Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 307 Preparing to further transform Blue Star

Su Yuan was dishonest and cut off his other arm with a sword. The pain caused Solnier to break out in cold sweat and glared at Su Yuan angrily.

Where are the supplies? It's safer for me to take them myself! Su Yuan said with a smile.

I didn't expect my boat to capsize today. You can kill me or chop me into pieces!

Su Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to him, took out all the supply cards on Sonier's body, including Sonier's own supplies, turned around and left here.

A depressed Saunier was left standing there, wondering why Su Yuan didn't kill him.

Saunier gritted his teeth angrily and vowed to take revenge on Su Yuan. He would tell everyone about Su Yuan's robbery of the supply card.

He didn't know that Su Yuan was disguised like him.

After Su Yuan snatched the supply card, he chased after the others.

Some supply cards have changed hands many times, and it is difficult to tell whose hands they are now.

But there were still many people who were chased all the way without getting rid of those who were chasing the supplies.

Su Yuan and Susan acted separately and snatched back most of the supply cards.

Then they shook off the crowd chasing them, left the initial city, and came to a desolate no-man's land.

Chrissy and others are waiting for them here.

Seeing Su Yuan, Susan, Chris and others were very happy.

Master, are you all okay? Su Die asked.

It's okay, everything goes well. Next, I'll exchange supplies and then return to Blue Star! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Master, if we go to exchange supplies now, aren't we being too ostentatious? They must know that we stole the supplies! Chris said worriedly.

I just wanted to let them know that the supply card was taken away by us, so that the Horsemen can rule out the suspicion of Andong Lie!

But, there are still some empty supply cards in the hands of others! Chris said.

There are not many supply cards left outside, and they are scattered in the hands of different people. They will only feel that they are unlucky and have grabbed an empty supply card, but they dare not tell anyone about it for fear of revenge from the Horsemen!

Next, Su Yuan asked Su Die to disguise himself as he had disguised before, and went to exchange supplies with Susan, while he took Chris and others to wait for them at the original interstellar port.

The exchange of materials went smoothly, but the transportation fee was a bit expensive.

Different from the last time, the last time he came in was from a black account, and now he has opened an account. Su Yuan requested that the supplies be transported directly to the vicinity of Blue Star.

In order to prevent too much supplies from affecting the normal operation of Blue Star, the coordinates were chosen near the orbit of Mars.

The people of the Hong tribe were quite efficient in doing things, and they delivered the supplies three days later.

At this time, Su Yuan had brought Chris and others back to the survival base.

On the blue star, you can see with the naked eye that a huge wormhole appears, and then two planet-sized material planets are transported over.

This time, the types of materials Su Yuan exchanged were more complete, covering almost all the materials he needed for his current construction.

After the supplies arrived, Su Yuan asked Niu Dali and others to fly the star-class spaceship to transport the supplies and send them bit by bit to Blue Star's factory for smelting and processing.

To save trouble, materials are transferred through virtual warehouses.

After resting for two days, Su Yuan planned to continue the lottery. He had accumulated five lottery opportunities and planned to use them all.

At this time, Xiaoyu ran over and said anxiously:

Master, the Dinosaurs' mothership sent a message asking about the situation of Blue Star!

It seems they are anxious. How long will it take for them to arrive at Blue Star? Su Yuan said with a smile.

It's probably more than six months away. They've speeded up recently!

Don't worry about them, let them go!

Master, will this make them doubt us? Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

They will definitely be suspicious, but even if we lie to them now, once their mothership arrives in the star field where Blue Star is located, everything will be exposed!

Then what will we do then?

What else can we do? Let's fight. We won't necessarily lose when the time comes! Tell Su Qiang and the others to speed up the construction and complete the construction of the Sky City as soon as possible!

Okay, Master! Xiaoyu nodded and ignored the message sent by the Dinosaur Mothership.

After seeing Xiaoyu leave, Su Yuan opened the lottery page, took a sip of tea, and pressed the lottery button.

In the golden display frame, the text jumped and quickly stopped.

Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a blueprint for the construction of a super-intelligent interstellar carrier.

I'll go, this is good! Su Yuan said excitedly.

He opened his backpack directly and clicked on the drawing.

Suddenly, a three-dimensional projection screen appeared in front of Su Yuan, and an interstellar carrier comparable to the size of the Blue Star appeared in front of Su Yuan.

This huge interstellar carrier moves extremely fast, comparable to a dinosaurian interstellar battleship.

Because of its large size, the speed of an interstellar carrier is often incomparable to that of an interstellar battleship.

If it's comparable to a starship, then its overall structure is definitely better than the Dinoman's starship.

Su Yuan checked the keel materials needed for the interstellar carrier and found that at least level 18 vibranium composite materials were needed.

With the blueprints, it would be easier to further transform Blue Star.

Su Yuan immediately called over Xiaoyu, Badai, Tangtang and other research and development robots.

A group of people discussed around the stereoscopic projection.

Xiaoyu clicked on the projection screen, and the internal construction drawings were also displayed.

Master, if you want to transform Blue Star into an interstellar mothership, you still need to penetrate Blue Star, use a huge keel to pass through the North Pole of Blue Star, directly reach the South Pole, and then connect it to the City in the Sky!

And we also need super-giant star core-level ion thrusters and super-giant star core-level thermonuclear power stations. At least 3,000 of them are needed to propel Blue Star to move at high speed!

I'll go, it feels so difficult! With our current level of technology, is there a chance to build it? Su Yuan said.

Master, with this blueprint, we can build it!

This blueprint is not only a blueprint for building an interstellar carrier, it also contains related technologies. For example, it includes technology on how to penetrate planets and how to build super-giant star core-level ion thrusters.

It's just that these things still need to be experimentally developed before we can advance step by step! Xiaoyu said.

Okay, I'll give you Xiaoyu's drawings. You can lead people to conquer the relevant technologies, and I'll expand the factory and speed up the construction. In addition, during the design, the interstellar carrier and the survival base will be integrated into one. However, in the event of an emergency, , the survival base can break away from the star carrier at any time!

Master, don't worry, I will take them with me to destroy them and break through the relevant technology as soon as possible! Xiaoyu nodded.

Afterwards, Su Yuan asked Xiaoyu and others to go about their business. Instead of continuing the lottery, he came to the ground to inspect the expansion progress of the factory.

Wearing a super-intelligent combat mecha, Su Yuan flew over the original Huadu survival base.

There are now various factories everywhere here, and the sound of machinery running does not stop 24 hours a day.

All electricity comes from thermonuclear power stations, and there is one near every dozens of large factories.

Su Yuan discovered that the factory he built had already covered most of Huadu's original territory. If it were expanded, it could cover the entire Huadu's original territory.

Now all the alien beasts on the ground have been cleared away, only there are still a large number of alien beasts in the sea.

Therefore, Su Yuan can boldly expand without worrying about alien beasts or environmental damage.

All humans have moved to the Sky City, and it won't matter much if the ground environment deteriorates.

The most important thing is that Su Yuan has a large amount of materials in hand, which can fully meet the needs of this expansion.

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