Where did the star battleship come from?

Anmir panicked and quickly led the fleet to defend.

Set up your formation and be ready to attack.

Anmir asked his confidants to contact Susan and others, hoping that there would be no conflict.

Hey, friends across the way, we are the battleships of the Sirius civilization. Is there any misunderstanding?

Anmir doesn't want to fight at this time. Although he has an advantage in terms of the number of battleships, he doesn't know how long the fight will last.

At that time, it will be difficult to catch up with Luo Jie.

Sister Susan, is he shouting to us? Su Xiaoyu said with a smile.

The signal for Anmir's shout came over, but Susan didn't want to pay attention to it at all.

Ignore him, let's rush to his main ship!

Under the leadership of Susan, eight interstellar battleships bombarded Anmir's main ship.

Under the bombardment of the starry sky laser cannon, Anmir's main ship quickly fell into a state of collapse.

Dense cracks broke out on the battleship, and all laser weapons were destroyed.

The most important thing is that Su Yuan's fleet struck like a sharp arrow.

If hit, Anmir's main ship would be smashed into pieces.

Run, stop them!

Anmir shouted hurriedly, and while he let other star battleships under his hands block Susan, he piloted the star battleship to escape desperately.

Bang, an ordinary interstellar battleship was knocked away by Susan, and it was directly smashed into two pieces from the middle.

Many unlucky Sirian guards were torn into a pile of blood mist on the spot, with pieces of flesh and blood foam flying all over the sky.

After one ship passed, several more star battleships rushed over, trying to stop Susan, but they were not as fast or as large as the stellar star battleship driven by Susan.

All the interstellar battleships in the way were knocked away, and Susan's interstellar battleship finally hit Anmir's main ship like a giant hammer destroying the city.

With a bang, Anmir's main ship exploded and broke into three or four pieces.

Anmir hid in the escape cabin at the last moment and was knocked unconscious.

After destroying Anmir's main ship, Susan targeted several other star warships with the strongest attack power.

Su Xiaoyu and others also dispersed with Susan and started massacring Anmir's interstellar battleship.

Although there are only 8 ships in number, they are extremely fast, and ordinary star battleships cannot break through their defenses.

Under continued bombardment, several more star battleships were destroyed.

Suddenly, the remaining Sirians collapsed, and if they continued to fight, they would only die.

Even if he was lucky enough to escape into the escape pod and return to Sirius, he would have no choice but to wait for death.

Without Anmir's command, the other team captains decided to surrender to Susan after discussion.

Sister Susan, they are going to surrender, can we still play? Su Xiaoyu was a little depressed.

Fuck, there's no point in taking this pile of scrap metal back. Just pretend you didn't hear them surrender!

Susan decides to destroy all of Anmere's starships.

Su Xiaoyu quickly took her hand.

No, if the master finds out, I will definitely not send you to act alone next time!

Then destroy another one!

Susan then rammed towards the nearest star battleship.

Before the opponent's white flag could be raised, Susan knocked it into two pieces.

Afterwards, Susan took Su Xiaoyu and began to clean up the battlefield.

All living Sirians must kneel on the ground, lay down their weapons, and wait for Susan to send someone to receive the starship.

Groups of dragon guards walked out of Susan's star battleship, entered the Sirian's star battleship, disarmed each other's weapons, and imprisoned all the Sirians.

Anmir did not run away. His escape capsule had an independent power system, but his escape speed was not fast and he was quickly caught up.

In the end, Susan captured more than 50 star battleships and tens of thousands of Sirians.

And brought Anmir in front of him for interrogation.

I'm curious, why did you start fighting among yourselves? Su Xiaoyu stared at Anmir.

Anmir looked desperate. He had been caught, and Roger would definitely return to Sirius.

At that time, even if someone comes to save them, he will die.

He raised his eyes and looked at Su Xiaoyu without saying anything.

He didn't want to say anything now. He could have easily killed Luo Jie, but accidents happened again and again.

Hmph, if you keep talking back, let's see how I deal with you!

Su Xiaoyu walked over and slapped Anmir on the face.

Are you going to say it or not?

Su Xiaoyu's methods are still not as good as those of Su Su and Chris, and Anmir is not afraid.

But Susan was not that easy to talk to, so she took out her laser sword and slashed at Anmir.

With a puff, Anmir's arm was cut off.

Say! If you don't say anything, it won't be your hands that fall to the ground, but your head!

Susan picked up the laser sword and pointed it at Anmir, her eyes as cold as a murderous god.

An Mil immediately did not dare to doubt Susan's words, her legs trembled, and she hurriedly told Susan the cause and effect of the matter.

I'll go, it's just this little thing, what do you think? Su Xiaoyu rolled her eyes.

She enjoyed hearing the gossip more than Susan did.

But Susan was too lazy to listen and turned around to report the situation here to Su Yuan.

Seeing that Su Xiaoyu looked down on him, Anmir explained angrily:

Humph, Luo Jie deserves to die. He took advantage of his good studies and stole my life when he was in school. I have long been unhappy with him...

Oh... Su Xiaoyu nodded and started chatting with Anmir.

On the other side, after Su Yuan understood the situation, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. Originally, he was planning to fight, but the other party started doing it on his own.

Xiaoyu, contact Su Die and ask about the situation inside the starship!

Xiaoyu nodded and used the chat forum system to contact Su Die.

Su Die was still guarding the core control computer and did not leave. He was not sure what was going on inside the star carrier.

After Anmir left, there were still tens of thousands of guards and hundreds of thousands of robots cleaning up the dinosaurs.

The entire cleanup process has never stopped, and these team captains have followed Anmir's orders seriously.

In order to prevent accidents, Su Yuan asked Su Die to continue guarding the core control computer.

After the restart is completed and the star carrier is completely mastered, Su Yuan will lead the fleet into it.

Time passed very quickly. After more than ten hours, the restart was completed. Su Die successfully obtained the highest authority and bound the starship to the survival system.

Su Yuan led the fleet this time and sailed to the interstellar carrier.

The closer we get to the starship, the more shocking it becomes.

The entire interstellar carrier is still in the shape of a sphere, and various laser weapons are hidden on the dark gray alloy deck.

Although the Dinosaur's starship is not fast, it has strong defense.

If there hadn't been a mole, An Lier and others wouldn't have been able to easily succeed.

As the fleet approached, Xiaoyu remotely controlled the starship and opened the door outside the port.

There are three sets of six heavy doors in total. Each door is more than hundreds of meters thick and cannot be blown open with nuclear weapons.

Su Yuan led the fleet into the interstellar carrier. The Sirians guarding him panicked and quickly notified Su Die.

At this time, Su Die had already brought Anna back to the port area.

Lord Anlier, a strange fleet has invaded!

The Sirian guards were still very loyal, but they didn't know that Anlier had become Su Su's experimental subject, and the Anlier in front of them was Su Die in disguise.

Su Die pretended to be surprised and looked at the guard.

What's going on? Who opened the door?

The guards looked confused and shook their heads.

Su Die walked over, cursing trash, took out the laser sword in his hand, and slashed randomly.

In the blink of an eye, blood and flesh splattered, and before the guards could figure out the reason, they were killed by Su Die.

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