I'll go. I'm lucky today. I just finished admiring the meteorites and there's another tornado! Su Yuan quickly drove the flying chariot upwards.

Only flying higher is safer.

Su Yuan felt that the Hong people were playing a little too much this time. With such disasters coming one after another, how many people could survive? Don't be short of 500 points when the time comes.

The surrounding wind was getting faster and faster, blowing so hard that the flying chariot was in danger of falling apart.

This was originally a makeshift thing, and it couldn't withstand too much force.

Seeing the tornado getting closer and closer, Su Yuan simply asked Su Die to come over and drive the flying chariot.

He flew out of the flying chariot himself and used the power of the super-intelligent combat mecha to push the flying chariot to accelerate forward and rise rapidly, finally escaping the tornado without any danger.

Then we finally settled down and didn't encounter much danger.

Only then did Su Yuan contact Susan and Su Xiaoyu.

Are you two okay?

They were still in the shelter built by Ling Hai and others and were not injured.

Master, you don't know, just now I felt that the entire mountain range we were in was shaken up. Fortunately, this shelter is relatively strong and has not fallen apart! Su Xiaoyu said.

Be careful, the situation will gradually stabilize in a few days!

Master, don't worry. When the situation stabilizes, Sister Susan and I will go take care of other civilizations!

Well, ask Ling Hai and the others about the previous civilization competitions and see what needs to be prepared! Su Yuan said.

Master, we have asked. This is the third time they have participated. They have not encountered such a violent disaster in the previous two times. This is the first time!

In addition, they said that the supplies and equipment collected here can be taken away! Su Xiaoyu said.

Really? Then I want to hollow out this planet! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Master, there are just a few of us, so stop dreaming!

After ending the call, Su Yuan sat in the flying chariot and closed his eyes to rest. Su Die drove the flying chariot and flew carefully.

Chris had nothing to do, so she sat next to Su Die and started chatting with Su Die.

Flying at high altitude, it is difficult to meet other people.

The surrounding air is thin, and breathing must be regulated by the circulatory system of the combat mecha.

The most disgusting thing is that I feel hungry.

Su Yuan wanted to take some food from the virtual warehouse, but he was afraid that the Hong tribe would find out, so he had to give up.

Now we can only wait for the tsunami to calm down before looking for food.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the next day.

More and more volcanic ash poured into the sky from the ground. It was difficult for Su Yuan and others flying high in the sky to see the tsunami on the ground through the fighter mecha. They could only fly aimlessly.

It wasn't until noon that Su Die screamed in surprise.

Master, look, it's a group of pterosaurs!

Su Yuan stood up and looked over. Groups of pterosaurs could fly so high.

These pterosaurs are very big, five or six times larger than Blue Star's pterosaurs, but they can fly so high and for such a long time, which is considered very powerful.

However, they had no place to stay now. When they saw Su Yuan and others, they pounced on Su Yuan as food.

Here I go, you still want to eat me, I'm worried about having nothing to eat!

Su Yuan jumped out of the flying chariot and rushed toward the pterosaurs. A dozen pterosaurs were enough for him to eat for many days.

He took out his laser sword and slashed three or four pterosaurs to death, scaring the other pterosaurs into turning around and running away.

Su Yuan didn't want to pursue him. He killed too many people and his flying chariot couldn't even let go.

He threw the pterosaur carcass onto the flying chariot, selected a few pieces of better meat, and used his fire ability to roast them.

When I took a bite, the meat was a bit hard and tasted almost like beef.

Su Yuan ate two or three pieces himself and gave the rest to Chris.

Chris has a relatively large appetite, but Su Die doesn't need to eat.

In the next few days, Su Yuan did not meet anyone else.

Relying on the pterosaur meat, I didn't go hungry.

Seeing the volcanic ash filling the entire planet, Su Yuan planned to risk going back to see the situation.

He asked Su Die and Chris to wait for news from him on the flying chariot, while he flew back alone to take a look.

Passing through the clouds formed by volcanic ash, we can see that the tsunami has weakened and the snow-capped mountains have resurfaced, but there is no more ice and snow on the mountains.

Occasionally, you can see a pterosaur that cannot hold on, falling from the sky and falling into the sea.

Most of the various creatures in the sea have died, but many are still tenaciously alive.

Su Yuan searched for traces of other people along the sea surface. Not long after, he discovered many modified aircraft floating on the sea surface.

There were also many wreckage of mechanical equipment scattered around, floating on the sea, and they seemed to be useless things.

Otherwise, it would have been picked up by the people on the aircraft.

Su Yuan did not want to provoke this group of people and planned to turn around and leave, but as soon as he turned around, he was violently bombarded.

Rumble, beams of lasers bombarded him.

Su Yuan quickly counterattacked, using the laser cannon on the super-intelligent combat mecha to bombard these aircraft.

A familiar voice came from the largest aircraft.

It's true that we are enemies on a narrow road. I said you would regret it. How about it? Now you are afraid!

Regret? Angel, I think you should be the one who regrets it. You shouldn't provoke me! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Hahaha, it's already like this, and you're still so stubborn! I'll wait and see how you kneel down and beg me! Angel laughed.

Angel was confident. The Sirians had participated in civilized competitions many times and were already familiar with the rules. They had secretly formed alliance contracts with many civilizations.

Their division of labor was clear. After arriving on this planet, they were divided into two groups. One wave surrounded and suppressed other primitive civilizations and snatched resources. The other wave was responsible for scientific research and transformation, and the creation of various equipment and weapons.

That's why they have more than ten aircraft, and each one has strong firepower.

The opponent had a large number of people, so Su Yuan did not want to confront them head-on, so he accelerated his escape.

What the hell, you're running so fast, let me chase you! Angel cursed.

He stared at the super-intelligent combat mecha on Su Yuan's body with greedy eyes.

It's really abominable that such a good fighting mecha doesn't belong to him.

When Su Yuan saw Angel and others chasing after him, he didn't panic and continued to speed up.

He moves alone, and his continuous flight speed is even comparable to that of an interstellar battleship. These patchwork and modified aircraft cannot catch up with him at all.

He planned to get rid of Angel and others, and then find a way to defeat them one by one.

While Su Yuan was escaping, he contacted Su Xiaoyu and Susan and asked them to come over for support.

Su Xiaoyu and Susan are at the bottom of the sea, and they can come faster.

After receiving Su Yuan's order, Su Xiaoyu was ready to take Ling Hai and others into action.

But the movement speed of Ling Hai and others was too slow, and they couldn't keep up with their speed at all.

Sister Susan, what should we do now?

You stay and stay with them, I'll just go there! Susan said.

Su Xiaoyu nodded and asked Ling Hai and others to quickly dismantle the shelter and transform it into an aircraft.

At this time, Su Yuan had already left Angel and others far behind.

Angel wanted to chase him, but unfortunately he couldn't.

The Sirians around him also persuaded him to give up, Lord Angel, other civilizations don't want to pursue us anymore. They want to hunt other civilizations and complete the points requirements!

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