Feili suffered heavy losses, several company survival bases were breached, and most of his family property was lost.

At this time, he was still enjoying life, and his young girlfriend was serving him considerately. Just when he was about to respond enthusiastically to the impact, the phone rang.

They were all his personal guards, calling for support one after another.

Feili was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Furious, he pushed his girlfriend away and immediately called Okun.

Feili is Okun's biggest financial backer, and Okun doesn't dare not answer Feili's call.

Even though Okun was exercising hard, he had to stop.

This made Martha look depressed.

Okun answered the phone and said with a breathless smile:

Old man, what's going on?

Okun, I can't stand it anymore. Happy has destroyed several of my survival bases. Please tell her to stop immediately, or else I won't be able to help you anymore!

Okun understood the seriousness of the matter and immediately put on his clothes and convened a meeting with all Midu's senior officials to discuss.

This time, the top management of Midu, Okun's think tank, and even old Feili and others who represented the interests of Midu's local tycoons also came.

Gentlemen, does the coffee taste good?

Oaken stood up with the coffee cup, looked around, then slammed the coffee cup on the table.

If we can't think of a way, Midu will be doomed. By then, we will all become prisoners of Happy. Let alone drinking coffee, it will be a problem to survive!

Mr. Okun, since it's now this time, we should also learn from Huadu. I don't think Happy and the others dare to fight hard! said the guard captain Anderson.

Threatening self-destruction is the last resort. I think we should be cautious and not risk the fate of all mankind. Mr. Oaken, you should talk to Happy again. We can even give up most of the benefits. Let her take away more people! Old Fili retorted.

Old Feili, shut up. You keep saying it's for all mankind, but not for the interests of your family. You know Happy wants more than just a few people!

Anderson, you are still too young. If the threat doesn't work, will you really destroy Blue Star? Things are not so absolute. We have to leave some seeds for Midu and all mankind!

Old Phil took a puff of his cigar and continued:

Don't you think that in Hapili's eyes, humans are like a field of soybeans waiting to be harvested? There is no difference between us and ordinary people and wanderers outside!

If you were her, would you care about one percent of the soybeans that fell on the ground during harvest? Absolutely not! We can make her losses greater, or we can make her losses smaller. We don't have to resist, or even We can cooperate with her, but she must ensure our interests!

Those who could make it here were all the elites of Midu. They quickly understood Old Feili's point of view, and almost everyone nodded.

Although some people objected, it had no effect.

At this time, someone knocked on the door. Only in emergencies would anyone interrupt such an important meeting.

At Okun's signal, the door of the conference room was opened, and a security officer in charge of intelligence came in and handed the urgent information in his hand to Okun.

Okun's expression changed drastically after seeing it, he frowned and said:

Gentlemen, Hapili attacked several of our nuclear weapons storage depots. At least one-fifth of the nuclear weapons in my hand were lost. Moreover, she not only attacked us, but also attacked survival bases such as Huadu and Hongdu. !”

Happili is testing us. She wants to overturn our trump cards one by one! Old Feili said.

Okun nodded, looked at the information and continued:

Yes, what she sent this time was her exclusive elite escort team. They made a sneak attack on Huadu and Hongdu, but they did not launch a large-scale attack. They evacuated immediately after the sneak attack. They had no intention of forcing Huadu and Hongdu. Dead end!

However, she has not spared any efforts towards us, as well as the survival bases such as Fudu, Batu and Baidu, and has moved humans to the inner world on a large scale!

Bang, Anderson dropped the coffee cup on the ground and yelled angrily:

She looks down on us!

Old Feili blew out a smoke ring and said with a smile:

It seems that Anderson, you don't know your guards as well as Happy. Even if you order them to use nuclear weapons and die together with the dinosaurs, few of them will obey the order!

Anderson did not refute that all this was caused by the fact that they spread the word about how wonderful the world of dinosaurs was before Midu.

Many people in Midu believed it to be true. Even if they later wanted to change the minds of Midu people, they could not change their minds for a while.

After Huadu was cleaned up several times, no one believed in Hapili. When the situation got really urgent, everyone was determined to die.

Although Anderson was unwilling to give in, he couldn't defeat Old Philly and sighed helplessly.

Old Feili smiled proudly and continued:

Happili has already figured out all the major survival bases. If she really destroys our nuclear weapons arsenal, we will no longer be qualified to talk to her in the future. Mr. Okun, I think it's time for you to take action. Otherwise, the longer we delay, the greater our losses will be!”

Okun nodded and discussed some details with Old Feili and others. After the meeting, Okun called Happy's phone.

Happyli was not surprised when she saw Okun's phone number. She took the call directly and said:

Okun, don't try to threaten me like Watteau, you are not qualified!

Ms. Happy, if you have something to say, it will be hard for everyone if we fall out!

Okun began to negotiate terms with Hapili. He did not dare to raise too many demands, as long as he could guarantee the interests of Huadu's local tycoons and elites.

Happy agreed wholeheartedly. She only wanted people and looked down upon Midu's mechanical equipment and supplies.

So the two sides quickly reached an agreement, and Midu stopped resisting. Hapili also asked the dinosaur men under her to stop attacking, and went directly to various survival bases in Midu to pick up people.

She didn't do everything right. She only left one percent of the people in each survival base.

In this way, other survival bases also quickly received the news, and various high-level officials also held meetings one after another, announcing to the outside world that they would preserve the seeds of human civilization and stop resistance for the sake of the future of mankind.

Happyli was immediately happy, this was good, and she could continue harvesting next time.

On the other side, Huadu is also much cleaner. Hapili is busy transporting humans to the inner world and has not launched a large-scale attack on Huadu for the time being.

They only carried out sneak attacks on the nuclear weapons arsenals of several survival bases, but the losses were not significant.

They encountered desperate resistance from Li Ang, Wang Ziming and other dragon guards, and the dinosaur guards were also repelled.

Li Ang and others reported the situation to Su Yuan.

After Su Yuan got the news, he rewarded them with many special fruits through the virtual mall.

Last time when he helped Li Zhu and others fight off alien beasts, Su Yuan obtained many corpses. After they were buried in special ground, he obtained thousands of fruits of strength, speed and endurance, as well as many flame and ultrasonic fruits.

He couldn't finish it in a while, so he rewarded part of it.

But the superpower fruit was not given. You can't eat this thing randomly until your physical fitness catches up.

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