Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 181 Thinking only about benefits

Ataf also nodded and said with a smile:

Mr. Su, you must be the supreme commander of the Human Alliance. Only you can truly unite everyone!

In the eyes of Tosif, Atav and others, if Su Yuan does not do it, others will not be qualified to lead Hongdu.

Originally, Su Yuan had no strong thoughts about being the supreme commander.

However, ever since Tosv said the words the name is not justified, the words are not justified, Su Yuan decided to become the supreme commander.

Even if he does nothing, it is better than letting others do it.

Thank you for your support. I'll think about it. If I really get that position and need your support, I will definitely not have time to deal with so many things by myself! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Some words cannot be explained clearly, but these people in front of them are all human beings, so they naturally understand what Su Yuan means.

Mr. Su, don't worry. If anything happens, just make arrangements, and we will do our best! Tosv said with a smile.

Okay, next, I will disband the Hongdu guards and re-establish a more elite Dragon Guard to protect everyone's safety!

Su Yuan started with the guards first. Only when the power is in his own hands, others will be obedient.

Mr. Su, there is no problem at all. The population of Hongdu has dropped sharply, and it does not need too many guards. Moreover, all our weapons have been destroyed by nanomechanical insects. I am not afraid of your ridicule. All we can use now is wooden Sticks and bricks!”

You don't have to worry about weapons. I need guards to be formed as soon as possible to restore the normal order in Hongdu! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Next, Su Yuan discussed some details with Tosoff and others, and decided that in addition to forming a dragon guard for daily maintenance of the order of the Red Capital, he would also form a special dragon guard for combat.

This special dragon guard will be formed by Hongdu people with mutated bodies.

And Eva will be appointed as the captain of this Dragon Guard.

After the meeting, Su Yuan returned to the survival base.

Just after eating and not taking a break, the news of Luo Qin's call request rang in Su Yuan's ears and mind.

Are you anxious? Su Yuan thought to himself.

As an old friend and partner, Su Yuan answered Luo Qin's call.

Hello, Mr. Su, congratulations on becoming the supreme commander of Hongdu! Luo Qin said with a smile.

Hehe, Mr. Luo's information is really well-informed! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Mr. Su, we not only wish you to become the supreme commander of Hongdu, but also support the formation of a new human alliance. It is time for all mankind to unite!

Su Yuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect the leaders of Huadu to be so broad-minded.

Thank you for your support. We can continue to cooperate in depth in the future. As for the Human Alliance, I will ask Tosev to prepare a detailed plan, then contact you, and we will discuss it slowly!

By the way, Mr. Su, if Happy is dead, the dinosaur people will definitely not give up. You have to prepare early! Luo Qin reminded.

This also requires the support of you and all survival bases. The dinosaurs are not my enemies, they are everyone's enemies!

I learned from the dinosaurs I captured that they took humans to the inner world not to enjoy life, but to use them as cannon fodder, conduct experiments, and develop horrific transformations such as biochemicals and cyborgs. Su Yuan said.

Luo Qin was a little surprised. Although they guessed that the dinosaur people did not do good things, they did not expect that the dinosaur people would be so cruel.

Mr. Su, do you have detailed information? I want to report this matter and let everyone know the truth. In addition, I also ask Mr. Su to expand the Dragon Guard. This time, thanks to them, Huadu can Save! Luo Qin said.

Yes. After the formation of the Human Alliance is completed, I will expand the number of Dragon Guards tenfold to 12,000.

Su Yuan now has 12 Dragon Guard teams in his hands. Except for Ning Ruolan's Dragon Guard team, the others are all in Huadu.

After communicating with Luo Qin about the Human Alliance, Su Yuan ended the call.

He is now more and more confident. As long as Huadu and Hongdu support him, this matter will be more than half done.

Except for the larger Baidu, there are not many people in the remaining survival bases.

After Tosf takes care of Bodu, he can basically make a decision to establish the Human Alliance.

At this time, Bodu's people were in panic. In their lives, they had not left the machine for decades or even hundreds of years.

Whether it's planting, picking, manufacturing, or transportation, without machinery, they can't accomplish anything by themselves.

Moreover, the supply of electricity is also tight, which not only cannot meet the normal food planting needs in the survival base, but also cannot meet the operation of other mechanical equipment.

Although Baidu has retained some machinery and equipment, it cannot solve the urgent problem of food shortage in Baidu for a while.

Their food is getting less and less. If they want to exchange for food in the virtual mall, they need a lot of supplies, but they now have very little supplies.

Shimifu, the chief officer of Badu, was worried about this.

All the people in Badu asked him for food, but his pockets were empty and he couldn't get anything out.

Originally, there was some food stored in Baidu, but it was all burned by the dinosaur people. If you want to eat, you not only lack the iron pots and shovels for cooking, but also lack of food.

He felt that it would be more difficult than reaching the sky to provide food for everyone in Baidu.

Just when Schmif was worried and pulling his hair, he received a call request from Tosf.

Tossoff? Schmiff looked confused.

Although Baidu and Hongdu interacted with each other on a daily basis, Schmieff rarely had any contact with Tosif in private.

However, since Tosf contacted him, Schmif would not refuse to answer the call. He quickly adjusted his emotions to the best state, answered the call, and said with a smile:

Hello, my old friend, Tosif!

Tosv also said politely:

My old friend, Shimifu, long time no see. I have something very important to tell you this time! This matter is related to Mr. Su, Huadu and our Red Capital, and it is related to the life and death of all mankind!

Schmif was a little surprised, not sure whether Tossif was joking or if something big was really going to happen.

Really? Tossoff, what on earth is so important?

We have decided to form a new human alliance. You should have received the news, right? The survival bases such as Midu, Mining City, and Fudu have been taken over by Hapili!

Now all mankind has only a few survival bases left for us. We need to unite. Of course, if you Baidu are not willing, you don't have to join! Tosv said with a smile.

Schmieff thought in his heart, I'll go, you guys just came to inform me after discussing it!

He felt that things were not that simple and asked tentatively:

Tossoff, I just want to know how the new Human Alliance is different from the previous one, and what benefits it can bring to us, Baidu!

Schmidt, you are such a bad person. How long have you been thinking about the benefits of all mankind? Let me tell you, if it hadn't been for Mr. Su, there would have been a famine in Baidu right now. It won't be long before you are hungry. die!

Tosv did not get straight to the point, but first brought Su Yuan out and pointed out Baidu's predicament.

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