Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 274 Changes in the world of dinosaurs in the center of the earth

Su Yuan frowned. He had not thought that the world of dinosaurs in the center of the earth would change so quickly.

He will definitely kill Hapimo, but for the world of dinosaurs, he has no plans to stand on the front desk. For the time being, he just wants to operate everything behind the scenes and let all the dinosaurs work for him.

Parshan, don't worry. I have already said that if your father died like this, I would let Hapimo die how he died, and when exactly Hapimo would be executed. I will give you an answer after I have considered it!

Parshan was a little disappointed, but she didn't dare to disobey Su Yuan.

Now in the world of dinosaurs in the center of the earth, all dinosaurs wear explosive collars. If they disobey orders a little bit, the explosive collars will explode.

This also caused all the dinosaurs in the center of the earth to abide by the law like never before and work hard to mine and produce doomsday laser cannons in accordance with Su Yuan's requirements.

Kedi, Malihua and other dinosaurs have become the most loyal henchmen under Su Yuan. They check and balance each other with Parshan and Zari, and no one can do anything but others.

If Su Yuan expresses dissatisfaction with Parshan, Kedi, Malihua and other dinosaur people will attack her immediately.

So Parshan had no choice but to say honestly:

Mr. Su, I believe you and I will listen to you!

Su Yuan nodded with satisfaction, ended the call with Parshan, and asked Xiaoyu to retrieve the latest data on the world of dinosaurs.

It can be said that the entire world of dinosaurs in the center of the earth is now under Su Yuan's surveillance.

The main electronic equipment they use, various large processors, are all bound to the system, and Su Yuan can retrieve the information of each dinosaur at any time.

Master, according to your request, although the dinosaurs now have more work every day, their happiness has improved a lot!

Oh, is there such a thing? Su Yuan asked doubtfully.

Yeah, the reason is simple. They have no competitive pressure now. There is no difference between low-level dinosaurs and high-level dinosaurs!

According to your request, regardless of their position, the living conditions of all dinosaur people are the same. No one is better than the other!

Although the high-level dinosaur people are dissatisfied, they are small in number and dare not resist. The low-level dinosaur people support the master! Xiaoyu explained.

Hahaha, do you think it's good or bad for me to do this? Su Yuan said with a smile.

Master, this is no different from raising pigs. If there is no pressure, there will be no motivation. Slowly, the dinosaurs will lose their fighting spirit! However, the master cannot suppress it too hard and make them resist! Xiaoyu thought for a while and said.

As long as they work hard, I can ensure their normal physiological rest and daily needs. From now on, they will be the hardest-working workers in my hands! Su Yuan said with a smile.

In addition to using coercive measures such as explosive collars and super headshot viruses, Su Yuan also plans to fundamentally brainwash the dinosaur people.

He has asked Kedi to start reforming the education of dinosaurs. From now on, the first word dinosaurs must learn when entering school is work. Only by working hard can you be praised and respected by other dinosaurs.

At the same time, the defeat of Hapimo was also completely publicized. All dinosaur people knew that the changes in the world of dinosaur people in the center of the earth started because Su Yuan defeated Hapimo and cooperated with Su Yuan.

This made the dinosaur people in the center of the earth slowly accept Su Yuan.

But on the surface, the world of dinosaurs is still controlled by the dinosaurs themselves, and decisions are made jointly by Zari, Parshan, Kedi and other dinosaurs.

In order to change Su Yuan's image as an underground dinosaur, Kedi and Malihua also focused on promoting Su Yuan's help in cleaning up the alien beasts and hunting down the nightmare-level alien beasts.

Now, in the eyes of the dinosaur people in the center of the earth, Su Yuan has begun to gradually become a hero. The kind who can tear apart strange beasts with his hands has become the object of learning for most of the dinosaur people.

While Su Yuan was chatting with Xiaoyu, he was checking out the various supplies sent by the dinosaurs from the center of the earth during this period, as well as the doomsday laser cannon and stellar spacecraft.

With the help of the dinosaurs from the center of the earth, Su Yuan found that his speed in building the city in the sky had increased a lot.

Originally, he planned to build a circle of city in the sky first, surrounding the blue star like a star ring.

Now Su Yuan plans to cover the entire Blue Star with the Sky City, forming a complete whole and wrapping the Blue Star inside.

Then gradually build this blue star into an interstellar mothership and combine it with a survival base.

To this end, Su Yuan must speed up mining, continue to expand factories, and produce more construction robots and various equipment and spare parts.

Su Yuan asked Niu Dali to send a batch of mining nanomechanical insects to the dinosaur world in the center of the earth, so that Zari and others could speed up mining.

And also contacted Li Zhu who was far away on the Red Moon Planet.

Nowadays, the atmosphere of the Red Moon Planet has completely disappeared. Li Zhu and others have to wear auxiliary mechas with oxygen tanks when going out.

And the water shortage situation happened again, and the water stored before was used less and less.

The red moon planet has completely become a Death Star, the magma in the core of the earth has cooled, and the temperature difference between day and night is terrifying.

Despite this, Li Zhu has not complained to Su Yuan so far and has worked hard to mine minerals for Su Yuan.

Now Red Moon Planet's various factories have formed a complete industrial chain.

The robots produced in the factory can work autonomously and expand more factories.

As for mining, it is completely left to the nanomechanical bugs. The amount of minerals mined every day has become astronomical. Maybe in a year or two, the entire Red Moon Planet will be hollowed out, and eventually the Red Moon Planet will disappear, leaving nothing behind.

When Su Yuan contacted Li Zhu, Li Zhu was eating and looked unkempt, as if he hadn't showered in a few days.

Brother Su Yuan, you are such a busy man, you finally remembered me. Look at me now, am I ugly! Li Zhu said with a raised mouth.

Sister Li Zhu, thank you for your hard work. I know everything about the Red Moon Planet. At least in order to deal with the dinosaurs, I haven't had time to deal with it! Su Yuan said with a smile.

I'm fine, I can still hold on without taking a shower, but in a few days, we won't even have water to eat and drink, so we have to trouble you to bring water! A hint of helplessness flashed in Li Zhu's eyes.

Sister Li Zhu, actually I am contacting you this time just to tell you that I want you all to come to Blue Star. Red Moon Planet has developed on the right track and can be handed over to robots in the future! Su Yuan said.

Li Zhu was stunned for a moment and looked at Su Yuan in disbelief, Really? We can all go to Blue Star!

Yes, now I need a lot of superpower teachers. If you come here, you can help! Su Yuan has more and more Dragon Guards, and the number of people with superpowers continues to rise.

Su Yuan plans to form a more elite Dragon Guard, all composed of Dragon Guards with special powers.

This dragon guard will become the sharpest sword in Su Yuan's hand.

That's great, brother Su Yuan, you don't know, I have always dreamed of visiting Blue Star, so when will you come and pick us up! Li Zhu said excitedly.

I will ask Chrissy to bring Zhu Yan and the others to pick you up. After they arrive, they will further expand the factory. After the expansion is completed, they will bring you here!

The minerals of the Red Moon Planet are Su Yuan's main source of materials for building the Sky City. If he wants to speed up the construction of the Sky City, he must expand the Red Moon Planet's factories on a large scale.

After ending the call, Su Yuan asked Xiaoyu to arrange for Chris and others to go to the Red Moon Planet. As soon as they finished their work here, Su Su hurried over.

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