In desperation, Okun could only order to seal off the Yuecheng survival base section by section like a submarine.

Finally, fortunately, only a small part of the space of the Yue City Survival Base overlaps with the space of another dimension.

Therefore, the lives of most people in the Yuecheng survival base were saved.

Even the dinosaurs living in the center of the earth were not spared from this disaster.

A huge snowstorm swept through the world of dinosaurs.

The first thing Hapimo did when he became the commander-in-chief was to withstand the blizzard.

This blizzard was different from the usual ones. The wind force exceeded level 18, and the blizzard carried huge hailstones of about 1 meter.

Even if the dinosaurs are stronger, they are still at risk of being blown away by the snowstorm.

In order to resist the disaster, Hapimo convened a high-level meeting of dinosaur people.

All those attending the meeting were senior dinosaur people, as well as the nominal supreme leader of the dinosaur people, the high priest of the dinosaur people, Eske.

Hapimo wants to unban all the technology of the dinosaur people on the grounds that the disaster changes are getting more and more serious.

Everyone, you have also seen that the predicted fifth catastrophe has arrived, and it is getting more and more serious. It is difficult to resist the disaster with our current strength alone. I propose to lift the ban on all the technologies left by our ancestors!

Hapimo looked around at all the senior dinosaur people present and said slowly.

He is confident because he has communicated with many people in private.

I... object. It's not yet... the most critical moment. Lifting the ban rashly is likely to cause a greater disaster... the gain will outweigh the loss! Eske said tremblingly.

Because the high priest of the dinosaur people has a lifelong tenure, Eske was still invited out to the meeting by Happymo even though he was too old.

Dear High Priest, do you know how many high-level dinosaurs we still have now? Do you want all the dinosaurs to die?

Happymo stared at Eske with a menacing gaze.

Although Eske is old, he is not afraid at all.

I still disagree!

Although Eske is extremely old, he still has a lot of energy in the world of dinosaurs.

Hapimo had just taken the position of commander-in-chief and had some concerns. Finally, after a long confrontation.

Athke eventually compromised and unlocked some of the dinosaur technology, including cyborgs, cyborgs, dinosaur super mechas, and nanomechanical bugs.

Esko requested that cyborg and cyborg technology be prohibited from being used on dinosaurs and should only be used on humans living in the dinosaur world.

The dinosaur super mecha is allowed to be manufactured at full capacity.

The nanomechanical bug is one of the top technologies of the dinosaur people. It is like a phagocytic bacterium that can quickly swallow various substances and make itself.

Just like bacteria replicating themselves.

Once released, the place it passes by will be more terrifying than a locust, and nothing will be left except dirt.

However, the nanomechanical bugs created by the dinosaurians have a huge shortcoming. They will self-destruct after being created 100 million times.

Moreover, it is easy to lose control and accidentally injure the dinosaur man himself.

As for other scientific research technologies of Dinosaur Man, Eske refused to lift the ban.

But Happymo didn't care, since Eske wouldn't live long anyway.

By then, no one can stop him from unlocking the dinosaur technology.

In the afternoon, around five o'clock, Su Yuan's dimensional space detector detected the appearance of a different dimensional space.

But the speed of space overlapping was far beyond Su Yuan's imagination.

In less than three minutes, the alarm in his survival base rang.

Master, hurry up and ask Niu Dali and other robots to be on guard. This interdimensional space disaster is more serious than we expected. It covers at least the entire Blue Star and even farther space! Xiaoyu reminded anxiously.

Ni Ma, what is God trying to do? Does he want to exterminate all mankind?

Su Yuan complained, and then asked Niu Dali and other robots to spread out and report abnormal situations in various parts of the survival base at any time to prevent possible disasters.

Su Yuan also put on a combat armor, ready to fight at any time.

Soon, the intelligent disaster warning machine issued a warning.

Ding, the living area overlaps with the space of another dimension, and alien beasts will invade.

I'll go, don't be an emperor-level beast!

If an emperor-level alien beast suddenly appeared in the survival base, it is estimated that most of the survival base would be destroyed.

Su Yuan immediately rushed over with Xiaoyu, Chris and Yaya.

The living area, the multi-functional dormitory community built by Su Yuan and Black Ant, has not yet been completed.

Niu Dali and Mouse Man are waiting here.

Before the sirens ended, a brutal beast broke in.

I saw a strange beast with a fiery red body in the dormitory building that was being built. I was a little confused and suddenly found myself entering a special cave.

However, this 'cave' is too small to accommodate its huge body.

The impact of this strange beast caused a large section of the wall to collapse.

Suddenly, the alien beast roared in terror.

This is a flaming lion that was just born, and will become a lord-level beast when it reaches adulthood.

Following this strange beast, three or five more flame lions broke in.

Niu Dali and Mouse Man immediately used laser cannons to bombard them.

The Flame Lion was quickly dealt with, but the multi-purpose dormitory complex was also in a mess and needed to be rebuilt.

Su Yuan quickly brought Xiaoyu and others here. Looking at the ruins of the multi-purpose dormitory community, he cursed:

Damn it, if I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have built it!

Before Su Yuan could finish his words, he heard the louder roar of the strange beast.

The lord-level flame lion also broke in. It came after the little flame lion. When it saw the corpses on the ground, it roared angrily and sprayed flames at Su Yuan.

The temperature of the flame is so high that it can burn the titanium alloy plate red.

However, a lord-level alien beast could not threaten Su Yuan, and the biochemical beast rushed forward with its fangs.

Ho ho ho!

It roared even more powerfully, spitting fireballs at the Flame Lion.

A fireball like magma hit the flames, causing a violent explosion.

The explosion engulfed the flame lion, and it let out a miserable scream.

I saw that the fangs were not afraid of the high temperature and rushed directly, knocking the lord-level flame lion to the ground.

The lord-level flame lion was no match for the fangs of the biochemical beast and was quickly killed.

However, more flame lions poured in, and their number increased.

In addition to the flame lion, there is also a fiery red flying beast that looks like a hummingbird, but is extremely fast.

When he saw Su Yuan and others, he bumped into them. Its pointed beak was like a sharp needle.

However, they are only aggressive beasts, and they will not cause much damage if they hit the combat mecha.

Just when Su Yuan wanted to completely deal with these strange beasts, the alarm sounded again.

Ding, if agricultural planting areas overlap with different-dimensional spaces, lava disasters will occur.

Ni Ma, this disaster will never end!

As long as it encounters lava, all the food grown will be burned to ashes.

The most frightening thing is that the land can no longer be used, and the lava needs to be removed and high-quality soil reshaped.

Xiaoyu, is there any way to avoid the lava disaster!

Xiaoyu frowned and thought for a while.

Master, the shape of the extra-dimensional space is irregular. We can move the survival base to avoid it, but we have no way of knowing whether we will encounter a more serious disaster after avoiding the lava disaster!

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