Master Happy Zhen, there is something wrong with the control system and we need to use a backup system! Mokasha said quickly.

Really? The entire ship has entered the first level of alert. Please check carefully inside and outside to see if there is any invasion! Happy calmly gave the order.

He stood up and glanced at Su Die, then turned around and came to Mokasha's side.

How's the situation? Happy asked.

The flight condition is very unstable, and some laser weapons are not functioning properly! Mokasha said anxiously.

Then start the backup system and I'll enter the permissions!

Happy said, turning on the backup core control computer next to Mokasha.

At this time, the nano-unmanned reconnaissance aircraft also flew into the data interface of the backup core control computer. The permission passwords entered by Hapi Zhen were captured by Xiaoyu, and Hapi Zhen was used to continuously tamper with the core control system.

After a while, the sirens stopped and the starship returned to normal.

Happy Zhen still did not relax his vigilance, and asked Mokasha to continue checking the control system, and also asked the dinosaur guards to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the star battleship.

Even Su Die was taken away by a group of dinosaur guards and brought to a room for more stringent inspection.

Are you done yet? Is there anyone else who can pretend to be me? Su Die disguised himself as a Hapisaurus and shouted at the dinosaur guards checking around him.

Lord Happy Dragon, I'm sorry, this is Lord Happy Dragon's order, we must execute it!

Hmph, when the inspection is over, let's see how I deal with you! Su Die snorted coldly.

As for the disguise, she was completely confident that these dinosaur guards could not find anything unusual, but she didn't know whether Su Yuan and Xiaoyu succeeded.

If Hapi Zhen is not dealt with quickly, Blue Star will be in danger.

Just when Su Die was wondering what to do next, the star battleship suddenly jolted violently, like a car driving on a dirt road.

Su Die and the surrounding dinosaur guards were thrown up and hit the wall.

The dinosaur guards such as Happy Zhen and Mokasha in the cab were also knocked dizzy.

What's going on? What went wrong again? Happy roared.

Lord Happy, look, we are crashing into that planet! Mokasha pointed at the big screen and said in panic.

Seeing this scene, Happy Zhen could no longer remain calm.

Why are you still standing there? Turn around quickly! Happy roared.

The dinosaur guards all rushed to their seats, but the star battleship was bumping so hard that they had to tie themselves to their seats to avoid being thrown out.

They wanted to control the star battleship to turn around, but the star battleship didn't respond and was still accelerating towards the planet.

Happy felt that these dinosaur guards were too stupid, so he ran over personally and violently manipulated them, but there was still no change.

Seeing that the speed of entering the planet's atmosphere was getting faster and faster, Hapizhen quickly issued rescue orders to the other 18 ordinary interstellar warships.

Other interstellar warships accelerated to catch up with Hapi Zhen's main ship, and threw out connecting hooks to hook Hapi Zhen's main ship and slow down the main ship's fall.

Because the planet-class star battleship is huge and far larger than ordinary star battleships, 18 ordinary star battleships cannot pull it out of the planet's gravitational circle and can only let it fall slowly.

This is also the result Su Yuan wants.

He asked Xiaoyu to control Hapi Zhen's main ship and fall towards the previously arranged place, where there were interstellar battleships driven by Chris and others, waiting for Hapi Zhen.

I saw Happy Zhen's main ship crashing onto the ice field with a loud bang. The thick ice layer suddenly cracked, and the water hidden under the ice layer surged out violently, engulfing the interstellar battleship.

The other ordinary interstellar battleships grabbed Hapizhen's main ship tightly to prevent it from sinking under the ice.

After a few minutes, Hapi Zhen's main ship gradually stabilized. Hapi Zhen, who fell to the ground due to the force of the jolt, also got up. He looked at the big screen to check the surrounding situation.

When no abnormalities were found, he ordered other interstellar battleships to land on the spot and conduct a comprehensive overhaul.

Hapizhen was worried that not only his own main ship had problems, but other star warships also had hidden problems.

Without a complete overhaul, Hapizhen would not have the confidence to deal with the dinosaurs from the center of the earth.

Seeing Happy Zhen's fleet staying on the ice sheet, Su Yuan grinned, Xiaoyu, how is the situation over at Blue Star?

Master, Luo Qin and the others have discovered Zart's fleet through multiple radio telescopes, but Zart's fleet suddenly slowed down and released many unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, flying quickly towards the Blue Star! Xiaoyu Said worriedly.

Tell Luo Qin and the others not to be afraid and let Zart investigate! Su Yuan thought for a moment and said.

Master, isn't this good? Once Zart detects Blue Star's reality, he will immediately lead the fleet to attack! Xiaoyu frowned.

No, I want Zart to not be able to figure out what Blue Star is like!

When Zart's reconnaissance aircraft comes over, let Su Qiang transform into a super-intelligent construction robot. The bigger the better, build a city in the sky. I want to show you the high technology!

Xiaoyu immediately understood what Su Yuan was thinking and immediately gave Su Qiang an order.

Su Qiang usually builds a sky city in outer space. After a period of practice, he became more and more familiar with the cooperation with other construction robots, and the construction speed became faster and faster.

Moreover, the number of construction robots now is much greater than before. It has exceeded more than 30 million units, and it will not take long to reach more than 50 million units.

Among them, there are more than 20 million construction robots that followed Su Qiang to build the Sky City. If all of them were combined with him, they would become a huge construction robot, even larger than an interstellar battleship.

Such a large construction robot would be difficult for even a dinosaur to build.

After receiving the order, Su Qiang began to take action and gave orders to all the construction robots around him to combine.

Suddenly, intelligent construction robots gathered towards Su Qiang one after another, and then combined together to form a super large construction robot.

As soon as this robot appeared, several star-level spaceships pulled a main city over from the ground.

Su Qiang needs to connect this main city with the Sky City.

With his huge body, he can easily move the main city and place it at the designated location for connection.

This scene was also photographed by the overcoming aircraft and sent to Zart.

After seeing the video, Zart frowned. He could not judge the technological level of the dinosaurs in the center of the earth.

Because they don't have such advanced construction robots, their mothership is made up of generations of dinosaurs. It took a long time to build it into an extremely huge one, even bigger than Blue Star.

He suspected that there were other civilizations helping the dinosaurs in the center of the earth. Otherwise, with such advanced construction robots, Blue Star could have been transformed into an interstellar aircraft carrier.

Zalt did not dare to attack rashly, so he continued his reconnaissance.

At this time, the chimpanzees and others who were left behind on Blue Star took action.

The chimpanzee has now become a super-intelligent attack robot with extremely strong combat power. It locked on the aircraft released by Zart and launched an attack.

These aircraft are small in size, disguised as meteorites, and approach the Blue Star.

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