The test was carried out slowly, and the Blue Star gradually deviated from its original planetary orbit.

Fortunately, it did not cause too much gravitational fluctuations, and everything was still within the tolerable range.

The interior of Blue Star is reinforced and can withstand this kind of movement.

Xiaoyu stared at the various data indicators on the big screen with all her concentration, making sure that no mistakes could be made.

Then, it gradually accelerated, allowing Blue Star to leave the Blue Star Domain.

Blue Star's maximum movement speed is much faster than the Sirian's interstellar carrier, and can catch up with the Hong tribe's interstellar battleship.

This is due to the installation of 3,000 star core-level ion thrusters.

Originally, this arduous task could not be completed only with Blue Star's manpower and material resources, which would take decades or hundreds of years.

But Su Yuan received a large amount of material rewards from the Hong tribe, and captured Dinosaurs, Yao Stars, and Sirius people to help, which made everything much faster.

What's more important is that the experience of dinosaurs, zodiacs, and sirians supported the test, which made the test surprisingly smooth.

Three days later, Blue Star's speed reached its peak and flew out of the Blue Star field.

Suddenly, everyone in Sky City cheered.

In the future, Blue Star Civilization will no longer be limited to the Blue Star Domain, but can move towards other star domains and develop into the depths of the universe.

At the same time, the system's voice sounded in Su Yuan's mind.

Ding, check that the survival base meets the upgrade conditions, whether to upgrade.

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment. He hadn't heard this familiar voice for a long time.


Ding, upgrading is in progress!

Tip: This upgrade will expand the scope of the survival base to the entire Blue Star. It will take a long time, so please be patient.

The system will further transform Blue Star into a large interstellar carrier capable of both offense and defense according to Su Yuan's original vision.

When the upgrade started, Xiaoyu suddenly became confused, opened her mouth with difficulty, and shouted:


Xiaoyu fainted, and Su Yuan immediately carried her back to the bedroom.

Seeing Xiaoyu's appearance, it's like a human being has a high fever.

But she is an intelligent mechanical life form, not a human being, so the medicine will not work.

Su Yuan called Su Su over, but he couldn't help.

Master, could it be caused by the base upgrade? Su Su asked suspiciously.


There is no use in worrying now. Xiaoyu's situation cannot be treated as a simple mechanical repair, nor can it be treated as if a person is sick.

Su Yuan could only let Su Su stare at Xiaoyu while he searched the system mall for any solution that could cure the mechanical life form.

However, after searching for a long time, I couldn't find it.

The only option was to ask Chris to turn around the Blue Star and drive back to the Blue Star Territory and return to its original orbit.

Let the robot be built, and then transform the moon, turning it into a defensive starry sky fortress to protect the safety of the Blue Star.

In another ten days, the junior civilization competition was about to begin, and Su Yuan asked Susan to return to the original world to sign up.

Blue Star has not yet completed the upgrade and can only continue to wait.

At the beginning of the competition that day, Su Yuan asked Su Su to temporarily replace Xiaoyu and take over the daily affairs of Blue Star. He took Chris, Susan, and Su Xiaoyu to participate in the junior civilization competition.

Like competitions in primitive civilization areas, they are not held in the original world and need to enter a different dimension.

The number of participants needs to be controlled below 100,000.

In principle, the Hong people can just let the cats trained by Su Yuan participate in the competition.

However, Su Yuan himself can also disguise himself as a cat and lead the cats to compete, but he cannot exert a power that exceeds the power of the cat civilization.

Otherwise, points will be deducted or you will be kicked out of the competition.

Most primary civilizations will choose primitive civilizations led and cultivated by their own people to participate.

For example, the White Star civilization had Long Yu and Tu Ni disguise themselves as dwarf leaders.

Su Yuan is no exception. He selected nearly 100,000 cats as contestants.

Before the competition started, the Hong people directly sent a spaceship to pick up Su Yuan and others alone.

The spaceship came to the sky above Shanhaixing, sucked all the participating cats into the spacecraft, and brought Su Yuan and others to another dimension.

On the spaceship, all the cats will be brainwashed by the Hong tribe and forget everything that happened on Shanhaixing.

Coming to the competition venue, Su Yuan gets a city. All cats are citizens of this city. They will follow Su Yuan to defeat other cities, or be defeated by other cities.

The cities allocated to the Hong people were also allocated according to the level of primitive civilization they had cultivated.

In the city of Meow Stars, electricity had just appeared, there was no Internet, and all they used were mechanical weapons.

The Yiren, not far from the Meow City, are developing faster and have networks and various missiles.

Su Yuan's identity is the leader of the Meow Stars. He is wearing a camouflage mecha issued by the Hong tribe.

The mecha has been set by the Hong tribe, and the maximum power and speed it can exert will not exceed the upper limit of the Meow Star.

In other words, Su Yuan cannot use supernatural powers now, but he can control other people through viruses like ordinary cats.

Su Yuan gradually adapted to his new identity, and suddenly felt that the competition designed by the Hong tribe was quite interesting.

Train your own men and then fight with others.

As for the result, it all depends on your own level.

Like the Yiren cultivated by the Yuxing civilization, they are very smart, pay attention to technology, and develop very quickly.

But the shortcomings of the winged people are also obvious. They lack blood and have poor physical fitness. Once they are in danger, they will most likely surrender.

The orcs trained by the horsemen are fierce and aggressive, but their technology develops slowly.

The dwarves trained by the White Stars are good at manufacturing. After they obtain various weapons, they quickly imitate them.

As long as you grasp the opponent's weaknesses, you have a chance to win.

In the office, Su Yuan looked at the cats outside through the window glass.

After being brainwashed by the Hong tribe, the cats thought that they had always lived here, and there was nothing wrong with them.

Su Xiaoyu, go organize a team of cats and find out the situation in the surrounding cities!


Chris, go and select the geniuses among the cats and send a few smart ones to the surrounding cities to form an alliance. Let's deal with the wingmen first!

What about me? Susan asked anxiously.

You are responsible for training cats to fight. You must not only strengthen your personal combat effectiveness, but also strengthen the overall combat effectiveness. You just want to train me 6 cat guards that can fight!

Susan thought the task was good and left the meeting room happily.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yuan was the only one left.

He knows very well that the advantage of cats is that they have good physique and can resist various viruses. If they want to win, they must develop this advantage.

On the opposite side, Yi Yi has various advanced weapons and can fly. If he wants to deal with him, he can only form an alliance with others.

Su Yuan had just sent people here, but not long after, he was attacked.

The Yiren were so arrogant that they launched missiles at five or six surrounding cities at the same time and sent out a large number of armored escorts.

It wants to take advantage of the competition to expand its advantage before everyone has a firm foothold.

I have to say that Su Yuan was caught off guard.

Susan had just organized the cats and hurried over before training.

Master, what should I do? If we let them continue bombing, this city will be finished!

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