Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 401 Who says you can’t beat him?

The strength of a cat is three to five times that of an ordinary wingman, and it is easy for them to kill a wingman without a gun.

I don't want to kill you, but you'd better be honest. Where is your commander?, it took people out to provide support.

Hearing the stammering voice, Su Yuan suddenly felt dizzy.

Wucao, what should I do?

Su Yuan's thoughts were spinning, and he suddenly had a bold idea when he looked at Yi Ren who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

How about destroying this winged man's stronghold?

Kill them all and copy the useful information back!

Suddenly, the cat behind Su Yuan started to take action.

They picked up their machine guns and started firing. In the blink of an eye, all the wingmen fell down.

These people couldn't stand the miasma in the forest even if they were brought back. They wouldn't live long and would still be a burden.

Then Su Yuan asked Meow to select a few computers and copy a lot of important information before preparing to leave the office.

But the commotion here was too great, and the Yiren's guards had already been attracted.

The office building had six floors in total, and Su Yuan jumped off the roof with the cat.

Cats' tails can effectively control their landing posture. They can't fall to death from this height.

Then Su Yuan took Meow Star, robbed an armored vehicle, and went straight to Yifeng's arsenal.

The arsenal is a place where the wingmen focus on guarding, and there are many wingmen guards.

However, the weapons used by this special cat guard team in Su Yuan's hands were all captured from the winged people, and their combat effectiveness far exceeded these winged people.

When they saw the Wingman guards, they rushed forward desperately, wearing Wingman body armor and bulletproof helmets. For a while, the Wingmen could not do anything to them, but they were killed and fell in pieces.

Immediately, the Yiren guards' belief in fighting collapsed and they fled in all directions, invisibly blocking Su Yuan.

After breaking into the arsenal, Su Yuan selected some weapons and pulled them with armored vehicles, and blew up the rest.

The arsenal exploded and the ground shook like an earthquake.

Yi Feng, who was chasing Susan, was stunned for a moment when he heard the explosion coming from the Meow City.

not good!

Yi Feng quickly led Yi Ren back.

When they retreated, Susan was not going to let them go and chased after them again.

Susan's strategy is very simple, if you can't beat me, run away. Since you can't catch up with me anyway, if you retreat, I'll beat you.

Although the Winged People have various high technologies, their physical strength and fighting will are not as good as those of the Cats.

When they saw the winged man fall, they fled in all directions.

Originally not defeated, this escape allowed Susan to take the opportunity to kill many wingmen and seize a large number of weapons.

When Yi Feng returned to the Meow City, he was already disgraced and helpless.

Damn cats, they are so difficult!

Cats are like invincible little beasts. They don't know when they will come out to sneak attack on them.

Yifeng decided to apply to be transferred out of here when he reported to the Yiren headquarters.

Comparatively speaking, other Yiren strongholds are much happier. After conquering the opponent's city, they will capture the opponent and work as slaves, and they rarely encounter sneak attacks and retaliation.

When he came to the office and saw the Yiren guards who were busy cleaning up the blood on the floor, Yifeng had a look of pain on his face.

This time it has almost ruined the family fortune. If it reports to the superiors, it will definitely be punished.

But if you don’t report it, it will be more serious later.

Originally, it wanted to apply to be transferred out of here, but now that the damage list has come out, it doesn't even have the courage to call and report.

what to do?

Yi Feng had a headache.

At this time, Yifeng’s secretary said:

Sir, how about we make up for our mistakes and report to the superiors after we have done something good!

What do you mean, let me destroy the cats?

No, no, no, sir, the cats are hiding in the forest and it's difficult to completely eradicate them. All we have to do is make them seriously injured and we'll be considered a meritorious service!

It's easy for you to say, we can't even find them anywhere!

Sir, the cats have gained a good harvest this time. They will definitely let down their guard. We will send people to scout and we will definitely find them!

Yi Feng felt that it was right. If this happened, it would be able to apply to leave Meow Star City.

Later, Yi Feng sent out a large number of special wing men teams into the forest to investigate the Meow Stars' stronghold.

Groups of heavily armed wingmen sneaked into the forest silently.

They think they are very hidden and make no sound at all. They eat solid food or eat raw food without making a fire.

But they don't know that the smell on their bodies has long given away their location.

Cats have very good noses and can easily distinguish the scent of winged humans in the forest.

The Meow who was in charge of the guard quickly told Su Yuan about the Wingman sneaking into the forest to conduct reconnaissance.

At this time, Su Yuan was still counting the harvest. Although he did not complete the original goal, the harvest was still good. A large number of weapons were seized, and he also let out a bad breath and blew up Yi Ren's arsenal.

These winged men are so brave. They dare to enter the forest. They haven't suffered enough before! Su Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Su Yuan thought for a while and felt that the Winged People should make a big move before sending these Winged People here.

Su Xiaoyu, lead the cats to capture a few winged humans and come back and ask them what their purpose is!


Su Xiaoyu left with the cats who came to report, and not long after, they captured five or six wingmen.

These wingmen were tied in front of Su Yuan and knelt on the ground.

What does your commander want to do?

Sir, we don't know. We are just following orders to scout your location! a wing man said hurriedly.

I don't know, then you have no value!

Su Yuan glanced at the cat guard beside him.

The cat guard walked over and lashed out with his tail.

The cat's tail has evolved to be like an elephant's trunk. It is very flexible and twitches like a steel whip. With one whip, it can kill the winged man.

The cat's tail hit the top of the winged man's head, and he immediately shot him open, scaring the other winged men almost to the point of fainting.

Sir, we really don't know, but we guess that Commander Yi Feng wants revenge!

Want to take revenge!?

Su Yuan's eyes lit up. Outside, you have planes, artillery, tanks and armored vehicles. In the forest, your planes can't bomb and your tanks can't drive in. I'm still afraid of you.

Maybe this is a good opportunity.

Chris, you lead two teams of cats to disguise several strongholds, deliberately letting the wingmen detect them, and wait for them to attack!

Okay, Master!

Chris went down, and Su Yuan looked at Su Xiaoyu again.

You let the cats use the virus to control these winged people, let them lead the way, and lure other winged people to the place where Chris is disguised!

Su Xiaoyu immediately became happy.

Master, if we win this time, can we move back and not live here anymore?

It's a beautiful idea. The Winged People still have many high-tech weapons that are useless. Their missiles, robots, and drones have not been used. If we go out and show our presence, we will definitely be beaten!

What should we do? We can't defeat them?

Go away, who said we can't beat them? We have to eat them slowly and use their weapons and our advantages to win!

Soon, Chris's disguised stronghold was set up. It was surrounded by mountains, which made it easier to ambush. When the wingmen came to attack, they could block the valley and fight.

After Yi Feng learned that he had found the hidden stronghold of the Meow Stars, he felt like he was floating, and the previous decadence was gone.

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