Midu encountered the most serious alien beast tide, which could not be resisted even with the use of nuclear weapons. Okun, the chief officer of Midu, was forced to ask Su Yuan for help.

Great Mr. Su, please save Midu for the sake of the millions of poor ordinary people in Midu who are begging for help. We were also coerced and induced by Happy before. We have no choice but to become your enemy, Mr. Su. …”

Okun said a lot. He was not doing it for the Midu people, but for his rights and the wealth of the sponsors behind him.

At the same time, after Happy left, he was also afraid that Su Yuan would hate them.

At this time, he chose to bow his head and show his kindness, also because he wanted to test Su Yuan's attitude.

Okun was actually well prepared. If the Midu survival base could not be defended, he and the senior management of Midu would evacuate to other survival bases on the land of Midu and rebuild the Midu survival base.

As for the ordinary people and wanderers in the Midu Survival Base, he will announce to the public that our guards have done their best.

After listening to Okun's distress message, Su Yuan couldn't help but cursed:

How shameless!

Su Yuan ignored Okun and did not give any reply.

Okun and other Midu senior officials were very happy, which at least meant that Su Yuan would not retaliate against them.

So, they escaped from the Midu Survival Base overnight and came to the Yuecheng Survival Base, setting it as the new Midu Survival Base.

At the same time, nuclear weapons were used to bombard the alien beasts crazily.

He also announced to the public that he was grateful to Su Yuan for driving Hapili away and allowing the Midu people to regain their freedom.

Midu's statement made Fudu, Batu and other survival bases panic. They all expressed their goodwill to Su Yuan and urged Huadu to join the Human Alliance.

Su Yuan didn't pay attention to the changes in the outside world.

The next day, Su Yuan purchased two materials for building dimensional space detectors. He planned to use one for himself and the other for the Huadu Survival Base.

Therefore, Su Yuan asked Xiaoyu to stop repairing and transforming flying ships and first develop and manufacture dimensional space detectors.

Then Su Yuan opened the transaction status of the Universe Store, and 10 laser machine guns were quickly sold.

The current situation is that he doesn't have enough laser machine guns to sell.

Su Yuan discovered that the several civilizations that bought his laser machine guns were all ordinary civilizations, and they also needed a large number of weapons to resist disasters.

Therefore, Su Yuan purchased the blueprints and construction materials of the laser cannon manufacturing room and handed them over to Badai for R\u0026D and construction.

He not only plans to manufacture laser cannons, but also weapons such as flying chariots, combat mechas, and flying ships.

It's just that he currently has a few R\u0026D robots and is too busy.

Su Yuan planned to take a look at the situation of Huadu Scientific Research Group.

He hopes to hand over some laser machine guns, laser cannons and other weapons to Huadu for manufacturing.

Hua Du made weapons, some of which he could keep for his own use, and some of which could be sold to him, who would then resell them to other civilizations.

Su Yuan immediately contacted Luo Qin, planning to visit the construction site of the super-giant smart thermonuclear power plant and the super-giant smart ion thruster.

Luo Qin was very happy to receive Su Yuan's call, which showed that Su Yuan had the intention to help Huadu, and he decided to take Su Yuan to see it in person.

In the morning, Su Yuan wore a combat armor and led Niu Dali out of the survival base.

I saw that Luo Qin had been waiting with his staff for a long time.

When he saw Su Yuan, he walked over and said:

Mr. Su, the construction has just begun. There are many questions and I may need to consult you!

This is no problem, as long as I know, I will tell you!

Although Su Yuan doesn't know much, he has Xiaoyu, Badai and other research and development robots around. If he has any questions, he can ask Xiaoyu to answer them for him.

However, Xiaoyu did not follow him this time, and he could only contact Xiaoyu through the chat system.

Afterwards, Su Yuan got into the vehicle prepared by Luo Qin and entered the Huadu Survival Base.

Huadu survival base is very large, it is an underground city.

The construction site of the super-giant smart thermonuclear power plant and the super-giant smart ion thruster is in a relatively safe place and no outsiders are allowed to enter.

The people who can participate in the construction inside have been screened at all levels.

One of the most important indicators is the grasshopper score. Anyone with a score below 80 is not allowed to participate.

Half an hour later, Su Yuan, accompanied by Luo Qin, arrived at the huge construction site.

Looking around, it is very busy.

There is no distinction between night and day here. Workers work in shifts and the construction site is under construction 24 hours a day.

Su Yuan discovered that all the scientific research team's food and accommodation were at the construction site, and they could find and solve problems at any time to ensure the speed of construction.

A lot of unmanned construction equipment is also used, which greatly increases the speed of construction.

After walking around, Su Yuan felt that the construction site was very professional and all the workers were full of passion.

Because working here, not only can they have enough to eat, but their family members will also receive priority care from Huadu.

Finally, Su Yuan sat down with the scientific research team to discuss.

Mr. Su, our biggest problem now is the material problem of core components. All our current materials cannot meet the requirements in terms of strength, stretch, heat resistance, etc.! said Wang Anxue, the commander-in-chief of the scientific research team.

Su Yuan frowned. He could buy the materials from the system mall, but it would require a lot of survival badges.

He would rather be able to produce the required materials himself.

Mr. Wang, you can make a list of what materials you need. I will provide you with methods later and you can try to make them yourself!

That's great, I'll write it down now! Wang Anxue said excitedly. For them, they wanted to know more about the methods and principles of making various materials.

Later, several more scientists expressed their questions.

Although they understood the architectural drawings provided by Su Yuan, they still could not understand some principles.

This kind of question is too professional and is like heavenly scripture to Su Yuan.

However, even though he doesn't understand, Xiaoyu and other R\u0026D robots do.

So Su Yuan learned what he was learning and sold it, and became a teacher for the scientific research team on the spot, explaining to them in simple and popular language.

Suddenly, the scientific research team headed by Wang Anxue wanted to have a long talk with Su Yuan, one question after another.

Finally, Luo Qin saw that time was almost up and wanted to end the exchange.

But Wang Xuean and others dragged on for more than half an hour.

Mr. Su, you really opened my eyes. I can't wait to stay by your side every day and learn from you!

Mr. Wang, if you have any questions in the future, you can contact me directly on the phone!

Through this discussion and exchange, Su Yuan was very satisfied with Wang Xuean and others. This kind of purely dedicated scientific research team is exactly what he needs.

In the future, he can hand over many products to Wang Xue'an and others for development and manufacturing. By then, he and Huadu will form a win-win situation.

Great, Mr. Su, with your words, I can have a good sleep today! Wang Xue'an said with a smile.

Later, Su Yuan and Luo Qin left the construction site.

In the car, Su Yuan chatted with Luo Qin for a while, and handed Luo Qin the drawings for building a flying combat vehicle, auxiliary mecha, laser machine gun, laser cannon, and electromagnetic gun.

From now on, Huadu will only be responsible for manufacturing, and Su Yuan will provide technology and raw materials. Su Yuan will pay 70% of all the products produced, and Huadu will keep the remaining 30% for his own use.

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