More than an hour later, Angel saw hope of victory. He successfully destroyed several main ships of the Light Jupiters and disrupted the formation of the Light Jupiter fleet.

Although he also suffered heavy losses, he was confident that he would win the final victory.

Come on them all and hit them! Angel roared.

Under his command, even if some spaceships were not as powerful as the Jupiterian ships, they still crashed into them with the intention of dying together.

The Uranus people, whose formation was chaotic, were unable to exert their team's strength, and it was difficult to form an effective counterattack, and they were about to be completely defeated.

At this time, Su Yuan once again led Chris into the chaotic battlefield and bombarded all the spaceships of the Jupiter people.

Beams of lasers, like a goddess scattering flowers, bombarded the spaceships of these Jovians, becoming the last straw that broke these spacecrafts.

Boom boom… All the spaceships of the Jupiter people were blown up by Kris.

Ah...damn it! It's too damning, destroy them! Angel roared.

Seeing victory right in front of him, but being plucked again, Angel couldn't bear it anymore, so he drove the spaceship and crashed into Chris's spaceship.

Unfortunately, his spaceship was not as fast as Chris's spaceship, and even after chasing him all the way, he couldn't catch up.

After getting rid of the Tianmu people, Su Yuan asked Su Xiaoyu and Su Die to lead the fleet to surround them.

The spaceship in Su Yuan's hand was powerful, fast, and much better in quality than the one in Angel's hand.

This is also the result of Su Yuan's mining and collecting materials during this period.

After receiving the order, Su Xiaoyu jumped up with joy. He could finally take action and no longer had to hold back and do nothing in the base.

She piloted the spaceship, led the fleet, and concentrated fire on Angel's spacecraft.

It is Su Yuan's consistent style to come up and kill the opponent's main spaceship first.

Boom boom, beams of lasers shot over overwhelmingly.

Angel was a little panicked. If he was shot, his spaceship would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Quick, dodge quickly!

Lord Angel, it's too late, jump out of the spaceship and get out of here! Rosa said.

Angel did not hesitate, followed Rosa's arrangement, and jumped out of the spacecraft.

As soon as he jumped out of the spacecraft, there was a violent explosion behind him, and he was also swept up by the air wave of the explosion.

Angel was wearing Sirius's best combat armor and was not knocked unconscious by the air wave. He quickly returned to normal and wanted to fly to other spaceships to prepare for escape.

But as soon as he boarded the spacecraft, he was kicked out by Susan.

Angel's expression changed drastically as he recognized Susan.

It's you again, you Blue Star people have ruined my good deeds. I will never let you go. We Sirius people will definitely destroy you Blue Star people!

Susan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she picked up the laser sword and slashed at Angel.

Angel was no match for Susan. He retreated in panic and took out his laser sword to resist.

However, he underestimated Susan's speed.

The laser sword held a sword flower in Susan's hand and slashed at Angel at an extremely fast speed.

Before Angel could swing the laser sword in his hand, he felt a sharp pain, and then he felt that his entire arm had lost all feeling.

When he looked back, he realized that his arm had fallen off his shoulders, and his entire right hand had been chopped off by Susan.

Ah... Angel screamed out in pain, and a large amount of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Then Susan struck another sword and cut off Angel's other hand.

Susan did not kill Angel and planned to leave it to Su Yuan for Su Yuan to deal with.

Not long after Angel was controlled by Susan, his fleet was also destroyed by Su Xiaoyue and others.

After this battle, there was no other civilization on this planet that could be Su Yuan's opponent.

No one was left alive, so Su Yuan ordered them all to be killed in exchange for points.

Not long after, Angel was also brought to Su Yuan by Susan.

He stared at Su Yuan with vicious eyes.

Don't be complacent. If you can, kill me. We Sirius people will not destroy you Blue Star!

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Angel to threaten him at this time.

Hey, Angel, are you stupid? Do you really think I dare not kill you?

Hahaha, you kill, you can kill if you want, as long as you are not afraid, your Blue Star will be destroyed by us! Angel laughed.

There was a puff, but before Su Yuan could speak, Susan stabbed Angel in the chest with her sword.

Angel looked at Susan in disbelief. He never expected that Susan would suddenly kill him.

Susan looked indifferent, Isn't this what you asked for? I will meet your request.

What are you doing? Susan. Look, you've soiled the floor again. Wouldn't it be better to kill him outside? You have to bring him back! Su Yuan complained.

Susan curled her lips in grievance. Obviously you didn't let me kill people casually, but now you're relying on me!

After killing Angel, the surrounding sea area became completely quiet, and no one dared to approach it.

Above the sea, the acid rain continued, but gradually, some sunlight filtered in.

Almost all civilizations have entered the ocean.

The acidity of seawater is also on the rise, but it is still within a tolerable range.

Su Yuan didn't pay much attention to the changes in the general environment. After eliminating Angel and others, he led the fleet back to the base.

After a few days of rest, Su Yuan led the fleet to set off again and began to clean up the contestants from other civilizations.

His current points score is the first on this planet, but he doesn't know how many points he has ranked first in other different dimensions.

Only by earning more points will you have greater hope of winning the first place in the preliminary round.

He asked Ling Hai to install life detectors on each spacecraft. As long as there are contestants from other civilizations around the spacecraft, they can quickly detect each other.

Su Yuan flew the spaceship at the front, forming an arc with the spaceships driven by Chris, Susan and others, searching outwards.

Many people discovered Su Yuan's fleet and chose to hide.

But they didn't know that Su Yuan had a life detector, which could be seen through even under a clever disguise.

Su Yuan searched for more than ten days and was invincible along the way without encountering any decent resistance. Almost all civilized contestants were cleared away by Su Yuan.

Only Ling Hai, Lao Tate and others who had followed Su Yuan from the earliest days were left.

Before the game was over, Su Yuan's competitors had all been cleared away.

Su Yuan thought that he could return to the original world in this way, but at this time, the reminder from the Hong tribe sounded again.

Please note that acid rain will continue to escalate and the planet's living environment will further deteriorate!

Su Yuan frowned and took Susan and others back to the base to find Ling Hai and others to deal with the upcoming acid rain.

In the large conference room of the base, Su Yuan sat at the top, Susan and others sat aside, and Ling Hai, Lao Tate and others sat at the bottom.

You have all heard about the acid rain, right? Has such a thing happened in previous civilizational competitions?

Ling Hai and Lao Tate were very happy because Su Yuan fulfilled his promise and earned them enough points.

Hearing Su Yuan's question, Ling Hai said quickly:

Mr. Su, a similar situation happened before. The deadline and rules of the civilized competition are decided by the Hong people. We can only act according to their rules!

You can also get points by resisting disasters. If we can't withstand the disaster and die in this competition, the points we gained before will be of no use!

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