Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 153 Changes in various body attributes

Sister Li Zhu, I'm really not hungry! Su Yuan said with a smile. He didn't believe that Li Zhu would not be able to finish the meal.

You're not hungry, I'm hungry!

Li Zhu didn't care so much and handed Su Yuan a pair of chopsticks.

Su Yuan had no choice but to stay and eat with Li Zhu.

On the other side, Happyli's fleet was still busy, sending off batch after batch of people to the inner earth world.

After Midu experienced the dimensional space disaster, one-third of the survivors had been taken away by Hapili's fleet, and the population of survival bases such as Fudu and Batu was also reduced by less than half.

All humans transported to the dinosaur world in the center of the earth will replace the low-level dinosaurs to resist the alien beasts.

And the dinosaur people who transport them will receive rewards.

Happyli also received praise from Happymo.

At the same time, Hapimo also started research on cyborgs and cyborgs.

Many seriously injured people will be transformed into cyborgs, with only their heads and hearts retained, and other organs replaced by machines.

This cyborg has the strength and speed of a robot, as well as human intelligence and emotions.

On the third floor of the earth's core, the beast tides are getting more and more serious one after another. Every time, you will see emperor-level beasts charging into battle.

Behind the emperor-level beasts, nightmare-level beasts will appear from time to time.

The size of a nightmare-level alien beast can even exceed a thousand meters, which is more terrifying than an emperor-level alien beast. One of them can destroy several cities.

Ordinary nuclear weapons will not do much damage to it.

It is precisely because of this that the dinosaurs need more cannon fodder.

Hapimo also received more support from dinosaur people, but he still hoped that Hapimo could quickly deal with Su Yuan and lead the fleet back to the inner earth world to resist the alien beasts.

As the population decreases, supplies in major survival bases become abundant.

On the contrary, Okun, Feili and others lived a more comfortable life.

In order to recover losses, Feili began to invest in the development of robots to replace workers.

It is said to be research and development, but in fact it is imitation, using all the technological data of the dinosaurs that were previously obtained.

They even secretly captured a few dinosaur robots for experiments.

Although the leaders of Midu did not oppose Hapili and allowed Hapili to do whatever she wanted, Locke and other people with alienated powers were unwilling to go to the center of the earth.

They fought guerrillas with the dinosaurs, attacking them everywhere and rescuing humans.

However, many people don't appreciate it and think that going to the world of dinosaurs is not a bad thing.

They thought that even if their lives were not as good as Happy's propaganda, they would still be no worse than those in the survival base.

On the Huadu side, Hapili has sent people to carry out sneak attacks several times, and two or three nuclear weapons arsenals have been completely destroyed.

Hapili wants to completely destroy Huadu's trump card before taking action against Huadu.

But Huadu said that this is not a problem. As many as they are destroyed, they will be reproduced. He also announced the number of nuclear weapons, which is enough to destroy Blue Star dozens of times.

Suddenly, Happy abandoned Huadu and launched an all-out sneak attack on Hongdu.

Hongdu's manufacturing capabilities are poor. After the dozens of nuclear weapons arsenals are destroyed, it is almost impossible to replenish them.

Happy then started to attack Hongdu.

First, we dealt with some smaller survival bases around Hongdu, took everyone away, and blew up the survival bases.

Tosif, the chief officer of the Red City, directly warned Hapili, but it was of little use.

The nuclear weapons in his hand are no longer enough to threaten Happy.

Happyli became more and more unscrupulous, and her men became crazy and began to rob humans.

In their eyes, taking away one more person means grabbing one more military merit. This is easier than resisting the beast tide and earning military merit.

In desperation, Tosf personally contacted Su Yuan, hoping that Su Yuan could return to Blue Star quickly and save them.

It's not that Su Yuan doesn't want to go back, he has to be fully prepared, otherwise he will die if he goes back and won't be of any help.

After answering the phone, Tosev said politely:

Great Mr. Su, we all need your help. No matter what the cost, we are willing!

Tosif was also forced to do nothing, and there was really no other way.

Although he also has many superpowers like Eva in his hands, the superpowers controlled by Eva and others are not as good as those of Li Ang, Wang Ziming and others wearing fighting armors.

It was impossible to stop the dinosaurs' sneak attacks, resulting in the destruction of nuclear weapons arsenals one by one.

Mr. Tosif, I will come back as soon as possible. You have to hold on. Now that we humans have reached the most dangerous moment, I think it is necessary to establish a unified organization to fight against Hapili and the disaster! Su Yuan said.

If he wants to transform Blue Star in the future, he must have the right to speak.

Mr. Su, you mean the Human Alliance? Tosv frowned.

That was caused by Hapili instigating Midu and other survival bases. I don't need it. If you really want me to save you, you should become my supporter in the future and support me in everything I do to resist disasters and Hapili! Su Yuan said.

The smart Tosif immediately understood what Su Yuan wanted.

Mr. Su, this matter is quite important. I need to discuss it with others!

Okay, I won't force you to do anything, you decide everything by yourself! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Afterwards, Su Yuan chatted with Tosev for a while and then hung up the phone.

At this time, it was daytime on the Red Moon Planet, and Su Yuan had just had lunch.

He came to the agricultural planting area to check the growth of various fruits.

Each special piece of land is filled with various fruits.

Su Yuan's fire power has reached a terrifying level. He can now use his fire power to condense his wings and fly in the air.

However, this still requires training. If you don't do it well, you will fall from the air.

The storm power has also broken through very quickly, and has already reached the level of ultrasonic power.

Because Su Yuan hunted relatively few animals with ultrasonic powers and did not obtain many fruits, the ultrasonic powers had been growing slowly.

He looked around and found that there were more than a dozen ultrasonic fruits, and he was going to pick two and give them to Zhu Yan.

Now, Zhu Yan was a blessing in disguise. Not only did his health completely improve, but he also broke through to a terrifying level and mastered the ultrasonic power, making Xu Rui and Gu Xiaoyu jealous.

Her body has also adapted to the ultrasonic power, and if she eats the ultrasonic fruit again, she won't have the same reaction as before.

Su Yuan needs to improve the strength of Zhu Yan and others as soon as possible. When the time comes, Zhu Yan and others will also need to lead the team to fight.

Li Zhu has already decided on the candidates, and a total of thirty-seven people are going with him. Except for Li Man, everyone else can participate in the battle.

Su Yuan divided them into three teams. Zhu Yan and others each led a team, while Li Man stayed in the survival base and managed them for Su Yuan.

Then Su Yuan checked the various attributes of his body.

【Host】Su Yuan


【Physique】Level 3

[Fire power] 11000 (horror level)

[Storm Power] 6500 (Lord Level)

[Ultrasonic power] 6000 (Lord level)

[Strength] 7200 (10 for normal people)

[Endurance] 7200 (10 for normal people)

[Speed] 7200 (10 for normal people)

Su Yuan's current speed is still not as fast as Chris's, but with three kinds of superpowers, he also has a chance to escape from the emperor-level alien beasts, and he can fight with the terrifying-level alien beasts single-handedly.

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