On the other side, the Winged Dragon Emperor also flew up from the ground. It suffered heavy damage and was swaying while flying in the air, as if it was about to fall down at any time.

Su Yuan did not expect that the star-destroying ion cannon was so powerful. If he fired a few more cannons, the Winged Dragon Emperor would be killed.

However, killing the Winged Dragon Emperor in this way was not Su Yuan's purpose. He needed the body as complete as possible for Su Su to transform it into a biochemical beast.

So Su Yuan asked Xiaoyu to stop using the star-destroying ion focused cannon and directly use the doomsday laser cannon to bombard the Pterodactyl Emperor's wings.

Xiaoyu quickly adjusted the plan, using two interstellar battleships to hold the Pterodactyl Emperor to prevent him from escaping, and then used the doomsday laser cannons on the other three interstellar battleships to bombard the Pterodactyl Emperor.

Dozens of doomsday laser cannons blasted together, and the Winged Dragon Emperor fell to the ground from high altitude again, creating a huge crater.

The Winged Dragon Emperor flew up again, its whole body burning with blazing flames, and it let out a roaring sound.

Rolling magma also burst out from the ground, and the entire earth seemed to explode, breaking into vicious holes.

Seeing this, the Orangutan King roared with excitement and released more powerful fire powers.

This idiot has finally figured it out!

With the cooperation of the Orangutan King and the Pterodactyl King, more fire powers were released, triggering more intense natural disasters.

First, a strong earthquake erupted, and then a large amount of magma spewed out, and the surrounding temperature suddenly increased.

This was very detrimental to the Rhino King. Its freezing ability was severely suppressed in this situation, and the hail falling from the sky gradually stopped.

Let me go, two idiots have joined forces, we have to find a way to separate them! Su Yuan complained.

Master, why don't you let Susan and Chris go over and distract the Pterodactyl Emperor! Xiaoyu looked at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan glanced at the injured Winged Dragon Emperor on the screen and nodded.

Okay, let Chris go there with the biochemical dinosaur escort!

He felt that with Chris and the biochemical dinosaur guards, and Susan together, there would be no problem.

If there was an accident, he would have to use the star-destroying ion cannon.

Chris, who was in another star battleship, received Su Yuan's order, put on a combat mecha, took 5,000 biochemical dinosaur guards with her, and jumped directly from the spacecraft.

Chrissy fell freely from a high altitude very quickly, but she was still able to maintain her body's balance. When she was about to fall to the ground, she released her freezing power.

A pair of wings formed by condensed ice appeared behind Chris, and they flapped gently, causing her body to fly.

The biochemical dinosaur guards following her are all wearing dinosaur super mechas and can fly freely.

Arriving in front of the Winged Dragon King, the angry Winged Dragon King sprayed blazing flames directly at them.

Damn bugs, die!

In front of the huge Pterodactyl King, Kris was just a bigger ant.

But her attack power is not weak, and as soon as she raises her hand, a cold current rushes towards the flames.

The flames sprayed out by the Winged Dragon Emperor were instantly hit by the cold current.

At the same time, the biochemical dinosaur guards following Chris also used the laser cannon on the dinosaur super armor to bombard the Pterodactyl Emperor.

A volley of lasers engulfed the Pterodactyl Emperor in the blink of an eye.

The Winged Dragon Emperor was completely irritated by Kris and the others, and roared and rushed towards them.

Waves of fire followed the wings of the Winged Dragon Emperor, crushing the sky and the earth.

Chrissy did not forget her mission and turned around with the biochemical dinosaur guards to lure the Pterosaur Emperor away.

On the other side, after Susan killed another unlucky emperor-level beast, she rushed in the direction of Chris.

She also received Su Yuan's order to kill the Winged Dragon Emperor.

I saw the rampaging Pterodactyl King, chasing Chris further and further away.

Despicable bug, stop! the Pterodactyl Emperor roared. Although it couldn't deal with the interstellar battleship, it still didn't take Chris and the others seriously.

Seeing the Pterodactyl King running away, the Orangutan King couldn't help roaring.

Pterodactyl Emperor, you idiot, come back here!

It had just gained the upper hand and was about to completely suppress the Rhino King.

However, at this critical moment, the Pterodactyl Emperor ran away, and the natural disaster began to weaken, and its impact on the Rhino Emperor was not as great as before. It was impossible for it to suppress the Rhino Emperor.

In the air, Su Yuan did not relax his vigilance, always paying attention to the fighting situation on both sides.

He asked Xiaoyu to send two interstellar battleships to follow Chris and others. If an accident happened, they could support Chris at any time.

As for the Rhino Emperor, Su Yuan also used the doomsday laser cannon on the star battleship to bombard the Orangutan Emperor, allowing the Rhino Emperor to gradually suppress the Orangutan Emperor and prevent him from having a chance to escape.

At this time, Chris, who had been running all the way, also stopped.

She looked at the Winged Dragon King behind her and was a little excited. She had never killed a nightmare-level beast before, so this time she could practice her skills.

Under the command of Chris, all the biochemical dinosaur guards launched a fierce bombardment on the Pterosaur Emperor.

Beams of lasers shot towards the Pterodactyl Emperor like fireworks.

Not to be outdone, the Winged Dragon Emperor directly breathed fire to fight back.

The scorching heat and heat waves melted the surrounding rocks.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Chrissy quickly avoided the Pterodactyl Emperor's counterattack, and then released a large number of freezing abilities. A huge ice spear thrust into the Pterodactyl Emperor's eyes, and there was a bang, and blood spattered.

The Winged Dragon Emperor let out a pitiful roar and bit into Chrissy angrily.

Chrissy avoided it nimbly, and she moved faster in a small area than the Pterodactyl Emperor.

Not far away, seeing the pitiful appearance of the Winged Dragon Emperor, several imperial-level beasts that escaped looked at Chrissy in fear.

Here, what kind of thing is this? It doesn't look like a dinosaur! an emperor-level armored velociraptor roared.

Bumpkin, these are humans on the ground! The Earth Snow Bear rolled his eyes.

What should we do? Are we going to help? The fire-breathing bull hesitated.

Before the Iron Armored Velociraptor could reply, the Pterodactyl Emperor began to call for them to come over and help.

Immediately, the surrounding emperor-level beasts pounced on Kris and the others.

The levels of alien beasts are clearly defined, and the armored velociraptors and other alien beasts simply do not dare to disobey the Winged Dragon Emperor.

But before they could get close, a laser sword struck down. The sharp laser sword directly cut off the armored velociraptor's head.

The fire-breathing cow was so frightened that it turned around and wanted to run away, but its speed was not as fast as Susan's.

Susan took the laser sword and with a few sword blows, she cleared away the emperor-level beasts around her.

Then, she came to Chris.

Chris, why don't you take a rest and let me kill it! Susan looked at the injured Pterodactyl Emperor and wanted to try her own abilities.

Chrissy shook her head. She wanted to compete with Susan to see who was more powerful.

Susan saw what Chris was thinking, and without saying anything else, she picked up the laser sword and stabbed the Pterodactyl Emperor.

The Winged Dragon Emperor was besieged and was very frustrated. It once again released its ultrasonic power.

But the damage to Chris and Susan is not that big, not as good as the fire ability.

Afterwards, the Winged Dragon Emperor was deflated one after another, and its injuries became more and more serious. It turned around and tried to escape, but Susan was faster, slashed its abdomen with a sword, and took out two power stones.

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