Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 374 Rewards from the Hong Tribe

Master, how about you freeze these spring water into ice cubes and sell them in the virtual mall!

Xiaoyu tilted her head and looked at Su Yuan, blinking.

That's a good idea!

Su Yuan happily rubbed Xiaoyu's head. As for whether there was any problem with the spring water, he didn't have to worry about it at all. If he couldn't sell it, he could just throw it away later. It didn't cost anything anyway.

He asked Kris to use the freezing power to freeze the water into ice cubes and put it in the virtual mall.

The pricing is low, as long as someone wants it.

Master, you see it's dark outside and we can't see the star?

how so?

Su Yuan looked at the big screen in surprise. Xiaoyu didn't say anything, but he thought the detection instrument was broken.

We are now at the intersection of two different-dimensional spaces. The space is chaotic and nothing can be detected. However, the star has definitely not disappeared, but we can't tell now whether it is in front of us or behind us. It is best not to Collide with us!

According to you, it's very dangerous now? Su Yuan frowned.

No, the most dangerous thing is after we leave here! The distance between us and the star is fixed now. It will only change after we leave. By then, we are likely to hit the star directly!

Because after we go out, space will fluctuate violently, and the distance between us and the star will change unknown. It may become shorter, it may become longer, or it may even appear directly on the star!

Su Yuan nodded and continued to stare at the screen.

If there is danger, they have to use the wormhole device to leave the shelter quickly.

This situation lasted for a long time, making people very uncomfortable and wondering what was going on outside.

After a long time, light finally appeared on the big screen.

Then the complete picture is displayed.

They have now arrived in an unknown extra-dimensional space. Fortunately, the star is right in front of them and far away.

But the planet they were on was about to disintegrate due to violent space fluctuations, and they had to evacuate quickly.

Xiaoyu, check the situation in outer space. If it is relatively stable, we will leave this planet in an interstellar spacecraft!

Okay, Master!

Xiaoyu quickly collected data from the outside world.

Master, we can leave now. This place is very stable. Unlike the previous different dimensions, there is a risk of destruction at any time!

Xiaoyu then moved the shelter, emerged from the underground magma, flew into the air, and opened the hatch where the magma could not reach it.

Suddenly, the balance of pressure inside and outside the shelter was broken, and a heat wave swept over, almost shattering the shelter.

Fortunately, Su Yuan and others were protected by mechas, and there were no accidents.

Su Yuan took out the interstellar speed car from the system backpack and flew out of the planet with Xiaoyu and others.

The speed of a starship is faster than a star battleship, and it can completely escape the gravitational pull of the planet and star.

Not long after flying out of the planet, I heard the prompts from the Hong tribe.

The competition is over, please take all participating representatives back to the original realm on the spaceship!

Rumble, a huge wormhole opened and appeared not far from the planet.

Then I saw a huge spaceship crossing the wormhole and appearing in this strange star field.

The spaceship of the Hong people is very large and very powerful. They don't care about the traction of the star, and they completely ignore the radiation caused by various rays.

Let me go, the Hong people really did it on purpose!

Su Yuan immediately drove over in an interstellar spacecraft.

They were the first to board the Hong tribe's spaceship, thinking that everyone else was gone.

Unexpectedly, after a while, people would come over one after another.

But they were all in a miserable state, and it seemed that their survival was all down to luck.

Compared to the hundreds of thousands who came, less than a hundred people returned.

Tadi and Old Tate were lucky enough to survive.

Liyuanshan asked them to build a shelter. After they built it, they hid in it and luckily survived. However, they did not get enough points and had to continue to participate in the competition in the primitive civilization area next time.

Su Yuan won first place and received a very generous reward.

In addition to obtaining a galaxy in the original world, he also obtained many interstellar battleships and various Hong tribe people's scientific and technological information.

Moreover, there is no limit on the number of people who can come to the original world in the future, and Blue Star can also be moved to the original world.

Back in the original world, Su Yuan rested for a day at the Machinery House before preparing to collect the harvest.

Arriving at the prize collection center, an intelligent robot received Su Yuan.

Hello, Mr. Su, congratulations to your Blue Star Civilization for winning first place in this civilization competition in the primitive civilization area!

For this, you will be rewarded by Blue Star Civilization with a large star galaxy, including one star, nine planets, and eighty-one satellites!

In order to ensure that your Blue Star civilization will not be attacked by other civilizations, we will also reward you with 3,000 stellar-class interstellar battleships and 100,000 guard robots!

In order to promote the development of your blue star civilization, all the scientific and technological information of the primary civilization will be made available to you, and 10 planet-sized materials will be provided for you to develop and build your civilization.

Next, you will be eligible to enter the primary civilization area and participate in this civilization competition in the primary civilization area!

“Regardless of the result, there will be no penalty for participating for the first time!”

All rewards have been distributed to your galaxy in the original world. Do you need me to take you there?

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the reward to be so rich.

With these interstellar battleships and escort robots, his galaxy in the original world is not afraid of being attacked by other primitive civilizations.

The scientific and technological information provided by the Hong people also helped him accelerate the transformation of Blue Star.

Please take me there to have a look. I don't know where the coordinates are yet?

Okay, please follow me!

The robots of the Hong tribe were very intelligent, but they spoke without any emotion. She stood up and led Su Yuan and others towards the interstellar spacecraft parked behind.

This interstellar speed car is completely different from Su Yuan's. It is pure black, can seat 10 people, and is extremely fast. After setting the coordinates, it can go there automatically without driving the whole process.

Tens of minutes later, Su Yuan and others arrived at a beautiful galaxy.

A huge star is surrounded by nine planets, and each planet is surrounded by nine satellites.

The starship is parked above one of the green planets.

The planet has only one-fifth of its ocean area, and the rest is dominated by forests.

After entering the atmosphere, it lands on the ground.

When Su Yuan and others followed the robots out of the interstellar spacecraft, they saw 100,000 guard robots standing neatly in front of them, and 3,000 star-class interstellar battleships floating neatly not far away.

Each interstellar battleship is very large, suspended together neatly, and looks very spectacular, as if it covers an entire continent.

Mr. Su, this planet is very suitable for you Blue Star people to live in. You can migrate here in the future. That white building is a database that stores all the information about the initial civilization. You can read it at any time!

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