Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 221 You must force me to kill someone

Zari talked nonsense for a long time, and not many dinosaur people really listened to him, but he liked this feeling of speaking from a high position.

After giving the order, all the dinosaur team began to clear out the dinosaur guards in the entire defensive fortress.

There are still many dinosaur guards here. Because the situation has changed too quickly, Hapi Island only issued an order to evacuate and did not provide them with any evacuation tools. Whether they can escape or not depends entirely on their own lives.

At this time, the Rhino Emperor has blocked the only way for them to evacuate. As long as they get close to the Rhino Emperor, they will be frozen into sticks.

Hemon is also the captain of a dinosaur guard team. He has more than thirty dinosaur guards under his command. He is usually responsible for the maintenance and debugging of electromagnetic heavy artillery.

After receiving the order to evacuate, they were lucky enough to get a multi-purpose transport vehicle.

But when he opened it, he was shot by a laser gun.

The people who shot them were also dinosaur guards under Happy Island, and they just wanted to hitch a ride and escape together.

At the beginning, Hemon ordered to stop and take away some dinosaur guards, but more and more were taken away, and soon the entire multi-purpose transport vehicle was filled.

There was no other way. He Meng asked his men to step on the accelerator to the end and no longer care about others.

Around them, seeing that there was no hope of escape, the dinosaur guards panicked and thought, since they won't take me away, then no one can leave, so they picked up their machine guns and shot at them.

As a result, along the way, the entire shell of the multi-purpose transport vehicle was beaten into a hornet's nest. Many of the dinosaur guards standing on both sides of the transport vehicle were injured by their own people.

After finally escaping from the fortress, they were stopped by the dinosaur team led by Zari.

Captain Hermon, what should we do? We've been stopped! The dinosaur guard driving a multi-purpose transport vehicle panicked.

Hermon frowned and looked ahead. There were several blown-up transport trucks on the ground, blocking the way, and there were a dozen dinosaurs beside them.

He didn't know Zari and other dinosaur people, but Hapi Island had previously publicized inside the defensive fortress that many dinosaur people had betrayed the dinosaur world and defected to Su Yuan.

When he heard the news, he despised these dinosaur people at the time, and now he doesn't have a good impression of Zari and other dinosaur people.

However, Zari did not shoot him first, but directly shouted at the top of his voice:

Brother opposite, I am Zari. As long as you put down your weapons, I promise not to kill you and give you preferential treatment!

Before Zari could finish his words, Hermon directly ordered to rush over. He had many dinosaur guards under his command, so he didn't take Zari's words seriously at all.

Suddenly, the dinosaur guard driving the multi-purpose transport vehicle closed his eyes and crashed into it.

The dinosaur man's multi-purpose transport vehicle was so powerful that it directly knocked over a transport vehicle that had overturned on the ground, trying to break through the level and run out.

Zari shook his head speechlessly, and with a wave of his hand, the dinosaur guards under his hand began to use small-caliber laser cannons to aim at the multi-purpose transport vehicle.

Beams of lasers engulfed the multi-purpose transport vehicle, and then the multi-purpose transport vehicle also overturned and fell to the ground, bursting into flames with a roar.

Hermon and the other dinosaur guards quickly climbed out of the car, picked up their laser machine guns, and shot at Zari and the other dinosaurs.

As a non-combat dinosaur guard, Hermon is obviously no match for Zari and others.

Before his laser machine gun fired a few shots, he was blown away again by Zari's laser cannon.

Seeing the dinosaurs around them fall down one by one, the dinosaur guards under Hemon couldn't stand it anymore and began to put down their laser machine guns and prepare to surrender.

As long as one dinosaur man takes the lead in surrendering, other dinosaur men will follow suit.

In less than two minutes, all the dinosaur guards except Hemon were kneeling on the ground and raised their hands.

Seeing the surrendering dinosaur guards, Zari was very unhappy.

You idiots, wouldn't you surrender as soon as possible? You must force me to kill someone! Zari cursed, came to Hermon with a laser machine gun, and put the gun against Hermon's head.

If it weren't for Hermon, he would have been able to recruit more dinosaur people, and these dinosaur people would become his subordinates in the future.

Hemeng was seriously injured, but he had not yet lost consciousness. Faced with Zari’s threat, he sneered:

If you can, give me a good time!

You think you are brave? Are you fighting for the world of dinosaurs? But have you ever thought about it? Hapiyu has run away. In his eyes, the life of a low-level dinosaur like you is worthless! Zari sneered.

So what? I am doing it for myself and my family! A traitor like you will never understand me! Hemon smiled disapprovingly.

Zari shrugged his shoulders. He felt very uncomfortable being called a traitor and wanted to shoot Hermon directly.

But he wanted to win over the hearts of more low-level dinosaur people, so he calmed down and did not take action.

If you die, your family will only be sad. No one will remember that you fought for the dinosaur world. Do you think this is fair?

Hemon didn't say anything. Fairness was a luxury for low-level dinosaur people.

Zari ignored him and looked at the other dinosaur guards who had surrendered.

Brothers, we are not traitors. We are just here to save the world of dinosaurs under the leadership of Mr. Su. From now on, there will be no distinction between high-level and low-level dinosaurs. Every dinosaur will be the same, and there will be no distinction between high and low!

If you want to join us, we welcome you. If anyone doesn't want to, I have no choice but to send him away!

With that said, Zari pulled the trigger and blew out Hemon's head. The dinosaur guards who were so frightened that they surrendered expressed their willingness.

Three days later, Su Yuan completely took control of the defensive fortress. He obtained a large amount of supplies and more than 50,000 dinosaur guards.

After all the dinosaur guards put on explosive collars, they began to work to build a bridgehead to attack the dinosaur world.

Su Yuan does not need such a huge defensive fortress, and he will not help the world of dinosaurs to resist alien beasts.

After he used nanomechanical bugs to demolish two steel city walls, he chose a place where these dinosaur guards could build a defensive fortress.

The fortress is based on the defensive fortress. It does not take much effort to modify and strengthen it.

Then Su Yuan demolished all the unnecessary space for the defensive fortress, and took the materials obtained to build the city in the sky.

After finishing all this, Su Yuan planned to go back.

At this time, Happy Island took over, the next defensive fortress arranged by the dinosaur people.

The original commander here was transferred to another place by Hapimo.

Happyyu was congratulating himself that he had not been severely punished when he received a call from Happymo.

Hapiyu, why haven't you finished what I asked you to do? Can you contact Su Yuan?

I have sent several waves of people in flying chariots to deliver messages, but there has been no reply so far! Hapiyu said helplessly.

Happymo also frowned, It seems that he doesn't take us seriously and doesn't want to negotiate at all!

Then what should we do? Happy Island asked.

You have to guard it for me first. Don't make any more mistakes. I will send 100 planet-level spacecraft and 1,000 satellite-level spacecraft over there to show Su Yuan our strength.

In addition, an ancient star-level spacecraft has been repaired and renovated. After installing the doomsday laser cannon, we will rush over! said Happymo.

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