Chapter 0364 Evil God Battlefield

Ye Han’s gaze fell on the blood sacrifice, and then looked at Ye Qing.

“Ancestor, give me a little more time, I can also break through to the realm of Nascent Soul!” Ye Qing said hurriedly.

Ye Han shook his head, “You don’t need to be nervous. Although the blood sacrifice can break through the Nasal Infant, there are reasons for the broken infant pill I gave, but it is more of his accumulation for hundreds of years to accumulate!”

“Your strength has increased too fast, and you have the opportunity to reach the Golden Core Consummation, and you have the opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul, but I will also advise you not to rush to break through, because your foundation is too shallow, just the heart demon. It’s hard to pass you off.” Ye Han said.

In fact, this was said to Ye Qing, but at the same time it was also said to himself.

Ye Han walked too fast this way, knowing that he has only slowed down in the past few years. Of course, it also has something to do with his deliberately slowing down. He realized that his foundation is not strong enough, so he retreats in the blood pool for more than ten years. He has been in the late Jindan stage, in fact, after possessing two Nascent Soul Breakthrough Cheats and ten years of retreat, he has mastered the knack for entering Jindan Consummation, which means that as long as he wants, he can enter Jindan Consummation at any time, and He started to break through, but he didn’t.

There was always a voice in his heart telling him, wait a moment.

“Thank you ancestor, Ye Qing understands.” Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief, but he also sighed in his heart. He vowed to catch up with the blood sacrifice as quickly as possible!

“Ancestor, in another seven days, it will be the real Zongmen Grand Competition. You left the two of us to arrange for the Grand Competition?” The Blood Sacrifice asked respectfully.

Originally, the blood sacrifice thought that he could detect Ye Han’s true strength no matter what he had broken through to the Nascent Soul, but now he still walks on thin ice when facing Ye Han, and he dared not release his divine sense to probe, and his awe in his heart was deeper.

“With your advanced Nascent Soul, plus Blood Fiend, Scarlet Demon, and Ye Qing and me in the Golden Core Phase, there should be no problem keeping the seventh position. What I want to discuss with you is the battlefield of the Heretic God.” Ye Han After speaking, he looked at the blood sacrifice.

Upon hearing the four words of Heretic God Battlefield, even if it was the blood sacrifice of Yuan Ying, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

“Blood sacrifice, you participated in the Cthulhu Battlefield a hundred years ago. I want to hear your knowledge of the Cthulhu Battlefield and what he looks like in your eyes.”

Ye Han continued to ask.

“Yes, old ancestor.” Blood Sacrifice nodded and fell into the memory, “I followed the old blood evil demon into the Cthulhu battlefield. At that time, the strength of the blood evil sect was still relatively weak, ranking out of 100, the old blood evil demon With ten Golden Core cultivators included, they entered the battlefield of Cthulhu. There was a wasteland. The whole world was black and gray, and occasionally blood appeared. Most of the area was covered by gray mist. There were various treasures in it, but at the same time There are also monsters. I don’t know what this kind of monster looks like, but there are a few powerful and undefeable, but with the leadership of the old blood evil monster, we still harvested a lot of treasures, but the Jindan cultivator also fell three or four. .”

“By the way, the blood drops of the old blood evil demon were harvested on the battlefield of Cthulhu!”

Ye Han nodded silently after listening.

“According to what you said, the so-called Cthulhu Battlefield is actually a treasure hunt?” Ye Qing asked.

“No, this is just the beginning.” The Blood Sacrifice shook his head and continued: “We will stay on the Cthulhu battlefield for three months, and it will only take one month to look for treasures in the mist. In this month, there will be a lot of time. People have obtained the treasures of chance and broke through the cultivation base. Of course, some cultivators have fallen, but after a month, the overall strength has become stronger.”

“What about two months after that?” Ye Han continued to ask.

“Fight! Endless battle!” The blood sacrifice’s face showed a look of fear. “We will fight some unknown monsters. These monsters have completely lost their minds. They are many times stronger than the monks of the same rank, such as a Yuan Ying. Level monsters need at least five Nascent Soul cultivators to work together to have a chance of winning, and Jindan-level monsters require ten Golden Core cultivators to work together to solve it. Fortunately, we won in the end, but the monster beheaded. The corpses are all taken away by the Evil God Temple, and we will get some contribution points, which can be exchanged for the treasures in the Evil God Temple’s treasury, which is quite good.”

“Are these monsters from the evil world or the southern border?” Ye Han asked.

“No.” The Blood Sacrifice shook his head, “They look the same, their bodies are flushed with horns on their heads, the foundation-level monsters have no wings, the Jindan-level monsters have wings, and the Yuanying-level monsters have two pairs. Wings, so far I have not seen three pairs of wings of monsters.”

“Ancestor, in fact, with your strength, it is still easy to get a lot of contribution points in the Evil God battlefield. According to the rules of the Evil God Temple, you can get 1 contribution point by killing a foundation-level monster beast, and you can kill a Jindan-level monster beast. You can get 10 Contribution Points, and you can get 100 Contribution Points by killing the Metaphysical Infant Monster Beast. With your strength, you can quickly kill the Golden Core Monster Beast, earning contribution points wildly, and you can redeem a lot of resources at that time.”

The blood sacrifice suggested.

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