Chapter 0362 Cauldron Furnace

The burly man covered with strange patterns on the right side of the Thousand Chance Demon Lord said: “I can’t say that. My Thousand Chance Sect has never publicized this seventh vacancy and does not allow other sects to occupy it. I just feel that some sects are not strong enough to shoot.”

“This time the Blood Fiend Sect has the confidence to challenge the Poison Dragon Sect. Why don’t we let the two of them have a chance to fight once? So that everyone will keep their eyes on us, we must know that our goal this time is for the evil god battlefield. .”

Hearing what the burly man said, the Thousand Chance Demon Lord smiled and nodded, “That’s right, the poisonous dragon sect tried to suppress the blood evil sect without success, so he wanted to use our hands to get rid of the blood evil sect. This kind of thing Naturally, we can’t do it, and if you wait and see the changes, the poisonous dragon sect will be unnerved.”

Originally, the other sects were watching the birth of a great battle, but the strange thing was that neither the Poisonous Dragon Sect nor the Thousand Machine Sect had the intention of blocking it, which made people very confused and shocked.

“How is this going?”

“This is too weird, right?”

“Does the Poison Dragon Sect and the Thousand Machine Sect actually care about it?”

“I knew this was the case, our sect should go up!”


Whether it was surprise or regret, many sects felt incredible.

There was no response to the Poison Dragon Sect and Thousand Machine Sect, which also made the blood sacrifice and Ye Qing confused.

“Strange, when did the Poisonous Dragon Sect and the Thousand Chance Sect talk so easily?”

Ye Qing said in disbelief.

“Don’t let your guard down, maybe the two of them just want to hit us by surprise.” The Blood Sacrifice said loudly to the disciple of the Blood Fiend Sect.

“Blood Sacrifice, Ye Qing, let the disciples meditate and recover. We have taken the seventh position!” Ye Han said with a smile on his face, slowly.

“Ancestor, have you guessed it a long time ago?” Ye Qing reacted immediately.

“Yes, the ancestor decisively ordered us to come, and now the Thousand Machine Sect and the Poisonous Dragon Sect have not taken any action, I am afraid that it has been negotiated a long time ago?” The blood sacrifice felt that this was the most likely situation.

“How can there be so many that have been discussed long ago? I just can see the minds of these two families. If they are replaced by other sects, the effect will be different. There are only two reasons why they didn’t make a move. Firstly, they don’t want to be used as the opponent’s gun. Secondly, our strength makes them all feel jealous.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Qing and Xue Ji nodded with deep approval.

Ye Han is right. The most important thing is that they have enough two Nascent Souls here. Even if they are sure to defeat, they can’t defeat them cleanly. Once they enter the stalemate, it will inevitably be a different scene.

The Thousand Chance Sect did not dare, so even the Poisonous Dragon Sect did not dare.

After experiencing this episode, the Evil God Temple Left Envoy also took a look at this side, but he did not speak, but waited for the event to complete.

After confirming that the matter is over.

The unveiling is just the beginning.

“All major sects, today is the first day of the sect competition. The gathering here is to tell everyone the plan and rules of the competition.”

“This competition is still the same as usual. It is divided into two parts, one is the ring competition, the other is the team competition, and finally the total score is calculated for ranking. Of course, in order to prevent the overall strength of the sect from entering a higher ranking. , The number of Zongmen Yuanying can also get a certain score!”

“This time only the top ten sects are qualified to go to the final path of the evil god and accept the inheritance of the evil god!”


After the Cthulhu left envoy said these things, he turned and left, not giving other people a chance to inquire at all, making it even more mysterious.

“Zongmen Grand Competition is unveiled!”


With the voice falling.

There are countless beautiful women with exposed clothes in the sky. The cultivation of these women is only Qi refining, and each of them is the peak of Qi refining, but the foundation is not stable. At first glance, it is the cultivation method of the furnace, directly empowered. In the eyes of evil cultivators, this is a human form pill.

Soon these women came to the top of each mountain with their plates, and for a while, evil sounds were everywhere, which was very shocking.

Naturally, there were more than a dozen women from the Blood Fiend Sect. It seems that the Evil God Temple had specially counted them, and the Blood Fiend Sect had almost one hand.

And the level of the beautiful women corresponding to each person is not the same.

Among them, there are two Jindan early stage, three base-building peaks, and more than a dozen base-building periods, which correspond to the owners of the blood evil sect.

This time, the blood evil sect was here to participate in the unveiling of Jin Dan and above, and the foundation building and Qi refining disciples were all arranged in the resident.

“I’m waiting for the blood evil lady to see the master!”

The two golden core women in the lead saluted the blood evil spirit and the scarlet devil.

Seeing Xue Sha frowned, “Blood Sacrifice, this woman will be rewarded to you, so I can absorb it by myself.”

“Thank you ancestor!”

The blood sacrifice is overjoyed. You must know that this is the cauldron of the early days of the Golden Core. If it can be absorbed, it will definitely be a good thing for him.

“Ye Qing, the old man wants it too, so let’s give this to you.” The Scarlet Demon looked at Ye Qing and said.

“Thank you ancestors.”

Ye Qing quickly thanked.

In addition to Ye Qing and Blood Sacrifice who obtained a base-building pinnacle and a cauldron in the early stage of Jindan, the other disciples also obtained a cauldron with the first level of their own realm, which can provide help to their own cultivation.

This is no exception even for Ye Han.

Soon, the whole Cthulhu Mountain resounded… the sound of blending.

Of course, with the exception of a few evil cultivators who proceeded unconcealedly, most evil cultivators still used secret methods to cover them.


The cauldron assigned to Ye Han looked at Ye Han nervously and suspiciously.

Ye Han glanced at her, and an opaque barrier appeared with a wave of his hand.

After seeing the cauldron, I felt relieved. For these cauldrons, being able to be accepted by the host is their best belonging. If everything goes well, they can regain a life after losing a spiritual power. Then return to the kingdom and city state where he is located to obtain the status of a nobleman.

With this status, they will be Wu You for the rest of their lives, and their status is even better!

If they can be admired by real monks, then they may still be able to embark on the path of spiritual practice. Of course, this probability is extremely small.

The ascetics are the most ruthless, and the evil ways are even more cruel and inhuman.

Thinking of this, the famous furnace began to undress, but at first it was stopped by Ye Han.

“Stop it.”

“?” Cauldron was taken aback, and his body began to tremble.

“I’m not dissatisfied with you, but the exercises I practice are not suitable for being close to female sex. You can follow me first.”

Ye Han is still unable to be like other evil cultivators after all.

“Thank you, Master!”

A happy smile appeared on the woman’s face, and if she could follow the one in front of her, then her family would gain a lot of wealth and status!

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