Long Yu thought there was no problem and formally concluded the deal.

Then, Long Yu flew the aircraft again and sent Su Yuan and others back to the original city.

After returning to the initial city, Su Yuan needed to find a place to stay as a trading venue.

There is a lot of open space in the initial city, so you don’t need to apply for anything if you want to build it, but you must have materials and talents to build it.

What Su Yuan lacks now is people.

In primitive civilization areas, you can only bring five people in. Without people, everything is in vain.

After thinking about it, Su Yuan planned to go back to Blue Star and bring Sub Bo and Su Xiaoqiang over.

Subo can repair and transform various equipment, and Su Xiaoqiang is a super-intelligent construction robot that can quickly build various buildings.

When he went back, Su Yuan did not take Susan and Su Xiaoyu with him.

Susan needs to continue to participate in the competition and obtain tickets for the preliminary round, while Su Xiaoyu needs to collect various intelligence and data.

Using the wormhole instrument, it is very fast to return to the Blue Star from the original world.

However, after returning to Blue Star, Su Yuan dealt with some daily affairs and delayed for a day before taking Subo and Su Xiaoqiang back to the original world.

Arriving at the Initial City, Su Xiaoyu had already figured out the situation in the Initial City and locked in several better locations.

There is one location, on the easternmost side of the Andrei Arena, which also belongs to No. 5 Street.

However, it is close to the edge and the surrounding area is relatively chaotic. Once construction starts, it will cause dissatisfaction from other people around.

Su Yuan didn't care about this. How many people came, how many people he taught. If he wanted to gain a foothold in the Beginning City, he must have strong force.

Xiaoyu, has Saunier's background been checked clearly?

Master, Saunier comes from the Taka Star civilization. Their technology is very backward, but the people there are better at fighting and are born warriors!

When he first came to the original world, he didn't have a combat mecha on him. All the equipment was stolen later. He usually works for other forces or enters the arena to earn supplies.

However, a lot of the materials he earned were used to purchase various equipment and send them back to Taka Planet to prevent disasters! Su Xiaoyu said.

Go and ask if you would like to work with me. I can provide some science and technology to their civilization! Su Yuan said.

Okay, Master!

Seeing Su Xiaoyu leave, Su Yuan took Susan and others to the selected place to prepare for construction.

First, a huge warehouse needs to be built to pile up all kinds of used equipment, and then a place is needed to display and sell various repaired equipment and machinery.

Finally, he needed a fixed place to live, and Su Yuan did not plan to stay in a hotel every day.

All materials needed for construction are transported directly through the virtual warehouse of the virtual mall.

Su Xiaoqiang, let's get started. I'm still waiting to check in? Su Yuan ordered.

Su Xiaoqiang looked around and pointed at himself.

Master, am I the only one working? Are you all watching?

That's right, you are the only one who can build a robot, but none of us can!

With a wry smile on his face, Su Xiaoqiang began to transform into a giant construction robot, first leveling the land and laying a solid foundation.

Then, start building the house like building blocks.

All materials are designed in advance. From the screws to the walls, they are all made of alloy and can withstand the impact of external forces.

Su Yuan didn't want the wall to be knocked down while he was sleeping.

When he returned, he asked Xiaoyu to design and quickly process this batch of alloy building materials. The thickness of each board reached 50 centimeters.

Because it was designed in advance, Su Xiaoqiang set it up very quickly, and soon the prototype was in place, with more than 30,000 square meters of buildings rising from the ground.

However, it soon attracted a group of people.

Hey, where did this country bumpkin come from? He's building a lot of construction here without even notifying me!

That's right, it doesn't matter if you don't treat us to a meal. You should give us the proper etiquette!

Who is in charge here?

Su Yuan raised his eyes and looked over, only to see a big man with one eye yelling towards him.

He was not blind. He was born with one eye, standing erect between his eyebrows. He looked a bit ferocious.

Su Yuan is not afraid of them, because among these people, the most powerful ones are only comparable to emperor-level beasts, and they are no match for him in a fight.

I am, do you have any advice? Su Yuan smiled and took a step forward.

The one-eyed man immediately became even more proud when he saw that he was not taller than himself.

Little man, don't you know the rules here? Before starting work, you need to treat us to a meal, eat and drink enough, and give us enough red envelopes before we can start work!

Really? How much do you need to give? Su Yuan raised the corners of his mouth and said with a bad smile.

In fact, his height is over 1.9 meters, but the one-eyed man is taller, reaching 3 meters, so it seems that he is shorter.

As for the red envelope, each person should receive at least 1 million tons of supplies. There are 16 of us here. You must give at least 20 million tons of supplies!

I'll go, you're robbing me openly!

“Whether it’s robbing or asking for it, if you don’t give it, you won’t be able to start work in a down-to-earth manner!”

What if I give it to you and other people come to trouble me?

I don't care about this. We are ours, and others are other people's. We are in the original city, and it is fate to meet each other. If you want to be safe in the future, you'd better give it! the one-eyed man threatened.

What if I don't give it? What are you going to do?

If you don't give it, it would be easier. The guy in our hands is not a vegetarian!

Immediately, the people following the one-eyed man took out their weapons.

Wait, don't worry, let's discuss who will fight you! Su Yuan said with a smile.

The one-eyed man was stunned for a moment, then cursed: What the hell, get them all, no matter which one of you gets involved, we are all fighting in a group!

Whoosh whoosh, beams of lasers shot towards Su Yuan.

Just as Su Yuan was about to move his hands and feet, Susan rushed forward first, picked up the laser sword and chopped down the one-eyed man.

Susan's movements were so fast that the one-eyed man felt his eyes blurred, and before he could see clearly, he was split in half by a sword.

The people behind him were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

But their speed couldn't compare with Susan's.

Susan chased after her, her movements were smooth and smooth, and someone would fall to the ground with every sword blow.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

Susan, you can't leave one for me! Su Yuan complained.

Master, these are the many people you mentioned. This is too boring. Just these few are not enough to warm up! Susan said dissatisfied.

She thought it would be better to follow Chris to hunt strange beasts.

Don't be impatient! Remember to preserve your strength next time. If you remain so powerful, you will scare others away. Who will dare to come and fight you!

Try it next time, I'll chop them more!

Oh...it's up to you. Anyone who dares to come over and cause trouble will be chopped by me!

Su Yuan glanced around and found that those who were originally planning to take action had no intention of taking action after seeing the bodies lying on the ground. No one wanted to come up and die.

Suddenly, the surrounding area became quite quiet, with only the sound of Su Xiaoqiang busy building a house alone.

After a few hours, the main body was completed and work began on the interior.

The decoration is still the same as Su Xiaoqiang's. In Su Yuan's words, no one else can do it.

Su Yuan doesn't have high requirements for decoration, and he doesn't plan to live here permanently. From now on, this will just be a place for him to resell various second-hand equipment.

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