He only saw a vague figure rushing toward him. Before he could react, Su Yuan caught him in his hand.

His smart helmet was also taken off by Su Yuan, and his body was used to resist other people's shots.

Whoosh, whoosh, a bunch of lasers shot over, and the captain was shot dead by his own men.

None of his men thought of killing him.

But they didn't see Su Yuan's movements clearly. After they instinctively pulled the trigger, they wanted to regret it, but the laser had already been shot out, beating their captain into a sieve.

Without the captain, there are only a few people left, and they are no match for Su Yuan.

After Su Yuan finished dealing with them, he came to the place where the others hibernated.

Although the siren woke them up, their bodies had not yet reacted, and it would take some time before they could resume normal activities.

At this time, their brains have returned to normal, but their bodies are still out of control. They know in their hearts that someone is invading and they cannot stand up.

Su Yuan directly released an ultra-low temperature cold current, freezing them completely, and then notified Su Xiaoyu and others to come in and tie these people up.

After taking control of this base, Su Yuan notified Chris, Susan and others to move things here. Many facilities here can be used directly and can speed up mining.

Su Yuan needs more spaceships to wipe out other civilizations.

Acid rain is getting heavier now, and as temperatures rise, all civilizations will wake up from hibernation.

It was about to enter a fierce fighting stage, and Su Yuan didn't want to fall behind.

On the other side, Angel is also enjoying the future in the base he captured.

He didn't like to leave his fate in the hands of others, so instead of choosing to hibernate, he arranged for others to hibernate.

In such a huge base, only a few of his confidants were on duty.

He was lying in the most luxurious room in the base, and a woman who looked similar to a Sirian was serving him warmly.

Lord Angel, you must help us this time. We, as people from the Star, can never afford to lose again!

The Yao people have always been loyal allies of the Sirians, but their own strength is not strong. Without the support of the Sirians, they would have been annexed by other civilizations long ago.

In order to get Angel's support, the Wanxing people sent over this time all women who fit the Sirian's aesthetics.

Rosa, it depends on your performance tonight! Angel smiled.

Hehe, disgusting! Rosa glanced at Angel charmingly.

Angel felt that his soul was almost gone, and he was about to get up to fight. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Lord Angel, there is a sneak attack!

Angel was agitated, stood up in a hurry, put on his clothes and fighting machine, and ran out to support.

Not many people came, only a small spaceship.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, he planned to escape.

Angel was not willing to suffer, so he called on his men to pursue him in a spaceship.

He now has sufficient resources in his hands, including three large spaceships and some aircraft.

However, there were relatively few people on duty, and he only launched a spaceship to pursue him.

What the hell, you dare to sneak attack us and kill them? Angel cursed angrily.

This group of people came neither early nor late, disrupting his good deeds and making him very uncomfortable.

Under the fierce bombardment of Angel's laser cannon, the escaping spacecraft raised a white flag and took the initiative to contact Angel, hoping that Angel would let them go.

Friends, if the mountains and rivers cannot change, why bother pushing each other so hard?

Am I forcing you? What the hell, you were the one who launched the sneak attack, okay? Stop talking nonsense. If you want to survive, surrender and hand over the murderer of my men! Angel said.

In the sneak attack just now, one of his men was killed and the alarm was triggered before he died.

Friend, do you have to force us to fight to the death? The worst we can do is perish together, I will publish the coordinates of your base!

Angel's face turned red with anger, someone dared to threaten him.

Although the opponent only has a small spaceship, if he really tries his best and crashes the spaceship into his base, he will suffer heavy losses.

The most important thing is that once the coordinates of the base are announced, it will be subject to endless sneak attacks.

Angel struggled for a while and then said: I can let you go, but you have to make up for my losses!

Friend, what do you want?

All the equipment and supplies on your spaceship! Angel sneered.

Impossible. If this is all given to you, how will we survive?

That's your own business. If you don't give it, you won't be able to leave alive!

Angel's conditions are very harsh, but compared with life, they are not important.

After a moment of silence, the people on the spaceship tentatively asked:

I can only give you two-thirds of the equipment and supplies. If you don't agree, you'll have no choice but to die!

Okay, I agree! Angel raised the corners of his mouth and sneered.

Then please step back and I will airdrop the equipment and supplies to the ground!

Angel nodded, asked his men to fly the spacecraft, and stepped back slightly.

Lord Angel, do you really plan to let them go like this? Rosa frowned. This is not like Angel's style.

Who said I was going to let them go? Everyone was secretly preparing to lock their spaceship. After they airdropped the supplies, they would immediately destroy their spaceship for me! Angel said. He had no plans and wanted to be honest.

I saw packages of equipment and supplies being airdropped and landed on the mud on the seabed.

Before the small spacecraft had time to leave, it was violently bombarded by Angel again.

Damn it, how dare you lie to us!

Hmph, you are the ones who deceived me. I want everyone to know that anyone who dares to attack me is seeking death!

Despicable! The people on the small spacecraft that attacked knew that they could not escape, so they directly drove the spacecraft into Angel's base and announced the coordinates of Angel's base.

Subsequently, other civilizations hidden around received the radio signal and learned about Angel's base.

Some are preparing to take action, while others are planning to watch a show.

But Angel planned to leave the base and prepare to encircle and suppress other civilizations.

As a Sirian, he is not good at building bases, preferring to fight and rob other civilizations of supplies.

With a bang, the small spacecraft crashed and hit the tallest building in the base. Then the entire building collapsed, and the humans who were still hibernating in the building died in their sleep.

Seeing this scene, Angel jumped up from his seat. At this moment, he lost two-thirds of his personnel.

Lord Angel, don't worry, this may not be a bad thing. We are leaving the base and we don't need so many people to mine. As long as we have enough weapons, we can't get anything we want! Rosa quickly stood up and comforted.

Angel nodded and quickly returned to normal.

You're right. I, Angel, can do whatever I want. Wake up the others. We need to take all the supplies and weapons and leave here to seek revenge on the Blue Star people!

Angel has always wanted to seek revenge on Su Yuan, but could not find a chance. Now he hopes that Su Yuan will not be killed by other civilizations before meeting him.

Otherwise, he would have no way to take revenge himself.

Su Yuan's new base has been re-established and the factory has doubled in size. Under Ling Hai's transformation, large-caliber ion cannons can be manufactured.

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