Suddenly, countless sparks and flames fell from the sky in all directions and landed on the ground, causing an even greater fire disaster.

This quickly attracted the attention of other strange beasts. They were not afraid of fire. On the contrary, the more noise there was, the more they liked to pounce on it.

Because often, they catch more food.

I'll go, it's really amazing! Su Yuan said in surprise.

Although he can also kill the terrifying fire-breathing monkey, he cannot do it as calmly as Susan.

Afterwards, Susan did not stop. She continued to catch up with the other fire-breathing monkeys, like a machine harvesting exotic beasts. Every time the sword fell, it meant that a fire-breathing monkey fell.

In contrast, Ning Ruolan and others who left first only killed one or two lord-level beasts.

Susan's efficiency was more than a thousand times faster than theirs.

Xiaoyu, when can I mass-produce super-intelligent robots like Susan? Su Yuan said.

Master, this is difficult. You must first mass-produce intelligent robots like Niu Dali and the others before you can hope to create a super-intelligent robot like Susan.

I estimate that with the master's current development speed, it will take more than ten or twenty years! Xiaoyu thought for a while and said.

No, it takes too long. How can we speed up development?

Master, either continue to complete system tasks, or attack the world of dinosaurs and obtain their various technological materials.

After hearing what Xiaoyu said, Su Yuan really planned to go to the world of dinosaurs.

If they can't defeat him, they'll have to turn around and leave. The dinosaurs are too busy resisting the beasts to take care of themselves. Even if they want to retaliate against him, they won't be able to mobilize too many fleets.

Just as Su Yuan and Xiaoyu were talking, the first emperor-level beast, the Wolverine Ape, came over.

Its huge body is more than 500 meters high, like a moving mountain.

The wolverine ape is a strange-looking beast with the body of an ape and the head of a wolf. It has a huge bite force and can easily bite through a steel plate two to three meters thick.

The wolverine ape in front of him has become even more mutated. Not only is he covered in thick scales, he is extremely powerful, but he can also release freezing powers.

With the arrival of the emperor-level Wolverine Apes, thousands of Wolverine Apes also rushed over.

The pressure on Ning Ruolan and others increased exponentially in an instant.

Although some dragon guards have put on dinosaur super mechas, there are still many dragon guards using auxiliary mechas.

Auxiliary mechas have a hard time dealing with lord-level or terror-level beasts.

Ning Ruolan's Dragon Guard team was besieged by five lord-level wolverine apes and fell into crisis.

However, Su Yuan has no plans to arrange for people to support him for the time being. Only this kind of life and death training can make more people improve.

Ning Ruolan used her combat mecha alone to resist a lord-level Wolverine Ape.

Her advantages are obvious, she can fly, use laser cannons, and attack with fire powers.

As for the lord-level Wolverine Ape, in addition to having rough skin and thick flesh, it is also very powerful. It can tear a hole in a combat mecha with one claw.

If they fight slowly, Ning Ruolan will definitely win.

But the Dragon Guard under her hand couldn't support it, and the auxiliary mecha would be scrapped after a few hits from the Wolverine Ape.

Without Su Yuan's order, they could not retreat and could only desperately resist the attack of the Wolverine Ape.

Ning Ruolan had no choice but to let her dragon guards hold back these lord-level wolverine apes as much as possible, and look for opportunities to attack the wolverine apes' most vulnerable eyes. She would wait for her to finish off the wolverine ape in front of her before helping them. .

This wolverine ape is over 50 meters tall and can bite Ning Ruolan who is flying at low altitude when it jumps up.

Ning Ruolan kept shooting the Wolverine Ape's eyes with a laser machine gun to completely anger the Wolverine Ape, and then looked for an opportunity to kill it.

After many bombardments, she finally blinded the Wolverine Ape.

But this wolverine ape has a particularly sensitive nose and can always smell where she is.

She is not yet familiar with the control of fire powers, and she is not yet able to condense the flames into a spear to kill the Wolverine Ape.

Only fire can be used to burn the Wolverine Ape's head.

However, the Wolverine Ape has no hair on its body and is covered in scales like fish scales, and is not afraid of being burned by fire.

Seeing that Long Wei under his command was in trouble and in danger, Ning Ruolan was ready to take the risk.

She piloted a combat mecha and pounced on the Wolverine Ape, intending to get up close and use a laser cannon to blast the Wolverine Ape's brain from its eye sockets.

The Wolverine Ape felt Ning Ruolan flying over, stretched out its huge claws, and patted her.

She quickly dodged, passed through the claws of the Wolverine Ape, came to the front of the Wolverine Ape, and used laser cannons to bombard him.

With a bang, the ultra-high-temperature laser beam shot into the Wolverine Ape's eye socket, directly piercing the Wolverine Ape's brain.

Roar! The Wolverine Ape roared, and slapped Ning Ruolan away with another claw, and then died slowly.

After getting rid of this wolverine ape, Ning Ruolan quickly went to hunt other wolverine apes.

In addition to the five lord-level wolverine apes, there are many other levels of wolverine apes around them.

At the same time, Li Ang, Wang Ziming and others were also besieged by the Wolverine Apes.

Su Yuan did not pay too much attention to Ning Ruolan and others. The projected picture in front of him was still the picture of Susan hunting the emperor-level wolverine ape.

Afterwards, all the fire-breathing monkeys were killed by Susan, and she took aim at the emperor-level wolverine ape she sent to her door.

This severely mutated Wolverine Ape King is also relatively powerful among the emperor-level beasts. Before it even got close to Susan, it released a large amount of ice.

I saw that the originally burning flames began to extinguish, the hot ground gradually began to freeze, and even snowflakes began to float in the sky.

Su Yuan stared at the projection screen in front of him. He didn't know how Susan would deal with it, but the ice in front of him was obviously more powerful than the previous flames.

Relatively speaking, the freezing power is easier to kill people. As long as your beating heart is suddenly frozen, the blood in your body will not be able to flow, and the blood vessels will be clogged and exploded, making death very painful.

This wolverine ape intends to do just that. It lowers the surrounding temperature and reduces people's reflexes, speed, endurance, etc.

Unfortunately, the Susan it faced was a super-intelligent combat robot.

Even at minus 200 degrees, it can still maintain its strongest combat effectiveness.

Susan still didn't turn into a fighting form. She was like a fully armed female guard, without any timidity, and even showed a sweeter smile than before.

I'll go, Susan doesn't have the tendency to be a fighting man!

Su Yuan remembered that when Susan was not asked to go out to fight, she had no expression on her face and stayed in her room without coming out.

But now, when she hunts strange beasts, she seems to be a completely different person. This is very similar to when Su Su was researching antiviral medicine, but she was obsessed with fighting.

Susan held the laser sword in her hands and stared at the Wolverine King in front of her, letting the snowflakes from the sky fall on her body.

It seemed that at this moment, everything around her no longer existed. All she could see was the dissected Wolverine Ape King. She could quickly identify the injuries Wolverine Ape King had suffered before and what weaknesses he had in his body.

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