Although all the supplies are just a bunch of numbers in the supply card, I don't know if it was intentional by the Hong people, and all transactions cannot be carried out remotely.

If you want to trade materials, you can only touch two materials on the spot and then transfer them.

Because the Hong people did not establish a remote transaction network, the Horsemen were unable to transfer the materials in the supply card through the network they established.

This means that if you grab the supply card, you will have a way to obtain supplies.

It is not difficult to crack the password of the material card. Just go to the material trading market of the Hong people and pay a handling fee, and it will be automatically cracked for you.

In order to facilitate betting transactions, the arena will handle dozens or even hundreds of material cards, which are distributed on multiple trading counters.

As long as one of the trading desks is attacked, the other trading desks will be shut down urgently.

After Anton Lie issued the order, the entire arena stopped trading, and all supply cards had to be handed over to Anton Lie's hands.

Looking at the hundreds of supply cards, An Donglie felt a headache and asked the remaining guards to be on alert.

On the other side, after ending the call with Andong Lie, Su Yuan took Susan out of the encirclement. However, he did not go directly to find Andong Lie, but broke into a nearby competitive arena.

The place was also full of people. The two people in the arena were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other.

Many people in the audience were waving flags and shouting, but few noticed Su Yuan and Susan who suddenly broke in.

After Su Yuan saw the surrounding situation clearly, he took Susan and flew directly to the audience stand.

Behind them, a group of arena guards chased them and kept bombarding them with laser cannons.

However, Su Yuan and Susan were not hit along the way. Instead, the surrounding spectators were knocked off their feet.

Everyone was so frightened that they ran outside, but more guards rushed over and blocked the exit.

At the same time, the alarm sounded, requiring everyone to kneel on the ground, hand over their supply cards, and not to resist.

This time, everyone was annoyed.

What are you going to do? Blatant robbery?

That's right, don't you Horsemen have any credibility?

If you dare to do this, we are not vegetarians either!

This is too much. Who will dare to come to your arena in the future?

Whoosh whoosh, beams of lasers swept over, scaring everyone away and fleeing. There were guards in the air and on the ground.

Various flying combat vehicles and armored combat vehicles fired at the crowd.

After Susan robbed an arena last time, the horsemen strengthened the defense of each arena, and Ma Jiang is a master who is not afraid of trouble. He doesn't care how many people die, he only cares about taking advantage of this trouble. Opportunity, how much material can be obtained.

Wearing a gray combat armor, he flew in the air and looked at the fleeing crowd with a mocking look in his eyes.

Then he picked up the loudspeaker in his hand and shouted to the entire arena:

Everyone, I am Ma Jiang, the general manager of the arena. According to the rules, as long as you make trouble, we can keep the supply cards in your hands as compensation!

After all, such a large arena needs maintenance, and all the guards who maintain the order need to be paid!

In addition, I don't want to see anyone lose their life because of this chaos, so I give everyone three minutes. After three minutes, if there is still someone who is not kneeling on the ground, I have to send him away forever!

The loudspeaker in Ma Jiang's hand can connect to the entire arena. The speakers hidden around the arena spread his voice throughout the arena, and everyone's voices were suppressed by him.

When he finished speaking, someone stood up.

Nonsense, who is causing trouble? We are watching the game well, but someone broke in, okay? You shot us with a laser gun, can't we stop moving?

That's right, are you robbing openly?

It's too abominable. I will never come to your horseman's arena again!

Ma Jiang looked at the people who were taking the lead in speaking. The smile on his face became brighter and he flew in front of them.

Hey, you don't want to come here anymore, do you? Then don't ever come to the arena again!

The Majiang people are tall and tall among the people with horse bodies.

The person who just spoke was less than Ma Jiang's shoulder height. He was so frightened by Ma Jiang that he blushed and did not dare to refute.

However, Ma Jiang did not let him go. He took out his laser sword and split it in half with one strike.

The speed was so fast that no one around him saw Ma Jiang's movements clearly.

Seeing the two halves of the body still twitching on the ground, Ma Jiang spat out water and looked at the others.

Two minutes left!

Immediately, many people were frightened and knelt on the ground, while most of the remaining people were hesitant.

Su Yuan and Susan have already blended into the crowd. Su Yuan's super combat mecha can change its appearance. Susan is now a super-intelligent mechanical life form and can also adjust its appearance.

This made it impossible for the guards of the arena to distinguish them for a while.

Master, why don't you let me go up and kill them with one sword? Susan said.

No, don't worry. This Ma Jiang is very greedy. He deliberately made things bigger so that he could make more money. In this case, we will continue running and make more than a dozen competitive arenas riot. I'll see how they end up! Su Yuan said with a smile.

There are tens of thousands of spectators in one competitive arena, and if all the competitive arenas are rioting together, there will be hundreds of thousands of spectators, which is too much for the tens of thousands of guards under Ma Jiang.

Su Yuan took out his smartphone and opened the distribution map sent by Antonlie.

The location, layout, and emergency passages of each arena are marked above.

Su Yuan quickly confirmed the next target, but if he rushed out like this, he would definitely be treated as a living target and subject to violent fire. He needed to create chaos.

After scanning the surrounding area, many people returned to their seats and did not intend to resist. The people flying in the air were still hesitating.

The most embarrassing thing is that the two people competing in the arena are surrounded by seals, and they can't get out even if they want to leave.

Su Yuan saw the opportunity and rushed towards the guard closest to him.

Before the guard could react, Su Yuan cut off his head with a laser sword.

The laser sword equipped on the super-intelligent combat mecha is no worse than Susan's. It is very sharp and can easily cut through the mecha's defense.

Seeing that one of the guards was attacked by a sneak attack, the other guards became nervous and shot at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan took Susan to a place with a lot of people, and more people were attacked.

Brothers, don't be stupid, do it to them, even if we hand over the supply card, they won't let us go!

That is, if there is no use value, will they let us out and ruin the reputation of their arena?

While everyone has weapons in their hands, there is still a chance to escape, otherwise it will be too late!

Susan looked at Su Yuan strangely. She followed Su Yuan and found for the first time that Su Yuan could run and encourage others at the same time.

Master, you are so bad!

Nonsense, I am saving them. Ma Jiang has no intention of letting them get out alive. Didn't you see that there are more and more guards around? Once all kinds of heavy weapons are set up, it will be difficult to rush out! Su Yuan said.

His super battle mecha can help him imitate various sounds, and the people around him can't tell that they are spoken by one person.

After hearing what he said and looking at the surrounding situation, smart people immediately took the lead to speak out.

We can't sit still and wait for death. Anyone who doesn't want to die comes to me!

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