The survival base continued to fly, and Su Yuan walked out of the laboratory.

He came to the industrial manufacturing area again. Xiaoyu was still busy, and there were still five ion shaped cannons that needed repair and modification.

Guazi also stopped what he was doing and first helped Xiaoyu transform the ion shaped cannon.

It is expected that three ion shaped cannons will be repaired and modified today.

A few hours later, the survival base flew into the atmosphere of the red moon planet.

Then it continued to decelerate and land slowly, until it was more than two thousand meters away from the ground of the Red Moon Planet, and the survival base stopped and suspended in the air.

Su Yuan returned to the cab, put on the electronic helmet for driving, and took a breath when he saw the scene outside.

The entire red moon planet is like a broken glass ball. There are magma gullies on the ground, and countless volcanoes are constantly erupting.

The environment outside was very bad, and Su Yuan saw no trace of human life.

There are just many ferocious beasts looking for food everywhere.

There are also some fire beasts who enjoy this environment and happily run into the lava river to take a bath.

There were even some flying beasts that discovered Su Yuan's survival base and launched an attack, but were directly killed by Su Yuan using a huge laser cannon.

After searching for a long time, Su Yuan found traces of human activities.

Su Yuan saw some strangely shaped boulder buildings on the plateau of the planet.

There are no volcanic eruptions here, but all the rivers have dried up and many mountains have collapsed.

However, some of these buildings are relatively well preserved and are similar to the buildings described by Zhu Yan. They are either made of huge stones or directly hollowed out of a mountain.

So, Su Yuan recorded the scene of the megalithic building, went to the survival cabin, and showed it to Zhu Yan and others.

Zhu Yan and others were very happy today and deliberately put on their previous clothes, looking forward to going home. When they saw the scene recorded by Su Yuan, they were so excited that they couldn't speak and shed tears.

Among the huge stone buildings that Su Yuan photographed, there was a landmark building that Zhu Yan and others knew. It was a temple for priests, and next to the temple was a school for supernatural powers.

This is also the place where Zhu Yan and others live and learn supernatural powers.

Later, Su Yuan wore a combat armor, drove a flying chariot, and flew out of the survival base with Zhu Yan and others.

Mr. Su, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, we would never be able to come back in this life! Zhu Yan said.

You also taught me a lot of knowledge about supernatural powers. I should thank you too! And I also want to see what the world you live in is like? Su Yuan said with a smile.

Hehe, Mr. Su must stay a little longer. We will take Mr. Su to every fun place and play around! Zhu Yan said with a smile.

But as the flying chariot fell, Zhu Yan and others gradually saw various traces of disaster damage on the ground.

Rivers dried up, mountains collapsed, buildings collapsed, and corpses of strange beasts and exposed bones were everywhere.

The smiles on the faces of Zhu Yan and others suddenly froze.

How could this happen? What happened? Zhu Yan said.

Don't worry, go ask the others and find out what happened? Su Yuan said, driving the flying chariot towards the tallest boulder building.

As soon as the flying chariot flew over the huge stone building, a figure blocked the flying chariot.

Su Yuan looked at the woman in front of him in surprise. She could actually fly, with a pair of wings condensed with flames behind her.

Her speed and momentum are actually comparable to those of emperor-level beasts.

Principal Li! Zhu Yan and others shouted in surprise.

Li Zhu is the principal of the school for supernatural powers. She wears strange green clothes and looks about 27 or 28 years old, but she is actually much older. Her control over supernatural powers has reached a superb level.

Li Zhu looked at Zhu Yan and others with surprise on his face:

You are actually still alive!

What happened to Principal Li and why it became like this! Zhu Yan said.

This is such a devastating disaster. I didn't expect that the prophecy in that ancient book would actually come true! Li Zhu said with grief on his face.

Because of the extradimensional space disaster, when the Red Moon Planet entered the space where the Blue Star was from the extradimensional space, it was squeezed by various forces, causing serious damage to the entire Red Moon Planet.

The Red Moon Planet's crust fractured, countless magma spewed out, and cities were submerged.

At the same time, there was also a brief loss of gravity, and various things on the ground, such as rocks, deserts, fresh water, and buildings, floated in the air, forming a doomsday storm.

In this extreme environment, countless humans, alien beasts, and all kinds of creatures disappeared and were destroyed.

The place where the temple and the supernatural school are located is the luckiest place on the Red Moon Planet and has not suffered a devastating blow.

But even so, there were countless casualties.

Many relatives, friends, classmates and teachers of Zhu Yan and others are gone.

According to Li Zhu, no more than 3,000 humans can survive on the entire Red Moon Planet.

After hearing what Li Zhu said, Zhu Yan and others became even more sad.

They didn't expect that it would be like this when they came back this time.

Finally, Li Zhu looked at Su Yuan.

She curiously glanced at the combat armor on Su Yuan's body, and immediately guessed that Su Yuan was not from the Red Moon Planet.

You should be a human from other worlds! Li Zhu asked.

Li Zhu's voice is so beautiful that people can't help but look at her.

Su Yuan looked at Li Zhu and nodded politely, Yes, I live on Blue Star, the largest planet in the sky!

The red moon planet is now orbiting the blue star. When you look at the blue star from here, it is twice as big as the sun when you look at it from the blue star.

Li Zhu looked at the flying chariot curiously. She had never seen a flying vehicle before, which made her seem to see hope in facing disasters in the future.

So, she flew to the flying chariot and gently pressed her hands on the flying chariot.

Your world should be very special!

It's just different from the direction your world is developing...

Before Su Yuan finished speaking, he heard a bang.

Li Zhu used his fire power to ignite the engine of the flying chariot, followed by a puff of black smoke, and then the flying chariot quickly fell.

Before Su Yuan could react, Li Zhu held the flying chariot.

Don't be afraid, I don't mean to hurt you, I just want you to help our world! Li Zhu said.

Ni Ma, do you think that if you destroy my flying chariot, I won't be able to go back? Su Yuan thought to himself.

However, facing Li Zhu, whose supernatural powers were as powerful as those of emperor-level beasts, Su Yuan did not immediately use the fighting mecha to leave.

He secretly informed Xiaoyu and asked Xiaoyu to fly the survival base to the sky above the supernatural school, and asked Niu Dali and other robots to be ready to rescue him at any time.

Zhu Yan and others were dumbfounded by the sudden change.

Principal Li, Mr. Su is our friend, he saved us! Zhu Yan said anxiously.

Don't worry, I won't steal your boyfriend from you! Li Zhu said, carrying the flying chariot and landing in the square of the supernatural school. Then he placed the flying chariot on the ground smoothly and faced Zhu Yan and others waved their hands.

You go back first. If anyone in your family is still alive, I will be very happy to see you!

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