robots over here!

Okay, Master!

Xiaoyu started to operate.

In the Blue Star Territory, a large amount of piles of materials disappeared and entered the virtual two-dimensional world. Then, intelligent robots were manufactured one after another, and then, through virtual reality technology, they were released to the original world, Su Yuan's planet.

Suddenly, intelligent robots appeared behind Su Yuan one after another, more and more, densely packed.

Theoretically, as long as he knew the coordinates, Su Yuan could attack any planet or any star field at any time.

Chrissy's eyes widened in surprise.

It’s simply amazing!

Susan didn't think anything was wrong. This was how she appeared at the survival base.

Destroy the X mechanical civilization and completely occupy this star field!

Su Yuan issued an order. He not only wanted to occupy the core planet, but also the surrounding star fields.

Not for anything else, just because X Mechanical Civilization wants to occupy his star field.

Moreover, doing so can also attract X mechanical civilization to attack.

Su Yuan plans to have a good game with X Mechanical Civilization and completely destroy X Mechanical Civilization.

With the arrival of a large number of intelligent attack robots, the core planet of X mechanical civilization sounded the highest alarm message and sent out a distress signal.

An alarm also sounded on Planet X, the core planet of X mechanical civilization.

Immediately, all the electronic screens in the streets and alleys displayed the star map of the X Mechanical Civilization. A red dot was highlighted, which represented an invasion and occupation.

Damn it, who is so bold as to invade X mechanical civilization?

Please fight! Please fight and kill all the intruders!

X mechanical civilization is invincible, kill all the intruders, long live the machine!

All the robots were excited.

Who says they don't have emotions? They just don't have as many emotions as humans.

In the No. 1 Core Control Center of X Mechanical Civilization, a figure appeared on the big screen.

Although it has no body, it is the highest core system of X mechanical civilization and can be transmitted from one star field to another at any time.

We haven't yet figured out what kind of civilization the other party is. It seems to have suddenly appeared in an intermediate civilization area, but one thing is for sure. The other party's technology is more advanced than ours!

On the screen, the X mechanical system said.

Below, the top brass of X Machine Civilization stood up in shock.

Doesn't that mean that the other party comes from an advanced civilization area? Kahn said.

Kahn is the operational commander of the X Mechanical Civilization, but all his actions must obey the X Mechanical System.

The probability is no more than 50%. Advanced civilizations have no interest in participating in battles between intermediate civilizations!

Please also give me an order to lead the fleet to destroy them!

It's not annihilation, it's destruction. You are allowed to completely destroy that star field when necessary!

Suddenly, all the robots present were startled.

Destroying a planet is considered a big deal in an intermediate civilization area, but destroying a star field is something that should only happen in an advanced civilization area.

Then, the X mechanical system disappeared from the screen.

But all robots know that the X mechanical system is everywhere, and it can appear on any planet in the X mechanical civilization at any time.

To put it bluntly, it is a piece of code with the ability to make independent judgments.

If it gains a body, it will immediately turn into a robot.

But it also limits it.

Kahn turned around and discussed with other robots, and decided to personally lead the fleet to destroy Su Yuan.

One after another, interstellar battleships, interstellar chariots and other war machines began to take off, rushing towards the star field where Su Yuan was.

At this time, Su Yuan had more than 50 billion robots in his hands, and he began to clean up the entire core planet.

All machinery and networks here must be destroyed and rebuilt.

Because you never know that there is a piece of code hidden in that machine that can obtain your information at any time.

Moreover, mechanical civilization is different from biological civilization. Every piece of their equipment may be a robot, even gas pumps and electronic billboards on the roadside are possible!

Although these robots are not aggressive, they will do something if they are not cleaned up or protected.

Fortunately, Su Yuan's intelligent robot army is more powerful than the X mechanical civilization. It can independently search and lock on hostile robots, and then destroy them.

Master, leave this to other intelligent robots. As long as you give an order, they will handle it on their own!

Okay, I'll go see Su Xiaoyu! Su Yuan said with a smile.

He was curious about how Su Xiaoyu was broken up now.

Entering Laboratory 56, it is tightly guarded and there are many guard robots.

The robot kept rushing toward Su Yuan.

But before he got close to Su Yuan, he was destroyed by Su Yuan's intelligent robot.

Walking into the interior of Laboratory 56, it is obviously more advanced.

There were experimental equipment and various devices everywhere, and Su Yuan was dazzled by them.

There was a lot of fighting outside, but the work didn't stop here.

The experimental robots still faithfully perform their missions and continue to disassemble and study.

There are not only Su Xiaoyu, but also various biological slices, as well as various minerals, rare metals, etc.

Seeing Su Yuan and others intruding, these experimental robots ignored them because it was the responsibility of the guard robots to protect the safety here.

Su Yuan was surprised.

It was found that the robot used for experiments was more pure, had a single function, and had a clear purpose.

If they don't complete their tasks, they will keep working.

Su Yuan ignored these robots and went straight to the laboratory where Su Xiaoyu was being dismantled.

Su Xiaoyu's heart, liver, and lungs were all taken out.

However, these changes were caused by other micro-robots and had no effect on Su Xiaoyu.

Her core memory chip is still in her brain.

So far, the robots have not performed any craniotomy on her.

I saw Su Yuan coming in with Xiaoyu and others.

Su Xiaoyu was stunned. She felt that she was embarrassed to see others.

Ooooooooo, master, please help me!

Don't worry, I still want to see what's in your head?


Then do you still have a brain?

Master, I don't need a brain, I just need a core computing chip!

Hey, let me see what the chip looks like. Is there a piece missing? Su Yuan said with a smile.

Master, I can't. Why is there a piece missing? Let me down quickly!

If there is no missing piece, how could you be caught and how could we be okay!

I...I did it on purpose. I just wanted to come in and investigate what X mechanical civilization is like!

Su Yuan: ...

You are so brave!

Susan has cleaned up these experimental robots, let her down!

Susan took out the laser sword and directly cut off the restraints on Su Xiaoyu's body. She also split the surrounding experimental robots in half and completely scrapped them.

Then, he followed Su Yuan out of Laboratory 56 and came outside.

This core planet of X mechanical civilization has completely fallen into Su Yuan's control.

But there are still many planets around, and in the hands of X mechanical civilization, interstellar battleships are heading here.

The vanguard sent by the planet closest to this planet has already killed them.

Xiaoyu, let's also build some interstellar battleships. Intelligent robots alone are at a disadvantage!

Okay, Master!

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