You take the lead and charge forward, then keep an eye on Wen Tai's main ship, and ask your brother-in-law to lead the other warships to rush with you. Don't retreat!

Luo Changfeng had no idea, so he could only listen to Su Yuan and let his guards rush forward in an interstellar battleship.

Unlike before, Luo Changfeng issued a death order, and anyone who didn't follow him would be shot when he turned around.

As a result, the situation of the battle turned.

Wen Tai's main ship was attacked fiercely and suffered heavy damage.

What's going on? Can't we even kill Luo Changfeng? Then how can we save our civilization?

Wen Tai asked in the command room of the star battleship.

Don't be afraid of sacrifice. As long as Luo Changfeng's main ship is destroyed, the other interstellar battleships will kneel down and beg for mercy. Let me destroy them together!

Under Wen Tai's order, a death squad consisting of dozens of star battleships appeared.

Their goal is to destroy Luo Changfeng's main ship.

A huge interstellar battleship crashed directly into Luo Changfeng's main ship.

With a bang, the deck of the interstellar battleship was dented by the impact, and the laser cannon mounted on it was also flattened.

Luo Changfeng quickly ordered the cannon to be fired to destroy this desperate interstellar battleship.

At this time, another interstellar ship rammed over.

It seemed to want to smash Luo Changfeng's main ship into two pieces.

Fortunately, the deck of the star battleship was strong enough, but it was violently twisted and did not break.

Mr. Su, what should I do now? They seem to be trying to kill me? Luo Changfeng said hurriedly.

Now Luo Changfeng has lost his usual calmness.

In a war, he is not talking nonsense. People will die, and he is also afraid.

What are you afraid of? The fact that they dare to fight so hard shows that they are being forced into a panic. As long as you hold on, continue to attack Wen Tai's main ship, and capture Wen Tai, the other interstellar battleships will inevitably retreat!

But if our warship is hit again, it will be scrapped!

While he was talking, another interstellar battleship collided.

It hit the command room directly, causing the deck around the command room to be severely deformed.

Luo Changfeng lost his footing and fell to the ground due to the violent jolt.

Luo Changfeng, if you don't fight hard now, you will only die. Do you think Wen Tai will let you go if he wins? Su Yuan sneered.

Luo Changfeng's expression changed drastically, he gritted his teeth, got up from the ground, and gave orders to the interstellar battleships under his hands.

Listen to me. Those who don't want to die, bombard Wen Tai's main ship with all their strength. If Wen Tai wins, not only me, but you will also have no way to survive!

This sentence seemed to inject vitality into the fleet in Luo Changfeng's hands, and all of a sudden, one after another, the interstellar battleships were desperately bombarding Wen Tai's main ship.

Wucao, what's going on? Why did these soft-legged shrimps suddenly become so powerful? Wen Tai cursed.

Report, Mr. Wen Tai, our power room has suffered heavy damage. The speed of the interstellar battleship has dropped by 80%, and most of the laser cannons cannot be used!

Trash, what do you do for food? Don't you know how to hide?

Lord Wen Tai, there is no way to avoid it. All the enemy's star battleships are firing at us!

Let other star battleships resist us for five minutes, and everyone evacuates with me!

Wen Tai plans to change to an interstellar battleship. This one will explode soon, and the only way to survive is to die.

Under the protection of his guards, he quickly got into the escape spacecraft.

The escape craft looks like a large capsule and can accommodate not many people, but it can save lives at critical moments.

Immediately, the escape ship was ejected from the star battleship.

Wen Tai ordered his men to fly to the nearest interstellar battleship.

Hurry up and don't be discovered by Luo Changfeng!

Before he finished speaking, a laser beam was shot over.

With a bang, the entire escape ship was blown away, and several unlucky guards suffered heavy injuries.

Wen Tai himself was also deafened, and blood flowed from his ears and nose.

Did you see that Wen Tai should be in that escape ship? Let me blast him! Luo Changfeng roared excitedly.

This was the first time in so many days that he had beaten Wen Tai into such a miserable state.

Okay! If Wen Tai wants to live, I have to ask him about the Sirius people! Su Yuan said.

But Mr. Su, what if he runs into other star battleships?

Even if he runs in, I can catch him!

Su Yuan stood up, flew out of Luo Changfeng's main ship with Chris, and caught up with Wen Tai's escape spacecraft.

Take out the laser sword and cut the escape ship in half.

Suddenly, the guards inside and Wen Tai fell out directly.

Su Yuan slashed the guard to death with his sword, while Chris grabbed Wen Tai.

Although Wen Tai wears a mecha, he is still like a little chicken in Chris's hands.

Wen Tai, I heard that you really want to kill me?

What are you talking about? Damn Blue Star people, don't you know how to speak loudly?

Wen Tai was deaf and had no idea what Su Yuan was talking about.

Su Yuan was speechless and planned to catch him back and talk about it later.

Without Wen Tai's command, other interstellar battleships are fighting on their own, but their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

Luo Changfeng also spent a long time and lost many interstellar battleships before he captured Wen Tai's fleet.

After clearing out Wen Tai, other forces will become easier to deal with.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Luo Changfeng immediately led the fleet to clear out other forces.

One day later, Luo Changfeng completely controlled the situation of the Yaoxing people and regained the city they had lost before.

Mr. Su, what should we do next?

In the conference room, Luo Changfeng asked respectfully.

You Yixing people are difficult to control. If you make trouble the first time, you can make trouble the second time. Do you have any good ideas?

Su Yuan looked at Luo Changfeng.

After Luo Changfeng saluted respectfully, he said slowly:

Mr. Su, with your strength, it's not easy to control us. You can use drugs or robot surveillance!

I have said it without saying it. I have the highest control authority on your planet. In other words, I can control all guard robots and interstellar battleships at any time, including all large equipment!

Luo Changfeng was dumbfounded. Haoxing had never had the highest authority. This was to prevent someone from becoming bigger and causing unnecessary turmoil.

If Su Yuan is really given this right, they may eat and poop under Su Yuan's surveillance in the future.

Mr. Su, isn't this bad?

This is not your fault. I learned from Wen Tai that when the Sirius people left, they had secretly left a virus in your network to monitor everything that happened on the Youxing!

What? Why didn't I know!

It seems that you, the apparent top leader of the Auxing people, have done a very poor job!

Luo Changfeng's face was full of embarrassment.

Su Yuan didn't care what Luo Changfeng thought. He had already contacted Xiaoyu and asked Xiaoyu to crack the computer virus left by the Sirians.

At the same time, Su Yuan asked Susan and others to clean up the interstellar battleships in the hands of the aliens.

This time is not like last time.

This time Su Yuan wants to completely control the Yaoxing people and control all the armed forces.

And also asked Chris to think of a way to make a special rain.

The rain contains a large amount of zombie viruses, and anyone who has been exposed to the rain will be infected.

By then, all the people on the planet will have to buy antiviral medicine from him, and no one will have the intention to cause trouble.

As Su Yuan took control of Ao Xing step by step, the Sirian fleet also rushed over.

This huge fleet is even larger than the previous fleet led by the two brothers Anlier.

They came prepared this time, intending to completely annex the Yaoxing people.

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