Luo Changfeng didn't speak, he didn't want to do this, but he had no choice now.

The cold wave keeps coming and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

None of the people who came here for the meeting were wearing any mechas and could not withstand the cold air, so they were all frozen in their seats by Chris.

Even Ma Zhe, who stood up to speak, was frozen.

His mouth was still open, as if the words in his mouth had not yet come out.

Chris didn't take action against Luo Changfeng, but the surrounding temperature was too low and Luo Changfeng shivered from the cold.

He didn't dare to leave, and watched Chris inject the zombie virus into Ma Zhe and others.

After finishing, Chris turned to look at Luo Changfeng.

Luo Changfeng was frightened by Chrissy's cold gaze and took several steps back.

Go and call my master over!

Regardless of whether Luo Changfeng agreed or not, Chris took control of his body and walked out.

Although Luo Changfeng has seen the world, he never thought that one day someone would catch all the senior officials of their Auxing people and control them all.

He returned to the previous room in a daze and saw Su Yuan.

Mr. Su, Ma Zhe and the others are under control, please come over!

Su Yuan nodded slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and followed Luo Changfeng with Su Xiaoyu.

From now on, he can come to the Yongxing civilization at any time.

When I came to the conference room, I saw everyone frozen.

Su Yuan released his fire power, and blazing flames surged out of his body, causing the temperature in the conference room to quickly return to normal.

Everyone who was frozen quickly returned to normal, looking at Su Yuan and others in horror.

Who are you? Ma Zhe asked angrily.

You don't need to know who I am. Su Yuan looked at Ma Zhe calmly, But if you don't listen to my words, you will only die!

Hmph, you can kill or behead me as you please. I, Ma Zhe, am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but don't think of me as a traitor!

Su Yuan did not speak, but gave Chris a look.

Kris instantly understood what Su Yuan meant, and then controlled the zombie virus and multiplied crazily in Ma Zhe's body.

Ma Zhe's body walked to the middle of the conference room without his control. He strangled his neck with both hands and refused to let go while his face turned red!

No one else could understand why.

It wasn't until Ma Zhe's hands violently strangled his own neck, and the others stood up uncontrollably, that they realized that Chrissy could let them strangle her to death.

Everyone looked terrified and at a loss.

Luo Changfeng took several steps back. He suddenly regretted bringing Su Yuan and others over.

Everyone, don't be nervous. Next, please help me. I will never lay a finger on you. If your planet suffers a devastating blow, I can save you from here.

But whoever dares to be disobedient and violate the rules will definitely end up worse than Ma Zhe! Su Yuan sneered.

No one dares to refute, they are usually aloof and successful people, they have whatever they want, they can enjoy it while they are alive, and they have nothing after death.

What's more, Su Yuan promised them that he would save them if they encountered disaster.

Suddenly, everyone's thoughts were racing, and they all had their own little Jiujiu, but no one planned to stand up and challenge Su Yuan.

Most of them want to stabilize Su Yuan first, and then slowly find a way to get rid of Su Yuan.

There are also some who want to hug Su Yuan's thigh decisively. After all, life is a life no matter what, and comfort is the most important thing.

Seeing Ma Zhe's death frightened everyone.

Su Yuan was a little surprised. He thought that a few more people would jump out.

The result is unexpected. The more people are accustomed to enjoying themselves, the more they fear death.

If it were an ordinary Yuxing person, it would definitely not be so easy to control.

Afterwards, Su Yuan walked to the podium.

The others walked down obediently and stood in front of Su Yuan.

You can live a normal life in the future, and I won't embarrass you. Of course, the premise is that you can satisfy me!

Don't worry, Mr. Su, we will meet your request! Luo Changfeng said respectfully.

He was frightened and Ma Zhe died immediately.

Maybe it will be his turn next.

The most important thing is that he still can't figure out Su Yuan's background and doesn't know anything. Even if he gets rid of Su Yuan's control in the future, he doesn't know where to seek revenge from Su Yuan.

And after such a fuss, he, the leader, was completely resented by everyone present.

Only by hugging Su Yuan's thigh tightly can there be a way to survive.

My conditions are very simple. You stop transforming your planet, hand over all equipment and scientific and technological data to me, and manufacture related equipment and spare parts for me in the future.

Don't worry, even if you don't have an interstellar carrier in the future and encounter a disaster, I will save you! Su Yuan said in a deep voice.

Luo Changfeng was stunned for a moment and took a breath of cold air.

Oh my god, this is so simple, but you are going to ruin the development prospects of our Auxing people!

Others dared not speak out in anger, and no one spoke.

What, you don't agree? Su Yuan sneered and glanced at everyone.

Everyone who was swept by Su Yuan's gaze lowered their heads.

No, no! This is indeed a trivial matter. Mr. Su wants equipment and technological information because he thinks highly of us! Luo Changfeng shook his head hurriedly.

Luo Changfeng, you are very good! Whoever dares to secretly attack you in the future, I will personally avenge you! I will leave this matter to you!

Thank you Mr. Su!

Luo Changfeng was overjoyed. With Su Yuan's words, no one dared to touch him at least for now.

I know that many of you are dissatisfied now! It doesn't matter, you will all be convinced gradually. Ma Zhe is dead, and my people will take his place! Su Yuan said, looking at everyone again.

No one said anything, but they all thought to themselves, will your people be able to sit still when they come?

Su Yuan didn't care what they were thinking and just gave Su Die a look.

Su Die immediately stood up, her body began to change, and soon she looked exactly like Ma Zhe.

Master, don't worry, as long as I'm here, they won't cause any big trouble! Su Die said in Ma Zhe's tone.

I heard Luo Changfeng and others were stunned for a moment.

Su Yuan nodded slightly, shot out a finger, and a beam of flame flew out, hitting Ma Zhe's body, and ignited with a roar.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Zhe completely disappeared from this world.

Don't worry, I have plenty of people. If anyone wants to go with Ma Zhe, I can help him now!

Luo Changfeng's legs trembled, he was frightened again.

Fortunately, I have been very cooperative, otherwise, no one would know when I was replaced.

Afterwards, Su Yuan ended the meeting and asked what he was going to do.

The Ao Xing civilization needs to maintain normal operation, and the bottom level cannot be chaotic. He only needs to control the Ao Xing civilization from behind.

After everyone dispersed, Su Yuan asked Susan to follow Luo Changfeng.

One is to supervise Luo Changfeng to deliver equipment and other things as soon as possible, and the other is to protect Luo Changfeng's safety.

Luo Changfeng was also very efficient in his work. The first thing he did when he returned was to order to stop transforming the planet.

Then he began to disassemble all the equipment and instruments, preparing to hand them over to Su Yuan.

However, the factory that produces smart shield machines cannot be stopped. Everything produced in the future will be handed over to Su Yuan, including various raw materials and spare parts.

Su Yuan was equivalent to using the power of the Ao Xing people to help him transform Blue Star.

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